Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 Page 53



  The devil take this uncle of mine! He has at last sent me a letter whichI cannot show, without exposing the head of our family for a fool. Aconfounded parcel of pop-guns has he let off upon me. I was in hopes hehad exhausted his whole stock of this sort in his letter to you.--To keepit back, to delay sending it, till he had recollected all this farrago ofnonsense--confound his wisdom of nations, if so much of it is to bescraped together, in disgrace of itself, to make one egregious simpleton!--But I am glad I am fortified with this piece of flagrant folly,however; since, in all human affairs, the convenient are so mingled, thatthere is no having the one without the other.

  I have already offered the bill enclosed in it to my beloved; and read toher part of the letter. But she refused the bill: and, as I am in cashmyself, I shall return it. She seemed very desirous to peruse the wholeletter. And when I told her, that, were it not for exposing the writer,I would oblige her, she said, it would not be exposing his Lordship toshow it to her; and that she always preferred the heart to the head. Iknew her meaning; but did not thank her for it.

  All that makes for me in it I will transcribe for her--yet, hang it, sheshall have the letter, and my soul with it, for one consenting kiss.


  She has got the letter from me without the reward. Deuce take me, if Ihad the courage to propose the condition. A new character this ofbashfulness in thy friend. I see, that a truly modest woman may makeeven a confident man keep his distance. By my soul, Belford, I believe,that nine women in ten, who fall, fall either from their own vanity orlevity, or for want of circumspection and proper reserves.


  I did intend to take my reward on her returning a letter so favourableto us both. But she sent it to me, sealed up, by Dorcas. I might havethought that there were two or three hints in it, that she would be toonice immediately to appear to. I send it to thee; and here will stop,to give thee time to read it. Return it as soon as thou hast perused it.