Read Club Privé: Book IV Page 5

  I took it and nodded, shaking off the shadow of his past. If he wasn’t going to dwell on it, then neither would I.

  Since the main area was open and the kitchen separated only by a half wall, he didn’t bother with it. Instead, we headed towards one of the two hallways. It was short, with just a single door.

  “This is the smaller bedroom,” he said as he flipped on the light.

  If this was the smaller one, I couldn’t wait to see the master bedroom. It was bigger than my room in my apartment and held a queen-sized bed, a dresser, and a table on either side of the bed. An open door near the closet showed what I assumed was a full bathroom.

  Gavin led me out of the room and back into the living room. I hadn’t seen my luggage in the smaller bedroom and he hadn’t said anything about that being where I was sleeping. I was hoping that meant what I thought it meant. I really wanted to spend the weekend waking up next to Gavin.

  He stopped just before the hallway and turned towards me, his expression serious. “Now that you’ve had a couple minutes to process, I need to know, did you like me telling you what to do?”

  I could sense an undercurrent of tension and realized that he was nervous as to how I was going to respond to what we’d done. I took a moment to consider the question, wanting to give him a totally honest answer. It had been a bit embarrassing and nerve-wracking, following his orders, but it had been exciting too. I was enough of a control freak that I’d never thought giving up that control would be a turn-on, but I had to admit that it was. I looked up at him and nodded. “I did.” I turned the question around. “Did you like telling me what to do?”

  He took a step towards me, his eyes darkening. His voice was almost hoarse when he answered, “I enjoyed it very much.” He lowered his head, taking my mouth in one of those full, deep kisses that I could feel all the way down to my toes.

  I reached between us, my fingers skimming over his chest and down the flat plane of his stomach. My tongue twined with his as I started to slide my hand beneath his waistband.

  He chuckled and pulled my hand away. He broke the kiss, but didn’t step away. “I didn’t say you could touch me.” His tone was half humor, half serious.

  I grinned, feeling a bit mischievous. I took a step back, freeing my hand from his grip. I ran the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip and slid my hand under his shirt I was wearing. It hit only about an inch or two below my thighs, so I had easy access.

  “If I can’t touch you, I suppose I’ll just have to touch myself.”

  He moved so fast that my fingers had barely brushed the light smattering of curls that covered my pussy. His hands closed around my arms, jerking my hand out from under the shirt, and he pushed me back against the wall. There was no violence to it, but it still took my breath away. He leaned close until every breath I took made my breasts brush against his chest.

  “I didn’t say you could touch yourself either.”

  He released my left arm and shoved his hand between my legs, forcing them further apart. He pushed two fingers into my pussy and I whimpered.

  “Haven’t I said that this is mine? I’m the one who decides if and when you’re allowed to come.” His hand was rough, sending new and exciting sensations across my nerves. “Open your eyes.”

  I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them. I forced them open as my body began to writhe against the wall. He worked a third finger inside me, stretching me almost as wide as his cock. I met his eyes and saw that while he was into the moment, there was a part of him waiting for me to stop it, wondering if I was going to think this was too far. Instead, I pushed against his hand, wanting more friction.

  His other hand moved up to pull out my hair clip and bury his fingers in my hair. “I think maybe you need a lesson in obedience.”

  His thumb rubbed my clit, almost too rough but not quite, and my legs began to tremble. I was there, balancing on the edge of that precipice, waiting for him to send me over.

  And then, suddenly, his hand was gone. He was gone. He’d moved back so that he wasn’t touching me at all. I stared at him, gasping for air, my body screaming in protest. My hands were shaking, my mind whirling. What was he doing?

  He wiped his hand on his leg of his pants. “Until you learn to behave yourself, you won’t be allowed to come.”

  My jaw dropped. He couldn’t be serious. Could he? He took a step towards me and I couldn’t stop myself from catching my breath. I wanted him so badly that my entire body ached.

  “Shall we finish the tour?” He held out his hand.

  He wasn’t joking. He really wasn’t going to finish what he’d started. My pussy gave a throb that was nearly painful. Men complain about what it feels like when they get worked up but don’t get a release. Trust me, it wasn’t exactly pleasant for a woman either.

  I looked up into his eyes and saw what he wasn’t saying. My response was going to tell him if he’d gone too far. He would let this go if I said I’d had enough. The question was, had I? My body was screaming for release, but I remembered all of our previous encounters. He’d never left me wanting. I remembered the first time he’d stopped me from touching myself to get off. He’d told me that he wanted to be responsible for my pleasure. I could see that same desire in his eyes now. I had a choice to make.

  I scowled at him, but I took his hand and let him lead me down the second short hallway. This one had two doors. The one was obviously a closet and the other led to the master bedroom. Despite my annoyance, I was impressed. A king-sized bed with silk sheets. A massive dark walnut dresser and wardrobe. A chair in the corner with an elegant lamp behind it. We walked through the bedroom to the bathroom. It was almost as big as my bedroom back home. There was a tub, a large shower surrounded by beveled glass, and three sinks set into a counter that took up an entire wall. Like the room at Gavin’s club, there was a separate small stall for the toilet.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “It’s amazing.” I had to be honest.

  As we stepped back into the bedroom, I saw something that made my frustration with him fade a bit. My luggage was sitting at the end of the bed. He did want me in here with him. I glanced up at him and saw that he was watching me carefully, his eyes vulnerable and unguarded.

  “If you want to move to the other room, I’ll understand,” he said softly. He moved our joined hands up to brush the back of his against my cheek. “If I was too much...”

  I smiled and shook my head. “I’m supposed to do what you tell me, remember?”

  A smile flashed across his face and then I saw his authoritative expression return. “Yes, you are.”

  Chapter 8

  He led me back to the living room, taking me over to the nearest glass wall. He turned me so that I was facing it and moved to stand behind me. The sun had set while Gavin and I had been busy with other things, and that deep blue twilight sky was settling over the city. I couldn’t help but think that it was the same shade as Gavin’s eyes when he was aroused. I loved that color.

  His hands slid under his shirt, moving up to cup my breasts. I made a noise in the back of my throat. As he began to roll my nipples between his fingers, he spoke in my ear, sending a rush of wet to my already soaking pussy.

  “So eager for my touch,” he said. “Would you let me do this to you on a balcony where anyone could see us?”

  I shivered, the thought turning me on more than it should have.

  “The things I would do to you,” he continued. “You’d want to scream my name, but you couldn’t, not unless you wanted everyone to see us. I’d make you come so hard that you wouldn’t be able to walk. You’d have to just stand there, trusting me to hold you up until you could stand.”

  I made a sound in the back of my throat. Oh, I wanted that very much.

  He removed his hands. “Take off the shirt.”

  I don’t know what made me say it, but the words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them. “I think you should take off your pants first.”

  He took a step forward until the length of his body was pressed against my back. I could feel the heat from his skin through his shirt. His voice was nearly a growl in my ear and the sound made me shiver.

  “I should spank you for refusing to do what I said.”

  My mouth went dry.

  “Turn that ass cherry red.” He bent his head and scraped his teeth over the side of my neck. “But I won’t. Not today, anyway.”

  A wave of relief went through me, but I was shocked to feel a hint of regret. Did I want that too? I didn’t know.

  Before I could spend too much time reflecting on my reaction, Gavin was turning me around and yanking the shirt over my head. He dropped it on the ground, his eyes locking with mine.

  “Lean back against the glass.”

  I wanted to ask why, but I didn’t. Instead, I did as he said. The glass was cool against my back, whatever heat it had garnered from the sunlight leeched away by the dark. It felt good against my flushed skin.

  Gavin knelt in front of me, never taking his eyes away from mine, not even when he leaned forward to press his mouth against that most intimate part of me. I broke the connection first, unable to keep my eyelids from fluttering when he ran out his tongue, dipping it between my folds.

  His hand moved behind my thigh, maneuvering my leg until it was hooked over one shoulder, opening me wider. His tongue moved over me, the flat of it laving over my sensitive skin, then the tip dancing through, circling my core, then up to my clit. I put my hands on his shoulders, needing his help to balance; I’d find no purchase on the glass. When he took that swollen bundle of nerves between his lips, I gasped. Yes, this was it. The pressure inside me spiked, pushing me towards climax.

  The loss of his mouth was sudden and I cried out in frustration. My eyes opened and I looked down to see him watching me. I flexed my fingers, digging my nails into his flesh. I had been so close. My body was humming with unreleased tension.

  “Me telling you what to do isn’t about power, or about pleasuring me,” he said softly. “I get pleasure from it, but it’s all about you trusting me enough to let go of your control.”

  I blinked. I hadn’t expected an explanation in the middle of this, and that certainly hadn’t been one I would’ve expected at all, no matter when it came. I wasn’t sure if what he said made sense logically, but it fit with what I knew about him, how we’d been together.

  He moved forward again, burying his head between my legs. I cried out at the sudden heat of his mouth on my pussy. His tongue darted inside me, deeper than a tongue should have been able to go. He kissed that part of me as he’d kissed my mouth, thoroughly and with a passion I’d never felt with anyone else.

  I could feel my orgasm approaching rapidly and began to beg, “Please, let me finish. Please, please.”

  When Gavin pulled away a second time, I swore in frustration. My entire body was one giant knot.

  “Do you want to come?”

  The question was so absurd that I almost laughed. Of course I wanted to come! I needed to come. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  He ran the tip of his index finger along my slit, using just enough pressure to send a shudder through me, but not enough to give me what I wanted. He stood.

  “And what would you be willing to do if I let you climax?”

  “Anything.” The word tore out of me. “Please, just let me come.”

  He smiled slowly. His hands slid up my sides to cup my breasts. His thumbs brushed against the hard points of my nipples and I moaned. Every touch was like fire.

  “Do you mean just now, or whenever I want?”

  I hesitated. I didn’t think he’d ever force me to do something I truly didn’t want to do, but the idea of telling him that I’d do what he wanted all the time gave me pause.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him. I expected him to press my body against his, but he didn’t. Instead, he positioned me so that I was straddling his leg, my overly sensitive pussy and clit flush against his thigh. He wrapped one arm around my waist, keeping me in place, then moved his leg ever so slightly. I cried out. Even that little bit of friction made my body tremble.

  “You know I’d never do anything to hurt you,” he said. His voice was gentle, but the hand on my breast was a little rougher, tugging on my nipple and sending little jolts of edged pleasure through me.

  I nodded. I did know that.

  He moved his leg again and my knees shook. He was giving me just enough to ride that edge, but not enough to push me over or let me come down completely.

  “I promise you, Carrie, I can make your body sing, give you pleasure in ways you can’t imagine. True ecstasy.”

  His words flowed over me. He meant them, I knew. He wanted that for me, wanted me to feel those things.

  “Please, baby,” he whispered. He ground me down against his leg, drawing a whimper from me. “Say the words and you’ll come harder than you’ve ever come before.”

  “Yes!” The word was nearly a sob. “Anything. Anytime.” I needed relief.

  He released me and took a step back. I stared at him in horror. Why had he stopped? He’d promised. I squeezed my eyes shut, tears burning against my eyelids.

  “Hey, Carrie.” His touch was gentle on my cheek. “Look at me.”

  I opened my eyes.

  “We’re not done.” He smiled. “I keep my promises. I wasn’t going to bring you like that.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. “Trust me?”

  I nodded, fighting back the doubt.

  “Then kneel.” It was a command, but a gentle one.

  I knelt down, keeping my eyes on his face. I trusted him. He would take care of me just as he had before.

  “Undress me.”

  I smiled as I reached for the waistband of his pants. I made short work of the button and zipper, then took both his pants and his underwear down at the same time. He didn’t chide me for being impatient this time, but once I saw how hard he was, it wasn’t a surprise. His cock was so swollen I knew it had to be almost painful. Now I understood that he had to mean what he’d said about doing this for me. It was the only explanation as to why he hadn’t just given in and fucked me ages ago.

  “Open your mouth.”

  I did as he told me. He put his hand on the back of my head, burying his fingers in my curls. He guided me forward until his thick shaft slid between my lips. He didn’t go far, letting just a few inches move back and forth across my tongue. I let him set the pace, trusting he wouldn’t give me more than I could handle. My tongue swirled around his tip, tasting the salt of his skin. I sucked on him gently, knowing that if I applied too much suction, he’d finish in my mouth, and that wasn’t where I wanted him. I just hoped he was thinking along the same lines.

  When he pulled me back completely and looked down at me, his pupils were so wide that only a thin sliver of blue could be seen. I shivered. The end was near.

  “On all fours.” His voice was rough and a thrill went through me.

  I immediately bent forward. I’d been bent over a table before, but I’d never done it like this. My previous lovers had all been missionary or me on top. Not much variety.

  Gavin moved behind me. His hands ran down my back and over my ass. I looked over my shoulder at him. He was hovering just as close to the edge as I was. This wasn’t going to go long, and that was good. If I didn’t come soon, I was going to explode. I saw the question in his eyes and nodded.


  The word turned into a wail as he buried himself inside me with one thrust. I was stretched enough that it didn’t hurt at all. It was pure pleasure. He didn’t pause at all but immediately began to slam into me, each thrust forcing the air from my lungs so that my cries were little more than breaths. The carpet burned my knees and hands, but it just added to the sensations I was feeling. He went deeper with each stroke, hitting the end of me until I cried out. He slid a hand around my hip and dipped between my legs. The moment he touched my clit, my wo
rld went white.

  I was only vaguely aware of what was happening. Every cell in my body was pulsing with the intensity of the pleasure coursing through me. My arms buckled and he caught me, holding me as he kept thrusting, his cock forcing its way between my quivering walls. Each time he moved inside me, another wave of ecstasy rolled over me. This was no gentle wave, but rather the crashing of the ocean, the undertow dragging me beneath until I couldn’t breathe and my lungs burned.

  His hand tightened around my breast as he drove himself into me one final time. He came with a shout, his body shuddering as it wrapped around me, dropping me to the carpet with him. The motion pushed his pulsing cock against that spot inside me and my body went rigid. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Rather, the darkness came up to swallow me. Before it did, I had one thought.