Read Code X: Episode 1 Page 4

“It seems like he runs the medical side of Alomet here in LA. He has a male nurse named Henry, his right hand man that’s always with him. He came into his west coast office to personally recruit Vicki. The reason he showed up here tonight was to get Vicki, because earlier today she met him to tell him she changed her mind about taking the job. It makes sense. It all fits now seeing it happen. But, he behaves like no doctor I’ve ever known.” Parks shrugs his shoulders.

  Jenna concurs. “I’ve never seen a doctor appear to command a SWAT team before. Parks, I’m going to stick my neck way out on a limb for you. Simon I’m going to need your help in research, quietly digging for facts. If we succeed, I’ve got a feeling you will no longer be a cameraman, but reaping the rewards as a reporter you desire to become. Can I count on you to keep quiet?” Jenna leans forward to Simon with anticipation as she does into the camera she loves.

  “Hell yes! It sounds like fun. I’m in,” Simon grins widely and his eyes turn into saucers of excitement, as he becomes restless in his seat.

  “Great…Parks, I’ll call in all my government IOU’s for a lead. In the meantime you’ve got to stay free and, do the footwork to solve this puzzle.”

  He holds up a single index finger to Jenna, “And…number one, get Vicki back.” She shakes her head yes, goal understood.

  “You got someplace we can take you no one would think to look?”

  Parks offers, “I might have a place. Jenna, you’ve got to go in with me.”

  Chapter 13

  Alomet Airport

  The black sedans pull up to the foot of a Gulfstream G650 business jet. Landau opens the door and waits for Vicki to exit. When she steps out in tears, she collapses onto Landau’s shoulder, burying her head, crying uncontrollably. She shakes and shudders. He hugs her and pats her on her back.

  “There, there my dear. I know it’s hard for you, but we’ve got to get you somewhere safe. A team is rounding up your personal belongings at your condo and we’ll have them brought to you. Here, escort her aboard; I’ll be up in a few minutes.” Gently, he slides her over to another man. She is helped up the small jets stairs, also supported by a female flight attendant.

  On the tarmac, Landau starts to pace in short quick steps back and forth.

  Henry cowers in front of him with his head bowed, smiling less, eyes down.

  Landau’s eyes dart back and forth while, deep in thought, he watches Vicki ascends.

  At the top, Vicki stops, glances back at him. Landau snaps to normal, smiles, waves in support to her.

  “Henry, do you realize what will happen if Dr. Collins finds out we lied to her? It will jeopardize the whole operation. Christ, how could you fuck up the perfect setup?”

  “I don’t have an excuse, but it’s contained. Parks’ background story will be released soon,” Henry answers softly. “Do you want me to execute the emergency blackout at ...?”

  “Yes, yes...spare no resources. Alert all agencies to treat this as a number one terrorist breech. Parks must not be allowed to talk to anyone. He must be silenced as soon as possible. If the police grab him, they’ll give him a lawyer. We must apprehend him first.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “My dear Henry, I have every confidence in your talents.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Landau continues his cautionary double check. “And the headquarters security director will screen out all news reports on Parks?”

  “Yes sir! Even the pilot flying her to headquarters disabled passenger communications. He’ll play sanitized broadcasts from our security section. She won’t get a sniff that he’s still alive.”

  “God damnit, Henry! Don’t let anything stand in our way. She must finish the project.”

  Chapter 14

  It’s nighttime now. Inside the TV van traveling down the highway, Jenna takes charge, as always; it’s her nature. “Simon, pull into that four-story parking lot. We’ll continue by taxi. Parks hand me that bag next to you.”

  Parks passes a gym bag forward.

  Jenna opens it up and pulls out a curly brunette wig.

  Parks moves back into his seat as he expresses surprise at the wig.

  “Don’t look so shocked Parks. My face is recognized everywhere. A girls got to be able to sometimes move around without autograph seekers and pointy-loos.” She pulls out a plain ugly pair of sunglasses, then a god-awful, old light jacket and puts it on. Then out of the bag comes some worn out old flats to take the place of her high heels.

  Parks, “What the hell is a pointy-loo?”

  Simon pipes up. “It’s her play on looky-loos. She gets folks pointing at her all the time when they recognize her. They whip out cells and snap pictures. She found a good way to stay off of these folks social media sites. Gotta say, nobody recognizes her when she dresses like a dump.”

  Jenna finishes everything but the sunglasses, as she holds them at the ready.

  “Parks grab Simon’s hoodie and put it on. Simon, toss him your big shades. We’ll keep you on the down-low when we get in the cab. The cabbie will think we’re just some shlubs needing a ride.”

  Parks, Jenna and Simon are on the front stoop. Simon’s on the phone.

  Parks knocks on the front door of a large ranch house. Jenna and Simon are beside him.

  The door opens and there stands Biggins, with a pistol in her hand at her side. “What the hell do you want?” Biggins snaps.

  Parks raises the shades, “Biggins, it’s me. I got to talk to you.”

  “Parks I want nothing to do with your ass,” she starts to shut the door.

  Jenna raises her glasses to show Biggins her face. “I’m Jenna Carlson, Chanel 5’s roving reporter. Vicki’s in trouble.”

  Biggins expression turns to worry. She takes a quick glance around outside her house, then steps aside, “Okay, get in here.”

  In the middle of Biggins living room they’re all sitting except Parks. She drags a kitchen chair in and moves it to him. “Set your dirty ass down on this chair. Let me go over the situation. Okay Parks, see if I got this straight. Vicki’s in trouble and doesn’t know it. Some government agency wants to make you fish food, but you don’t know why. And you want to ride to her rescue. Parks, are you nuts?”

  Jenna confirms the sequence, “As hard as it to believe, it’s true. We were going to cover the story, but were forced away, ordered to leave the area by the cops. He was hiding in our truck.”

  Parks is pissed, “Just spot me some cash and let me borrow your car. I’ll find her myself.”

  Biggins’ tense body relaxes, “I promised Vicki I’d never let her down again. I never dreamed it would mean baby-sitting you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Then why are you here? You’re a babe, a mush. Vicki needs me. Unfortunately, you need me, since you’re part of her life.”

  Parks loses his pride, “All right, okay! I need you damnit! You satisfied?”

  Jenna and Simon glance at each other, shaking their heads ever so slightly and shrugging their shoulders.

  “Is that flower-power child in you dead? Are you ready to get dead serious,” Biggins demands.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  “Well looks like the odd couple is getting married,” Jenna quips.

  Biggins eyes snap wide open at the crack and she steps forward, “Lady, I don’t know your skinny Cosmo ass from jack squat. I was in four tours of duty in Iraq as the first female combat leader. My family sacrificed so I could serve my country. I’m fucking proud of what no other woman accomplished. I was first. I’ve done my share of killing the enemy, and, what your snooty ass will never get is the sacrifice of our troops. A lot of my good men and friends died. A lot were crippled for life,” Biggins moves in on Jenna with a menacing threat of attack.

  Jenna stumbles backward, scared.

  “Make no mistake, I’m going to war and I got to drag that puppy Parks along as my pet. They’re already trying to kill him, and that means they’re going to try and kill me.
I am not facing good odds. That’s why I ride his weak ass, so we can stay alive. Got it?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I didn’t understand. Please accept my apology.” Jenna pleads.

  “You can express your apology by helping us out; be our intel. That way you can crow about being the hero if we can figure out what’s going on.”

  Jenna hands Parks a card, “Here’s my mobile phone number. Call me in the mornings before nine when I’m still at home, or after midnight.”

  “Girl, what are you doing? You better think hard, real hard, that from now on your phone, your car, your computer, your office, your friends, coworkers and everyone and everything that touches your life will be watched. The government will have you on cameras, satellites, anything electronic or mechanical under surveillance. Do not forget what I told you, our survival is at stake. Hold on a moment while I get you some real security.”

  Biggins moves to the closet and removes a back pack, digs into it and removes a phone.

  “Here, this is a burner phone. This is our only means of contact. Time your calls for two minutes, not one second more. Then hang up the phone and remove the battery, until our next contact date. I will only contact you. You must never contact me by this phone. Before we leave, I will go over with you how to get me a new number in case this one dies.”

  “I didn’t realize how deep the security services reaches into our lives,” Jenna replies.

  Simon looks up as he scribbles on paper, “Thanks Eddie. We’re square. Got it! The station’s satellite down link number is 555-9881, code 3694.

  The TV in the background makes a periodic squawking sound indicating an interruption for a special news bulletin.

  The news announcer appears, “We interrupt this program with a special report. The government has issued a five million dollar reward for the capture of Nicholas Parks, dead or alive....”

  Parks’ picture flashes on the set. They all freeze - stare at the TV.

  “…Parks is wanted for the murder of a federal agent whose body was found in the trunk of his car…”

  The TV footage shows Parks’ burned car being lifted by a wrecker. A charred arm dangles from the rear trunk.

  Simon protests. “I shot that. That’s my film. There was no body or arm,”

  “…The government has listed Parks as a priority one terrorist. It was discovered he was planning a terrorist attack against Washington D.C. Stay tuned for further updates.”

  “Why are they doing this to me?” Parks wonders aloud.

  “This is big,” Jenna chimes in.

  Parks protests, “Damnit, Biggins! Your kids...”

  “Get this straight mister. Everyone told me to get abortions so I could pursue my military career. No way. I don’t believe in them. My whole life in the Army was for missions like this. A professional always knows the risks. I proved everybody wrong that I could have a family and fight in combat, like all soldiers. My kids know how to take care of themselves.”

  “Great! Suppose you get killed?” He won’t let go.

  “Looks like Vicki needs me a lot worse than they do. End of story Parks.” She walks down the hallway. “Kids, get in here.” She goes back into the living room.

  Her kids: 17, 16 and 13 rush into the room.

  “You’re one tough woman,” admires Jenna.

  “I wouldn’t want her after my ass,” chimes in Simon.

  Her kids sense a mission coming up. They hang on her, the youngest hugs her.

  “Some real bad guys took Vicki. I’m going to help get her back. We’ve got to keep this a family secret, okay?”

  “Yes momma.”

  “You older ones, that’s why I made you emancipated minors for when I have to leave. You know to do the right thing. You are as responsible as a soldier. If anyone asks if you saw this guy,…she grabs Parks and pulls him forward,…him, you tell them no. Tell them I’m out of town. Don’t tell anybody, the police, your friends, especially strangers where I went. Kid’s, your momma’s mission depends on absolute secrecy. I’ve drafted you guys as part of this operation. Let’s make it a successful family mission, so I can get back home safely. Now, give me a salute-that’s an order!”

  They salute her.

  “Now give me hugs and kisses.”

  They jump back into her outstretched arms.

  Chapter 15

  Unknown Airfield

  Inside an airplane hangar, Parks waits nervously beside a twin engine plane while Biggins exudes calm.

  Parks breaks the silence, “Where is he?”

  “Dubrowski’s always late.”

  Just then, a man in his mid-30s, slender, with a full long beard, in bib overalls, slips into the hangar.

  Biggins announces, “This is Dubrowski.”

  Parks takes notice of the opposite looking match of his companion; a very young, hot looking woman, like she just came from a Playboy shoot, with a sweater pulled tight over her abundant bosom, follows behind him.

  “Biggins, you fightin bitch from hell, you talking shit about me again?”

  Biggins drops her rucksack and throws her arms around him. “Man, it’s good to see you again.”

  “This is my honey, Cindy,” Dubrowski sweeps his arm towards her.

  Biggins, “Hi Cindy.”

  Parks is taken aback. Stammers, “Hello.”

  “Always call on me to fly you out of trouble, don’t you girl?”

  “I want you to meet...” Biggins moves to introduce Parks.

  “No need. I recognize him. Your face has been on the news so much, folks are starting to forget about the war. Looks like you’re wanting me to fly you into trouble this time.”

  “He didn’t do it.”

  “Hell, I know he didn’t do it. I don’t believe any shit the government or the TV says.” Dubrowski opens the plane’s door and tosses his flight bag in.

  “I need you to take us out of here. I’ll give you the final destination when we’re airborne”

  Dubrowski can’t hide his glee. “Whooeee! Sounds like fun. Tree topping is my kind of ride. Let’s go.”

  Dubrowski rounds the plane to the pilot’s side. His girlfriend kisses him with unbridled passion good bye. Parks pulls Biggins aside. “You sure this guy knows what he’s doing? He looks like farmer Brown.”

  “Let’s say he’s your first training lesson.”

  The plane is flying low below radar into the night. Inside the cabin, Biggins announces, “We’re heading to Eddie Macon’s mercenary camp in Mexico.”

  “No need, figured that’s where you were heading; I already set the controls to that destination,” Dubrowski answers.

  The plane is dark except for the instrument panel emitting its glow. Dubrowski flies 30 feet above the highway. A curve in the road approaches. A large electrical tower looms ahead at the curve. He snaps the wheel hard right. The plane flies through the tower sideways, with Parks’ face smashed against the side window.

  Dubrowski asks in disbelief, “He really didn’t think I could fly? Trees ahead Parks.”

  The plane snaps up over the trees. The leaves swoosh hard from the closeness of the plane. He moves the plane back down a few feet above the desert.

  Parks, in the back seat, pukes into his air sickness bag.

  Chapter 16

  Dr. Landau sits beside Vicki on a sofa. She keeps going over and over in her mind that, it’s impossible; Nick can’t be dead. She looks around the swank living room, clearly a very rich housing unit. The doctor says it’s hers to stay safe in. Vicki looks up at the nurse doting around her, and thinks to herself, “God, I appear like a basket case to everyone.”

  She can’t help herself. Her life as she knows it was destroyed. She was so happy with her Nicholas. Between sniffles she appears to be regaining control of her thoughts. It’s time to start functioning again.

  “Doctor, I don’t understand why they would want to kill Nick. What reason could they have?”

  “It has to be because of your work, Dr
. Collins. The only way an unscrupulous company could get to you was through him. If they could jeopardize your relationship, it would make it easier to obtain your services. They would not have stopped at kidnapping you or worse. That’s why I brought you here, to Alomet research headquarters. It is a hidden facility, but, it has its own city with a normal lifestyle and experience for all the employees. No cost was spared for making it comfortable and to make working here a real home family experience. The security is, itself, the best in the world. That is my number one priority concerning you…your safety.”

  “But couldn’t I be protected in my own home? You uprooted me from everything that was ours, Nick’s and mine. My memories are back at our home.”

  “Your fiancé put up one hell of a fight protecting you.”

  Vicki starts weeping again.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you. But, you are safer here, off the grid. It’s better than what the U.S. Marshal’s witness protection could provide; where you would be kept under lock and key, a prisoner. Even the NSA agreed its better here in total secrecy. Alomet set this facility up, meant to be a safe haven for medical research. The government doesn’t even know where we are. It is a privately funded project, with no government supervision. The company poured over a billion dollars into this project.”

  Vicki ponders the words she hears. She tries to make sense out of what she’s hearing. She asks him, “But how did Nick stop their attempt? I was not hidden or kept under cover. Anybody could have grabbed me.”

  “From what law enforcement could piece together, Nick was approached to convince you to join them. They knew you were a package deal. He obviously knew they were not telling the truth. He had defensive wounds on him. He saved your life. He bought us time by screwing up their plans to get you. That’s why the police beat them to your residence. Parks dialed 911.”

  Chapter 17

  Dubrowski lands the plane on a remote airstrip in the jungle. Eddie Macon stands at the end of the runway to greet them. He fits the description of a typical military, special operator, with his tats and lean build, piercing blue eyes and a commander’s air of leadership.

  “Welcome to my home away from home. Biggins, what you got there, another stray dog project?”

  “Eddie, I brought my work with me, for some of that good old fashioned kick-ass black ops training you offer here. Parks, Eddie and I served together on my first two tours of duty. He was the commanding officer in my unit, until he retired to the rich life of a contract for hire provider.”