Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 Page 27



  No admittance yet to my charmer! she is very ill--in a violent fever,Dorcas thinks. Yet will have no advice.

  Dorcas tells her how much I am concerned at it.

  But again let me ask, Does this lady do right to make herself ill, whenshe is not ill? For my own part, libertine as people think me, when Ihad occasion to be sick, I took a dose of ipecacuanha, that I might notbe guilty of a falsehood; and most heartily sick was I; as she, whothen pitied me, full well knew. But here to pretend to be very ill,only to get an opportunity to run away, in order to avoid forgiving aman who has offended her, how unchristian!--If good folks allowthemselves in these breaches of a known duty, and in these presumptuouscontrivances to deceive, who, Belford, shall blame us?

  I have a strange notion that the matronly lady will be certainly at thegrocer's shop at the hour of nine tomorrow morning: for Dorcas heard metell Mrs. Sinclair, that I should go out at eight precisely; and thenshe is to try for a coach: and if the dowager's chariot should happento be there, how lucky will it be for my charmer! how strangely will mydream be made out!


  I have just received a letter from Captain Tomlinson. Is it notwonderful? for that was part of my dream.

  I shall always have a prodigious regard to dreams henceforward. I knownot but I may write a book upon that subject; for my own experiencewill furnish out a great part of it. 'Glanville of Witches,' 'Baxter'sHistory of Spirits and Apparitions,' and the 'Royal Pedant's Demonology,'will be nothing at all to Lovelace's Reveries.

  The letter is just what I dreamed it to be. I am only concerned thatuncle John's anniversary did not happen three or four days sooner; forshould any new misfortune befal my charmer, she may not be able tosupport her spirits so long as till Thursday in the next week. Yet itwill give me the more time for new expedients, should my presentcontrivance fail; which I cannot however suppose.


  Dear Sir,

  I can now return your joy, for the joy you have given me, as well as mydear friend Mr. Harlowe, in the news of his beloved niece's happyrecovery; for he is determined to comply with her wishes and your's,and to give her to you with his own hand.

  As the ceremony has been necessarily delayed by reason of her illness,and as Mr. Harlowe's birth-day is on Thursday the 29th of this instantJune, when he enters into the seventy-fourth year of his age; and astime may be wanted to complete the dear lady's recovery; he is verydesirous that the marriage shall be solemnized upon it; that he mayafterwards have double joy on that day to the end of his life.

  For this purpose he intends to set out privately, so as to be atKentish-town on Wednesday se'nnight in the evening.

  All the family used, he says, to meet to celebrate it with him; but asthey are at present in too unhappy a situation for that, he will giveout, that, not being able to bear the day at home, he has resolved tobe absent for two or three days.

  He will set out on horseback, attended only with one trusty servant,for the greater privacy. He will be at the most creditable-lookingpublic house there, expecting you both next morning, if he hear nothingfrom me to prevent him. And he will go to town with you after theceremony is performed, in the coach he supposes you will come in.

  He is very desirous that I should be present on the occasion. But thisI have promised him, at his request, that I will be up before the day,in order to see the settlements executed, and every thing properlyprepared.

  He is very glad you have the license ready.

  He speaks very kindly of you, Mr. Lovelace; and says, that, if any ofthe family stand out after he has seen the ceremony performed, he willseparate from them, and unite himself to his dear niece and herinterests.

  I owned to you, when in town last, that I took slight notice to my dearfriend of the misunderstanding between you and his niece; and that Idid this, for fear the lady should have shown any little discontent inhis presence, had I been able to prevail upon him to go up in person,as then was doubtful. But I hope nothing of that discontent remainsnow.

  My absence, when your messenger came, must excuse me for not writing byhim.

  Be pleased to make my most respectful compliments acceptable to theadmirable lady, and believe me to be

  Your most faithful and obedient servant,ANTONY TOMLINSON.


  This letter I sealed, and broke open. It was brought, thou mayestsuppose, by a particular messenger; the seal such a one as the writerneed be ashamed of. I took care to inquire after the Captain's health,in my beloved's hearing; and it is now ready to be produced as apacifier, according as she shall take on or resent, if the twometamorphoses happen pursuant to my wonderful dream; as, having greatfaith in dreams, I dare say they will.--I think it will not be amiss,in changing my clothes, to have this letter of the worthy Captain liein my beloved's way.