Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 8 Page 50



  How astonishing, in the midst of such affecting scenes, is thy mirth onwhat thou callest my own aspirations! Never, surely, was there suchanother man in this world, thy talents and thy levity taken together!--Surely, what I shall send thee with this will affect thee. If not,nothing can, till thy own hour come: and heavy will then thy reflectionsbe!

  I am glad, however, that thou enablest me to assure the lady that thouwilt no more molest her; that is to say, in other words, that, afterhaving ruined her fortunes, and all her worldly prospects, thou wilt beso gracious, as to let her lie down and die in peace.

  Thy giving up to poor Belton's sister the little legacy, and thyundertaking to make Mowbray and Tourville follow thy example, are, I mustsay to thy honour, of a piece with thy generosity to thy Rose-bud and herJohnny; and to a number of other good actions in pecuniary matters:although thy Rose-bud's is, I believe, the only instance, where a prettywoman was concerned, of such a disinterested bounty.

  Upon my faith, Lovelace, I love to praise thee; and often and often, asthou knowest, have I studied for occasions to do it: insomuch that when,for the life of me, I could not think of any thing done by thee thatdeserved praise, I have taken pains to applaud the not ungraceful mannerin which thou hast performed actions that merited the gallows.

  Now thou art so near, I will dispatch my servant to thee, if occasionrequires. But, I fear, I shall soon give thee the news thou artapprehensive of. For I am just now sent for by Mrs. Smith; who hasordered the messenger to tell me, that she knew not if the lady will bealive when I come.


  I could not close my letter in such an uncertainty as must have added toyour impatience. For you have, on several occasions, convinced me, thatthe suspense you love to give would be the greatest torment to you thatyou could receive. A common case with all aggressive and violentspirits, I believe. I will just mention then (your servant waiting heretill I have written) that the lady has had two very severe fits: in thelast of which whilst she lay, they sent to the doctor and Mr. Goddard,who both advised that a messenger should be dispatched for me, as herexecutor; being doubtful whether, if she had a third, it would not carryher off.

  She was tolerably recovered by the time I cane; and the doctor made herpromise before me, that, while she was so weak, she would not attempt anymore to go abroad; for, by Mrs. Lovick's description, who attended her,the shortness of her breath, her extreme weakness, and the fervour of herdevotions when at church, were contraries, which, pulling different ways(the soul aspiring, the body sinking) tore her tender frame in pieces.

  So much for the present. I shall detain Will. no longer than just to begthat you will send me back this packet and the last. Your memory is sogood, that once reading is all you ever give, or need to give, to anything. And who but ourselves can make out our characters, were youinclined to let any body see what passes between us? If I cannot beobliged, I shall be tempted to withhold what I write, till I have time totake a copy of it.*

  * It may not be amiss to observe, that Mr. Belford's solicitude to getback his letters was owing to his desire of fulfilling the lady's wishesthat he would furnish Miss Howe with materials to vindicate her memory.

  A letter from Miss Howe is just now brought by a particular messenger,who says he must carry back a few lines in return. But, as the lady isjust retired to lie down, the man is to call again by-and-by.