Read Closer- Part One Page 4


  Tammy was very impressed with the pinic Dante had put together, she laid on her stomach feeling very contented and happy eating her yogurt. Dante of course hadn't eaten anything. She hadn't seen him eat anything since she had arrived at his house. He was laid by her side on his back, hands behind his head and those dark sunglasses hiding his eyes.

  Then something he had said the other day jumped into her mind. “I've already eaten”. That was his reply when she asked him about breakfast yesterday. What did he mean he had already eaten? Blood?

  She turned on her side and placed her spoon back into the pot. “What do you eat?”

  “Tammy,” Dante sighed, a little laugh caught in his throat. “Can't we just enjoy the afternoon and avoid the whole vampire thing.”

  “I am curious” she said, moving a little closer towards him. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair badly. Since hugging him, she hadn't thought about anything else. “In the curse it said man of the night... So???”

  “Fine,” he removed his sunglasses and turned on his side, now facing Tammy. “At the moment I don't have to eat blood, so stop worrying, I am not going to drain you while you sleep.” Tammy's jaw dropped and Dante rolled his eyes. “I'm joking!”

  Tammy closed her eyes and gave a breath of relief. “Oh!” Tammy waited a second, before she asked another question. “Why not at the moment?”

  “It hasn't kicked in yet” Dante smiled, “Your going to ask what will happen when it does, aren't you?” Tammy nodded enthusiastically. He reached out for her hand and stroked along her knuckles. “Do you remember in the story I told you about the father finding a wife for his son.”

  Tammy's eyes were locked on Dante's hand in hers. “Yes, she was going to be just like his mother.”

  “She was his donor, he fed off her.” Dante locked eyes with Tammy and she hadn't flinched at all. “You would be the same to me once it kicked in..” Still, Tammy gave no reaction. “Aren't you scared?”

  “No,” Tammy smiled, Dante's touch felt magical. “Because in your story, you made it sound like he couldn't live without his wife.”

  Dante tilted his head to the side and nodded. “I guess your right.” He removed his hand, laid back down and placed his sunglasses back on. Tammy was still utterly in awe, she almost felt her hand tingle. No, she wasn't scared one little bit of being a donor. Well, not now as it hadn't happened! She laid back down and looked up at the blue sky.

  Honestly, could she allow him to take her blood. She wondered if he would hurt her? Would she become sick or worse die?

  No, she had to push it to the back of her mind and concentrate on now. She was enjoying spending time with Dante, she doubted nothing would get in the way of her being with him.

  After all, the man hadn't killed his wife. Because of the wife, this whole tradition had been created. When Tammy thought about it, she was really the one in charge of all of this. She didn't like control---not anymore. She just wanted Dante and she would do what ever it took.

  Blood or no blood.


  The pinic had been blissful until the rain had kicked. Tammy was still chuckling to herself as she watched Dante rush around placing everything back into the pinic basket. They had raced in to the dryness of the car. Dante closed the door and gave a sigh of relief. Tammy watched as he wiped away the droplets of water falling from his hair to his forehead.

  “You can always count on the rain to spoil things” he smiled. He looked at Tammy and quickly diverted his eyes. The white cotton dress she was wearing had now turned see through, everything itch of her perfect petite body was on display. He reached over and grabbed a jacket out of the back. “Here, put this one.”

  Tammy took the jacket off him and looked at it. “Why?”

  He couldn't look at her. “Just put it on” he commanded. “I don't want you to get ill” he lied.

  Tammy didn't question him and shrugged it on, she could smell his scent coming off the black fabric as she hugged tightly around herself. She was actually cold and the jacket felt very comforting against her wet skin.

  Dante let out a deep breath, much better. Now she was covered up, he would be able to concentrate on driving. He put the key in the ignition and revved the engine. “Music?” he asked, Tammy gave a little smile and switched on the radio. They drove home in complete silence with just the music playing softly in the background.

  As Dante pulled in to the grounds of the house, Tammy noticed a familiar black car parked outside. It was the same car that had brought her here. She watched as Dante pulled up outside the house and turned to her looking very confused. His dark eyes going from her to the car, his thick dark eyebrows almost meeting in the middle as he frowned.

  “Seems they are back already,” he mumbled. “Mmm, guess it's time you meet my mother.”

  Tammy felt nervous, what if his mother didn't like her or thought she was a bad choice. She looked down at her hands. “What is your mother like?”

  “Very floaty” Dante laughed, he reached out and grabbed one of her hands. “Don't worry, she will like you. After all--” A little smile hit his lips which made Tammy gasp, she loved that smile. His whole face would light up and his dark eyes twinkled. “What isn't there to like?”

  “You would say that” she blushed her hand still clutching on to Dante's. She liked the way he held her hand, she could never think of any other man holding it the way he did. She hoped she wasn't going to be a big let down.

  After such a short time she had fallen for Dante and was getting that strange feeling he with her too. She let out a deep breath and rolled her eyes, she couldn't put this off anymore. It was time to be approved by his mother. She let go of Dante's hand and got out of the car.

  Dante followed her led and was quickly at her side. He wrapped a strong arm around Tammy's shoulder, Tammy thought she was going drop to her knees, he was getting very brave with his physical contact. They quickly looked at each other as they entered the house making their way to the living room. Dante stopped outside the door and Tammy turned to him.

  “Relax,” he said softly, while brushing a strand of hair away from Tammy's forehead. His own eyes falling on her pink plump lips. Both his hand cupped Tammy's face and he wondered... He slowly leaned froward and placed his lips on hers briefly. So soft, he moved away taking a deep breath. “First stolen kiss” he moaned.

  Tammy was frozen on the spot, her legs were defiantly weak now. Why has he done that now? She thought to herself. She brought a finger up to her lips, they were tingling and slightly burning from his touch. She nodded in response, he was giving a cheeky grin as he knew exactly what he had done to her. Does he feel it too?

  “Okay,” Dante restored himself and reached out for the door handle. “Ready?”

  Ready!!! Tammy wasn't even prepared after what he had just done. Her mind in a whirlwind, wishing he would kiss her again. No, she wasn't ready. She wasn't going to be able to concentrate on anything now. He opened the door and they both stepped into the room. She scanned the room.

  A woman with long black hair and features just like Dante was smiling at her. A warm friendly smile, all the uneasiness that Tammy was feeling drifted away. The woman stood up and walked over to where Tammy was standing.

  “Hello,” she greeted, taking Tammy by surprise she hugged her. “I have been waiting to meet you. You can call me Claudia.”

  “I'm sorry, Dante” Sir Renaldo said, sitting in the corner of the room. “Your mother insisted she came back to make sure everything was okay. You never called and you know she worries.” Dante nodded and Sir Renaldo stood up. “Well, shell we leave the ladies to get to know each other.”

  Tammy grabbed hold of Dante's arm. “Can't you stay with me?” She asked. Dante shook his head. “More family tradition?”

  “Yes” he smiled, leaning over and kissing the top of her head. His attention turned back to his mother who was giving the biggest smile ever. “Don't scare her too much” with that he left
the room with his father.

  “Has Dante told you much about our role?” Tammy looked up at Claudia, she was a very beautiful woman which made Tammy feel very uncomfortable about her own looks. Claudia oozed confidence, there was no way she would match up to her. “Come and sit down” she pointed over to the chairs in the corner of the room.

  Tammy followed her and sat down. “He has told me a few things” her voice very small and her fingers knotted together in her lap.

  “You know what he is?”

  “Yes and I know I will be his donor once it kicks in.” Suddenly her mind was full of questions. But would Claudia refuse to answer them just like Dante always did. There was no harm in trying after all for all Tammy knew she could be Claudia in years to come.

  “Are you Sir Renaldo's donor?”

  “Yes” Claudia was still giving her friendly smile.

  “And you let him bite you?”

  Claudia sat up and shook her head. “Vampires don't bite.” Tammy opened her mouth to say something, but Claudia carried on talking. “That's just a myth, there is no biting as it is too painful. A lancet is used.” She held up her middle finger and Tammy noticed a tiny red dot on the pad of her finger tip. “The blood is sucked.”

  “Oh,” Tammy felt very stupid. When she thought about it that was a more logical answer. “This is completely different from vampires I have read about and watched in films.”

  “Believe me” she laughed. “When I find out I thought exactly the same as you. Nothing about this is scary or life threatening. Mystical--yes, after all it is a curse.”

  “Dante told me about a curse..” Tammy shook her head. “The only thing I don't understand is why it is important to give birth to a daughter?”

  “Because once a girl is born the curse is over and the blood line won't carry on. Then any other boy that is born will not carry curse and our family will not have to live with this.” Claudia smiled finally vanished. “It was almost broken once...”

  “By you?”

  “No,” Claudia sighed. “Dante's uncle. Him and his wife gave birth to a baby girl” her eyes shut tight and her voice shook. “But it was stillborn. Dante's uncle blamed himself and committed suicide. His wife went on to have normal life.”

  “If a girl was born then surely the curse should have been broken.”

  Claudia opened her eyes slowly. “Anyway,” she avoided answering Tammy's question. “Anything else you want to know?”

  “No, thank you” Tammy said politely, she rose from the chair. “If you would excuse me” Claudia nodded and Tammy left the room filled with fear. What if she one day gave birth to a girl and it was stillborn?? This was becoming real, she'd had thought this was a fairy tale but it was the exact opposite.

  Dante followed his father into the game room and stood in the doorway as his father poured himself a Whiskey. “I take it everything is going well with your choice?”

  Dante narrowed his eyes. “She has a name” he snapped, a tiny smile hit his lips as he remembered his stolen kiss a few minutes ago. “Everything is good.”

  “Is that it? Your not going to tell me anything about your last few days.”

  God, his father could be nosy, always wanting to know the in's and outs of his life. Dante never asked him questions, so why did he have this need to know?

  Although, he was probably concerned, wondering if his son had made the right choice. Dante knew deep in his damned heart Tammy had been the perfect choice.

  “Nope” Dante smiled, “All you need to know is Tammy knows enough, nothing has scared her off and I have no regrets.”

  “Good” his father nodded. “Shell we commence with the paperwork.”

  Dante let out a sigh, of course paperwork, he had forgotten to mention that to Tammy. He was sure this formatively wouldn't cause any problems-- Tammy was willing, he was certain of that. He leaned on the door frame. Every time he thought about her his stomach would flip and he just wanted to be next to her. He hadn't even contemplated feeling this way. He had worked out in his mind we would just marry, get her pregnant-- the idea of actually loving her had been a surprise all in its self. She had been a gift, a wonderful gift he didn't deserve.

  He was going to make sure to treat her with complete care and be everything she needed and give her everything she wanted. He couldn't afford her to leave. The last three days had been the best since this horrid thing took over him. He was in this for life and he only wanted her.

  Chapter Five

  Tammy laid on the bed her mind racing with what Claudia had told her this afternoon. The more she thought about it the more she knew she couldn't go through with this. Curse's, blood, married to a vampire. It was if suddenly the situation had finally hit her-- she was living in another universe.

  Then her heart sunk, what about Dante? She had a choice whether she wanted to be involved in this but poor Dante was in this no matter what. She reached up and touched her lips again, that kiss... She had felt something when he had kissed her. She had fallen madly in love with him and wanted to help him.

  She knew it was crazy to love someone in such a short space of time, but she did. She wanted to be with him but he came with everything that scared her. Could she try and get past it all? Just go along with everything to keep Dante?

  Why not?

  There was a knock on the door and he strolled in, now dressed in just pj bottoms that rested perfectly on his hips. His black hair all roughed up and carrying a bottle and two glasses. Tammy slowly sat up and watched him sit down next to her.

  “I thought we could have some wine and talk” he smiled down at her-- he really was a spectacular looking man. Out of everything, Dante Renaldo was the ultimate prize in all of this.

  He handed Tammy a glass and with shaky hands she took it off him. He opened the wine and poured some in the glass.

  “I have never had wine before” she blushed. He raised a perfect eyebrow and gave that smile, the one that took her breath away. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he said husky, he poured himself a glass and rested the opened bottle on the nightstand. “I just like how everything is new to you. It's as if I'm introducing you to the world.” He sat back and with his free hand tapped for Tammy to sit next to him.

  “You are introducing me to the world” she said, moving closer to him. “Your world...” She stopped and shook her head. Maybe she should air her concerns, he maybe a vampire but he wasn't a mind reader. “I'm just wondering whether I will be a disappointment for you.”

  “In what way?”

  “What if I am not strong enough to deal with being your donor, or losing children or watching our sons go through this?” She took a sip of her first glass of wine; it was cold, fruity and tasted wonderful and crisp.

  “That's fine,” he sighed. “We don't have to rush into anything.”

  “What happens when it kicks in?”

  He placed his glass down and took Tammy's away placing both next to the bottle of wine. In one quick movement Tammy found herself pinned to the bed and Dante looking down at her. “Can't we just forget I am a vampire for now” he sighed, his face close to hers. Tammy prayed he would kiss her before she combusted from feeling his weight on top of her.

  “I'm sorry,” she sighed, glued to his face. “Just the talk with your mother about the lancet freaked me out. Also, what she said about your uncle...”

  Dante quickly sat up and ran his hands through his hair. “God!” He growled. Tammy remained laying down on the bed, she had angered him again! “Why can't you get to know me? Separate the man from the monster?”

  Tammy felt a twig of sadness for him. Did he really think he was a monster? Tammy didn't think so, he had been nothing but kind and sweet to her. She hoped he didn't actually think that about himself. She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. His own arms wrapping around her waist, he pulled her in tighter, his hands locking together.

  “I'm sorry” she cried.

  “You keep saying that” his
head resting on her shoulder, his fingers began to play in her hair. “My dear Tammy, I don't want our whole realtionship based on this stupid curse.” He pulled away slightly and took hold of her hand and rested it on his chest. “I am human” Tammy could feel his heart beating just as quickly as hers was. “I am not sure if I will ever get the thirst for blood. Vampires can gain energy from other sources.”

  She was intridged by his statement. “What other sources?”

  He tilted his head and chuckled to himself. He should of known by now that when he said something a question would quickly follow. She had her own thirst... for information. He took both her hands in his, he was actually enjoying being able to have this physical contact with her. It meant their realtionship was evolving to a higher more complex level.

  “Okay, I will tell you,” he began. “But then we forget all about it and concentrate on us!”

  Tammy felt a shiver run down her spine, she liked the way he had said us. It meant he must be feeling the same way she was. Us, sounded dreamy coming from his lips. How she wished his lips were on hers.