Read Closer- Part three Page 4

  The wedding match began, the bridesmaids began their walk down the aisle and all of a sudden his thoughts flew away at the sight of Tammy dressed in a blue dress....


  Tammy looked down at the thick gold band and then at her handsome husband sat beside her in the car to the wedding reception. She had finally done it, she was a hundred percent his. Even though everyone seemed shocked at the colour of her dress and she had to be prompted many times to repeat words. How she managed to struggle through her tears, she didn't know. It didn't help having indiscreet thoughts about Dante in his tux.

  “Why blue?” Dante whispered, his arms draped around his wife and unable to stop himself from touching and kissing her.

  A little smile came to Tammy's lips, not from the question but how good Dante's kisses felt on her neck, cheek and the bare skin of her shoulders. She didn't want to go to wedding reception, she wanted to head straight off and lock herself away with him.

  “Well,” she began, her fingers brushed the soft silk of her dress. “White made me look paler than I already was and I thought blue you approve of as its your favourite colour.”

  “I never told you blue was my favourite colour.” Dante smiled.

  “It's not?” Tammy's face fell and now she felt stupid. She felt Dante's arm grip her tighter and she slowly looked up at his face. He was giving that smile again, the one that made his sculptured face light up and made Tammy shift in her seat.

  “Of course it is” he whispered as his lips met her neck again. “It pleases me that your very observant, Mrs Renaldo.”

  Just hearing him say those words sent her body into a frenzy. Dante quickly moved away from Tammy and gripped hold of his throat. His dark eyes almost bulging out and his skin was going white.

  “Dante?” Tammy gasped.

  He held out a hand and began to shake his head. “I'll be fine, it should pass.” The pain in his stomach was beginning, was this thing ever going to get controlled?

  “We have to deal with this” Tammy demanded, she opened her bridal bag and reached inside.

  “What are you doing?” Dante hissed, as she pulled out a lancet and antiseptic wipe. “Why are you carrying those around?”

  Tammy smiled. “What? It makes sense” repeating his words back to him.

  “No!” Dante's eyes rapidly moving from Tammy to the driver. “Not here!”

  Tammy rolled her eyes. “He isn't looking and won't notice” her voice now lowered slightly. “We have to do this. There is no way you'll be able to get through the rest of the day without someone noticing something is up.”

  Dante narrowed his eyes. She was right. Damn it! He hated when she was right. Dante rested his head back on to his seat. Why him? Why couldn't the stupid curse just disappear? Was he ever going to enjoy anything again? No! Yelled the voice in his head.

  Well, not until... Dante winced, he didn't want to think that far ahead, not yet anyway. Gees, he hadn't even told Tammy the full story. He could feel himself getting thirsty and stressed all at the same time. His fist clenching, his nostrils flaring, the smell of Tammy's blood filling the back of the car. The monster in him was being aroused.

  “Now!” Dante growled.

  Tammy quickly got to work with the lancet, the whole time Dante's eyes on the driver. He was beginning to panic. He heard the click and pulled Tammy on to his lap. One of his hands rested on the back on her head and the other gripped hold of her finger at his lips.

  The warm fulfilling liquid squirted into mouth. He closed his eyes with pleasure, he sucked with in tense force.. He had to get rid of this thirst fast.

  Tammy watched as his face went back to normal colour, her free hand ran through his thick silky dark hair. He was too beautiful.. She wondered what she had done to deserve such a handsome, honest, loyal man like him. She couldn't mess anything up, the thought of never having him sent a stabbing pain through her heart. No, she couldn't think like this on her wedding day. They were going to be together forever through sickness and health. Once again the tears built up in her eyes as she remembered the vows they had just exchanged.

  Dante slowly opened his eyes and looked directly into Tammy's. “Did I hurt you?” His voice full of concern as he moved Tammy's finger from his mouth. She was crying.

  “No” Tammy sobbed, burying her head into Dante's chest. “I was thinking...” Her voice trailed off, she couldn't say the words out loud. She wiped a tear away and quickly looked up. “Your never leave me, will you?”

  “Never” he said with disgust. He placed his finger under Tammy's chin tilting her head so his lips could land perfectly on to hers. “You are mine for life” he exclaimed before kissing her sweetly.


  She looked round at people smiling and waiting with anticipation for the blood sucker and his dumb black swan to arrive. Looks like they've done it! She didn't even want to be here, but she didn't have much choice. The smell of the dirty parasites in the church had made her stomach swirl and that kiss-- EW! The thought of one of them even touching her made bile creep up her throat.

  There was one almighty cheer and she followed the noise. They had arrived, hands locked together. Her in that stupid blue dress and him lying to everyone about his murdering family. She wished she could expose them now. Tell the whole village why exactly they hid away and what their wives were actually for.

  She could feel her power running through her body and had to quickly calm down. After all if something happened she would be confessing her little secret. She had to pretend – for now! Tonight, they would be going on their honeymoon and hopefully in 9 months time her and her sisters would get exactly what they wanted.

  A little smile came to her lips and quickly fell. A uneasy feeling came to her when she realized her eyes were locked with Dante's. His expression hard and frozen. She began to panic.. Did he know? No, there was no way he knew what she was. She quickly turned her back to him, with one glance over her shoulder he was gone.

  Whew! It was her overreacting... He knew nothing.. He would soon when they got what they wanted.. unless, they got to her first.


  “What a beautiful wedding” another person smiled as they walked past Tammy and Dante. Tammy smiled back and Dante just grunted. He had seen off since the minute they had arrived, he hadn't ate much of his meal and seemed to be deep in thought throughout speeches. His had been very brief-- “I would like to thank everyone for coming and I love my new wife.” Raised his glass and sat back down. It was hardly the declaration of love she had imagined.

  Tammy's eyes moved over to the dance floor, everyone looked like they were having a good time. Her mother and father, Sir Renaldo and Claudia, Jenna and Nathan... Her Grandmother was sat deep in conversation with Mrs Waters.. But, her eyes scanned the whole room, darting everywhere....

  Where was Rose?

  She was filled with relief when she saw Rose chatting to someone at the bar. Everyone was having a ball, everyone except Tammy and it was her wedding.

  Tammy sat back in her seat and let out a little depressed sigh. Which caught Dante's attention, for the first time he actually looked at her.

  “What is going on, Dante?”

  “Nothing” he lied. She watched his mouth twitch and he started to blink rapidly. He leaned over and briefly kissed her on the cheek. “I need to speak to my father” his words were rushed to her, he jumped up and quickly walked over to Sir Renaldo.

  Her eyes narrowed as she watched him head gesture to his father. Then both men disappeared out of the room.

  Dante waited till there were safely outside before he spun round to face his father. “Someone was here” he hissed. “I saw them” he winced and pointed back to the reception. “In there, just standing and watching.” He couldn't stop his body moving, just the thought of them being in the same room as Tammy freaked him out.

  At one point he had thought of putting Tammy over his shoulder and running off to their honeymoon. He stopped pacing and ran his ha
nds over his face. Poor Tammy! The look she had just given him. It was her wedding day and he was refusing her to enjoy it. He just wanted her by his side in order to protect her.

  “Who did you see?”

  “Them!” He snarled, his eyes fixated on the ground. Shit! He had left Tammy alone, what if they were still there. What if this was what they were waiting for? “I have to get back”. His father grabbed hold of his arm to stop him. “What are you doing?” He yelled, his voice full of panic. “She is alone!”

  “Look at me, son” Sir Renaldo's voice the complete opposite of Dante's. “This is what they do... They like to play head games with us, torment but really” he took in a deep breath. “They are making sure things are going to plan.”

  “To plan?” Dante repeated. None of this made sense and it didn't help that Tammy spoke to this person. “We can't stay here, father” Dante cringed, why hadn't he noticed this before. Maybe he hadn't paid much attention before. All this time anything could of happened to Tammy. Why was he always so consumed with himself?

  “Dante, listen to me. You don't have to go any where, they can't do anything to us – not yet! This is your home, this is your wedding. Please, forget all this for now and enjoy your new life with your beautiful wife. Never allow this curse to make you miserable.”

  Dante swallowed hard as he slowly processed his father's words. He would have to take his father's advice and he would have to live by it. He knew exactly what he had to do and he was not allowing anyone to destroying his happiness. He would deal with it, when the time came.

  I am not ending up like Angus he vowed.

  Tammy still sat where Dante had left her, she was on the verge of breaking down in tears. This what not how she thought she would spending her wedding reception. Alone, sad and missing out on everything. She wondered what was so important that Dante had to run out on her for. Maybe he was asking his father to get hold of solicitor and get this marriage ended quick!

  Tammy rested her hands over her face, what was wrong with him? Now was not the right time for him to start getting doubts. What would people say? She would be the laughing stock of the whole village.

  “Hey” Tammy looked up at the voice, it was Diana Lewis. Tammy rolled her eyes, she didn't need this right now. She watched as Diana took the seat next to her and looked down at her hands. “I'm really sorry for being rude to you yesterday.”

  “Hmm” Tammy tutted. She wasn't in the mood to hear Diana's apology. Maybe she should go in search for Dante, but the idea of rejection was too hard to face. She turned her attention on Diana.. “How come you are here?”

  “My father once did business with Sir Renaldo” her voice quiet. “They invited us...”

  Tammy gave a little smile, that's how she knew Dante's name. “I see, what you did yesterday wasn't very nice, Diana.” Tammy was now on the moral high ground. “You implied something happened between you and Dante.”

  “I know and I was appalled with myself” Tammy could sense Diana's awkwardness from the in tense look she was giving her. After all, she deserved it. “Will you forgive me?”

  “You're still here” Tammy's head whipped up at the sound of Dante's voice.

  Everything about him had changed, he was smiling and holding out his hand. Tammy instantly forgot Diana was there and reached out. Dante gracefully escorted Tammy to the dance floor and pulled her into him. Her mind was finally at ease.

  “I'm sorry”he whispered as they slowly swayed to the music. “I will make everything up to you, I promise.”

  Tammy pulled away and stepped back a little. “What happened? What's with all the mood changes today?”

  Dante's hand cupped Tammy's face. “I freaked out” he gave a uneasy smile. He watched the terror on Tammy's face. “No! Not about us about something else.”

  “Are you going to tell me?”

  “Probably best not to right now” his thumb traced Tammy's bottom lip and he was now crippled with guilt. Once again he had allowed himself to get lost and distracted.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips against Tammy's. He pulled her against him, the kiss became passionate. His tongue gliding against Tammy's. He didn't care who was watching as his hands reached into her hair, keeping her head in place. He wanted her more than anything now, his arousal controlling his body. A few hours and he would finally process her body.

  He pulled away; both panting and gasping for air. He watched Tammy's cheeks blush, she must have been thinking the same.

  “Soon my dear Tammy” he winked. “Soon.”


  She had no clue where they were going, that wasn't what bothered her. It had been the farewell to her grandmother. Tammy rested her head against the air-plane seat, she should have been excited about her first ever ride on an air-plane. However, her grandmother's words wouldn't leave her – “Be careful from here”

  What did that even mean, be careful? What exactly happened on a honeymoon that she should be careful about. Tammy turned her head to Dante, he was still being very quite. Something was still going around in his head and Tammy was desperate to know what. Her wedding day hadn't been exactly what she had dreamed of. He had convinced her it was nothing to do with her, but something deep inside said he was lying.

  She wished she knew there destination, she hated being in the dark What did her grandmother know that she didn't? Tammy closed her eyes tight and let out a loud sigh.

  Dante turned his head and looked at his beautiful wife. He knew his behaviour was beginning to effect her. He knew tonight before anything he would explain, in spite of his father's pleading. He didn't want to keep Tammy in the dark like his own mother. Also, it didn't help that now they were being watched.

  At least they were going to be far away from England for a few weeks. He needed alone time with his wife. This time would be just about them, no curse!

  Tammy felt like she floating on air, her body being lifted and a soft breeze blowing through her hair. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at Dante. His face lit up at the sight of her being awake. She had managed to sleep through the whole plane and car journey. The breeze disappeared and she realized she had been placed on a bed.

  “Hey, sleepy head” Dante kissed her cheek. Tammy slowly looked around, she felt disorientated at the thought of not knowing where she was. Dante's arms wrapped round her and she pressed her cheek into his chest.

  “Where are we?” She asked, she was still feeling rather sleepy.

  “A cruise ship” Dante fingertips slowly ran through Tammy's hair. “Two weeks of pure bliss.”

  Tammy sat up and began to study what she now knew was a cabin. Although, it looked like a hotel room. Everything reminded her of her bedroom at Ashville manor; pine wood, cream walls, cream floor. “Why a cruise?”

  “We don't have to lift a finger... My father has made sure help is with us 24/7.”

  “Your father?” Tammy sounded a little surprise. “This is your father's?”

  “Yes” Dante chuckled, sitting up and taking Tammy's hand in his. “My father owns the company. Well, my grandfather owned it first, just like his father did before.” Tammy's gave a little smile, another family tradition, she thought. “You see,” Dante continued. “My family once owned a import—export business. They invested all the money into these ships, but when business” he paused and Tammy watched as he gave a amused smile. “Shell we say... Sunk? – excuse the pun. Renaldo's Cruises was born.”

  Tammy nodded. “I see...” Her stomach growled loudly. “Is there food on this ship?”

  Dante jumped up and reached out for a phone sitting on the night stand. “Why don't you freshen up and I'll sort it all out. All your things are in the bathroom and dressing room.” He pointed to a door opposite the bed. “Go!” He demanded, Tammy climbed off the bed and hurried off.

  She entered the bathroom and was once again taken back. The bathroom was huge, with a circled shape bath sat in the middle of the room. Mirrors everywhere, statues of Greek goddess eve
rywhere. She felt she had stepped back in time, expect with a modern bath reminding her of the present. Just like Dante had said her wash bag was sitting next to the sink. She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed another door, immediately she opened it and stepped into another room.

  Her jaw dropped open, the space was filled with clothes. One side was obviously Dante's and the other must have been hers. Tammy's fingers slowly drifted through all the dresses hanging up. She knew she hadn't packed any of these, then again she knew she didn't have this much.

  At the back of the room was a shelf stacked with shoes, every style you could think of. On the other side was a chest of draws, Tammy investigated each draw, which were filled with nightwear and underwear. Dante certainly had planned everything out, suddenly she felt like that parasite again.

  She slumped down on floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. This was every little girls dream – a dressing up room. Tammy hadn't warmed to it. It made her feel stupid, what was wrong with her clothes? Now she was married was she suppose to dress a certain way? Her eyes wandered over the dresses again. They all looked expensive and not exactly what Tammy would wear at all.

  “You found everything, I see” Dante stood in the doorway, Tammy just nodded and remained sitting on the floor. She watched how Dante gracefully walked around, taking off his shirt and pulling a T-shirt over his head. “You should change...”