Read Closer-- the full curse Page 8

  Tammy felt her cheeks turn bright red, she hadn't assumed that... She thought he lived off her energy. Which she was clearly wrong about, she suddenly felt very stupid. “Sorry,” she muttered, feeling shameful, she wanted a hole to appear and swallow her up.

  “It's okay,” he had finally stopped laughing. “I just don't like breakfast or lunch. I prefer to eat at night.”

  Now it was Tammy's turn to laugh, when Dante realized what he said he joined in with the laughter too. Dante couldn't remember the last time he laughed so much, since after awakening there didn't seem much to laugh about. Now with Tammy life was looking up-- he didn't want this new found happiness to end.


  Tammy had lost count of how many glasses of champagne she had drank after glass number two. Dante had helped her get back to the penthouse, but her legs felt as if they were independent from the rest of her body. Dante propped her up against the door frame as he opened the door. Once the door was open, in one swift movement he scooped her up in his arms and carried her inside.

  Tammy rested her head against his chest and took in his intoxicating scent. She wished she could bottle it up and keep it as her special perfume. She looked up at his sculpted face, which was now looking down at her; his black hair clinging around the sides of his eyes. Tammy felt her heart beat faster. She looked at the shirt button open, exposing a peek of his porcelain skin. She wondered what his skin would feel like against her fingertips or maybe beneath her lips.

  She flinched at her own thoughts. She wondered what it would be like him making love to her. Tonight had been wonderful, surely tonight would be a wonderful time to lose her virginity. Then she remembered about the promise he had made to his mother. Like she would know if he had broken it. Never more than now did she feel surer of her decision. Everything was perfect, romantic dinner, a beautiful place and on her first trip out of Ashville. Now had to be the time.

  Dante pushed open the bedroom door, carried her over to the bed and gently laid her down. Her big green eyes were still staring at him, her pink lip gripped between her teeth. Her cheeks were slightly red and she was breathing very deeply.

  He perched down beside and moved a strand of hair off her forehead. “You really did look beautiful tonight, Tammy.” She didn't respond, without warning, she pushed him down onto the bed, her lips colliding with his, as she straddled him and her fingers locking in his hair.

  He fell into her kiss, his tongue dancing in out of her mouth and hers tantalizing in his mouth. His fingertips gently rubbed the exposed skin on her shoulders. He let out a little groan in the back of his throat and his body filled with desire.

  Tammy broke away and looked down at him. One of her hands slowly undoing his shirt buttons. “Tonight, please,” she begged, her lips trailing down the bare skin of his chest.

  Dante brought his hands up to his head. Her kisses felt too good, his blood was rushing around his body. His arousal building to great heights, but he couldn't do this, not now anyway. He wanted it to be right. He wanted her as his wife before they took this giant step of affection.

  He pushed Tammy off him and pinned her to the bed. “No,” he said softly, her eyes sadden and tears welled up. He started to trail kisses all over her face. “It's not that I don't want” he raised an eyebrow. “There is nothing more I would like to do than make love to you.”

  “So... What is it?” She cried, now feeling stupid, embarrassed and unwanted.

  “I want you to be Mrs Renaldo before we...” For the first time ever Dante felt his own cheeks flush. “Make love to you” a smile hitting his lips, which made Tammy gasp. He lay back on his side and pulled Tammy into him and hugged her tight. “I love you,” he gently whispered. “And I just want everything to be perfect.”

  “Everything is perfect, Dante” she rolled her eyes. She knew he wasn't going to change his mind and she wasn't going to force him. “Fine!” She kissed his cheek. “We will do it your way.”-- Like she had a choice!

  Chapter Ten

  Tammy's head was banging, every time she moved she felt she was going to be sick. Never again was she drinking alcohol, not only did it make you ill. It also led to embarrassing moments.

  Dante sat opposite her at the breakfast table. He of course looked nothing but fresh and fabulous. Tammy hated how nothing affected him the way they did her. He hadn't even mentioned her pouncing on him last night. Tammy cringed as she remembered. He was probably now thinking she was a total slut who randomly slept with anyone. If he only knew the truth about how pathetic she really was.

  Tammy reckoned she was the only 21 year old virgin in actual existence. She reached out and grabbed her coffee cup. She never drank coffee, but decided she would need it today, just to get through everything Dante had planned.

  “Are you not speaking this morning?” Dante asked, as he flipped through his newspaper.

  “My head hurts” Tammy complained as she swallowed a gulp of coffee.

  “Maybe next time you decide to drink that much champagne” his voice almost sounding like his father's. “You'll eat more and drink more water!”

  “Please, don't start,” she huffed, placing her coffee cup down on the table. “Also, I wanted to say sorry for last night. The way I behaved was out of order and just to make things clear,” Tammy cringed at the thought of her confession. “I have never done that before... EVER!”

  “I know,” he sighed. “I have already worked out you're a virgin.” Tammy's eyes widened, the way he said virgin—like it was a good thing. “Tammy, don't hate yourself for remaining pure and innocent.”

  Pure and innocent? The words mortified her... She wanted nothing more than to shred the idea of her being that. She wanted to discover the sexual devil that lived deep within her. Tammy rolled her eyes. She had to stop over thinking that her virginity was her own curse. She would have to wait a while before she discovered the magic of having a physical relationship, as it didn't look like Dante was going to change his mind any time soon.

  “What are we doing today?” She groaned, picking up her coffee cup and trying to change the subject.

  “Well” Dante smiled, quickly folding his paper away. The grin on his face instantly put Tammy in a good mood. “Madame Tussands” his voice full of excitement.

  “Sounds wonderful” her own voice matching Dante's.


  Dante walked along side, Tammy as she chatted away about everything she had seen in Madame Tussands. He had tried really hard to enjoy himself, but the pain in his throat and stomach was beginning to get unbearable. This morning when he woke up it started and as the day went on he was really beginning to feel sick.

  Tammy stopped in her tracks and looked at Dante. “Are you okay?” He looked off colour and had been quiet during their whole visit. She reached out for his hand. “Wow, you are really hot.”

  “Stop fussing” he whipped her hand away. “I am fine!” He carried on walking ahead, he had to get back. He just wanted to lie down and sleep.

  Tammy trailed behind, what is wrong with him? She thought to herself, did asking if he was okay offend him? She had to admit he had been acting weirdly, that wasn't the first time today he had snapped or brushed off her hand. Maybe her little fairy tale bubble had finally popped! Or maybe he was just coming down with something and she was getting paranoid.

  Everything about him looked weird, his skin had gone very pale and she had witnessed on a few occasions his hand gripping his throat. Something was clearly wrong with him. There was no point asking him, unless she wanted her head bitten off once again.

  They finally arrived back at the penthouse. Dante disappeared off into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Tammy guessed she was spending the evening alone. She slumped down on the sofa and closed her eyes. A little sleep wouldn't hurt.....

  “Araghhhh” screamed a voice. Tammy woke up in complete darkness, she rubbed her face and it took her a few seconds to remember where she was. The voice screamed out again, she jumped up
and ran to Dante's room. She opened the door and stepped in switching the light on.

  “Tammy!” Dante yelled, as his hand gripped his throat and then his stomach. He fell to the floor, frantically tossing and turning. Tammy ran over to his side. He was pouring with sweat and his face white as a ghost. Tammy could see all his veins in his hands as gripped tightly.

  “What should I do?” She screamed, he couldn't reply he was too much in pain. She scanned the room for an answer and lying on his night stand was his mobile. Ring his dad!

  Tammy jumped up and grabbed the phone. Her fingers shaking as she tried to find Sir Renaldo's number, she hit the call button and began to pace around. Dante was still crying out loud in pain.

  “Dante?” A voice softly answered.

  “No!” Her voice filled with fear and anxiety. “It's Tammy... It's Dante. I really don't know what to do... He's in pain and it won't stop.” She burst out in tears as she watched him moving around the floor still gripping hold of his throat.

  “Calm down, Tammy... Tell me where the pain is?”

  “His stomach, he is clinging on to his stomach” Tammy watched as Dante's other hand gripped his throat. “And his throat!” She quickly added.

  “What colour is his eyes?”

  Eyes? Why would he want to know the colour of his eyes – that was a strange thing to ask? Without thinking too much about the question, she ran to Dante's side.

  His eyes full of tears and wide, “Black!” She yelled the darkest, clearest shade of black she had ever seen before. She brushed some hair away from his forehead in a bid to comfort him slightly. Some of his hair clung to the sweat on his forehead.

  “Tammy,” Sir Renaldo said firmly. “You must listen to everything I say. This boy will be the death of me.” He tutted.

  Tammy watched as Dante suddenly stopped moving, she placed a hand on his chest he was still breathing. He had obviously passed out from the pain. “Tell me what to do, Sir Renaldo. I will do anything...”

  “I'm afraid to tell you this Tammy, but you're the only one who can do it. My son has avoided his thirst, if he carries on he will get ill and we can't risk taking him to the hospital.”

  It clicked and Tammy froze. “Blood? He needs blood?” Then she remembered what Claudia had told her – the lancet! Tammy didn't have any lancets. Shit! What am I to do?

  “And quick, Tammy” he took in a deep breath. “Do what you have to do and fast, any longer and he is going to get worse.”

  “Okay!” She pressed the end button. She looked down at her finger and there really was only one answer. She ran out of the room and into the kitchen, straight over to the draw and pulled out a knife. She took in a deep breath and plunged the knife into the tip of her finger. Blood squirted everywhere and she cried out in pain.

  She ran to Dante, who was still and quiet. A trail of blood following behind her, she dropped to her knees and placed her bloody finger in between his parted lips. Dante didn't do anything.

  “Suck!” She yelled, shaking him slightly. She watched his eyelids flicker and she could feel the sensation on her finger. His hand gripped hold of her wrist and sucked harder. “Dante!” Tammy called out, he was holding on to her so tight she could see her hand go blue from the pressure. Finally, his eyes sprung open and Tammy sighed with relief. “Dante?” She leaned over and kissed his forehead while he carried on drinking from her. His grip loosened and Tammy took her finger away, she was still bleeding badly.

  Dante sat up and pulled off his shirt, the pain had stopped and the burning feeling in his throat had gone. He took Tammy's hand in his, wrapping the shirt around Tammy's finger to stop the bleeding.

  He looked up and their eyes met. “Thank you,” he smiled. He leaned over and kissed Tammy on the cheek, sitting back on his heels, he took in her beauty, her long brown hair, her small pale doll face, and her bright green eyes staring at him as if he was a magical creature. He loved every inch of this woman.

  “Marry me?” He blurted out.

  “Huh?” Tammy chuckled.

  “You heard me,” he raised an eyebrow. “Any woman who is willing to slash themselves for me is worth marrying. Please...”

  “Sleep with me?” Tammy teased, she watched as his lips twitch in amusement. Her finger was beginning to sting and his white shirt was slowly turning red.

  “Ah... Such a hard bargain,” he smirked. “You know sex and marriage pretty much come in hand in hand.” His eyes looked down at the blood. “But...” He paused. “I'm afraid we will have to talk about this later... You need to go to hospital.”

  Tammy panicked. “No! Your Dad said we couldn't risk going to the hospital.”

  He loved her innocence and her devotion towards him. “I am pretty sure they won't find anything suspicious about a cut finger.”


  The rest of the trip seemed to get back on track, apart from her sore finger. She watched as they left London behind and headed back to Ashville. For the last few days of their trip Dante hadn't said a word about his proposal, Tammy had taken it as a sign he hadn't really meant to of said that. It was an in-the-moment thing! Or her begging him to sleep with her had turned him off the idea altogether.

  Tammy rested her head against the seat and closed her eyes. The thought of going back to Ashville upset her. She had loved being somewhere new. She liked exploring and discovering. Now it was back to her boring old life. Well, not really, she had Dante now and he needed her more than ever. At least she had her job back. She was looking forward to getting back into the shop and seeing what new books they had in stock.

  Dante's eyes flicked towards Tammy and back to the road. She was daydreaming again, this time he wasn't going to interrupt. He felt a pang of sadness that she hadn't answered his question to marry him. Maybe he had been too hasty and erratic for her. He had meant it and there was nothing else he wanted more. He owed her this much for saving him. He had been stupid to think he could avoid his thirst, if she hadn't been there he didn't want to think what would of happened.

  He couldn't be that stupid again. It didn't matter how much he tried to turn his back on this stupid curse, it was always going to beat him. At the end of the day he was a vampire and now he was a vampire who liked the taste of blood.

  He swallowed and could still taste Tammy's sweet blood running down his throat. He had never tasted anything more delicious in his life. At least next time he wouldn't have to worry about her accidentally cutting her finger off. Dante had the feeling the minute he walked into the house his father was going to start the lecture, not like he didn't know how stupid he was anyway.

  “I was thinking maybe we should stop off and see my Gran?” Tammy interrupted Dante's thoughts, and she saw out the corner of her eye him flinching. “Okay, just drop me off.”

  Dante's fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “It's not that I have anything against her...”

  “But you're afraid she will start yelling at the top of her lungs” Tammy snarled, she knew deep down her Gran wouldn't say anything. How many times had she asked her questions and her Gran's lips had remained tightly sealed?

  “No!” His jaw shut tightly. “I just don't want to upset her... She thinks I am my uncle. It's not fair to lie to her.”

  “Did you see how happy she was when she thought you were him?” Tammy turned in her seat to look at him. “I have never seen her smile like that – ever!”

  “My uncle is dead, Tammy. Their baby died. Do you really think it is fair to let her remember all of that?” His eyes never removed from the road, that wasn't the only reason. There was more that Tammy didn't know and he didn't want her knowing any more right now. She had just gotten use to the basics, when the time came, he would tell her the rest. Right now, he only had one thing on his mind..... Getting down on one knee and making her say yes to his already asked question.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Tammy!” Mrs Waters smiled as Tammy walked into the bookshop. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her hard. Tammy ga
ve a little smile, she had missed Mrs Waters. “I am glad you have decided to return.” She pulled away, and studied Tammy. “All the customers have missed you and your recommendations.” She clapped her hands in a little delight. “They will be pleased.”

  “I never thought anyone noticed me” Tammy replied, feeling a little overwhelmed by her welcome. Tammy looked round the shop, nothing had changed. Well, of course not! She had only been gone just under two weeks. Her thoughts returned to Dante, she wondered what he would be up to today. Would he even miss her, after all they did spend all day in each others company.

  “What happened to your finger?” Mrs Waters asked, pointing to the plaster.

  “I cut myself with a knife while I was cooking” Tammy lied that was the story they had told at the hospital. It still stung a little, but it was worth it. Even though Dante had done nothing but apologize, what was she meant to do? Leave him in pain. She loved him too much to allow that.

  “What is it like being in love?” Mrs Water’s eyes went all dreamy. She was into all the romantic stuff. “I remember when I first met my husband, all the talking and kissing.” She let out a little sigh. “Well, after twenty years of marriage that fades away. I'm lucky if he even grunts in my direction.”

  Tammy gave a little laugh. She had missed everything about this place and was glad to be back. “I'm pretty sure Dante won't be like that,” she blushed. “He has asked me to marry him,” she blurted it out. She guessed it was still playing on her mind.

  “What did you say?” Mrs Waters asked in astonishment.

  Tammy pulled a chair out from under the counter and sat down. She still cringed at the thought of what she had said. She knew she should have replied yes straight away. As now, he hadn't dared mention it again. She almost felt like kicking herself and she didn't dare say anything either. It seemed as if the subject was now taboo... Just like her virginity!

  “Nothing,” she murmured. A wave of embarrassment and foolishness filled her. She watched as Mrs Waters tried to shrug it off, but she could tell she was thinking Tammy was stupid too. “Do you think I should ask him?”