Read Closer- Part three Page 2

  “Right, now you two have sorted that out” Jenna clapped her hands in delight. “Shopping time!”

  Tammy looked at the puffed up white meringue. Once again NOTHING!! Jenna and Rose seemed to be more interested than she was. Everything they walked passed they ahhed and ohhed, which was different to Tammy's screwed up face. Once again she had been defeated. What Dante had said this morning seemed more appealing than ever. Damn him! She thought to herself. What was wrong with her? Rose had even picked a bridesmaid’s dress... First shop!

  “What's up?” Rose asked.

  Tammy looked at Rose and then back at her reflection in the mirror. The white made her skin even paler and she looked almost lost in the big dress. Then it suddenly clicked...... it wasn't the actual dresses it was the colour that put her off. Then she remembered how good Dante thought she looked in the blue dress months ago in London. What would people say? What would Dante say? White was the the colour of innocence and purity – Everything she still was, in spite of many attempts! Her eyes quickly darted around the shop then fell on exactly what she wanted.

  Tammy turned to her friend with a massive smile on her face. After all it was her wedding day. Surely a bride could wear anything she desired and wasn't it also tradition that the groom didn't see the dress?

  When Tammy got home that night she felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Some how she had even managed to hide her purchase from Jenna. Who of course without any doubt would have been the first to say something. Tammy didn't care, she had stashed it away at her mothers house. As she knew when at work someone would go snooping.

  She strolled into her bedroom and wasn't surprised to see Dante sprawled over her bed still reading the book. Why he even had his own room still was beyond her... Although, it was mainly down to his mother that they hadn't moved into the cottage they had renovated for him before Tammy arrived.

  He slammed the book and tossed it to one side. “Finished” giving a big smile full of self pride.

  “You really didn't have to read it, you know?”

  “Well I did,” he sat up and held his hands out for Tammy. “It was actually really good. Except that Alec D'urberville was a prick!” Tammy fell into his lap. “I thought killing him was a bit dramatic, she should of got the glove out again whacked it around his face a few more times.”

  Tammy buried her head in his chest and giggled. “The whole book is dramatic” Tammy said taking a massive lung full Dante's scent. “Have you been locked up in here all day?”

  “Pretty much” his lips found Tammy's cheek. “Any luck with the dress?”

  “Yes” Tammy said, sounding pleased with herself.

  “Finally!” Dante sighed. “No more listening to you whine about a dress. Are you going to tell me anything about it?”


  Tammy placed her lips on his neck and slowly trailed kisses up and down. Her hands slowly sliding up his t-shirt and trailing up and down his perfect stomach.

  Dante inhaled deeply, he loved the way her touch sent him to another place. However, he had committed himself to waiting. Without hurting her feelings he quickly turned on his side, they had to get out... He wasn't good with dealing with Tammy in confide spaces.

  “You want to go out?” He asked, his eyes pleading with her. “We could go and watch a movie?” How much trouble would he get into with a room full of people?

  Tammy narrowed her eyes, she was actually enjoying this. She was pretty sure if she carried on the colour of her dress wouldn't of be an issue on the wedding day. Then she knew how much he wanted to wait and he never went back on his word. She reluctantly sat up and smoothed out her hair.

  “Okay” she shrugged. Only three more weeks!

  Chapter two

  She checked the house and then looked back to the piece of paper she had received a few days ago. This was the place. Today she would finally be meeting the woman she spoke to so frequently on the phone. Finally, it was happening. Her powers were finally going to be evoked and she was going to become like her fellow sisters.

  She checked her make-up in the rear view mirror, she wanted to look perfect when she met the grand one. Her mother had always spoke fondly of her. She had taught her mother everything she knew and her mother had now passed it on to her. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

  She got out of the car and made her way up to the pure white house, she would feel and smell the energy oozing out to her. She felt as if she coming home, somewhere she belonged and would no longer be judge. She had waited five years for this, her mother had always told she would be chosen. A force was now pulling her towards the house, she took in a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

  The door slowly opened to reveal the woman her mother had spoken about. Her eyes immediately looked at the woman's nature beauty. Her long red hair brought out her pure blue eyes, a perfect oval face with full red lips.

  “You came” she sounded just like she did on the phone. “Come in” the woman opened the door and stood still as she entered. Her eyes began to explore as she was escorted to another room. This is home, she thought. The house was very grand and smelled like pure roses, pictures hung on the wall and every single one intrigued her. She was slowly led to a room at the back of the house where a few other women just as beautiful as the woman.

  All their eyes were on her, each one wearing the same smile as if they were please she was here as well.

  “Now ladies we all know why we have gathered here today” the woman turned to face her and pointed to a free seat on the other side of the room.

  As she walked over to get her seat, she could feel the others watching her every move. In fact, she now didn't feel as confident as when she had first arrived. Maybe they didn't approve of her, maybe she wasn't going to fit in as well as she believed she would. A wave of disappointment washed over, her mother was going to be heart broken if she didn't fulfil her dream.

  The woman waited for her to sit before she carried on. “Our new sister has finally joined us today. We have all been waiting for this to come.. Today her witch-hood will be born and she will be our minder. She will watch the others” her voice full of power. “As you all know the others are the one's who killed our sisters. Tortured them all because they didn't understand us or our powers.”

  She sat and listened intensely, she didn't want to miss a single word that was being spoken. The excitement ran through her body. She felt like she was being reunited with her real family. Her eyes wondered round the room, all the women where listening just like she had been.

  “If it wasn't for my bravery and my heroic step to preserve us and our world, we would have been destroyed. That is why we take such care making sure their punishment never ends.” The woman's eyes turned to her. “That is why you are most important to us. You're the one who is going to mixing with the others.” She felt everyone’s eyes turn to her, the woman smiled. “I will teach you everything you need to know and I will not allow any of them to get in your way. After all, you are taking over from me.....”


  It was finally the day before the wedding. Tammy was making sure to keep the day as normal as she possible could. Although, the difference was this was the first night she was actually going to stay at her parents home. Rose and Jenna had some how persuaded her to have a slumber party. They wanted to be with her in the morning when she got ready for her wedding.

  She looked up at the clock on the book store wall, time seemed to be dragging and not seeing Dante for a whole day was beginning to get to her. She kept wondering if this was all to good to be true. The thought that this time tomorrow Dante would be her husband. Tammy Miller being married, she gave a little laugh. How everything had changed in such a short period of time shocked her.

  Her mind wondered back to Dante, she wished she could see him. Just to make sure he still wanted this.. Why was she doubting him all of a sudden? Wedding nerves? No, nothing ever worried Dante. Well if i
t did he never showed it. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath....She loved him so much there was no way to describe it. Everything about him was perfect. She still felt like she was living in her own little fairy tale and he was still her dark and dangerous prince.

  The shop bell rang and her thoughts were stopped in their tracks. Her eyes looked over to the brown head woman who was beginning to look round the store. The woman looked at her and gave a little smile. It was Diana Lewis.

  “Hi Tammy” she said, her eyes still looking over the books. “How are you?”

  “Good, thank you” Tammy smiled back. She didn't know Diana that well even though they were same age and went to the same school. She watched Diana pick up a book and bring it to the counter. “How are you?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Same old” she placed the book down on the counter. “The big news in the village is it's your wedding tomorrow.”

  “Really?” Tammy said shocked. “What have people been saying?” Once again the dread of bringing the Renaldo’s attention played on her mind.

  “Nothing much” Diana dropped her head. “Just your marrying into a rich family.”

  Tammy now realized what she was getting at. The tears welled up in her eyes. They thought she was a money grabber. It was public knowledge she was poor just like many other families in Ashville. She felt the bile creep up her throat, she wasn't marrying Dante for money..

  “Money means nothing to me, Diana” Tammy snapped, her voice ice cold. Something else she had picked up from Dante. She even had a funny feeling she was giving the same tight mouth and glared eyed look.

  “I saw him talking to you at that weird party.” Diana added, ignoring Tammy completely. She leaned against the counter. “I have never seen anything that intense in my life. Had you two met before?”

  “No” Tammy shook her head. “Well... Once! Here!” She stared at Diana, exactly was this all about? They had barely said two words between each other and now Diana was pretending to be Tammy's best friend. Tammy quickly picked the book up. “You taking this?”

  Diana looked at the book and thought for a second. “Nope! Changed my mind” she smiled standing up straight. “Have a good day tomorrow and give Dante my love.” She turned on her heel and walked off.

  Tammy was stunned, trying to make sense of what was going on. How had Diana knew his name? What did she mean give him her love? Tammy could no longer stand and slumped down on her chair. Did Diana know something she didn't? Her head was now spinning and the joy she had felt before had instantly vanished. Was Diana just showing jealousy, still wounded that she hadn't been chosen? But she wouldn't of known that would she. Tammy was now shaking, maybe she hadn't been Dante's first choice after all. Then again, he wouldn't lie to her. His words swirled in her head..'I am drawn to you.'

  Tammy sat on her bed in her old room and was still feeling dizzy from her afternoon experience. Questions upon questions kept popping into her head. It had to be Diana just being a bitch. She knew Diana and Jenna talked, maybe Jenna had told her his name.

  Her bedroom door opened and her mother walked in. “All ready for your friends?” She placed two bottles of wine on Tammy's desk. “Hey, you okay?” She asked, in her caring motherly tone. Tammy looked up and shook her head. She shouldn't of looked at her mother as her tears began to fall. “Oh, Tammy” her mother walked over and hugged her hard. “It is okay, we all feel like this the day before our wedding. It is just nerves.”

  Tammy couldn't speak. It hurt to think she was keeping things from her mother. This was her life now. Getting paranoid if someone said something strange, keeping her loved ones in the dark and watching what she said in case it was wrong. The only place she could be herself was Ashville manor and she understood why the Renaldo's hid away.... Fear of being exposed.

  Tammy wiped the tears away as she pulled away from her mother. Maybe she wasn't as strong as she thought she was? Could she live her whole life like this?

  A pain in the pit of her stomach began and she was finding it hard to breathe. Would it even be possible live without Dante?

  No! Screamed the voice in her head. No, she couldn't give up on Dante...

  It was wedding nerves and what Diana said didn't help. She wished she could speak to Dante, at least she would be able to speak freely, unleash all her doubts and he would reassure her with his kisses and his arms wrapped round her.

  Tammy slowly looked up at her mothers wonderful face and swallowed. “I guess you're right.”


  “Everything good, Dante?” His father asked as he entered the kitchen. Dante was sat at the table reading another book Tammy had suggested. Every minute that went by he missed her, tomorrow she would be his and the excitement was beginning to get unbearable. He was trying to lose himself in the book but it wasn't really working.

  Dante finally looked up from the book as he father sat down opposite. “No” Dante laughed, how he was even going to get through the night, he didn't know. The first time in months she wouldn't be next to him. “I know it's only one night” he closed the book and sat it down on the table. “It is driving me insane not being able to speak to her.”

  “I know how your feeling” he father smiled back. He looked down at his hands, Dante could tell something was on his mind. The way he frowned was always a big give-away. “I was just wondering...”

  “Don't start on about that contract” Dante replied, rubbing his brow with annoyance.

  “It's not the contract... I was wondering if you had told Tammy the full curse story?”

  Dante raised an eyebrow. “Have you told Mum?”

  His father's face fell and he slowly shook his head. “No, she never needed to know, Dante.”

  Dante sat back in his chair and folded his arms. “There you go.” Dante suddenly felt bad that he was lying to Tammy. He had told her the same lie his mother believed. He ran his hands through his hair and ran his hands down his face. “Guilt is a horrible feeling...”

  “Everything about this curse is horrible.”

  “Why did you never tell Mum?”

  Sir Renaldo tilted his head to the side and Dante watched his eyes move rapidly from side to side. “I guess not to scare her. She thinks if we'd had a girl then it would have been over.” His placed his elbows on the table and made eye-contact with Dante. “That's only half of it...”

  “How old were you when Uncle Angus almost broke the curse?”

  “Ten...I witnessed the whole thing” his father's voice now breaking in places. He closed his eyes and Dante listened to his father's story. “It was Christmas Eve, I was really excited. Edwina had been in her room all day in labour. My mother by her side. The thought of father Christmas coming and me being an uncle was wonderful. I remember being told the baby had been born by my father. He didn't smile, he didn't look happy. There was a lot of yelling and I was told to go straight to bed and not to come back down.”

  Dante reached out for his father's hand, this was all new to him and his father was very brave for sharing. “I ran as fast as I could as I walked past the banquet hall I heard yelling.. it was Angus. He was screaming at someone “You did this!”. I peeked through a gap in the door and he was standing opposite a woman with bright red hair. I had never seen anything like her before, there was something dark about her. She was laughing at him, mocking him and she was taking a lot of pleasure from his crying. I couldn't move... I watched Angus pull this knife out of his jacket and start walking towards this thing” his voice full of emotion.

  “She started to back away. She was still laughing at him, jeering him on. Telling him he didn't have what it took and then she said something” his eyes opened wide. “Dirty blood sucker! I now know that it's an insult to us, probably the worst thing I have ever heard. I'm not really sure what happened, it was really quick. One minute he was standing, the next laying on the floor and blood everywhere.”

  Sir Renaldo wiped a tear away from his cheek. “I tried to get up and run before s
he came out of the room, but I couldn't. She just looked at me and smirked, 'your next' she laughed and disappeared. I have never laid eyes on her since.”


  “Come on now, Tammy, drink up” Rose sang as she poured Tammy another glass of wine. Jenna was painting her nails and Tammy wasn't it the mood for any of this. This was a stupid tradition, why couldn't she just be with Dante.

  “So” Jenna grinned, dipping the brush in the nail varnish. “Are you going to tell us what he's like in the bedroom.”

  Tammy whipped her head round to her friend and felt her cheeks flush bright red. Could this day get any worse?

  Rose sat down on the floor opposite Tammy. “Come on, Tams... Dish the gossip.” Rose's face went all dreamy. “You are so lucky, Dante is drop dead gorgeous...”

  “Tell me about it” Jenna's voice just like Rose's. “The way he looks at you Tammy.. You just get this feeling he is going jump on you.”

  “And drag you away to his hidden cave” Rose giggled which sent Jenna off. Tammy's eyes went from one to the other. “Well, tell us” Rose pleaded.

  “No!” Tammy snapped, now feeling very embarrassed. Although, there was nothing to tell. “A woman never kisses and tells” Tammy added, wishing she did have something to share with her friends.

  “Oh Tams” Rose was now giving Tammy a look of pity and her hand rested on Tammy's knee. “You haven't done it yet, have you?”