Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 8 Page 27



  * See Letter IV. of this volume.


  I find by your letters to my uncles, that they, as well as I, are ingreat disgrace with you for writing our minds to you.

  We can't help it, sister Clary.

  You don't think it worth your while, I find, a second time to press forthe blessing you pretend to be so earnest about. You think, no doubt,that you have done your duty in asking for it: so you'll sit downsatisfied with that, I suppose, and leave it to your wounded parents torepent hereafter that they have not done theirs, in giving it to you, atthe first word; and in making such inquiries about you, as you thinkought to have been made. Fine encouragement to inquire after a run-awaydaughter! living with her fellow as long as he would live with her! Yourepent also (with your full mind, as you modestly call it) that you wroteto me.

  So we are not likely to be applied to any more, I find, in this way.

  Well then, since this is the case, sister Clary, let me, with allhumility, address myself with a proposal or two to you; to which you willbe graciously pleased to give an answer.

  Now you must know, that we have had hints given us, from severalquarters, that you have been used in such a manner by the villain you ranaway with, that his life would be answerable for his crime, if it werefairly to be proved. And, by your own hints, something like it appearsto us.

  If, Clary, there be any thing but jingle and affected period in whatproceeds from your full mind, and your dutiful consciousness; and ifthere be truth in what Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Howe have acquainted us with;you may yet justify your character to us, and to the world, in everything but your scandalous elopement; and the law may reach the villain:and, could we but bring him to the gallows, what a meritorious revengewould that be to our whole injured family, and to the innocents he hasdeluded, as well as the saving from ruin many others!

  Let me, therefore, know (if you please) whether you are willing to appearto do yourself, and us, and your sex, this justice? If not, sisterClary, we shall know what to think of you; for neither you nor we cansuffer more than we have done from the scandal of your fall: and, if youwill, Mr. Ackland and counselor Derham will both attend you to makeproper inquiries, and to take minutes of your story, to found a processupon, if it will bear one with as great a probability of success as weare told it may be prosecuted with.

  But, by what Mrs. Howe intimates, this is not likely to be complied with;for it is what she hinted to you, it seems, by her lively daughter, butnot without effect;* so prudently in some certain points, as to entitleyourself to public justice; which, if true, the Lord have mercy upon you!

  * See Vol. VI. Letter LXXII.

  One word only more as to the above proposal:--Your admirer, Dr. Lewen, isclear, in his opinion, that you should prosecute the villain.

  But if you will not agree to this, I have another proposal to make toyou, and that in the name of every one in the family; which is, that youwill think of going to Pensylvania to reside there for some few yearstill all is blown over: and, if it please God to spare you, and yourunhappy parents, till they can be satisfied that you behave like a trueand uniform penitent; at least till you are one-and-twenty; you may thencome back to your own estate, or have the produce of it sent you thither,as you shall choose. A period which my father fixes, because it is thecustom; and because he thinks your grandfather should have fixed it; andbecause, let me add, you have fully proved by your fine conduct, that youwere not at years of discretion at eighteen. Poor doting, though goodold man!--Your grandfather, he thought--But I would not be too severe.

  Mr. Hartley has a widow-sister at Pensylvania, with whom he willundertake you may board, and who is a sober, sensible, well-read woman.And if you were once well there, it would rid your father and mother ofa world of cares, and fears, and scandal; and that I think is what youshould wish for of all things.

  Mr. Hartley will engage for all accommodations in your passage suitableto your rank and fortune; and he has a concern in a ship, which will sailin a month; and you may take your secret-keeping Hannah with you, or whomyou will of your newer acquaintance. 'Tis presumed that your companionswill be of your own sex.

  These are what I had to communicate to you; and if you'll oblige me withan answer, (which the hand that conveys this will call for on Wednesdaymorning,) it will be very condescending.