Read Closer-- the full curse Page 18

  “Okay,” he calmly said, his eyes focusing back on Tammy. The quicker they got this over with the quicker they could sleep. “Tell me.”

  Tammy stared at him, his face was pale and he looked sleepy. She wondered if he ever slept at the hospital. She reached out for his hand, how she loved how her hands felt in his. She loved him unconditionally, it that split second she felt her heart swell. “The story you told me on our honeymoon is wrong, Dante.”

  A little smile appeared on his lips. “No,” he chuckled. “That was the true story, Tammy. The one I told you when you came here was...”

  “The right one. This is a curse, Dante. I can end this, only I can end this.” Dante wasn't blinking now and Tammy knew he thought she had gone completely mad. She tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes. “Check behind Angus's portrait. You will find the dagger...” she watched his lips twitch. “The same dagger that started everything.”

  Dante opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't find any words to describe how he felt. He reluctantly stood up and walked over to the portrait. “Behind it you say?” Tammy nodded very enthusiastically, just humour, her voice in his head said.

  He looked it up and down. He couldn't believe he was actually going to see if anything was behind it. He shrugged his shoulders and just got on with it.

  His hand moved behind, there was nothing. He reached a little higher and felt something beneath his hand. His heart began to race and he ripped it off from where it had been taped.

  Tammy watched with wonder as something was placed in front of her on the floor. She looked up at Dante, who was still just staring at the mysterious item wrapped in brown paper.

  “It was real,” she smiled.

  Dante's dark eyes flipped up at her and he was giving that frown. He swallowed hard. Unaware of what he should do next. Things had just taken a massive twisted turn.

  He had to swallow his pride and admit that this thing was much more magical than he had first assumed. He had to remain rational and in control. If for one second he allowed to let his guard down, this could all get out of hand. Especially after what Jenna had confessed at the hospital.

  “It doesn't mean it is what you think,” he growled, he could already feel his temper rising. “Look,” he ran his hands through his hair. “I'll speak to my father.”

  Tammy finally stood up from the floor and shook her head. He still didn't believe her even with the evidence right under his nose. She gave him one glance, turned on her heel and left the room. She didn't want to be near him at the moment. Just like all the other times she was made to feel useless. Now she was a major factor in this curse and it had given her purpose.

  She made her way down the hall, she was sure she could hear faint yelling coming from the living room. She followed the yelling and listened against the door. She could make out it was Sir Renaldo arguing with a female, but it wasn't Claudia. Tammy pressed her ear against the door and swore she heard the word Jenna.

  “What are you doing?” Dante growled behind her, making her jump up away from the door. The pain stabbed through her stomach and she hissed “Ow” through gritted teeth. “Come on,” he smiled while sweeping her up in his arms. “You really need to rest.”

  Dante had tucked Tammy into bed and didn't leave until he had placed a single kiss on her forehead. Now she was alone, she stared up at the fancy painted ceiling. The word 'Jenna' kept echoing around her head, why would Sir Renaldo argue with Jenna? Dante hadn't mentioned anything about their discovery. Why did she feel she was in the dark about something?

  Tammy turned on her side and let out a depressed sigh. She never thought this was how she would spend her first moments of motherhood. Then again, she never wanted to be a mother and now she was, well it was going to be ripped away from her. Then Angus's words replayed in her head. 'I believe in you, Tammy. Remember all of this. You're the one to break this curse.'

  Why didn't she feel that confident now? It was a ridiculous to think a weak person like Tammy could end centuries of torment and hell. Maybe it had all been a dream and just by coincidence, they had just stumbled across something.

  Tammy closed her eyes and tried to think about something else. She had to get stronger for hope and Dante. They were her main focus in life and she had to be well for them. She would think about this again when it was time to and not before.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dante stepped into the living room, his father was on one side and Jenna sat crying on the other side. His eyes drifted from one to the other. “What was the yelling about?” He stepped in and closed the door behind.

  Sir Renaldo whipped his head round to his son. “Jenna has informed me she has decided to swap sides and you know about it!”

  “Yes” Dante looked down at his feet. He heard his father come to stand in front of him. “I'm sorry,” he said weakly.

  “You are sorry!” His father yelled. “Are you really that stupid, Dante? I said to allow her to carry on being a Tammy's friend, but not this.” Sir Renaldo rubbed his forehead in anger. “You cannot trust her,” he yelled at the top of his voice.

  A little laugh escaped from Dante's lips. “You think I don't know that?” His eyes sprung to Jenna, still sat there wiping away her tears as if she was the victim. “It's her” Dante yelled back, his finger pointing at Jenna. “She just came to the hospital begging and I gave in. I know Tammy loves you, but if she knew what you are...”

  “I know” Jenna cried as she stood up. “Do you know how much I believed I was the one to end this? I was the one to finally get what belonged to them... My mother... My grandmother... They told me I was the one.” Her hand fell onto her face and she started shaking her head. “Okay,” her hand fell to her sides and suddenly strength rang through her. Jenna's eyes locked with Dante's. “If you think I am such a monster” Her legs started moving before she decided. “Plunge that dagger in my heart.” She was now chest to chest with Dante, their eyes locked while Sir Renaldo looked on at what was occurring.

  Dante coughed and took a step back. “What dagger?” He tried to keep his voice light but whatever he had found behind Angus's portrait was burning in his back pocket. “Seriously” he looked at his father. “She is crazy.”

  “Don't make me look stupid, Dante” Jenna tutted as she folded her arms over her chest. “I know you have the dagger in your back pocket. I can sense its presence.”

  “Would someone please explain what is going?” Sir Renaldo growled. Dante could see he was on the edge of losing it. He removed the wrapped up item from his pocket, his eyes not once leaving Jenna; who was now tapping her foot as she waited for Dante to hurry up and get it over with.

  Dante walked towards his father and placed it in his hands. “I and Tammy found it behind Uncle Angus's portrait. I have no idea what it is for.” A smile danced upon his lips. “If you speak to Tammy I am pretty sure she will inform you on any details.”

  “Oh please,” Jenna snapped. “I'll tell you exactly what it is” her attention now on Sir Renaldo who was staring down at what was in his hands with curiosity. “It is the 'de puissance mystique'. We believe it holds all of Glandis powers.” Both the men were staring at her with blank expressions. “Do I really have to explain” Jenna said as she rolled her eyes. “Please tell me you know your own Curse story?”

  “Of course” Dante snapped. “Get on with what this thing is?”

  “It s the dagger that Glandis used to change your ancestors into vampires. The theory is that for some weird reason when the blood was mixed the dagger held Glandis's life within. She tried to kill herself with it but nothing happened.”

  “You are expecting me to believe that your leader is in immortal?” Dante laughed, now he had heard everything.

  “No” Jenna forcefully replied. “She is not immortal, she can die, but only one person can do this.” Her voice started to shake and she began to breathe heavily.

  “Who?” Sir Renaldo asked. “Who can stop all of this?”

a looked from Dante to Sir Renaldo. “Tammy....”

  Dante started pacing up and down. “How can Tammy do it?” The thought was crazy, there was no way Tammy could kill someone. She was so fragile and innocent. “This is just getting beyond a joke.”

  Sir Renaldo placed a hand on Dante's shoulder and he finally stopped moving. “No, this is no joke.” his eyes turned back to look at Jenna. “What does Tammy have to do?”

  “Tammy knows what to do” Dante blurted out. “God, I need something to drink.” He strolled over to his father’s drinks cabinet and poured himself a large Whiskey. The stress of this whole situation was starting up his thirst. He knew the Whiskey wasn't going to help satisfy his needs, but it was at least going to help with the nerves he was beginning to feel.

  “How does Tammy know, Dante?” Jenna said. “If you two didn't know, then hell did Tammy find out.”

  Dante could feel them both staring in his direction. “This is really turning into some freak show” he muttered before downing the rest of the Whiskey.

  “Well?” Jenna glared at him, urging him to carry on with what he had started.

  Dante placed the glass down and tilted his head to the side. “They came to her, she said while she was unconscious. Angus explained everything to her by the sounds of it.”

  “You’re telling me everything Tammy knows is from a dream?” Jenna began to march towards the door. “I need to speak to her.”

  “No!” Dante yelled after her.

  “Why?” Jenna yelled back, stopping in the doorway. “We could end all of this tonight, Dante. Then me, you, Hope and Tammy will be free. Free to live a normal life without any of this shit.”

  “She does have a point” Sir Renaldo said in agreement.

  Dante slowly turned to look at his father, now he was even more confused. “Just a few minutes ago you said we couldn't trust her.” His throat was beginning to burn and he was on the brink of finally losing it.

  “I’ve changed my mind” Sir Renaldo's voice remained calm and in control. “Jenna didn't have to tell us any of this and now I know I can see what Jenna is seeing.”

  “She will freak out” Dante yelled. “You will have to tell her who you actually are Jenna. How is she going to deal with that?”

  “I will live with it,” Jenna quietly replied. “Let's just end it tonight, please.”

  She was now begging and Dante could see it in her face. He turned his back on them while he thought about it. End it tonight, was it even possible. The fact it all laid in Tammy's hands was freighting, she had been through so much in the last year. Was she even in the right frame of mind?

  Dante spun round and his mind was now made up. “How?”

  A little smile appeared on Jenna's lips. “I will speak to Tammy and we will come up with the plan.”

  Chapter Twenty one

  “Tammy” a voice called out to her. Tammy slowly opened her eyes and Jenna was smiling down at her. “I need to speak to you.”

  Tammy sat up and rubbed her eyes. “About what?” She yawned, her eyes still half closed. “Are you okay? Has something happened?”

  “I want to talk to you about this” Jenna laid the item down on the bed and Tammy find herself suddenly wide awake. “Do you know what this is?”

  Tammy just nodded, unable to speak. Her eyes looked back at Jenna confused. What was Jenna doing with the dagger? Then her eyes moved around the room, both Dante and Sir Renaldo were looking down at her. Something chilled inside of her and the hairs stood up at the back of her neck.

  “Jenna?” Her voice almost a whisper. “Tell me.”

  Jenna nodded and sat up straight. “I have been keeping something a secret from you. Please understand I have always remained your friend and I didn't want to do anything to hurt you. I have known you all my life and I love you like a sister.”

  “Will you please tell me” Tammy begged as she reached out for her friend's hand.

  Jenna looked up at Dante and he just nodded at her unspoken question. Jenna took in a deep breath, she was about to lose one of the most important people in her life. Her eyes wandered back to Tammy's tiny doll's face, her big eyes staring at her and her mouth turned down at the corners.

  “I’m a witch, Tammy. In fact, I was the watcher... It was my role to keep the others informed about Hope's birth and to be the one to take her away.”

  Tammy snatched her hand away and gasped in shock. “You're lying,” she cried. “Dante? She is lying, isn't she?”

  Dante scooped down to Tammy's side and placed a protective arm around his wife. “No,” he whispered into her hair. “She is telling you the truth.”

  “But...” Tammy couldn't think of anything to say. She suddenly felt very strange. This had to be a dream. She pinched herself, no this was real. This was actually happening. Her best friend was one of them. One of the evil people that wanted to kidnap her baby. How? How was this even possible?

  “Just listen to her, Tammy” Sir Renaldo demanded. “What she is about to say is very important.”

  “I am on your side now” Jenna began. “Hope isn't going to be taken away and we are going to end this... Tonight. First, I need to know what you know about this dagger and your role in this.”

  Tammy swallowed hard, her mind had gone blank. She closed her eyes and tried to remember everything Angus had told her. Her head rested against Dante's strong chest. All she could think about was her best friend being one of them.

  “Come on, Tammy” Jenna begged her voice a little edgy. “You need to tell me... We are close to ending this.”

  “Angus” she began, her eyes remaining shut and now she was clinging on to Dante as if her life depended on it. “He Said I have to reverse the curse. My blood has to mix her blood and I have to use the same dagger.”

  Jenna's face lit up. “Yes and how do you do that?” Jenna held out her hand. “Show me, Tammy.”

  Tammy opened her eyes and took Jenna's hand in hers. Just like Angus had showed her Tammy drew an invisible line down Jenna's palm and copied on her own hand. Without any warning, she locked hands with Jenna.

  “Yes!” Jenna smiled. “She knows” her voice was full excitement. Jenna leaped over and gave her friend a big hug. “Yes, Tammy. We can end this.”

  “How?” Dante said. “It means getting your leader here. She isn't just going to turn up.”

  Jenna pulled away. “She will if she thought Hope was here. Listen, here's the plan....”


  Jenna pulled up outside the house. She had once thought was her rightful home. She didn't actually want to go inside not after what happened the last time. The excitement she had felt an hour ago had disappeared and was now replaced with fear.

  With her legs shaking, she somehow managed to get out of the car. Slowly doubts were filling her mind, were they actually going to be able to finish this tonight? God, she hoped so. To finally be normal again and live her life without lying to anyone. No more being someone else's property and being told what to do.

  Jenna took a deep breath and marched up to the front door. All she had to do was get Glandis to Ashville Manor and after that it was all down to Dante and Sir Renaldo.

  Jenna pressed the doorbell and waited eagerly for Glandis to answer. Her heart was racing and her hands shook. She had to regain herself and quickly. She couldn't mess this up, it was time Glandis got what she deserved. She was evil, cruel and most of all Jenna hated her. She deserved to die and she had to die tonight.

  The door opened and there she stood before Jenna. Her eyes immediately looked at the woman's natural beauty. Her long red hair brought out her pure blue eyes, a perfect oval face with full red lips. A year ago, she had been in awe of this woman, but now she hated her.

  “Jenna” she purred. “What a delightful surprise. Do come in,” she held the door open. Jenna shook her head and refused to enter. “Something the matter?” Her voice had now turned ice cold and Jenna felt herself flinch.

  “No” Jenna smiled. “Today is your lu
cky day, Glandis. The blood sucker's baby is home and is waiting for you.”

  Glandis's mouth twitched into a smile. “Really?” She gasped. “It is finally pay day” she joked. The smile quickly dropped off her face and her eyes glared at Jenna. “Why did you not bring her yourself?”

  Jenna knew she was going to ask that question. “Because,” she forced a grin on her face, but she was beyond scared now. How Glandis hadn't caught on was beyond her. “I thought you would prefer to collect what is yours and maybe have some fun at the parasites expense.”

  Glandis clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, I like that idea.” She re-entered the house and Jenna finally let out a deep breath. That had gone easier than she had thought. She just prayed everything else would go exactly to plan.


  Dante couldn't remain still, one minute he was sitting, then standing and then pacing around the room. Just watching him was making Tammy feel dizzy. Unlike Dante she remained quiet and still as she thought about what was going to happen.

  A part of her was scared and the other half excited that she would be fulfilling her Gran's wish. She had never expected it to be quite as soon. She wasn't prepared for any of this. She looked up at the clock and the time seemed to be going faster than she assumed.

  Jenna would be back soon and Tammy would be face to face with Angus's murderer. Fear exploded inside her and now the doubts were beginning to creep in.

  “This is ridiculous” Dante snapped, breaking the silence. “We have actually put all our trust in a witch.” He let out a little air from his mouth and ran his hands through his thick dark air. “How do we know this isn't some set up?”

  “Quiet” Sir Renaldo snapped. “I believe her. She is risking her own life for us, Dante. This Glandis woman is dangerous and there is no predicting what she is capable of.”

  Dante threw his hands in the air. “Great,” he snapped with annoyance. “And you are just handing Tammy over to her.” Dante stood up yet again. “You put a witch before my wife.”