Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 Page 24



  Well, Jack, now are we upon another footing together. This dear creaturewill not let me be good. She is now authorizing all my plots by her ownexample.

  Thou must be partial in the highest degree, if now thou blamest me forresuming my former schemes, since in that case I shall but follow hercue. No forced construction of her actions do I make on this occasion,in order to justify a bad cause or a worse intention. A slight pretence,indeed, served the wolf when he had a mind to quarrel with the lamb; butthis is not now my case.

  For here (wouldst thou have thought it?) taking advantage of Dorcas'scompassionate temper, and of some warm expressions which thetender-hearted wench let fall against the cruelty of men, and wishing tohave it in her power to serve her, has she given her the following note,signed by her maiden name: for she has thought fit, in positive and plainwords, to own to the pitying Dorcas that she is not married.


  I then underwritten do hereby promise, that, on my coming into possessionof my own estate, I will provide for Dorcas Martindale in a gentlewoman-like manner, in my own house: or, if I do not soon obtain thatpossession, or should first die, I do hereby bind myself, my executors,and administrators, to pay to her, or her order, during the term of hernatural life, the sum of five pounds on each of the four usual quarterlydays in the year; on condition that she faithfully assist me in my escapefrom an illegal confinement under which I now labour. The firstquarterly payment to commence and be payable at the end of three monthsimmediately following the day of my deliverance. And I do also promiseto give her, as a testimony of my honour in the rest, a diamond ring,which I have showed her. Witness my hand this nineteenth day of June, inthe year above written.


  Now, Jack, what terms wouldst thou have me to keep with such a sweetcorruptress? Seest thou not how she hates me? Seest thou not that sheis resolved never to forgive me? Seest thou not, however, that she mustdisgrace herself in the eye of the world, if she actually should escape?That she must be subjected to infinite distress and hazard! For whom hasshe to receive and protect her? Yet to determine to risque all theseevils! and furthermore to stoop to artifice, to be guilty of the reigningvice of the times, of bribery and corruption! O Jack, Jack! say not,write not another word in her favour!

  Thou hast blamed me for bringing her to this house: but had I carried herto any other in England, where there would have been one servant orinmate capable either of compassion or corruption, what must have beenthe consequence?

  But seest thou not, however, that in this flimsy contrivance, the dearimplacable, like a drowning man, catches at a straw to save herself!--Astraw shall she find to be the refuge she has resorted to.