Read Closer- Part three Page 8


  Jenna sat in her car and just stared at the hospital entrance. It had been days now since Tammy had been rushed in and she hadn't heard one word about the baby. She hated being left in the dark, the grand one had been calling and was beginning to get impatient.

  Jenna rested her head on the stirring wheel and began to inhale deep breaths. She had prayed every night that nothing had happened to Tammy or the baby. She wouldn't know what to do without her best friend. She wouldn't know how to comfort her if something happened to the baby.

  She quickly sat up and brushed away her tears. Guilt was now invading her body and her hands were shaking. She looked over at the hospital entrance, what was she doing? For months upon months she had been planning on kidnapping her best friend's baby. For what? Herself or Glandis?

  Instantly she began to feel used and anger now replaced guilt. No! She wasn't going to do it not after the way Glandis had spoken to her today....

  “Jenna!” She hissed her name. “I believe you are lying to me..”

  Jenna sucked in a breath. “No, I have told you. Tammy was rushed into hospital and no one has heard anything.”

  “I swear to god, Jenna!” She yelled, she picked up a vase and threw it against the wall. It made Jenna jump and it smashed into a thousand pieces. Jenna watched as her leaders eyes grew wide and darted crazily from side to side. Slowly she moved into Jenna's personal space. “I WANT THAT BABY! SHE IS MINE!!!” She screamed as she placed a hand around Jenna's neck and pushed back into wall.

  She could feel the tears building up in her eyes and she found it hard to breath. The woman she had once admired was now crushing her windpipe. Jenna felt her eyes bulging out of her sockets. “Please” she begged. “I will do it.”

  “You will go to the hospital now and find out everything” she demanded, Jenna just nodded and in that moment her throat was free. She took in a large lung full of air and brought her own hand up to her throat. “Please don't upset me again” her voice was sweet this time and she disappeared out of the room.

  Once again Jenna slammed her fist on the stirring wheel. There was no way a woman like her was fit to bring up a child. This was just about stupid revenge, stupid revenge that should of ended centuries.

  Well after what happened she wasn't having any of it. Jenna picked up her bag and got out of her car. She was going to find Dante and help them all escape Ashville. She no longer cared, she would let Glandis take her life if it meant Tammy, Dante and the baby were safe.


  Tammy felt the warmth of the sun against her skin and looked up into bright blue sky. She could hear her daughter's sweet laugh close to her ear and the comfort of her husband's lips as he placed a kiss on her cheek. They were altogether on such a beautiful day in the Ashville countryside. She slowly sat up and in the distance noticed three people walking towards her.

  She brought her hand across her forehead to stop the sunshine blurring her vision. Three people, two tall on either side of a smaller person. She slowly stood and as the three strangers got closer she realized who they were. Her grandmother beamed at her, her eyes sparkled, her skin was clear and wrinkle free. Her dark brown hair was full of body and she no longer looked thin and ill.

  Tammy's eyes slowly moved to the man on her Gran's right, it was her grandfather also beaming at her. He too looked full of life and in good health. Who was the other man? Tammy raced towards them, she was eager to see who the mystery stranger was.

  Tammy froze as it hit her, it was Angus... with the same shoulder length black hair, sculptured nose and cheeks. His eyes a striking green that caught your attention immediately, dressed in the ruby coloured jacket from the portrait. Once again Tammy's eyes couldn't leave him he was beautiful just like her husband. Tammy spun round, Dante and her baby had vanished. The blue sky was turning grey and a chill ran through her.

  “Child,” Her Grandmother's soft voice made her face them again. “Child” she said again, this time she was close to Tammy. Her grandmother's hands reached out for her and Tammy fell into her arms. It felt good holding her again, the familiar scent and the soft silk voice. She could feel the tears building up in her eyes. “We have come to talk to you... To help you.”

  “Help me?” Tammy pulled away and looked puzzled. “Why do I need help?”

  “The curse, Tammy” it was now Angus talking, his voice smooth and velvety. Tammy gasped as he was now next to her side. Tammy wanted to reach out and touch him. There was something about him that mesmerized her. “I've been watching” a little husky laugh escaped his lips. “You have been wonderful to my nephew. You have never judged him. You and him remind me of my own youth.”

  A thousand questions filled Tammy's mind, she couldn't decide which to ask first. “Dante believes you were murdered?” The words left her lips. “He believes you were protecting your baby and had no idea she had died.”

  “His theory” he nodded and gave a wonderful smile. “He is correct... My killer was Glandis, the leader of the others. Also, the one who began the curse over a hundred years ago.”

  “That's impossible..” Tammy replied. “No one can live that long..”

  “The night she lured the brothers to the house and their blood mixed.”

  “Wait!” Tammy held her hand up and tilted her head to the side. “Dante said that was just a story.

  “Over time things change, facts get forgotten. What he told you, the story you listened to and took great interest in is true. When their blood mixed something happened to her, she grew powerful. But power doesn't always last long..”

  “There is a way she can be defeated, Child” her grandmother smiled. “Do you remember me telling you you're the one to end this?” Tammy nodded, how could she forget something like that. “Angus tell her, please.”

  Angus nodded and gripped hold of Tammy's shoulder, all his attention focusing on her. “Now listen” he demanded. “There is a dagger.. The dagger she used on the curse and what she tried to use to kill herself.”

  Tammy tried to think back to the story Dante had told her. She slowly started to remember, the witch in the story plunged the dagger through her heart and dead. Wait, Angus just said tried, so she didn't die. How could she if she murdered Angus? Her head was beginning to ache with confusion.

  “How did you get this dagger?” Another question popping out of her mouth.

  “Dante's right you do have a thirst for information” he smiled. “The brothers fled home that night. When they returned the next day to destroy the evidence, her body had just vanished but the dagger remained.”

  Tammy placed her hand on her forehead and bit down on her lip. “What exactly do I have to do?”

  “You have to reverse the curse, Tammy. You need to mix mortal blood with hers using the same dagger. Exactly the same way she did.” He reached out for Tammy's hand and with a fingertip drew a invisible line down her palm and copied on his own hand. His hand then locked with Tammy's hand. “See very simple” he smiled again. “Can you do that?” Tammy nodded, speechless. “Good, they will come soon for your daughter and you must be ready.”

  “The dagger is taped to the back of Angus's portrait” her grandmother said. “I placed it there the day I left Ashville manor.” Once again she reached out for Tammy and hugged her hard. “I believe in you, Tammy. Remember all of this. You're the one to break this curse.” Her lips pressed a kiss on Tammy's cheek. “Remember!”

  The three held hands and began to walk away in the direction they had come from. “No!” Tammy cried out. “No.. Don't go... Don't leave me.” She tried to run after them, but her legs didn't move. She had lost her grandmother again and the grief once again took over. “No!” She screamed.


  Dante's head rested on the side of Tammy's hospital bed, his hand still remained locked with Tammy's. He looked up at her, she looked tiny but at least she was still here. The tubes from the machines looked scary and the beeping noise was giving him a headache. His jaw clenched tight as h
e remembered how useless he had been in the whole thing.

  He almost lost her and the thought was still haunting him, even though she was safe now and on the mend. He just wished she would wake up. For three days now she had remained peacefully asleep.

  “She's getting colour in her cheeks now, Dante” his eyes looked up at Tammy's mother sitting on the other side of the bed. She had remained at the hospital just like Dante. She stood up and leaned over to brush some of Tammy's hair away from her face. “I would love to know what she is dreaming about..”

  “No!” Tammy screamed as her eyes opened wide. The light was too bright and she had to close them again. “No,” she cried.

  “Tammy?” She heard Dante call out. Tammy's eyes opened again, both her mother's and Dante's faces were staring down at her. She was no longer in the countryside but laying down in some room. She tried to think why she was here. Her hand slowly slid down to her stomach, it now felt empty.

  The terror filled her face and her eyes darted to Dante. Was she too late? Her baby, where was her baby. “Dante?” Her face was pitiful and weak. “Where is...”

  “Sshh” Dante calmly replied, his fingertips running through her hair. “Maybe you should go and tell a nurse she has woke up.”

  “Of course” her mum replied, she leaned over and gave Tammy a quick kiss before leaving.

  Now there were alone it was safe for Tammy to ask her question. “Have they taken the baby?”

  Dante narrowed his eyes and took in a deep breath. “No” he simply answered. “Our baby is safe. She is in the special-care unit and will be for some time.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and his eyes didn't leave his wife. His hand gripped hers and he pulled it up to his lips. “She is beautiful, just like you” he whispered before placing a single kiss on her soft skin.

  “At last” said a voice, Tammy turned her head as a plump woman was entering the room quickly followed by her mother. She started looking at the machines. “You gave everyone a scare, young lady” she had a full blown northern accent. “Everything looks good.. We can rid of these.” She started to switch the machines off. “Once you have refreshed maybe daddy could take you to Baby” she smiled.

  Tammy and Dante's eyes locked. “Yes please” she replied.


  Jenna dashed in to the maternity ward and was glad to see Dante grabbing some coffee from the machine. He turned round and when he saw Jenna he froze.

  “What are you doing here?” He snarled, taking long strides. His fist clenched around the coffee cup, he stopped when he felt the hot coffee spill over. His eyes glared at Jenna, who did she think she was turning up here?

  Jenna looked down at her feet. What was she accepting a welcome comity, she knew Dante hated her and why. “I.. er... I” her voice was small and weak. She felt uncomfortable under Dante's glare. This was new, she had never been scared of him before. Then before she had never willingly taking his side. Although, he didn't know that, did he?

  “Spit it out, hag” his voice could of easily turned water into ice. His dark eyebrows almost meeting in the middle and his eyes narrowed.

  How could Tammy live with that? Jenna thought. She quickly dismissed the idea, she had to learn to somehow not to hate him. Everything she had been told had to be erased, she had to learn to accept him and be his friend.

  “How is Tammy?”

  “None of your business” Dante quickly replied back. “Don't even ask about my baby?”

  “Is the baby okay?”

  Dante's mouth twisted with anger and he leaned a little closer towards Jenna. “I am not telling you anything. Go back to your pack of bitches and tell them you know nothing.” He turned to walk off.

  “Wait!” Jenna yelled after him. “Please, give me a second... Dante!”

  Slowly Dante turned round and just shrugged his shoulders. Jenna took a deep breath and hurried to stand in front of him. She took in a deep breath, once she had said this out loud she wouldn't be able to take it back. After this she had crossed into enemies line.

  Her hand slowly moved up to her throat, it still ached from the bruising. She no longer wanted to be like Glandis, she was a cold hearted murderer. Her eyes looked back at Dante, he was actually waiting patiently for her to speak.

  Jenna swallowed hard, she had to do this and she had to do this now. “I've come to tell you I am on your side” she gave a faint smile and her voice was friendly. “I'll do what ever it takes to help you and Tammy run away with the baby.”

  Dante gave a little chuckle and shook his head. Did she think he was that stupid to believe her. At the end of the day she was nothing but one of them. He wouldn't even spit on her if she was on fire.

  “Go away” he coldly said.

  “I'll tell Tammy everything she needs to know, Dante. This isn't a trick, I meant everything I said. I don't want to hurt my friend, I couldn't dream of taking her baby away.” She let out a little air from her mouth and ran a hand though her hair. He wasn't buying any of this and of course he wouldn't. “Give me a chance, please” she begged.

  No flicker of emotion crossed his face. Jenna waited but yet he didn't say anything. Just stood still with that look across his face. He was making her feel small, she squared her shoulders in aim to gain some height. He was intimidating her and he knew it.

  “Please” she whispered. “Trust me.”

  Dante sighed, he couldn't believe he'd actually fallen for it. There was something in her words that cried out that she was telling the truth. He rolled his eyes and tilted his head towards Tammy's room. He was going to keep a good eye on Jenna and if at any time he thought she was lying, she would know about.

  Dante turned on his heel and walked back to Tammy with Jenna following behind. He opened the door and strolled in. “Hey, you have a visitor.”

  Jenna stepped in and was surprised to see Tammy sat up in bed smiling. She looked around the room, there was no baby in sight. Surely Tammy should have been distressed, but the smile on her face was massive and there was no hint of sadness anywhere in the room.

  “Jenna” Tammy beamed. “You came,” she held out her arms and immediately Jenna raced over and hugged her best friend. “I am really glad you are here.”

  Jenna pulled away, she began to feel awkward as she knew Dante was glaring at her from the other side of the room. She straightened out her shoulders and some how a smile appeared on her face. “Where is your baby, Tammy?”

  “Being very well looked after” Tammy said, she pulled something out of her dressing gown pocket and placed it Jenna's hands. “We are calling her Hope.”

  Jenna's eyes swept across the picture of the tiny baby, she had Tammy's pale skin, green eyes but everything about her was Dante. Jenna let out a sigh of relief, their baby was perfect. Just looking at this picture reinforced Jenna she was doing the right thing. This perfect little creature deserved to stay with her parents. It was unfair that Hope should pay the price for something she had no idea about.

  “She is beautiful” Jenna could feel her eyes welling up. “She is really beautiful, Tammy. You are going to make a wonderful mother.” She quickly leaned over and kissed Tammy on the cheek.

  Chapter seven

  Dante carried Tammy inside the house and up the stairs towards her room. Tammy had finally been allowed to leave hospital, however Hope would have to stay a little longer. Tammy had been pleased about that, at least they wouldn't be coming any time to take her away.

  She looked up at her strong handsome husband, she hadn't dared told him about her dream. Although, she thought it was too real to be a dream. She had spoken to them face to face, even now when she closed her eyes she could see Angus's face and hear his words. She was desperate to find out if they held any truth or if she was just plain crazy.

  Dante placed her down on to the soft cream carpet. She had to admit it felt great to be home. Even though they did have to stay in Ashville Manor and not their cottage. Tammy looked around, it looked exactly the same as when she fir
st arrived over a year ago.

  “Go and lay down” Dante softly whispered in her ear.

  Tammy spun round slowly to face him, her hands resting on his forearms. “I need to read that book, Dante”.

  Dante's lips twitched with disapproval, she had just got home from the hospital “No” he hissed. “You need to rest.” He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. “You had a very traumatic and serious operation. You need to sleep and get stronger from when Hope comes home.”

  Tammy folded her arms, he was doing that thing again. A little smile came to her lips when she realized she wouldn't have him any other way. She made her way over to the bed and crawled in.

  Dante raised an eyebrow. “Good” he nodded.

  “Now can I have the book?” She her best girly smile and watched the cold look evaporate from Dante's face. “Please” she added softly.

  A little laugh escaped Dante's lips. How could he ever refuse her when she looked at him like that. Dante grabbed the book off the dresser and sat back down beside her.

  Tammy started to quickly flick through the pages as Dante looked at her fascinated. She was deep in thought, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. Dante wondered what it was she was looking for, he knew she had read the book a million times.