Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 Page 44



  I did not know, my dear, that you deferred giving an answer to Mr.Lovelace's proposals till you had my opinion of them. A particular hand,occasionally going to town, will leave this at Wilson's, that no delaymay be made on that account.

  I never had any doubt of the man's justice and generosity in matters ofsettlement; and all his relations are as noble in their spirits as intheir descent; but now, it may not be amiss for you to wait, to see whatreturns my Lord makes to his letter of invitation.

  The scheme I think of is this:

  There is a person, whom I believe you have seen with me, her nameTownsend, who is a great dealer in Indian silks, Brussels and Frenchlaces, cambricks, linen, and other valuable goods; which she has a wayof coming at duty-free; and has a great vend for them (and for othercuriosities which she imports) in the private families of the gentryround us.

  She has her days of being in town, and then is at a chamber she rents atan inn in Southwark, where she keeps patterns of all her silks, and muchof her portable goods, for the conveniency of her London customers. Buther place of residence, and where she has her principal warehouse, is atDepford, for the opportunity of getting her goods on shore.

  She was first brought to me by my mother, to whom she was recommended onthe supposal of my speedy marriage, 'that I might have an opportunity tobe as fine as a princess,' was my mother's expression, 'at a moderateexpense.'

  Now, my dear, I must own, that I do not love to encourage thesecontraband traders. What is it, but bidding defiance to the laws of ourcountry, when we do, and hurting fair traders; and at the same timerobbing our prince of his legal due, to the diminution of those dutieswhich possibly must be made good by new levities upon the public?

  But, however, Mrs. Townsend and I, though I have not yet had dealingswith her, are upon a very good foot of understanding. She is a sensiblewoman; she has been abroad, and often goes abroad in the way of herbusiness, and gives very entertaining accounts of all she has seen.

  And having applied to me to recommend her to you, (as it is her view tobe known to young ladies who are likely to change their condition,) I amsure I can engage her to give you protection at her house at Deptford;which she says is a populous village, and one of the last, I shouldthink, in which you would be sought for. She is not much there, you willbelieve, by the course of her dealings, but, no doubt, must have somebodyon the spot, in whom she can confide: and there, perhaps, you might besafe till your cousin comes. And I should not think it amiss that youwrite to him out of hand. I cannot suggest to you what you should write.That must be left to your own discretion. For you will be afraid, nodoubt, of the consequence of a variance between the two men.

  But, notwithstanding all this, and were I sure of getting you safely outof his hands, I will nevertheless forgive you, were you to make all upwith him, and marry to-morrow. Yet I will proceed with my projectedscheme in relation to Mrs. Townsend; though I hope there will be nooccasion to prosecute it, since your prospects seem to be changed, andsince you have had twenty-four not unhappy hours together. How myindignation rises for this poor consolation in the courtship [courtshipmust I call it?] of such a woman! let me tell you, my dear, that were youonce your own absolute and independent mistress, I should be tempted,notwithstanding all I have written, to wish you to be the wife of any manin the world, rather than the wife either of Lovelace or of Solmes.

  Mrs. Townsend, as I have recollected, has two brothers, each a master ofa vessel; and who knows, as she and they have concerns together, butthat, in case of need, you may have a whole ship's crew at your devotion?If Lovelace give you cause to leave him, take no thought for the peopleat Harlowe-place. Let them take care of one another. It is a care theyare used to. The law will help to secure them. The wretch is noassassin, no night-murderer. He is an open, because a fearless enemy;and should he attempt any thing that would make him obnoxious to the lawsof society, you might have a fair riddance of him, either by flight orthe gallows; no matter which.

  Had you not been so minute in your account of the circumstances thatattended the opportunity you had of overhearing the dialogue between Mr.Lovelace and two of the women, I should have thought the conferencecontrived on purpose for your ear.

  I showed Mr. Lovelace's proposals to Mr. Hickman, who had chambers oncein Lincoln's-inn, being designed for the law, had his elder brotherlived. He looked so wise, so proud, and so important, upon the occasion;and wanted to take so much consideration about them--Would take them homeif I pleased--and weigh them well--and so forth--and the like--and allthat--that I had no patience with him, and snatched them back with anger.

  O dear!--to be so angry, an't please me, for his zeal!--

  Yes, zeal without knowledge, I said--like most other zeals--if there wereno objections that struck him at once, there were none.

  So hasty, dearest Madam--

  And so slow, un-dearest Sir, I could have said--But SURELY, said I, witha look that implied, Would you rebel, Sir!

  He begged my pardon--Saw no objection, indeed!--But might he be allowedonce more--

  No matter--no matter--I would have shown them to my mother, I said, who,though of no inn of court, knew more of these things than half thelounging lubbers of them; and that at first sight--only that she wouldhave been angry at the confession of our continued correspondence.

  But, my dear, let the articles be drawn up, and engrossed; and solemnizeupon them; and there's no more to be said.

  Let me add, that the sailor-fellow has been tampering with my Kitty, andoffered a bribe, to find where to direct to you. Next time he comes, Iwill have him laid hold of; and if I can get nothing out of him, willhave him drawn through one of our deepest fishponds. His attempt tocorrupt a servant of mine will justify my orders.

  I send this letter away directly. But will follow it by another; whichshall have for its subject only my mother, myself, and your uncle Antony.And as your prospects are more promising than they have been, I willendeavour to make you smile upon the occasion. For you will be pleasedto know, that my mother has had a formal tender from that grey goose,which may make her skill in settlements useful to herself, were she toencourage it.

  May your prospects be still more and more happy, prays

  Your own,ANNA HOWE.