Read Clay's Hope Page 2

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  The Compound teemed with unMated. They paced between the trees, a restless tension pervading their movements. A few already faced off, trying to determine the strongest and their order in the upcoming Introduction line. Poor fools.

  I ignored the fight that broke out and loped in the direction of the back door. The unMated could fight all they wanted out there. As long as they kept it away from my post at the Introduction door, I had no problem with them. I briefly wondered what female had caused such a large gathering. Generally, paying attention to the females was a lost cause. Too bad the ones getting their pelts kicked in the trees hadn't figured that out yet.

  Several piles of picked over clothes waited at the back door. Charlene's doing most likely. She must have anticipated the arrival of so many. I grabbed what I needed at random. Loose pants and a shirt. A shiver rippled over my flesh at the odd furlessness. How long had I gone this time between shifting?

  Dressed, but still cold, I went around to the front door and helped myself to one of the jackets on the hooks before ambling to the kitchen. One of the perks of coming to the Compound. Food.

  Charlene was moving around in the kitchen, checking this and that. She reminded me of the woman in the window.

  She looked up and nodded to me as she walked past.

  "Buns are in the warming oven. Stew's on the stove. Help yourself, Clay."

  She left the room, and I stared after her. I'd been to the Compound maybe five times in my life. Three of those times had been before I hit puberty. How she remembered my name was beyond me.

  The scent of fresh bread pulled me toward the ovens. Heat poured out when I opened the door. The sight of a full tray of golden buns made my mouth water. Reaching in, I grabbed several. One went in my mouth, the rest in the large pockets of my jacket. With my pockets stuffed full, I padded back outside to take up my place near the Introduction door. The heat of the buns warmed my side as I leaned against the building and pulled the first one out of my pocket.

  I ate slowly, watched the fighting, and waited.

  Vehicles continued to roll into the yard over the next hour. Men crowded into the woods near the door I guarded. A few strolled by to size me up but weren't stupid enough to try anything. One on one, they wouldn't stand a chance. More than one on one would bring the Elders. Elder intervention meant banishment from the Introduction. None of them wanted to miss their chance at a Mate.

  A louder vehicle pulled into the yard. A truck by the sound of it. Silence spread throughout the woods when the engine cut.

  They're here. Winifred's voice penetrated my thoughts. Are you in place?

  Yes, ma'am.

  Good. Let us know if you have any trouble.

  I eyed the men who started to line up before me and prepared myself for a long night. The sun would rise before the female met everyone.

  Anticipation held the men closest to the building. Quiet, they listened for a hint of sound from the room behind me. Further into the woods, the men started fighting again, establishing a pecking order.

  It wasn't long before I heard Winifred again.

  Let the first ten in.

  "Ten," I said with a nod to the men in front of me. Standing back, I opened the door, waited for them to file in, then closed it again.

  The number surprised me. Ten usually meant an older female; I hadn't thought there were any older ones still hiding in the wild.

  After a minute or two of silence, I heard a woman's voice.

  "Thank you for coming."

  She sounded young, not old. Why ten, then?

  The scrape of many feet on the floor alerted me to the end of the Introduction. I opened the door to let the rejected men out, and a hint of something warm and sweet drifted out with them. I lifted my nose and sniffed, trying to identify it. Had one of them been to the kitchen?

  Motioning for the next ten, I tried to place the scent. My stomach rumbled. I should have stuffed more food into my pockets.

  I closed the door after the last man entered and listened to the girl say thank you again. At the shuffle of footsteps a few moments later, I opened the door once more. Again, that trace of something delicious trailed behind them.

  Would it be against the rules to ask the Elders for a food break?

  I waved the next ten in and closed the door.

  The extended silence in the room pulled my attention from the puzzle of the smell.

  After several minutes, I heard the girl speak.

  "It's nice to meet you."

  Feet shuffled on the floor, and I hurried to open the door.

  "A moment, please," she said before anyone stepped out.

  The sound of her determined steps told me she was crossing their little tape line. The Elders wouldn't like that. I almost smiled.

  "Gabby, wait," Sam, one of the Elders, called.

  Briefly, I wondered if I should close the door to keep her in, but decided the Elders could deal with her. I had more than enough to deal with outside.

  A petite blonde stepped through the door. Her scent hit me hard, and I froze. Mate. The word bounced around in my head. My canines lengthened, and my vision wavered as I struggled to maintain my form. Mine.

  She continued a few more steps, with the Elders right behind her, and then stopped. I inhaled slowly, breathing in the scent that had tempted and teased me until now. With my gaze locked on her, I almost stepped forward. Reason stopped me, and I glanced at the men who stood before her, silently watching, equally stunned that she'd left the Introduction room.

  If I spoke up now, I'd face countless challenges. I would win...for a while. But every wolf tired eventually, and there were too many out there still waiting for a chance to scent her. Better to wait. She was safe with the Elders present. I glanced at them to see if any had noticed my reaction. They weren't paying attention to me, though. After all, I wasn't here for a Mate. They were watching the others. As was she.

  Motionless, she stood before the waiting men. I couldn't see much of her face, just the back of her head and her stiff stance. Scenting the air, I detected a hint of her distress and a stronger whiff of anger. She was upset.

  "Sam," she said, turning to face him.

  Sam uncomfortably looked away.

  She turned back to the men.

  "No more fighting. There's no need to wait or fight for your place in tonight's Introduction. I will meet you all."

  A growl almost escaped me. Though I knew it would be safer if she did meet them all, I didn't want any other male near her.

  "Start a line here, and I'll walk it. If I am not right for you, there is no need for you to remain after I've passed you. You may leave and know that I am honored by your presence here tonight."

  I curled my hands into fists and eyed the men who poured from the woods. They had no chance. Turning my gaze back to her once more, I tried to steady myself. She moved forward with grace.

  Gabby. My Mate.