Read Clash of the Clans: Shinobi 7 Companion Book #1 Page 3


  We made our way back inside the sector house without a word. Once we were inside, it didn't take long for the chatter to start.

  “Are you gonna tell us about Battle Month?” I asked Kuroi.

  He scoffed, “Do I look like I wanna waste my time explaining stuff to you?”

  “You had no problem popping off to Akira,” Hanran then commented. He spoke with his same indifferent tone of voice.

  Kuroi ignored the middle boy. “Yeah, whatever. Battle Month is the biggest waste of time, ever.”

  “Yes,” I said, “but what is it?”

  My team leader probably figured that we weren't going to stop pestering him. He went into his room (which we separate by room dividers) and chose to talk when he wasn't in the open with the rest of us. “Battle Month is like a tournament. It's held by the thirteen ancient clans spread across the five countries that make up Shaaku Den.”

  I exchanged looks with Yami. We both had no idea what he just said.

  “Wait, I'm confused, is Kaze-San telling us a story? 'Cause so far it's pretty dang boring,” Luna commented. She looked hopelessly lost.

  Yelling came from Kuroi's room. “I'M TELLING YOU LOSERS WHAT BATTLE MONTH IS!” he shouted defensively.

  Luna didn't know why he was upset. “So tell us, old man!”

  Kuroi stepped back out into the hallway with a new shirt on.

  “Battle Month is a tournament that's held once every month at each different shinobi clan. Each grandmaster sends a group of students to the host's tournament and the students compete in three divisions. Open hand kata, weapons kata, and sparring. It's supposed to be an event that showcases the many aspects of Ninjutsu, and how each clan master teaches his student body.”

  Five out of the six of us stood there with surprised expressions, including myself. That plain and simple explanation came from Hanran.

  “Wow, Nigaru-San. You sure know a lot,” Cassie commented in a low voice. Hanran said nothing more and turned down the hallway to go pack his things.

  “Hey, I was gonna explain the story!” Kuroi then growled. Hanran continued to walk away.

  I smirked and looked at my team leader. “A little late there, Kaze-San.”

  He sneered at me. “You would know about being late, wouldn't you Meko-Chan?”

  Okay, he's got me there. I frowned and went to go pack my things. Once inside my room, I found the discarded note that Yami wrote me earlier this morning:


  Akira told us that we didn't have to train today. That's why I didn't wake you up, I figured you'd like to sleep in. Also, please don't forget to eat breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day.


  I crinkled the note up in my hand. “I missed that memo,” I muttered to myself.