Read Closer-- the full curse Page 14

  Hands quickly got to work on his trousers and they fell to his feet. Tammy gasped and turned the other way. “Oh Tammy!” Dante laughed. “We are married, a little skinny dipping in our private pool is actually allowed.”

  Tammy downed the rest of her champagne and placed the glass down. She heard a splash and Dante was in the pool. Her heart was beating fast, she looked over her shoulder, and he was a wonderful sight. His strong body controlling the water, the moonlight lighting down on his porcelain skin. Why was she being such a prune about this? He was right, they were married. Tammy bit down on her lip as she thought about the possibilities of tonight. This was what she had been looking forward to for months.

  “Turn around,” she yelled, Dante held up his hands and did what he was told. She reached for her zip with shaking hands. She was feeling every emotion possible-- Nervous, anticipation, excitement, fear and most of all love. She slid the dress down her body and stepped out of it. She removed her underwear and walked over to the pool. Her whole body trembling as she made her way down the stairs and into the warm water.

  Dante turned to face his wife and swam over. She looked scared. His arms embraced her, her bare skin next to his felt amazing. “See,” he said softly. “That wasn't difficult.” His lips brushed against her bare shoulder. “You are beautiful and love you so much.”

  Their eyes locked and Dante felt his heart skip a beat. In that second he knew he couldn't tell her, he wanted to protect her and make her happy. Telling her the full curse would lead to unnecessary panic and now he understood exactly why his mother didn't know. Tonight was the start of his whole new life with Tammy.

  Chapter sixteen

  Tammy woke up startled, had it all been a dream. Her eyes wandered over to Dante, who was still sleeping, the blanket draped over his bottom half and his perfect chest on full display. His dark hair curled around his perfect sculptured face.

  No, last night had not been a dream. She wished she could lay for a little longer and watch him sleep. Her bladder had different thoughts. She crept out of the bed and grabbed a dressing gown from the back of the door as she entered the bathroom.

  She dealt with her problem quickly and stopped to look at herself in the mirror – she didn't look any different, except her face was slightly flushed... Her lips still tingled and her body felt relaxed and indulged. She was a woman now... A married woman.

  Once the pain had exploded, pleasure had taken over. She closed her eyes and remembered every tiny detail. His soft touch and how her own body had shivered beneath him. Nothing would ever compare to this and waiting had made the whole thing mind blowing.

  Life was wonderful and she doubted that it couldn't get any better. She held her finger up. Just like Claudia she had that pin prick scar. She was now his life force and he was the one that took her to new heights.

  She laughed to herself as she thought about the day she was forced to go live with them, she thought about their first stolen kiss, the day she learnt their secret and the day he dropped on one knee and proposed. Everything had led to this moment and whatever happened now her perfect, dark and dangerous husband would be with her.

  She walked back into the bedroom and Dante was now sitting up in bed with his hands behind his head. He looked rather pleased with himself and he couldn't stop smiling. Tammy felt exactly the same. She quickly raced over and got in beside him.

  “Hey,” he smiled.

  “Hey,” she huskily replied. The pair just stared at each other, both replaying last night in their minds. Tammy could feel her cheeks turning bright red. Finally, her own curse was broken and it had been worth the wait. “So?”

  Dante shifted towards Tammy and pulled her on his lap. “Why are you acting coy with me, Mrs Renaldo?” He placed a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. “Are we having regrets about last night?”

  Tammy leaned back and her face fell. “How can you say that?” Her voice full or pain, she actually thought she was going to burst into tears. “Is that how you feel?”

  Dante's hand clasped the sides of Tammy's face and he kissed her forehead. “No!” He firmly replied. “Last night was the most amazing night of my life,” he pulled her tight against his chest. “I have never felt this happy before. It's as if you are the final piece of my jigsaw and now I finally feel complete.”

  Tammy's heart melted at his words, she most definitely felt the same. She had never expected to feel this good in her life. Okay, the money was still an issue and if she was truthful, it always would be. On the plus side, she knew she loved Dante body, heart and soul. Nothing could bring her down from this natural high. Life had never been this good.


  The morning had been blissful, not moving from the bed. It was a shame they finally had to move, Dante could have spent the whole 14 days doing nothing else but Tammy. Never before had he even thought sex could be that good, being in love and waiting had a certainly made the difference. Nothing could ever compare to Tammy.

  Dante escorted Tammy to the Ship's 'fine' dinning hall, tonight everyone on the ship was welcoming the heir of the company. A massive banquet was being served, with champagne and a jazz band. Dante chuckled to himself, he had a funny idea his mother had been behind it. Although, his father insured him his mother never interfered with business-- Yeah, who was he trying to kid!

  After a lot of debating Tammy finally decided to wear a ball-gown from the dressing room. He didn't understand why she hated it so much. Surely every woman dreamed of having their personal dressing up room with no expense. Then again, Tammy wasn't like other women, she was one of a kind. A one of a kind that was perfectly suited to him.

  The room looked like something out of the Titanic, never ever in her life had she seen anything this grand. Not that she had actually paid much attention to the film, but by imagination this is how she imagined it.

  Tammy stopped in her tracks. “Dante” she sighed, her eyes, whipping over all the people. Not one person did they know, they were all holiday makers. Great, now who is getting snobby! Tammy cringed, she felt bad even thinking that – 'The Jenna attitude was wearing off'. No, it wasn't that, her eyes glazed over Dante's form. He looked perfect in his tux. She just didn't want to share him. The whole day had been lush, laid up with him. Her skin still tingled, she now chuckled- Was she becoming an addict? Well, she was only addicted to Dante.

  “You're blushing” he cooed, his eyes flicking across the room. “Believe me. I don't want to be here either.” His arm whipped round Tammy's waist, slowly their faces met. He could tell Tammy was panting already. Slowly a smile curled his lips. “Please... Stop!” Their lips only inches apart, Dante lifted a finger and traced Tammy's cheek, he could smell her in-luring breath, the heat from her body, the scent of her blood flowing through her veins.

  “Kiss me,” she begged, her eyelashes fluttering, her chest soaking in every breath. She watched him raise an eyebrow and look away. Then slowly turned back towards her, that side smile, those eyes dark with need. Before he even answered, her lips landed on his. Their tongues exploring each others mouths. Her fingers locked in his hair. His finger digging into her waist. She wanted to explode. Somehow he had managed to release an animal in her.

  She backed away slowly, not only from her thought, but also from her behaviour. She didn't know what had gotten into her. Tonight she was all desire and no thought.

  “Control you,” he smirked.

  “Well” boomed a loud voice, the pair turned to a man dressed in a navy suit and a sailor’s hat walking in their direction. “There is no doubting whose boy you are” the man chuckled, holding out his hand for Dante to shake. “Welcome abroad, I'm the Captain of this mighty fine lady.”

  “Please to meet you” he smiled as he took his hand away. “I'm Dante Renaldo and this,” his arm wrapping around Tammy's shoulder. “Is my wife Tammy.”

  “Welcome, Tammy. Would you like to meet the rest of your crew?”

  Dante turned to look at Tammy. “Go,” she smiled,
waving her hand. “I'm pretty sure I can find a way to amuse myself.” At that moment a waiter walked past carrying a tray of champagne. “See.”

  Dante's voice lowered. “Remember to eat and don't leave the party.” He quickly followed the Captain leaving Tammy looking around the massive banquet hall. The place was packed with people wearing dresses just like hers. At least she didn't feel out of place here, she slowly began to walk around.

  Her first thing to do was grab a glass of Champagne. The bubbles popped on her tongue and it tasted divine. Okay, maybe having money wasn't as bad as she thought. She knew she couldn't live her whole life like this. Once in a while would be okay to flash the cash.

  The band sounded wonderful, she took a seat next to them and began to listen. They were playing 'witch craft'. She remembered her father would listen to it and sing along. She wondered what everyone was doing back home. She had only been gone a day and was already missing her Gran. Then those words came into her head, 'be careful'. She still didn't understand exactly what that meant.

  “Hi,” said a voice, stopping Tammy's thought. Tammy's eyes looked up at the woman standing in front of her. “May I?” She pointed to the chair empty next to Tammy's, Tammy just nodded and she sat down. “Not really a big fan of these things,” she said, flicking her long blonde hair.

  Tammy was left silent just by the woman's beauty. She was absolutely perfect; blue eyes, blonde hair and perfect tanned skin. Her dress was a classic white 1920's style. She showed a little cleavage but not too much. Tammy instantly felt like the ugly duckling now.

  “My name is Laura” the woman smiled politely. “And you would be...”

  “Tammy” she coughed, finally finding her voice.

  “Hello Tammy... Have you been on a cruise ship before?”

  “No, I am actually on my honeymoon” her cheeks slightly flushed as she thought about last night.

  “Well, congratulations. Who is he?”

  “Dante Renaldo” Tammy said very proudly as Laura's jaw dropped wide. Tammy narrowed her eyes at Laura's reaction. Once again, she felt very awkward. Of course people would be surprised. Tammy was a poor pale girl and Dante's family owned all of this.

  “Tammy!” Said an abrupt voice. Tammy looked up and now Dante was standing over her, his face like thunder as he looked from one woman to the next. “Come!” He grabbed her by the elbow pulling her from the seat. He quickly marched her out of the hall.

  Tammy was now surprised herself, why had he reacted like that. She sunk her heels in and stopped, Dante flying round to face her. “What was that about?”

  “I don't want you talking to strangers.”

  “I’m not a child, if you hadn't noticed.” She yanked her arm out of Dante's grip. “I'm going back to the cabin, as it seems I somehow manage to embarrass you.” She began walking. Knowing full well Dante was following behind. She took in a deep breath, she would wait till it was safe to cry, and she didn't want to make a scene. Her heart felt heavy, did he think the same as she thought about herself. Was he now showing his true colours?

  As soon as she entered the cabin she collapsed on to the bed and burst out in tears. He had completely humiliated her in front of that woman. She was stupid to think she would ever fit into Dante's world. She would always be seen as the poor girl he had somehow rescued.

  The words he once said to her played in her head. 'Can't you just be grateful that my family have taken you away from your miserable life?' Did he still think like that? Had he not changed at all?

  She felt the bed move as he took his place next to her side. “Tammy,” he sighed, reaching out for her, but she moved, she didn't want him touching her.

  “Go away, Dante” she sobbed. “I can't bear to me near you” her words being chocked out by her own tears.

  “Tammy,” his voice soft, he felt rotten for showing her up like that. He had just panicked. He saw her talking to a stranger and got paranoid. He knew how she felt about herself and money. He could only imagine what terrible things she was thinking. Once again, he had messed up just like he did on their wedding day. She didn't bother to look at him and Dante could feel his temper rising. This was really not the time to lose control.

  “Tammy” he called out louder. “You need to look and listen to me.”

  Tammy sat up and wiped the tears off her face. She was pretty sure nothing he could say would stop her from hurting. She knew what she was and where she came from. Of course, he wouldn't want her mixing with the others. The marriage didn't mean anything. It couldn't change you, just your name. After all, just like Shakespeare said 'what is in a name?” Tammy was beginning to feel mortified, after everything her Grandmother had said to her, she had failed.

  “This is not about you” Dante exhaled, his hand running through his hair. This was it, he had to tell her. There was no way he could carry on knowing how she felt. He placed his hands over his face, the brutal truth was coming, and everything she knew about the cruse was a lie...

  A made up fairy tale lie... He was a vampire because that was what he was. They were coming for him and her... They were watching and waiting.... For their daughter if they were ever to have one. As far as the others were concerned, it was payback time.

  Tammy turned her nose up at him. “Then what is this about?”

  He slowly removed his hands from his face and his eyes looked over at Tammy. Her little face stained with her own tears. “The curse,” he hissed. Tammy's face was now blank and he had her full attention. “You see,” He paused and swallowed hard, a lump now in his own throat. “I lied to you, Tammy. The men in my family have and always will be vampires. We just adapted our ways to feed during time.” She hadn't moved, she was still listening.

  “Your grandfather the witch hunting?” Her voice weak, she was stunned. Was nothing he told her true? Had she been pushed into this under false pretences? No, he loved her, didn't he?

  “He was a witch-hunter and he killed witches. That's true. We have always been at war with them. They found out what we were and they tried to expose our secret. He killed their leader, tortured her. He targeted a whole coven, however, one managed to get away.”

  “Why are you changing the story now, Dante?”

  “I told you the same story my father told my mother.”

  “She has been lied to too?”

  “Only because my father thought she didn't need to tell her the truth. They never had a girl, so he didn't tell her.”

  “Tell her what?”

  “The others will try and take our first born if it's a girl. It will be the ultimate revenge...”Dante rubbed his brow. “You see, if we have a girl then that's it no more Vampires. Finished. Over. But what they want more is to change one of us into them.”

  Tammy jumped off the bed. “That's crazy... That's kidnapping!”

  “No! My grandfather promised them when they spared his life. They have been watching and waiting ever since.” Dante sighed, his hands were shaking. “Also, Angus didn't commit suicide, he was murdered.” Dante shrugged his shoulders. “I have been thinking and I have come up with my own theory. I don't think he knew the baby was stillborn. He must have confronted her-- the one who was waiting to take the baby. He was going to kill her, but she got there first.”

  “Is everything you told me a lie?” Tammy cried the world she thought she knew was gone. Everything felt surreal and she couldn't get a grip on anything. She fell to the floor, her head was dizzy and she thought she was going to be sick.

  “I had to” Dante cried, dropping down to Tammy's side. “I had to protect you. These 'others' are everywhere, Tammy. They are waiting to get what they want and they will do anything to get it.”

  Tammy's head flipped up and her eyes widen. It all clicked, she now understood what her grandmother's words meant. Be careful was a reference to these others, Dante was talking about. “She knows,” she whispered. “My grandmother knows and she has already warned me.”

  “Are you sure?” Dante looked surprised, his
hand reached out for Tammy’s. This time she didn't move out of his grip.

  “She told me to be careful and now I know she meant them. We need to stop this, Dante.”

  “I know,” he pulled Tammy into him and took in her scent. “Please don't hate me, Tammy. I was only trying to protect you.”

  “I know,” she sighed, finally resting her head on Dante's chest. “But how are we going to do this?”


  That night Tammy couldn't sleep, she kept having dreams about people snatching children. The man in the portrait being killed, her grandmother screaming out in pain. She felt she had been trapped in a horror movie. Although, this was her life and she didn't know how to deal with getting to grips with it.

  She watched as the sun slowly rose, glimpses of light sparkling across the never ending blue sea. Even this far away from Ashville she no longer felt safe. The thought that someone or some people were watching her made her skin crawl.

  She had hated lying to her family, keeping them in the dark about her life. With this added on, she felt sick and scared. Scared that she couldn't avoid it, scared that one day she may end up like her Gran. She pulled her dressing gown around her tighter and blinked back tears. Was Dante's theory true? Did her grandmother know any of this? Another secret she was going to have to keep hidden away. What was once her fairy tale and had quickly turned into a horrid reality.

  She knew it was selfish, but a part of her wished he had taken his father's words and left her in the dark. Claudia once said it sounded mystical to her, but it was the complete opposite. It was mean and unnecessary. The whole idea of someone wanting to take her child was terrifying and made her head spin.

  “You're up” Dante yawned, as he sat down on the seat next to Tammy. He looked at her beautiful face, dark circles under her eyes proved she hadn't slept at all. He had felt her tossing and turning all night. Once he was sure he heard her quietly cry.

  “I couldn't get much sleep,” she weakly smiled. “You?” Her eyes still staring out to sea, some honeymoon this was turning out to be. In fact the last few days had seemed like hell. Dante was off during the wedding and last night's events didn't seem to help.

  “Tammy,” Dante sighed, as he ran his hands through his hair. “We need to stop dwelling on this fucking curse shit! We need to start enjoying our honeymoon and each other.”