Read Clay's Hope Page 51

  * * * *

  We arrived at the Compound at dusk. Cars crowded in front of the building, making it impossible to park close. And that was fine with me. I turned around and parked near the drive. Just in case.

  Gabby woke as I turned off the car. She gave me a sleepy smile and started to untangle herself from her blanket as I got out. I walked around to her side, opened the door for her, then grabbed her bag.

  The buildings were lit up, and few people milled around outside as we walked to the main door. Jackets and shoes filled the entry, and I could hear conversations from the rooms around us. Both signs of a full house.

  Gabby led the way to her usual apartment, but we found there was another family with cubs already occupying it. She tried other apartments, but they were full, too. It wasn't a surprise. The families always came in around the holidays.

  Giving up on the apartments, she turned toward the hall that was usually reserved for the unMated males. When she went to knock on the first door, I caught her wrist and shook my head. I knocked. I didn't want any of them to think she was looking for an offer. The majority of the dorm quarters were also occupied. Several men passed us as we searched and gave us curious looks as they scented the air. Gabby stayed close.

  We took the first room we found open and put her bag on the twin bed. It would be enough to hold the room.

  "I need to talk to Sam," she said, looking at me.

  I'd figured as much and wondered if Sam would be in a talking mood. Keeping my doubts to myself, I nodded and led the way to the common room. Decorations were everywhere. Cornucopias with harvest produce sat on each of the long tables. Several turkeys with feathers made of construction paper hands hung on the walls. The air still smelled like glue, laughter, and pumpkin pie.

  Sam sat with his back to us, speaking with several other men at one of the many sitting arrangements. Gabby picked up her pace and stepped ahead of me, her gaze focused on Sam.

  She strode up to him and interrupted the conversation.

  "It's time we talked," she said.

  He turned toward her. There was no surprise in his expression. Someone must have let him know we were there. He smiled at her and nodded. The others in his group got up and moved away.

  "Gabby, I didn't think you'd be up until tomorrow."

  She glanced at me. The room didn't afford privacy with our keen hearing. I wondered what she was going to say. She glanced around the room, then her gaze became unfocused. She winced, and I knew what she'd done.

  I grunted in annoyance but rubbed her back. If there were an off switch for her ability, I'd figure out how to keep it off permanently.

  "We came early because two werewolves tried breaking into my house." She watched Sam closely as she spoke.

  "What?" Sam said, giving me a sharp look.

  Why didn't you contact me?

  I don't like how you help.

  "He's still not talking," Gabby said, unaware of our exchange. She moved to sit in the chair across from Sam. "I believe their intentions were to kidnap me."

  I sat in the chair next to her. Her scent changed. Confusion again. Her troubled gaze swung to me, and I knew what she was thinking. The man on the floor. He didn't matter if she didn't let him matter.

  She gave me a small smile as if reading my mind then turned back to Sam.

  "Is there more than one kind of werewolf?" she asked.

  The question surprised Sam, and even though I'd briefly considered the possibility, it surprised me, too.

  Sam frowned and leaned forward. "Not sure what you mean, exactly."

  Sam watched her closely as she nibbled her lip.

  "When you go fur, what color variations are possible? Different shades of fur, eyes...what about nose or nails?"

  The double doors opened and a few more werewolves drifted in, slowly walking toward other groups. Gabby had everyone's attention and word was spreading fast.

  "What does this have to do with-"

  She held up a hand. "Bear with me, Sam. I need answers to give answers."

  Sam turned to me.

  "I already told you," she said, "he still isn't talking. Look, is there another Elder I can talk to? One willing to answer my questions?"

  Sam's face fell but his expression cleared after a moment. "Fur is like hair and varies just like a human's. Same with the eyes. We are more like dogs when it comes to our noses. Mostly dark, but we sometimes have unusual markings. Did you see an identifying mark, Gabby?"

  "What about the nails?" she asked, ignoring his question.

  He shrugged. "Shades of grey. Mostly a dark grey."


  What was she getting at? What had she noticed that I hadn't?

  "Well, like I said, a dark grey is possible."

  "No. I mean black. A very glossy black you could see your reflection in."

  I struggled to recall the color of the nails of the men I'd fought as Sam remained introspectively quiet. Nothing came to mind. I'd been busy fighting and worrying about Gabby.

  During the silence, Gabby became aware of the room and looked around. Everyone was suddenly looking elsewhere.

  "I don't think I've ever paid that much attention to our claws before. But, no, I don't believe so."

  Gabby leaned back in her chair, obviously lost in thought. Everyone in the room watched her, waiting for what she'd say next.

  Her scent changed with the array of emotions she experienced. Worry, anger, interest. I caught Sam inhaling slowly and knew he'd noticed, too. After several moments of silence, Sam cleared his throat. She continued to ignore him, and he glanced at me. I shrugged. Gabby wasn't the type to rush into things. Someone spoke softly further back in the room. Others moved restlessly.

  When she glanced at me with her scent bleeding confusion, I offered my hand. I couldn't guess what she was thinking, but I could offer my support. She had it unconditionally since the moment I saw her. She looked down at my hand, hesitated, then reached for me.

  As soon as we touched, I felt it. A zing of energy. Her fingers laced through mine, and her scent faded.

  I scowled at her. Had she just used her power on me? After everything that had just happened, she was going to knock herself out again and leave me to deal with Sam and a million questions I couldn't begin to answer?

  Instead of looking even a little sorry about what she'd just done, she beamed at me. Then, she leaned toward me, her intent to kiss me obvious. Annoyed or not, I wouldn't say no.

  Our lips met softly, but she pulled back with a jerk. Her wide eyes stared at me. Her pulse leapt, and her scent changed subtly.

  I eyed her warily, wondering what had happened now. Would this be another "catch me, Clay," moment?

  Her fingers twitched in mine, and with speed I didn't know she possessed, she was out of her chair and straddling my lap. Shock didn't cover what I felt. Though it was completely unexpected, I loved the contact. In fact, I'd consider gnawing off my own arm to keep her there. But this physical contact wasn't like her. Especially not with the crowd around us.

  She breathed in deeply as if scenting me. I shuddered in response and stared up at her, mesmerized. The room disappeared as she continued to study me with an intensity I'd never seen before. The green flecks in her hazel eyes seemed brighter, more alluring, as she leaned in until her cheek brushed mine. My lungs stropped working for a moment as she buried her nose in my hair. I held still, unsure what was happening but liking it. A lot.

  She pulled back to press her lips to the tip of my nose, and my heart twisted painfully. She'd been so close to my neck. The skin there tingled with what might have been. I lifted my free hand and lightly rested it on her waist. Her skin felt warm beneath my fingers.

  She sighed a little and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she gave me a secret smile that made my blood boil.

  She combed her fingers through my hair, brushing it back so she could
lightly kiss my forehead. Her lips brushed a path to my cheek where she pressed another kiss. She moved lower, finding my lips. She nibbled at them until I opened my mouth for her. The aggressor, her tongue found mine. As much as I was spinning in my own heaven, I was starting to worry. This wasn't like Gabby. There were so many people watching us. It was as if she wasn't even aware of them.

  She pulled back from me, gave me a quick frown, then leaned to nudge my jaw with her nose. My heart stopped and then tripled its efforts. She wanted my neck. Hope gripped me, warring with the worry. Should I let her? Was this really what she wanted?

  My gut clenched as her lips skimmed my exposed skin, and my concern vanished. My pulse leapt higher. I let go of her hand so I could grip her, hold her in place. She had to keep going.

  Her breathing hitched, and with one hand, she gripped my hair and tugged it hard. I tilted my head, willingly exposing my neck. She made a sound, almost a growl of satisfaction, before she set her lips on my neck once more. She kissed me, and I shuddered. Then her teeth sank into my skin.

  There was no pain, only complete bliss. She'd done it. She'd Claimed me.

  I closed my eyes with a sigh and opened myself for her. Her feelings flooded me. Desire consumed her. The unbridled need took me by surprise. Why hadn't I scented that? As fast as it filled me, it depleted, replaced with a stunned emotional silence.

  She pulled back slightly and eyed my neck. I watched her expression, unsure of the silence over our connection. Behind her, someone moved and called attention to the fact that we still had an audience. Horror drifted over our new link. A Claiming typically occurred in private.

  A deep blush stained her cheeks. Embarrassment battled horror. She wiped at her mouth with a shaky hand. Panic bloomed as she stared at me.

  I couldn't take it anymore. Whether she'd intended to or not, she'd just given me the world. I reached up and gently touched her hair.

  "I've been waiting for that since the moment I saw you," I said.

  She scowled at me, and all the horror, embarrassment, and panic fled to be replaced by anger. I could guess why. She'd been after me about talking since she'd first seen me. I laughed and picked her up.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face as the room around us erupted in cheers. I didn't wait for congratulations but strode for the door. There was so much more I wanted to say to her. In private.

  As soon as we were in our room, I closed the door and set her on her feet. I watched the play of emotions on her face and basked in each one I felt across our link.

  "Why?" Her voice came out in a squeak. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Why wait until now to talk?"

  I studied her and saw her hurt and confusion. I opened my arms. She didn't hesitate, but stepped right into them. Tucking her close, I spoke the truth.

  "If I'd spoken, even just one word, I would have never been able to hold back what I felt for you. You would have run." And I would have chased you, scaring you even more, I thought to myself.

  She pulled back and met my gaze.

  "Can I finally get answers from you now? You'll keep talking?"

  I smiled at her excitement and nodded.

  "Do you think I'm right about the-"

  "Now's not the time," I said, glancing at the door. "We'll talk later." I could smell Sam waiting out there. His heart beat steadily with his patience. If I could hear his heart, he was hearing every word we shared.

  "No way. We're talking now. If not about that, then something else. I've waited over six months to hear your voice. You owe me. I bit you."

  She made me want to keep smiling. This crazy, adorable, intelligent, and gifted person was mine. Thinking of her gift had me frowning. She'd just used it back there. I was sure of it. Yet, she seemed fine.

  "How are you feeling?"

  She frowned and seemed to do a self-assessment.

  "Good, actually." Her gaze became unfocused, but she didn't wince or pale. "It's weird, but I don't feel sick." After a moment, she came back to me. "I think we need a safe place to talk."

  I nodded and glanced at the door again. As soon as we left the room, Sam would want answers. Gabby had asked some pretty crazy questions. I had questions of my own, now.

  She slipped from my arms and yanked the door open. Sam leaned against the wall opposite the door.

  "Sam, since we don't have any privacy, we'd like to use the conference room. It's soundproofed, and there are a few things we need to discuss."

  "I couldn't agree more," Sam said, motioning for her to lead.

  "Clay and I, Sam," she said as she stepped from the room. "I don't have any answers for you."


  "No. Now it's your turn to be bossed around and told what to do. I did what you wanted and Claimed one of you. Lay off."

  I didn't need our link to know just how pissed she was. But she was also afraid. Of Sam. Still, she turned her back on him and started walking. Sam glanced at me. I arched a brow. He sighed and started to follow her. I followed him.

  She opened the door to the conference room and turned to face Sam.

  "Sam, I'm trying to do what's best for me, Clay, and the pack. There's a lot I haven't told you and things I haven't told Clay. Give me some time to sort everything out. I need to make sure your goals mesh with mine before I can fully confide in you."

  I stood behind Sam as he considered what she'd said. Then, he stepped back and motioned me in with her.

  "I'll be out here," he said.

  She nodded, gently closed the door, then turned to me. She brushed a hand through her hair.

  "I'm not sure where to start."

  "Anywhere. I'll listen," I said as I pulled her into my arms.

  I felt her smile. "I can see everything, Clay. Without pain." She pulled out of my arms so I could see her unfocused gaze. "Even without touching you, there's no pain. I can see so much more than before. Why?"

  "It's our link."

  "Wait. I thought the link happened when..."

  Her immediate blush gave away her thoughts. I smiled.

  "The full link happens after the Mating is completed. With the Claiming we have a more limited version of that connection." My smile faded, and I looked at her more closely. "It can still be broken, though. If there's another potential Mate out biting him, you can break our bond and create one with him."

  "Don't use up your word quota for the day," she said with a slight shake of her head.

  I grinned at her sass, and she stuck out her tongue. Then she grew serious again.

  "Clay, I won't be biting anyone else. Ever. But I do have something to tell you. When those wolves attacked...the second one..."

  Her hurt came back, and I nudged her, falling back on my quiet ways.

  "I felt the same pull with him as I do with you. I don't understand why that would happen. Sam said just one. Experiencing that with someone else confused me and made me feel horrible, like I cheated on you."

  I sighed, then gave her a reassuring smile.

  "I saw what happened. It concerned me, but the kiss in the car helped me understand how you feel. Don't worry about it."

  She gave me a radiant smile. Then I felt something over our link. It was warm and full and everything I'd dreamed of.

  "I love you," she said.

  In a blur, I wrapped my arms around her, picked her up, and spun her around. Now she was mine. My Mate in truth. My family. My place to belong.

  She looked at me and laughed.

  "Oh!" She squirmed to get down. "Please can we get rid of the beard?"

  I set her on her feet, and she hopped from foot to foot in excitement.

  I nodded and laughed.

  "And I still want to get my degree. Can we stay where we are until then?"

  I wanted to say yes, but two men had tried to take her, and she'd just hinted to an Elder that she thought they weren't werewo
lves but something else. Sam might try to change her mind about going back to school. I glanced at the door.

  She saw the look and her resentment toward Sam drifted over our link. She stepped close to lay her head against my chest and wrap her arms around my waist.

  "Everyone I've ever loved this way I've lost," she said, hugging me close. "Don't let me down."

  She was talking about Sam. He'd shaken her trust. I would never do that to her.

  "I won't. You're stuck with me forever," I said against her hair.

  She pulled back and kissed me again. Her love wrapped around me, and I never wanted to let go. For as long as it took, I would wait patiently for the next step of our relationship. And the next phase, our Mating, wouldn't be decided by her gift or some other outside influence. It would be her choice, no matter how her sweet lips might tempt me.

  Her phone chirped from her back pocket. She groaned and broke away from the kiss. But I saw promise in her eyes. I glanced at the number with her and recognized Luke's number.

  As soon as she hit "talk," Luke spoke in a rush.

  "Gabby, I have a problem," he shouted over the roar of an engine. Something popped loudly in the background, and Luke swore just before the phone went dead.

  Gabby looked up at me with a frown. Then her gaze went vacant, and I knew she was using her special sight again.

  "Clay, I don't think I have a choice anymore. Something's happening to Luke. The other werewolves are all around him. We need to get Sam." She turned to look at the door. "I don't know who to trust."

  I didn't trust Sam either. As an Elder, he had to put the pack first. He would rush to help any potential Mate for our kind. But at what cost to those women? Charlene, Gabby, this new one who Luke had with him, and the one who Charlene's son had mentioned...Michelle. So many being found at once along with a new kind of werewolf; it all had to mean something. A shiver of trepidation ran through me.

  I nodded and leaned my forehead against hers.

  "I'll stand with you, always."

  Author's Note

  If this is your first foray into the Judgement world, welcome! I hope you enjoyed Clay and Gabby's story. To get inside Gabby's head, you'll definitely want to check out Hope(less), book 1 in the Judgement of the Six series (currently free!).

  For my long-time fans...I tried to make Clay's Hope a novella. I really did! But Clay had more of a story than I'd anticipated. Let me know what you thought of Clay's story. Should I write the rest (Emmitt, Luke, Carlos, and the final mystery man) or did this feel like too much of a rehash?

  For more information regarding other titles, to sign up for my newsletter, or to read exclusive content, please visit my website

  I'd love to hear from you!

  Now Available


  A riveting, sweet romance by Melissa Haag

  In a world filled with people, Gabby is uniquely alone. The tiny sparks she sees in her mind represent the people around her, but she doesn't know why she sees them. A chance encounter leads her closer to answers she's struggled to find and into a hidden society where fur is optional.