Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 Page 44




  The bearer of this has a letter to carry to the lady.* I have been atthe trouble of writing a copy of it: which I enclose, that you may notmistake your cue.

  * See the preceding Letter.

  You will judge of my reasons for ante-dating the enclosed sealed one,*directed to you by the name of Tomlinson; which you are to show to thelady, as in confidence. You will open it of course.

  * See the next Letter.

  I doubt not your dexterity and management, dear M'Donald; nor your zeal;especially as the hope of cohabitation must now be given up. Impossibleto be carried is that scheme. I might break her heart, but not inclineher will--am in earnest therefore to marry her, if she let not the dayslip.

  Improve upon the hint of her mother. That may touch her. But JohnHarlowe, remember, has privately engaged that lady--privately, I say;else, (not to mention the reason for her uncle Harlowe's formerexpedient,) you know, she might find means to get a letter away to theone or to the other, to know the truth; or to Miss Howe, to engage herto inquire into it: and, if she should, the word privately will accountfor the uncle's and mother's denying it.

  However, fail not, as from me, to charge our mother and her nymphs toredouble their vigilance both as to her person and letters. All's upon acrisis now. But she must not be treated ill neither.

  Thursday over, I shall know what to resolve upon.

  If necessary, you must assume authority. The devil's in't, if such agirl as this shall awe a man of your years and experience. You are notin love with her as I am. Fly out, if she doubt your honour. Spiritsnaturally soft may be beat out of their play and borne down (though everso much raised) by higher anger. All women are cowards at bottom; onlyviolent where they may. I have often stormed a girl out of her mistrust,and made her yield (before she knew where she was) to the pointindignantly mistrusted; and that to make up with me, though I was theaggressor.

  If this matter succeed as I'd have it, (or if not, and do not fail byyour fault,) I will take you off the necessity of pursuing your cursedsmuggling; which otherwise may one day end fatally for you.

  We are none of us perfect, M'Donald. This sweet lady makes me serioussometimes in spite of my heart. But as private vices are less blamablethan public; an as I think smuggling (as it is called) a national evil;I have no doubt to pronounce you a much worse man than myself, and assuch shall take pleasure in reforming you.

  I send you enclosed ten guineas, as a small earnest of further favours.Hitherto you have been a very clever fellow.

  As to clothes for Thursday, Monmouth-street will afford a ready supply.Clothes quite new would make your condition suspected. But you maydefer that care, till you see if she can be prevailed upon. Yourriding-dress will do for the first visit. Nor let your boots be overclean. I have always told you the consequence of attending to theminutiae, where art (or imposture, as the ill-mannered would call it) isdesigned--your linen rumpled and soily, when you wait upon her--easy termsthese--just come to town--remember (as formerly) to loll, to throw outyour legs, to stroke and grasp down your ruffles, as if of significanceenough to be careless. What though the presence of a fine lady wouldrequire a different behaviour, are you not of years to dispense withpoliteness? You can have no design upon her, you know. You are a fatheryourself of daughters as old as she. Evermore is parade andobsequiousness suspectable: it must show either a foolish head, or aknavish heart. Assume airs of consequence therefore; and you will betreated as a man of consequence. I have often more than half ruinedmyself by my complaisance; and, being afraid of controul, have broughtcontroul upon myself.

  I think I have no more to say at present. I intend to be at Slough, oron the way to it, as by mine to the lady. Adieu, honest M'Donald.
