Read Close Contact Page 26

  He nodded and tucked the cloth back into his pouch as we walked. Soon, we’d have to start running again, but I wanted to be a little farther away from Strand before we did. I also needed to talk to Bim about what he’d heard, even if he didn’t talk back.

  “I know what you heard back there upset you,” I told him. “But I’m going to ask you not to do anything yet.”

  When he only looked at me, I continued. “Lowden knows about those men and what they’re up to. I told him earlier today. That’s why he captured Zeller. Well, that and Zeller tried to kill him.”

  He reached over and touched the spot where the arrow had come out under my clavicle, brow arched in question.

  “Yes, I stopped the arrow that was meant for Lowden.”

  After a moment’s thought, he pointed at me, then upward, toward the stars. He was a smart man, even if he didn’t speak.

  “Yes, I’m the Federation agent Strand mentioned. I’m here because he stole a very dangerous object. All of our lives may depend on my getting it back before he tries to use it. Now, let’s move it before everyone on Madrea knows what we’ve been up to.”

  We took off at a full run, Peri flying in front of us. “Are you headed back to the asteroid?” I asked Lillith.

  “Yes. I only stayed long enough to be sure they were loading sunstones onto Strand’s ship, and to get proof if they were.”


  “They are and I did. I just sent the vids to my archives. Nice of them to light the place up so well. Got some good ones of Strand, so he can’t say he didn’t know about it.”

  “Good. You might want to alert Dr. Daniels. He can probably use them in the emergency council session he’s called.”

  “Already done.”

  “You might also want to mention that there were already five chests of sunstones in the ship’s hold this trip. With their price on the Federation market, that’s enough to fund an entire armada. And there’s not much telling how many loads he’s taken out before now.”

  After that, I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. Even Gertz GEPs occasionally need rest, and I was dead on my feet. I hadn’t slept much the night before, either. Not that I was complaining. Being with Reynard was worth a little sleep deprivation.

  We reached Marcus’s house just as the last sliver of moon vanished below the horizon, and nothing had ever looked as good to me as that house did.

  “Go get some sleep,” I told Bim. “That’s what I’m going to do.”

  I’m not sure he believed me, because he waited until I scooted back through the window before he walked away. I didn’t check to see if he was truly gone, just stripped and collapsed onto the bed. I barely had the willpower to pull the blanket up.

  I fell asleep to the sound of Peri’s snores coming from the pillow beside my head.

  “Echo.” The bed vibrated as it was struck by a booted foot.

  I pulled the blanket over my head. “Go away,” I mumbled.

  The vibration came again. “It’s noon. I thought you were simply exhausted from the wound you received yesterday, but I see there was more to it than that.”

  Lowering the blanket an inch, I opened one eye and peered out at Marcus. He was holding up the black trousers I’d left on the floor.

  Well, schite. He’d caught me. “I can explain.”

  “Uh-huh. While you’re at it, you can explain to the commander. He just arrived.”

  Double schite. I started to sit up and then remembered I wasn’t wearing anything. “If you’ll give me some privacy, I’ll get dressed and be right out.”

  He eyed me for a second like he was trying to decide whether to trust me or not, then nodded and left, pulling the door closed behind him. The low sound of voices came from the front of the house as I jumped up and dressed hurriedly.

  When I was done, I did a mental check on Peri. She was outside, visiting the flowers, and showed no inclination to come protect me. I took that as a good sign. Marcus probably wasn’t going to kill me, just yell at me a bit.

  Blowing a persistent lock of hair from my eyes, I gathered my courage, pasted a smile on my face, and opened the bedroom door.

  Both Marcus and Reynard were holding cups and frowning at me, but I ignored them and strolled to the table as if I hadn’t a care in the world. There was a light lunch spread on the table, along with a pot of hot coffee.

  “Gentlemen.” I nodded a greeting as I sat and poured a cup of coffee, inhaling deeply of the wonderful aroma before taking that first marvelous sip.

  “Where did you go last night?” Marcus asked.

  Okay, guess the social part of the day was over. “I went to search Strand’s ship,” I answered.

  “Alone?” Marcus roared, almost dropping his cup. Reynard’s frown merely deepened.

  “No.” I snagged some bread and speared a slice of meat to go with it. “Bim went with me.”

  “Well, at least you’re not a complete idiot,” Marcus said. He put his cup down and rubbed his eyes. I decided I’d better not mention that Bim only went because he’d caught me sneaking out.

  “I was perfectly safe,” I told the men. “Strand never knew I was there. And at least we know now that the Sumantti isn’t on his ship. Plus, Lillith got some vid of Strand and his men loading sunstones onto the ship.”

  “Lillith knew about this little trip?”

  “Yes, it was her idea, actually. She wanted to find out what kind of ship Strand had so she could be prepared, and I wanted to look for the Sumantti.”

  “And what kind does he have?” Reynard asked the question this time.

  I shrugged. “Not one worth worrying about. Lillith can take it easily if it comes to a fight.”

  “Echo, I don’t think you understand how important you are.” Marcus’s tone was so serious that I stopped eating to stare at him.

  “I’m not important. Getting that crystal back before she can destroy this solar system is what’s important.”

  “And how do you think we’re going to do that if anything happens to you?” Reynard asked. “You are our only hope. If you’re incapacitated in any way, we’re doomed.”

  “Well, when you put it like that…” I trailed off, and then sighed. “Fine. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. From now on, I swear I’ll tell you both before I do anything drastic. So, did you warn the king?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

  “Yes, for all the good it did.”

  “He didn’t believe you?”

  “He doesn’t take the threat seriously, says his guards are loyal and would allow no one, especially not a stranger, close enough to harm him. I’ve assigned extra men to stay with him, but I’m not sure it will help.”

  I reached over and covered his hand with mine. “Maybe we should tell him the whole truth, Reynard. I know it’s a risk, but it might save his life.”

  He ran his free hand over his face and shook his head.

  “Well, at least think about it,” I commented. “By the way, did I mention Zeller has been captured?”

  Suddenly both of them were staring at me again and I couldn’t stop the smug grin that crossed my face.

  “What makes you think Zeller was captured?” Marcus asked ominously.

  “Because I saw it. Lowden’s men captured him near the castle last night. The crazy man was screaming his head off. Something about spirits trying to kill him,” I added innocently.

  They were both silent a second before Marcus shook his head. “I’m not going to ask,” he muttered.

  “This ghosting thing I’ve got really comes in handy,” I told him, reaching for my cup of coffee. It was halfway to my lips when suddenly the Imadei twitched, and then gave off a frantic burst of heat. The cup crashed to the table as I grabbed the stone, wrapped my hand around it over the material of my top. Involuntarily, my eyes closed as I tried to figure out what was happening.

  For a moment I was distracted as Peri launched into the room, screaming in fear as she hovered in front of me. Then
I knew, and terror nearly stopped my heart.

  “What’s wrong?!” Marcus and Reynard had both leaped to their feet, and I heard the sound of metal sliding from leather.

  “It’s the Daughter Stone,” I gasped. “She’s trying to break free from the stasis box.”

  “Can you locate the stone?” Marcus asked urgently.

  “No.” Sweat coated my forehead as I focused all my attention on the Imadei. If the Daughter Stone broke free, I had to be prepared.

  “How can I help?” Reynard asked, his voice low and worried.

  I shook my head and took a deep breath. Then, as quickly as it had started, the Imadei settled, the heat gradually fading from the small crystal under my hand. Relief flowed through me as I opened my eyes, leaving me weak and shaky.

  Peri landed watchfully on the table, still peering at me in concern. “It’s over.” I let my breath out in a sigh. “She didn’t get out this time.”

  Violently, Marcus grabbed a cloth and swabbed at the coffee I’d spilt. “We have to find that crystal, damn it!”

  “I’m open to suggestions,” I told him as Reynard sheathed his sword and sat down beside me. “Maybe this is even more reason to come clean with the king. Doesn’t he have a right to know what kind of danger his world is in?” I glanced at Reynard. “You said he was a fair man. I’m sure when he knows there’s a good reason for me to be here in spite of the ban, he’ll understand. After all, it’s not like I’m planning to set up a shop to sell advanced technology. As soon as I complete my mission I’ll be gone.”

  Reynard and I looked at each other, and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I didn’t want to leave him. The idea of never seeing him again, never touching him or talking to him, was almost more than I could stand.

  But we had no choice.

  As hard as it would be to resist, I couldn’t use my psi ability to pop in for a visit. That would only prolong the agony for both of us when we knew nothing more was possible, that we had no future together.

  Reynard dropped his gaze first. “As much as I’d like to tell Politaus the truth, we can’t. It’s not merely that you’ve violated the ban, although he wouldn’t approve, even under these dire circumstances. But how would I tell him that his brother is involved in this scheme, how would I convince him it’s the truth? Even honest men have their blind spots, and he’d rather cut off his own limb than believe Braxus would plot against him. Knowing Politaus the way I do, he’d probably put himself in danger simply to prove his brother’s loyalty.”

  “I’m afraid he’s right,” Marcus agreed in disgust. “Telling the king would do more damage than good now.”

  “Then what are we supposed to do?” I asked the two men. “Just sit here and wait for Strand to act or for the Daughter Stone to succeed in getting away from them?”

  “Unless you want to break into the castle and start searching room to room.” Marcus tossed the cloth onto a counter and hesitated, glancing from me to Reynard. “I’m going to talk to Lowden, see exactly what happened to Zeller and if he got any information out of him. I’ll stop at Cammi’s on the way and tell her you need another top. It will probably take me a couple of hours, at the least. Don’t worry about your act. I’ve already sent word to Treya that you won’t be dancing.”

  “Where’s Bim?” I asked.

  “I sent him to get some sleep. Commander, would you mind staying until I return?”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Neither of them said anything until Marcus went out and closed the door behind him, then Reynard took my hand and tugged me around the table to sit on his lap.

  “He’s getting better about this guardian thing, but I’m surprised he left us alone,” I said, snuggling into his chest.

  “I asked him to give us some time,” Reynard said.

  “And he agreed? You’ll have to tell me what you threatened him with so I can use it.”

  He rested his chin on top of my head, his arm holding me close, and I felt him smile. “I didn’t threaten him, only told him we needed to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “This.” He pulled out a small, deep blue velvet pouch and handed it to me.

  I held it in my palm for a moment. “What is it?”

  “Open it and see.”

  Gingerly, I opened the pouch and upended it into my hand. And then gaped in shock. It was a gold ring, intricately made from what looked, to all appearances, to be two dragon birds, talons and tails entwined to form the band. In the center of their talons was set a sunstone, the size of the nail on my pinkie finger, which glowed softly in the bright light of day.

  “It’s beautiful, Reynard,” I breathed. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “The jeweler told me the creatures are mythological beasts called dragons. They’re supposed to be good luck. Now I know they are much more.”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “I bought it for you at a Bashalde gathering five cycles ago when I was on my way to meet with Jancen and Lowden. The jeweler’s tent was next to theirs. I was almost past it when I stopped and went back. The ring was sitting there as if it were waiting for me, and I knew the instant I saw it that it was yours.”

  “You didn’t know me five cycles ago,” I whispered, afraid if I took my gaze off the ring it would vanish.

  “I knew you,” he murmured, his lips brushing my hair. “I knew someday I’d find you, and you’d be all I had ever dreamed of, and more.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Reynard, you bought this for the woman you planned to spend your life with. We both know that’s not going to be me.” My fist closed around the ring in spite of my good intentions. “You should keep it. Someday you’ll wish you had it back.”

  He pried my hand open, took the ring, and slid it on my left ring finger. “I bought it for the woman who would own my heart, Echo. That’s you. It will be you until the day I die no matter how far apart we are. Promise me you’ll wear it. It will give me comfort knowing that my gift will always bring light to your life.”

  The tears spilled over and ran down my cheeks. “I’ll wear it, I promise. Forever. And every time I look at it, I’ll see you again, and know that my heart, too, is yours alone.”

  I slid off his lap, scrubbed the tears from my face, and then held out my hand for his. “Come on. We have some time before Marcus gets back. My bed isn’t as big as yours, but I plan on showing you exactly what I can accomplish with such a limited amount of space.”

  He stood, a slight smile on his rugged face. “As I told Marcus, it will be my pleasure.” With a quick tug he pulled me into his arms. “And yours as well. I’ll see to it.”


  It was just getting dark when Marcus finally made it back, and we had taken full advantage of every moment, barely getting dressed and back in the front room before he came through the door. And our save was due mostly to Peri. I picked up an image of Marcus from her mind, strolling down the main street of Bastion City, looking very pleased with life in general. It was much the same expression Reynard was wearing as we rapidly dressed.

  Bim had returned sometime that afternoon, and I’d just sent him to fetch food for the three of us when Marcus walked through the front door.

  “What did you find out?” I asked him, uncovering the lamps to brighten the room.

  He moved to the table where Reynard was sitting, trying to look innocent, and pulled out a chair. “Zeller is dead. Apparently it wasn’t an easy death, so I won’t go into the details. He told Lowden everything he knew before the end, but all that did was verify what we already know. He had no idea where the girls or the crystal are hidden.”

  “What about Strand’s plans for me?”

  He shook his head. “Strand didn’t trust him enough to go into details. He only knew it involved stealing your knife. Nice ring,” he added, eyeing my hand.

  “Thanks.” I held it out so he could admire it better. “Reynard gave it to me.”

  “Good. Since you?
??re promised now, I don’t have to worry about my responsibilities as your guardian.”

  I looked at him blankly. “Promised?” My gaze went to Reynard. He was practically whistling at the ceiling in an effort to appear nonchalant.

  “Yes. Didn’t the commander explain?”

  “No, he certainly did not.” I scowled at Reynard.

  Marcus grinned gleefully at the commander. “Well, on Madrea, there’s no such thing as divorce or short-term marriages. When a man gives a woman a promise ring and she accepts it, you’re as good as married. The only thing left to do is the formal ceremony, which is mostly a celebration of the union, not a legal joining like it is in the Federation.”

  “Neglected to mention that little detail to me, didn’t you?” I said.

  He shrugged, a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. “You aren’t Madrean.”

  “No, but you are,” I reminded him.

  “Yes, I am.” His smile widened. “And you are mine now, no matter where you go.”

  My fingers drummed the table. “Yeah? You can be sure we will talk about this later. People can’t just go around claiming other people without telling them about it in advance, pal.”

  There was a scratching sound outside before the door opened and Bim came in carrying a tray loaded with food. We all unloaded it, and then filled our plates.

  “Eat up,” I told the commander. “You’re going to need your strength tonight.”

  “Oh?” He wiggled a brow, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Not for that. We’re going to search under the castle.”

  Both he and Marcus promptly choked.


  “Well, it was your idea,” I told Marcus. “And I know the girls are there somewhere. I got that much from the hall outside their room. It stands to reason that if they’re being kept under the castle, so is the Sumantti, and I have to look for them. If you’d prefer not to get involved,” I told the commander, “I can do it alone.”

  “You aren’t going alone,” he practically growled. “Do you have any idea how extensive the network of rooms under the castle is? Even I don’t know my way around half of it, and I grew up exploring those passages.”