Read Closer-Part Two Page 5

  Dante placed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door frame. He was trying to play it cool, but really he wanted to jump on top of the house and tell the world. “A little” he shrugged.

  “Can you believe it, Howard” his mother now turned to his father, who hadn't bothered to notice Dante standing in the doorway. He was still pissed at him for the London episode, but it didn't bother Dante, he had better things on his mind. “Our little boy is finally a man.”

  “A stubborn man” Sir Renaldo added. “Do you understand how serious that situation was...”

  Dante held up his hands and gave a slight grin. “I know” he protested. “I know and I am very sorry. It will never happen again, I promise.”

  Sir Renaldo narrowed his eyes. “Well... You better be.” He stood up and made his way over to Dante. He pulled a box of his pocket and handed it over. “I think you should have this.”

  Dante curiously opened the lid of the box and looked at the ring his father had just given him. He pulled it out and started to study, a gold band with the biggest sapphire stone surrounded in diamonds. “Who's is it?” Dante asked, the ring was amazing.

  Sir Renaldo placed a hand on his son's shoulder. “It was Edwina's.”

  Dante immediately put the ring back into the box and handed it back. “I can't give Tammy her grandmothers engagement ring. That is weird!”

  “Why?” Dante watched as his fathers face fell, he hadn't meant to hurt his feelings. It just didn't feel right. “My mother gave it to Angus and when he

  died Edwina gave it back to my mother. She thought she was doing the right thing. Now, you should give it to Tammy, as really it belongs to her family.”

  Dante hated his fathers way of reasoning, as much as he wanted to fight his case he knew he would never win. He had already defied his father with the contract and the whole London thing. He rolled his eyes and took the ring again, placing it in his pocket.

  “I guess” he tutted, his father had the face of victory. “Mum,” Dante said. “Will everything be ready by 8?”

  He watched his mother gracefully move across the room towards him. “Everything is set in place... You do what you have to do and you do not leave until she says yes. Otherwise, the second part isn't going to work!”

  Dante already knew that, he took in a deep breath this was the most exciting but yet the most nerve wrecking experience of his whole entire life.

  He had never felt this scared since he had awoken a few months ago. He knew deep in his heart he had been waiting for her his whole life and in a few hours she would be his.... forever.


  Tammy stood nervously outside the cottage while Dante fumbled around trying to open the door. There was something distracting him, she swore she saw his hands shake, and a little sweat was building up on his forehead. He still looked very handsome dressed in the dinner suit he wore in London.

  Tammy looked down at her own dress, it didn't feel the same as in London. Well, she hadn't had the help this time from the make-up artist and hairdresser, she had tried to do a good job.

  Dante finally managed to open the door and led Tammy in. He was life threatening nervous now. He watched Tammy as she looked round the candle lit room, in front of the fireplace laid a blanket with rose petals scattered around it. His hand still in hers, he escorted her over and sat down, making Tammy sit down opposite him.

  She looked beautiful, her eyes wide with wonder, a little smile on her lips – as if she knew what was coming next. Her long brown hair resting on her perfect pale skin, he took both her hands in his. He could just stare at her all day, but right now he didn't have the time. He was expected to be back in the house in half an hour, well, if this went to plan.

  Her cleared his throat. “I have thought about what I should say a million times today. I even had it word for word, but now..” He released one of Tammy's hands and touched her cheek with his fingertip. Her skin was always soft. “Looking at you and how beautiful you are.. it's gone.”

  “Dante,” the way she said his name sent tingles down his spine and made his blood race. “I think I know what your going to ask me” her cheeks blushed slightly. “I feel really bad for not answering your question in London.”

  “I know” he smiled. “Please let me finish..”


  He placed a finger against Tammy's lips and instantly she was silent. Her big eyes just staring straight at him. He slowly removed his finger, certain that this time he would get out exactly what he wanted to say, he had too. He needed Tammy to understand what she meant to him, that everything had brought her to him. This had been fate. Something he thought he didn't want was now his purpose in life.

  “I never wanted any of this” he began, his eyes now firmly looking at the floor. “When my father explained what was happening to me and what I had to do” he let out a breath, he couldn't believe he was about to confess. “I made a vow to myself that who ever I picked I wouldn't love, I would just use them for my own means.”

  Tammy's eyes widened, but she carried on listening. She knew exactly what he meant. At first Tammy had told herself that she just liked him physically, that quickly changed after their first stolen kiss.

  “If someone had warned me about you,” he laughed. “At the time I think I would of gone running in the other direction. I don't know what you did, you eventually won me around with your questions and your day dreaming and your old classic romantic ways.” A small smile hit his lips and his eyes shone brighter. “I have never felt this strongly drawn to someone..Ever. I can't imagine never being without you. Your everything I want and need. Nothing scares you and you never give up on me.”

  Tammy sat perfectly still. She wanted to savour his words forever. She wanted to take a mental picture of his beautiful face all lit up by the candle light, the tone of his voice soft and velvety. His eyes sparkling but yet were still dark and in luring.

  Tammy felt a deep dark pain in the pit of her stomach, she took in a sharp in take of air as the pain travelled south. Something was happening to her, she was having her own awakening to sexual desire.

  She stopped her thoughts in their tracks, she had to focus on Dante, which was hard with having all her new feelings.

  “I guess,” he hesitated, in London it had seemed too simple, now he was unable to get the words out. He changed from sitting to down on one knee, this was what she had wanted all along. He pulled the box out of his jacket pocket and held it out for her. After opening the lid. “Will you marry me, Tammy?”

  Tammy's eyes widened at the beautiful ring, She had never seen anything like it in her life. It was amazing. “Oh Dante” she smiled, this was perfect, everything about this moment in her life was undoubtedly the best ever!

  “Yes” she yelled, leaping over and hugging him. Her lips found his and she kissed him as if her life depended on it. She never wanted to let him go.

  Dante pulled away, he couldn't stop smiling. He traced a fingertip along her warm red cheek. “I guess it's official” he sighed, “Your mine forever, Tammy Miller. I will be everything for you and you will have everything you have ever wanted.”


  Tammy didn't want to go to the house, she wanted to stay in her perfect little bubble with Dante. She wanted to stay huddled up in his arms and stare at her ring forever. Now, he was dragging back to the house, once again not telling her what was going on.

  “Why won't you tell me?” She demanded.

  Dante gave a little chuckle, she could still behave like a little child. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as the made their way to the banquet hall. This had been his mother's idea not his. He stopped outside the door and Tammy looked at him puzzled.

  He gripped hold of her hands and in turn placed a kiss on each. “I know how much you were missing everyone..So, my mother came up with this. If you don't like it then we will leave.” Tammy nodded. “Okay, close your eyes.”

  Tammy shut her eyes tight and heard t
he door open, Dante guilded her inside the room, she couldn't hear anything. Then suddenly there was one almighty cheer and Tammy's eyes sprung open. She began to look round the room, everyone was smiling and clapping. Her mother, her father, Mrs Waters, a few people she knew from the village. Then her eyes finally fell on her Granmother; she too clapping.

  Tammy turned to face Dante and wrapped her arms around her neck. “Thank you” she rushed. “Thank you.... God, I love you... Thank you.”

  His hands wrapped round Tammy's waist and he pulled her in tighter. “I love you too” he whispered softly into ear. “I think someone wants to talk you.” They pulled away from each other and both turned to face Tammy's grandmother. Tammy nodded and ran over falling into her Grandmother's arms.

  Everyone else got into the party spirit while Tammy sat in a corner with her Grandmother. She couldn't believe how well she was looking, Tammy even thought she saw a sparkle in her eyes. She didn't look confused or in an daze as she had done last time she had seen her.

  “I know, Gran” Tammy quietly said. “I know everything...”

  “Sshh, child” her Grandmother smiled, she reached out for Tammy's hand and looked at the ring. “The same ring Angus gave me” her fingertip gently brushed against the sapphire. “I gave it back after he had died.. I'm glad you are now wearing it.”

  “You are?” Tammy looked stunned, while her grandmother was in a good frame of mind, maybe now would be a good chance to ask questions. “Aren't you worried about everything?”

  “No” she smiled. “I dreamed about this for years.. I feel it in my heart, your the one, Tammy. Your the one who is going to end their misery, your going to finish what I couldn't.”

  “You can't say that, Gran.”

  “The night Angus left to find...” Suddenly she stopped, she bite down on her lip and instantly Tammy knew she wasn't going to finish what she was going to say, which intrigued her.

  “To find whom?” Tammy asked slowly.

  Her Grandmother's eye glared at her. “You'll find out, child. You'll find out. For now, don't worry about anything.” She held Tammy's hand tight. “Just be the greatest Black Swan that man could dream of having.”

  It wasn't long after that Tammy's grandmother had asked to go home. Maybe everything had got too much for her. Tammy started walking around the room, every one would stop to congratulate her, but her head was in a whirlwind. Who had Angus gone to find? What was she going to find out? Just when Tammy thought she knew everything, something else would come up and blow her world apart. Tammy could no longer walk around, she found a chair and sat down.

  “Hey” said a little voice, Tammy looked up and there was Jenna. “May I?” she asked pointing to the chair next to Tammy. “I am sorry for the way I acted today in the bookstore.”

  Tammy turned to her friend and gave a little smile. “I'm sorry for implying what I did.” Tammy took Jenna's hand in hers. “Your my best friend and I need you more than anything.”

  “Good..” Jenna smiled. “I was hoping I would be your maid of honour.”

  “No doubt about it” Tammy smiled back.

  “Could I steal my bride-to-be for a dance?” Tammy looked up at her dark and dangerous husband to be. She jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. “I'll take that as a yes.” He picked her up and their lips locked into a sweet kiss, that took Tammy's breath away.

  This was the happiest day of her life. She would take her grandmothers advice and not worry about anything till it was time.

  Right now, she was going to the best Black Swan for the man she loved, he deserved nothing but the best.

  Maybe her Grandmother's dream would come true.. Maybe Tammy could end this curse and finish what her grandmother couldn't.. Only time would tell............


  She stepped out of the house leaving the party far behind her. It was beginning, a little thrill ran through her body. She started to make her way towards her car and her phone started to vibrate in her pocket.

  She stopped, took out her phone and placed it to her ear. “Yes” she said, her eyes moved back towards the house. The party was still full swing, everyone congratulating that foolish girl and the dirty blood sucker.

  “Well?” said an icy cold voice on the other end. “Are we there yet?”

  “They are engaged” she replied, a hint of disgust in her voice. “And I sensed his thirst has began. It won't be long.. I have a feeling they will be married in a matter of months.”

  “Good” chuckled the voice. “You know what you have to do. You need to stick by her, watch and wait. Then when the time comes” a loud chuckle came from the icy voice. “You know what to do!”

  “Yes, sister” she said.

  “I knew you were a good choice out of us all.” The voice became very serious and authorizing. “We can't let them end this curse... You must do everything in your power. After all, they deserve this for all the deaths of our fellow sisters.”

  “I know....” she sighed. “What if they come after me?”

  The voice laughed a blood curdling sound. “You kill.... Just like I did to the last one who tried to take my life!”


  CLOSER- PART THREE...... Coming soon

  She stared at herself in the mirror, she didn't look any different, except her face was slightly flushed.. her lips still tingled and her body felt relaxed. She was a woman now... A married woman.

  Once the pain had exploded, pleasure had taken over. She closed her eyes and remembered every tiny detail. His soft touch and how her own body had shivered between him. Nothing would ever compare to this and waiting had made the whole thing mind blowing.

  Life was wonderful and she doubted that it couldn't get any better. She held her finger up, just like Claudia she had that pin prick scar. She was now his life force and he was the one that took her to new heights.

  She laughed to herself as she thought about the day she was forced to go live with them, she thought about their first stolen kiss, the day she learnt their secret and the day he dropped on one knee and proposed. Everything had led to this moment and whatever happened now her perfect, dark and dangerous husband would be with her.. Forever.


  More books by Kam Carr:

  Bring me to life (Golden Collection #1)

  Sweet Immortal (Golden Collection#2)

  Wide Awake

  The Mercy of Devotion

  Closer-Part One

  Closer-Part Two

  Official home-

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