Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 Page 59




  I am under a kind of necessity to write to you, having no one among myrelations to whom I dare write, or hope a line from if I did. It is butto answer a question. It is this:

  Whether you know any such man as Captain Tomlinson? and, if you do,whether he be very intimate with my uncle Harlowe?

  I will describe his person lest, possibly, he should go by another nameamong you; although I know not why he should.

  'He is a thin, tallish man, a little pock-fretten, of a sallowishcomplexion. Fifty years of age, or more. Of good aspect when he looksup. He seems to be a serious man, and one who knows the world. Hestoops a little in the shoulders. Is of Berkshire. His wife ofOxfordshire; and has several children. He removed lately into your partsform Northamptonshire.'

  I must desire you, Mrs. Hodges, that you will not let my uncle, nor anyof my relations, know that I write to you.

  You used to say, that you would be glad to have it in your power to serveme. That, indeed, was in my prosperity. But, I dare say, you will notrefuse me in a particular that will oblige me, without hurting yourself.

  I understand that my father, mother, and sister, and I presume, mybrother, and my uncle Antony, are to be at my uncle Harlowe's this day.God preserve them all, and may they rejoice in many happy birth-days!You will write six words to me concerning their healths.

  Direct, for a particular reason, to Mrs. Dorothy Salcombe, to be lefttill called for, at the Four Swans Inn, Bishopsgate-street.

  You know my hand-writing well enough, were not the contents of the lettersufficient to excuse my name, or any other subscription, than that of

  Your friend.