Read Close Contact Page 23

  But the only way to keep me from controlling the crystal would be to keep me unconscious. With drugs, maybe? I had no idea how a knockout drug would affect me. Since I wasn’t going to oblige them by standing still and letting them give me one, it was a moot point. And just to be on the safe side, I’d take no food or drink tonight.

  “What are you doing?” Lillith asked me. “You haven’t moved in an hour.”

  “Thinking,” I told her, and then gave her a rundown of everything I’d found out.

  “You should tell Marcus,” she advised me.

  “Why? So both of us can worry about it?”

  “No, as a witness when I have to tell Dr. Daniels why I’m returning with your dead body,” she snarled.

  “Sheesh, Lillith, don’t hold back. Tell me how you really feel.”

  She continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “You’re not invincible even if you are a Gertz GEP, and you’d better remember it. You’ve only considered one possibility, when my probability program indicates Strand’s choices number in the thousands, many of which could be fatal.”

  “Like what?” I asked her indignantly.

  “Do you honestly think that just because technology is banned on Madrea that Strand doesn’t have an arsenal on his ship? How hard would it be to dress one of his men in Madrean clothing and send him to the Terpsichore with a blaster? Can you dodge the beam from one of those?”

  “Oh,” I murmured, embarrassed I hadn’t thought of that.

  “Yes, oh. Now, don’t make me come down there. You will tell Marcus.”

  “Fine!” I threw my hands up. “I’ll tell him.”

  “Tell me what?” Marcus asked from the door. “Lillith said you wanted to talk to me.”

  “Yes, apparently I do. Tattletale,” I added under my breath.

  “I heard that,” the ship said.

  “You were meant to,” I shot back.

  “Are you two going to fight all day, or will someone tell me what’s going on?” Marcus asked.

  Giving in less than gracefully, I repeated everything I’d found out and added my own thoughts on the matter. Marcus’s expression became grimmer and grimmer as I talked. When I was done, he turned on his heel and marched out of the house.

  “So much for that,” I told Lillith.

  I barely got the comment out before he was back. “Bim is sending someone to fetch the commander,” he told me. “We’re going to need his help.”

  Well, it wasn’t like that came as a surprise. I’d expected it. Didn’t men always call for reinforcements when things went bad? It was like they wanted to share the fun so they’d have someone to chat with about their parts in bringing glory to mankind long after the battle had ended.

  I bit off a snort of amusement and got back on topic. “While we’re waiting, I have to try and contact the Sumantti again, reassure her that we’re still here and trying to get her free,” I said with a great deal of reluctance. The last time, I’d passed out from the force of her anger. I wasn’t anxious to repeat the experience, but I really had no choice. If I didn’t reassure her occasionally, she might decide to do something drastic. Like blow up the solar system.

  I pulled the Imadei from the neck of my top and cradled it on my palm while I buttressed my defenses, both physical and mental. When I was ready, I dropped my gaze to the stone and reached for the Sumantti.

  What met me was a deep, brooding, pulsing anger, and I hesitated, a sense of foreboding washing over me. She’d changed since I’d first contacted her, pulled into herself more. No longer did the crystal seem childlike. It was an extremely powerful alien entity bent on destruction.

  I’m here, I sent. Will you talk to me?

  There was no response, not so much as a hint that she knew I was speaking.

  I know you can hear me, I told her. Please don’t give up hope. We’re working hard to free you from those men and we won’t stop until you’re back where you belong.

  A force unlike anything I’d ever felt before slammed into my mind like a battering ram, throwing me back into my own head so hard my teeth rattled. If not for the Imadei’s protection I doubt I would have survived.

  My entire body trembled with terror when I looked up. “We’re in trouble, Marcus. She’s become more alien, and far more desperate. I don’t think she cares if she kills those children. She doesn’t care if she kills us all. As a matter of fact, I think she plans to do just that. She won’t talk to me, and she won’t listen to anything I tell her.”

  His face went a shade whiter. “But you have the Imadei; you should be able to control her.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll try. I’ll try as long as there’s breath in my body. But when the Mother Stone made the Imadei, I don’t think she had a clue what her daughter would become. At this point, I’m not sure even the Mother Stone could stop her. Give the Daughter Stone a few more days, and she’s going to be powerful enough break loose from the stasis box. We’re running out of time.”

  “Is there anything we can do?”

  “Pray for a miracle,” I told him. “That may be the only chance we have.”

  Voices sounded from outside just as Peri zipped in through the open window, dodged Marcus and then hovered in the main room, chittering expectantly at the back door.

  “Reynard must have arrived,” I said. “Let’s go open a bottle of wine before I have to repeat this again. I’m getting dry from all the talking.” We both followed the dragon bird just as the commander stepped into sight.

  His gaze went straight to me and warmed me to my toes. “I received a message you needed to see me right away?”

  I tried to ignore the tingles his look started in my stomach, and waved the bottle of wine I’d picked up in the direction of the table. “Yes. Why don’t we sit down?”

  Marcus nodded to the commander and then snagged three glasses and took them to the table. After they were filled, I handed them around, taking my own and drinking deeply before I sat down. “Zin, I needed that.”

  “Shall I start for you?” Marcus asked.

  “Please do.” I leaned my head against the back of the chair to ease the dull, muzzy feeling left over from the Sumantti’s forcible eviction of my consciousness. Concerned, Peri landed on the arm of my chair and cooed at me in sympathy.

  Reynard remained quiet except for a few direct questions, focused completely on what Marcus was recounting for him. Finally, the story was told and silence held sway for a few beats.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I told them.

  “Think about what?” Marcus asked, all wide-eyed and innocent.

  “Trying to stop me from dancing tonight.” I shifted my head so I could see him better. “If I don’t show up, neither will the man they’re sending. We need to catch him, find out what his orders are.”

  He looked at me with an intensity I hadn’t seen from him before. “Only under one condition,” Reynard said.

  I rolled my head back in his direction. “What condition?”

  “The audience will be sprinkled with men I trust, and Marcus and I will be on the stage with you. I believe there are enough shadows that no one will see us there.”

  “Fine, as long as the men aren’t conspicuous. I don’t want to scare this guy off.”

  “That won’t be a problem. The Terpsichore is a favorite among my men, so no one will think them out of place. I’ll go talk to them now and be back before the sun sets. Until then, do not leave her alone.” He aimed that last at Marcus.

  “I won’t. And Bim will be with her, too.”

  The commander pushed his chair back, stood, hesitated for a moment, and then leaned down to give me a quick kiss. I wasn’t having that, though. Putting my palms against his cheeks, I held him in place and deepened the kiss.

  From across the table, Marcus cleared his throat. “I don’t think that is such a good idea—”

  I released Reynard long enough to say one word. “Cammi.” Marcus’s mouth snapped shut and he looked in the other direction, face red

  Assured there would be no more protests from that quarter, I went back to what I was doing, my toes curling with pleasure. Finally, I let him go, satisfied for the moment. “Go, before I change my mind and keep you here,” I murmured.

  He shot me a grin and left, paying no attention to Marcus’s glare.

  “Stop that,” I told my guardian. “We both know I’m not a Madrean woman and don’t need protecting from male attention. As for Jancen, I’m pretty sure he already suspects I’m not August’s daughter. And after tomorrow, he’ll know the whole truth anyway, so he won’t be inclined to challenge you to a duel for violating the rules of guardianship or whatever it is you’re operating under.”

  “What!” Lillith screeched in my ear. “I might as well land at the castle and set off fireworks!”

  I considered her suggestion before shaking my head. “While that might give the Madreans pause, it wouldn’t stop Strand. We’ll save that maneuver for emergencies.”

  “I wasn’t serious,” the ship said.

  “It might come down to that, though. I’m not ruling anything out.”

  “Why are you going to tell Jancen the truth?” Marcus asked.

  “Because I need him on my side, and he can get me in to see Lowden. Lillith, have you heard from Dr. Daniels yet?”

  “Yes, and he’s not happy. Strand hasn’t broken any Federation laws by being there, but with the political situation being what it is concerning Madrea, this could be just enough to cause an escalation in the hostilities between the two factions in the council. And even more troubling, he’s received reports that in the last six months large quantities of munitions have been diverted to all the planets who side with Strand on this issue.”

  I sat up straight as Marcus went tense. “Holy Zin. The man is planning to start a war with the Federation, and he’s paying for it with Madrea’s sunstones. What’s Dr. Daniels planning to do?”

  “He’s asked to address an emergency session of the council, but you know how politicians are. It’ll probably take several days to get them all to sit down and listen. In the meantime, he’s suspended the maneuvers near the Andromeda Galaxy and has sent the fleet to patrol areas near the planets involved. And he said to tell you your mission is even more important now than it was before.”

  She switched to a recording of Dr. Daniels’s voice. “Do not fail, Agent Adams. The entire Federation is at stake.”

  Oh, sure. Dump the fate of the free universe on the shoulders of one green agent who doesn’t know what the scritch she’s doing 90 percent of the time. I gave a mental snort of disgust. No pressure there.

  Almost as if he knew what was going through my mind, Marcus reached over and patted my hand. “Don’t think about it. We have a plan in place. For now, all we can do is stick to it.”

  He was right. I might be a Gertz GEP, but I was still only human. One step at a time was the only way to handle all the problems.

  Suddenly Marcus got an odd look on his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked anxiously.

  “I just realized something.”


  “I don’t think they’re going to attack you physically. It doesn’t make sense. They have something worse planned, and it starts tonight.”

  My skin went cold. “What could be worse?”

  “Someone important could die, and they’ll arrange to have the blame land squarely on you.”

  “Well, schite.” I stood and paced the length of the room. “Any idea who the most likely candidate would be?”

  “Unfortunately, no.” He rubbed his forehead. “It could be any of the higher-ups, most of whom you met when we dined with the king.”

  “Well, if they aren’t going to attack me, then we don’t need Reynard’s men.”

  “Yes, we do. Just because there’s no immediate danger to you doesn’t mean they won’t try something. Maybe we can stop them, or at least find out what it is.”

  “I’m getting confused.” I turned and headed for my room. “I’m going to get my costume and go to the Terpsichore. If the danger isn’t to me, I want to eat before I change.”

  “Bim and I will go with you.”

  He waited while I carefully gathered the purple outfit and then soothed Peri’s ruffled feathers when she discovered I’d hidden the silver jewelry. “Ready,” I told him, returning to the main room.

  We crossed the yards with Bim sticking even closer than normal, and I figured Reynard had talked to him.

  The kitchen was gearing up for the evening, pots bubbling, the staff hurrying back and forth to the common room, and general chaos ruling as food and drinks were dished up and carried out.

  Before Marcus would let me put my costume in the room, he checked the place top to bottom. Treya gave me an odd look as he motioned that it was safe to go in, but I ignored her.

  When the outfit was safely stowed away, I returned to the kitchen and helped myself to the roast that was perfectly cooked, added some tubers and green vegetables from the communal pot, and took a seat at the table. I was just finishing up the meal when Reynard came in and leaned close to my ear.

  “Everyone is in place,” he told me.

  “Good.” I forked up the last bite of meat and stuck it in his mouth. “Did you get a chance to eat?”

  He swallowed and shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Well, sit down. Leddy can bring you a plate and you can eat while I change.”

  Treya went by, her chin hard as she gazed from me to Reynard. “Don’t be late. We have a full house tonight.”

  Guess that meant I was on my own with the makeup. Good thing I didn’t have to attempt intricate procedures on my hair.

  When Leddy slid a plate in front of the commander, I kissed his cheek and stood. “Take your time. Regardless of what Treya said, it will be a while before I’m changed and ready.”

  While Peri played with the jewelry, I experimented with the cosmetics until I achieved the same mysterious look as last time. Then I stepped behind the screen and stripped down to my skin.

  For a moment, I hesitated over my knife, uncomfortable with leaving it behind when someone was out to get me. But it would be clearly visible under the sheer skirt I was putting on, and it wasn’t like I was defenseless without it.

  I hung it on the hook with my clothes, and then dressed in the new costume. Not only was it gorgeous and shimmering from the silver threads, it fit as if Cammi had sewn it onto my body.

  Barefoot, I went to the table and pried the jewelry away from Peri, then fastened on the short half-veil. Just as I finished, Reynard opened the door a crack, saw I was decent, and entered followed by Marcus.

  “You are so beautiful,” he told me, all serious and sexy.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at the compliment, but for once in my life, the way I looked wasn’t a priority. “Is it time?”

  “Yes.” Marcus moved around the room, covering the sunstone lamps. “We’ll go out first, the commander to your right, me to your left. Bim will be floor level, right in front of the stage. Just pretend we aren’t there.”

  He reached the last lamp, the one by the door, and put his hand on the cover as we joined him, Peri radiating excitement as she landed on my shoulder. From the common room the murmur of voices faded as the musicians began to play. “Let’s get this over with.”

  There was a shushing noise as the last cover slid down and plunged the room into darkness, then I felt more than saw Marcus and the commander go through the door. I slipped through behind them, closing it after me, and then paused in the dark to wait for my beat. When it came, I moved forward in time to the music, jewelry jingling in counterpoint.

  On cue, Peri launched into the air, her iridescent feathers catching the light from the lamps in the common room as she spiraled and dove around the audience, giving me time to step into view.

  Dancing was so ingrained in me that I could do it without thinking. So instead, I spent the time scanning the audience. Reynard’s men were easy for me to locate, mainly bec
ause they were the only ones not watching the stage.

  I was also very much aware of Reynard and Marcus, standing in the dark at the ends of the stage. The tension in the air was so thick it would almost have been a relief if a squadron of armed men had burst through the room and attacked. But it was all a bit anticlimactic.

  The dance ended with no untoward movements from anyone, and Peri and I faded back into the dark at the back of the stage to the sound of thunderous applause.

  Marcus and Reynard were waiting and we all went silently back into the changing room. Marcus uncovered the first lamp and then moved to the next.

  “You might as well change,” he said. “I told Treya you were only going to do one dance tonight.”

  Peri fluttered to the table as I moved behind the screen. Abruptly, I halted, staring at the hook that held my clothes.

  “Reynard? Marcus?”

  Something in my voice must have given me away because they both rushed across the room, swords out. “What’s wrong?”

  I pointed at the sheath draped over the hook. “My knife is gone.”


  “Someone stole my knife.” I was more surprised than alarmed as we stepped from behind the screen. Surprised that it hadn’t occurred to me someone might take it. “Looks like we know now what they planned to do tonight.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t just misplace it?” Marcus asked.

  I simply stared at him.

  “Okay, you didn’t lose it.” He sighed. “You’re right. We have to assume this was their plan all along.”

  “You said you thought they were going to kill someone and blame Echo,” Reynard commented. “What better way to frame her for murder than by using her knife to do it?”

  “You told him?” I asked Marcus.

  “Yes, while you were eating. And he’s right. Everyone at the king’s supper last night, including the king himself, can identify that knife as yours. Who on Madrea would dispute the word of the king?”

  “No one,” Reynard said grimly, sliding his sword back into the scabbard. “Politaus is eminently fair. If someone was found murdered by Echo’s knife, he’d have no choice but to arrest her.”