Read Closer- Part three Page 6

  “He was a witch-hunter and he killed witches. That's true, we have always been at war with them. They found out what we were and they tried to expose our secret. He killed their leader, tortured her. He targeted a whole coven, however, one managed to get away.”

  “Why are you changing the story now, Dante?”

  “I told you the same story my father told my mother.”

  “She has been lied to too?”

  “Only because my father thought she didn't need to tell her the truth. They never had a girl, so he didn't tell her.”

  “Tell her what?”

  “The others will try and take our first born if it's a girl. It will be the ultimate revenge...”Dante rubbed his brow. “You see, if we have a girl then then that's it no more Vampires. Finished. Over. But what they want more is to change one of us into them.”

  Tammy jumped off the bed. “That's crazy... That's kidnapping!”

  “No! My grandfather promised them when they spared his life. They have been watching and waiting ever since.” Dante sighed, his hands were shaking. “Also, Angus didn't commit suicide, he was murdered.” Dante shrugged his shoulders. “I have been thinking and I have come up with my own theory. I don't think he knew the baby was stillborn, he must of confronted her-- the one who was waiting to take the baby. He was going to kill her but she got there first.”

  “Is everything you told me a lie?” Tammy cried, the world she thought she knew was gone. Everything felt surreal and she couldn't get a grip of anything. She fell to the floor, her head was dizzy and she thought she was going to be sick.

  “I had too” Dante cried, dropping down to Tammy's side. “I had to protect you. These 'others' are everywhere, Tammy. They are waiting to get what they want and they will do anything to get it.”

  Tammy's head flipped up and her eyes widen. It all clicked, she now understood what her grandmother's words meant. Be careful was a reference to these others Dante was talking about. “She knows” she whispered. “My grandmother knows and she has already warned me.”

  “Are you sure?” Dante looked surprised, his hand reached out for Tammy’s. This time she didn't moved out of his grip.

  “She told me to be careful and now I know she meant them. We need to stop this, Dante.”

  “I know” he pulled Tammy into him and took in her scent. “Please don't hate me, Tammy. I was only trying to protect you.”

  “I know” she sighed, finally resting her head on Dante's chest. “But how are we going to do this?”


  That night Tammy couldn't sleep, she kept having dreams about people snatching children. The man in the portrait being killed, her grandmother screaming out in pain. She felt she had been trapped in a horror movie. Although, this was her life and she didn't know how to deal with getting to grips with it.

  She watched as the sun slowly rose, glimpses of light sparkling across the never ending blue sea. Even this far away from Ashville she no longer felt safe. The thought that someone or some people were watching her made her skin crawl.

  She had hated lying to her family, keeping them in the dark about her life. With this added on, she felt sick and scared. Scared that she couldn't avoid it, scared that one day she may end up like her Gran. She pulled her dressing gown around her tighter and blinked back tears. Was Dante's theory true? Did her grandmother know any of this? Another secret she was going to have to keep hidden away. What was once her fairy tale and had quickly turned into a horrid reality.

  She knew it was selfish, but a part of her wished he had taken his father's words and left her in the dark. Claudia once said it sound mystical to her, but it was the completely opposite. It was mean and unnecessary. The whole idea of someone wanting to take her child was terrifying and made her head spin.

  “You're up” Dante yawned, as he sat down on the seat next to Tammy. He looked at her beautiful face, dark circles under her eyes proved she hadn't slept at all. He had felt her tossing and turning all night. Once he was sure he heard her quietly cry.

  “I couldn't get much sleep” she weakly smiled. “You?” Her eyes still staring out to sea, some honeymoon this was turning out to be. In fact the last few days had seemed like hell. Dante was off during the wedding and last nights events didn't seem to help.

  “Tammy,” Dante sighed, as he ran his hands through his hair. “We need to stop dwelling on this fucking curse shit! We need to start enjoying our honeymoon and each other.”

  “How?” She snapped. “One day we will have children.” She took in a deep breath, she could feel the tears building up, her bottom lip trembled. “What if..” She sobbed. “What if I lose you like Gran lost Angus?” That was it, she couldn't hold it in any longer.

  Dante dropped to his knees in front of Tammy and grabbed hold of her hands. “Don't think like that. I am not going anywhere. I love you Tammy and no one is going to take me away from you.”

  Tammy looked down into Dante's dark eyes. She really wanted to believe him, who was he kidding. He didn't know any more than she did. He was right though, they did need to start enjoying their honeymoon. Right now, they were safe. Weren't they? So many questions were running through her head and she didn't dare ask them. For once in her life she didn't know want to know the answers.

  Tammy leaned froward and placed a kiss on Dante's forehead. “You're right. Lets just enjoy our honeymoon.” She could tell her voice wasn't very convincing, she had to do something to take her mind off what would be her living hell.

  Chapter five

  It wouldn't be long now till they returned and a slow build of excitement flowed through her veins. A smile hit her lips when she thought about her and her fellow sisters finally getting what they were owed.

  The coven had waited for such a long time, all their hopes were on this dirty blood sucker. Then she remembered what happened at the wedding. For weeks now she had been thinking and replaying the moment in her head. Had he worked out what she was? Would he tell Tammy?

  She couldn't fail, she was the chosen one. She ran her hands through her hair and looked back down to her breakfast. Eating was impossible now she was reliving the scene when Dante's eyes locked with hers. Her phone rang, making her jump and her thoughts dissolve. She eagerly answered, before she could say anything that cold voice began to speak.

  “I have just been informed they have returned to Ashville. Maybe you should of go and visit, make sure everything is going to plan.”

  “I should” she smiled. “I have something to confess. At the wedding I think the bloodsucker realized who I was..”

  There was a long silence and she could hear an annoyed sigh. “Did he say anything?”

  “No” she quickly replied. “It was just the look he gave me.”

  “You can tell a lot from a look, Jenna” she laughed. “I remember how scared the other one was when I plunged my knife into his stinking flesh.” She cackled loudly and Jenna felt the hairs on her neck stand up.

  She admired this woman a lot, the leader of the coven. She had done since she was a child, Jenna always sensed she was full of magical powers. She was really happy when her mother finally explained everything five years ago. It was just a shame she had to turn against her best friend. She had tried to talk Tammy out of it. She cringed when she remembered seeing the tiny pin pricks on Tammy's finger. The parasite had started feeding off her best friend.

  “Okay, Glandis” Jenna swallowed hard. “I'll go and see them and make sure everything is going to plan.” She quickly put the phone down. Her hands were shaking and her breathing heavy. She couldn't let this become personal. It really didn't have anything to do with Tammy, she had just been unfortunate.

  They had to pay up for killing her sisters, for all the pain they had caused just to hid there dirty little secret. Jenna was better than Dante, nothing about him was superior, in fact he was nothing. Jenna felt her hatred rise through her body. The bile crept up her throat as she remembered saying he was handsome.

  Jenna clo
sed her eyes and felt her heart break in two. Poor Tammy, secretly she prayed that if they did have a baby it would be a boy. Then another side of her wished Tammy had never agreed to go to that party. She wished she had been there at the time to put her off. However, things were the way they were and she couldn't change it.


  Tammy stepped out of the car and looked at Ashville manor. It had quickly turned to winter, the sky dull and grey. Everything was frozen and cold. She already missed the sun and the sea. The rest of her honeymoon had been perfect. They had gone swimming with dolphins, sipped champagne, made love under the stars. Everything had seemed dream like, but now with her feet on solid Ashville ground, reality had kicked in.

  She watched as her suitcases were placed next to the front door and it took all her strength to walk up the steps. This was once her fairy tale castle, now she saw it as a murder scene. She had persuaded herself not to over think everything, now she was here, well her mind was racing.

  She felt Dante come beside her and grip hold of her hand. “It's okay” he reassured her, giving her hand a little squeeze. He knew exactly what was going on in her head, the nights they stayed up talking endlessly about what life would be like when they returned. At one point Tammy had even suggested never coming back. He couldn't do that, especially knowing how much she loved her grandmother.

  Also, how long would it be before they were tracked down. There was no way to avoid the others. Also, he didn't want those hags controlling his life. Ashville was their home and they were not being pushed out.

  “The tradition is that I carry you over the threshold” Tammy looked up at Dante's perfect face, that wicked glint calming her immediately. She caught her breath as her eyes focused on his lips, those magic lips that made her skin come alive. No, it wasn't going to be bad with him by her side. After all this would have been his life if she was here or not. She couldn't even think about not being with him.

  “If you want” she smiled. “After all I do remember you liking to be traditional.”

  Dante's head fell back and he gave a little laugh. “If you wish, Mrs Renaldo.” Without warning he scooped Tammy up in his arms and carried her into the house. Tammy gave a little squeal of delight, she loved the way his strong arms felt around her. She rested her head against his chest and took in his intoxicating scent. “Life is going to be good, you know.”

  “I know” she sighed, her arms clinging around his neck. “I guess I am just being stupid.”

  “About what?”

  “People watching me, waiting and praying that I get pregnant.” Dante stopped and lowered Tammy to the ground, his dark eyes looking nowhere else but her. “It's strange and I really don't deal with being certain of attention well.”

  His arms locked around her waist and he scooped down to her eye-level. “You're always centre of attention to me” he huskily said. Tammy felt herself get giddy, sometimes his voice did things to her body and she found it hard to concentrate. “Come, no doubt my mother is dying to see us.” He softly placed a kiss on Tammy's forehead. “Smile” he quickly said standing up straight.

  A smile emerged on Tammy's face as Dante led her further into the house. Claudia was going to bombard them with never ending question.

  However, guilt quickly jumped in. Claudia was now another on her list of people she was lying too. Surely, one day she would have to know the truth. After all Tammy did want Dante's children. There could be a small chance she would have a daughter.

  Life had changed very quickly, just a few months she had vowed never to get married. Here she was now thinking of having children. Her thoughts were cut short when they entered the kitchen and she saw Jenna sat at the table.

  Dante froze when he saw who his father was having tea with. She had a nerve walking in here, he looked over at Tammy, who had a big smile on her face. His heart dropped, her best friend was his family's enemy. That he would keep to himself, for now.

  “Jenna,” Tammy sang, as she raced towards her best friend. “What are you doing here?”

  Jenna's eyes flickered from Dante to Tammy. “A little birdie told me you were back and I just had to come to see you.” She slowly rose from the table. “Why don't we go somewhere private.”

  Dante wanted to scream no! Pick Tammy up and lock her away. Anything to keep her away from Jenna. Why had it taken him so long to realize who and what Jenna was?

  Like that would of made any difference. These girls had grown up with one another and if he tried to stop them hanging out with each other he would look like the bad guy.

  Tammy turned to Dante. “Do you mind?”

  Dante reluctantly shook his head and watched the pair leave the room. He waited until he heard the living room door close. “Why did you let her in?” He growled, his fists clenching and his nostrils flaring.

  His father looked completely relaxed as if nothing was wrong. As if having tea with a witch was just an everyday occurrence.

  “She is Tammy's friend, Dante” he shrugged his shoulders. “Why shouldn't I?”

  “She is one of them” he growled again. He wanted to break something, Jenna's neck would be a good choice. He could feel his anger growing and taking over. His father had crossed a line, how could he sit there as if everything was all right. A witch, their enemy was in their home. “Are you crazy?”

  Sir Renaldo looked down at his mug and then back at his son. “No, I am not crazy or stupid. I know who she is, I have always known. We can't go around making a scene, Dante. Both our wives don't know the actual curse.”

  “Tammy does” Dante snapped. His fathers face turned from relax to shocked in ten seconds. Dante tried to calm himself down, but the thought of Tammy being alone with her was a uneasy thing to deal with.

  “Why?” His father yelled, slamming his fist into table. “Why did you tell her, Dante? That poor girl didn't need to know.” He jumped up from the table and over to Dante. “I can't imagine the fear she must be living through.” Sir Renaldo pointed a index finger at Dante. “You! Always going against everything I tell you. Why? Just once I wish you would take my advice.”

  “Advice?” Dante laughed. “Lie to my wife? She knows what I am, she has accepted her role. Why would I want to hide anything from her.” Dante rubbed his brow, he hated fighting with his father. Sometimes he just didn't seem to get what Dante was trying to say. It was if he was stuck in his ways and would never listen to reason. He took in a deep breath, another attempt to calm himself down. The last thing he wanted was his mother to hear any of this.

  “Please” he tried to make his voice light, however, a hint of anger managed to escape. “I do listen to everything you tell me. I just couldn't live with the thought of lying to her. Arguing isn't going help get rid of the witch sitting in our living room.” That was a sentence he'd never thought he would say.

  “We can't get rid” his father hissed. “Can't you see that this might give us some advantage?”

  “Yeah” Dante rolled his eyes. “Makes life a whole lot easier” he sarcastically replied.

  “In away yes. We have the witch right under our nose. We know what she will know as it will be Tammy telling her. Be friendly to Jenna, this maybe our chance to get this finished. She maybe our loop hole.”


  Tammy flopped on to the sofa, she was beginning to feel a whole lot better now. Especially having her best friend to greet her. All her anxiety and fear had somehow vanished and she wanted to know all the gossip she'd missed out on.

  “Where did you go?” Jenna asked, the second she too flopped on the sofa. She had to try really hard to hid her disgust from the reek of the place. She would try and hold her breath, but turning blue wouldn't be a good look for her.

  “We went on a cruise of the Mediterranean” Tammy smiled as she remembered. “We went swimming with dolphins, had cocktails with the captain. Oh Jenna, you should of seen this wardrobe I had filled with dresses. You would have been in heaven.”

  Jenna wrinkled up her nose, tw
o weeks stuck out at sea with a vampire was a living hell. Even if he was rich and bought her clothes. Anyway, she wasn't here to find out the ins and out's of their honeymoon. She wanted to know only one thing, last time she's asked it was very clear Tammy was still a virgin.

  “So,” Jenna raised an eyebrow. “Did you?” Tammy felt her cheeks flush slightly, of course Jenna would only want to know about the bedroom stuff. She couldn't manage to say the words, so she nodded, while looking very coy. “Good, huh?”

  “Of course” Tammy blushed a little more.

  “When do you think you will have children?” Jenna blurted out, she was fed up with going round the houses. She watched as Tammy's face fell, okay, that wasn't the reaction she had expected. Then again, Tammy wasn't one for kids. Something deep in Jenna gave a sigh of relief. The living room door opened and both girls turned to face Sir Renaldo.

  “I am sorry, Jenna” he politely smiled. “I was wondering if I could have a moment of Tammy’s time.”

  “Sure” Jenna stood up with Tammy following, she turned to face her best friend. “I am glad you are happy, Tammy.” Taking Tammy off guard Jenna hugged her. “Be careful” she whispered in her ear, she pulled away and headed for the door.