Read Coincidence. Right Place Wrong Time Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Norwich Police Headquarters.

  10:30 am. Thursday 5th February 2015.

  Following his usual daily routine, Dave bought a Guardian newspaper only to check the miscellanist column. Then running his finger down the messengers, he stopped by one that read 'Please visit the Garden of Eden'. It needed no further explanation, as Dave knew exactly what it meant.

  To his amazement and surprise, Detective Chief Inspector Eden wanted to talk to him at the Police station.

  Upon his arrival, Dave was surprised by the warm reception that greeted him at the station. Eden's out stretched hand of welcome was a further surprise. Far different from the way they had parted company a few weeks earlier. Although Dave was more interested to learn as to why he wanted to see him.

  Eden had been busy trying to locate as much paper work and information as possible about Dave's involvement in the murder of Susan Darcy.

  Un-known to Dave, Susan Darcy had been born during early February 1974, on the eastern side of London near Gallows Corner, and Harold Hill in Essex, alongside the A 12 motorway heading into London.

  Her Irish parents had been very strict, sadly something they did not apply to themselves. Most evenings they would be out visiting the local pub or cinema. While Susan was left to stay in the house on her own. They never spent any money on her, and presents were very scares. Christmas time if she was lucky.

  During her growing up she became their un-paid house keeper, and was criticised most days for the work she carried out. Always being hostile towards her at every opportunity. Although their behaviour was never carried out while in the company of others. Their Jekyll and Hyde routine made it impossible for Susan to try and reach out to others for help. While in other eyes, it was Susan who was the constant complainer, trying to run her parents down whenever possible, to gain attention at every opportunity.

  During her middle teens, Susan had run away from home and ended up living rough with friends. While later she secretly gave birth to a little boy on a friend’s settee. Who she named and registered as Michael Darcy, using her maiden name. Although it was not publicly known, several in the area believed his Father to be Raymond Foster. A young teenage tear away leader of a local gang of thugs. Who made life even harder, and in some cases unbearable for many of the people living in the area. That included robbery, drug dealings, and bashings to name but a few problems. Deliberately damaging property and stealing whatever was not bolted down securely. As well as the beating up of innocent people, and the distribution of drugs amongst the young people of the area.

  However, Foster deserted Susan soon after the birth of Michael, and moved on to a long list of other local girlfriends. All of who sort his attention because of the money he was constantly flashing around.

  Although he was small in stature, and young, he still attracted the name of 'Mr Big'. Not many people in the area ever challenged him, or his position, in the criminal fraternity. Money spoke louder than words in that area.

  A few years later it became common knowledge that Foster had Fathered several other children in the area. Having walked away from all without financially assisting any of the Mothers.

  Upon Foster’s desertion, Susan fell upon and experienced hard times trying to look after Michael. She had been forced to give up a part time job she had managed to hold for a short time. Which later lead to the unemployment office, and later the child welfare Social Security Department stopping payments to her, for violating their rules and regulations.

  Hence the start of a hard life that spiralled down wards out of control, and it became hard for her to survive. Handouts from her friends slowly dried up, and eventually the child was taken from her, and ended up in care. Although Susan loved the child very much she knew she had to let him go. Hoping that he would end up with a good family and be loved.

  While Susan was left with nothing, no job, nowhere to live and no help to assist her during this sad depressive time. Rumours circulated that to survive she moved closer to London and turned to the streets as an income. Although not wanting to meet face to face with her parents, was probably another reason, for the move.

  As for Michael, he was taken into so called care, and sadly was shunted around amongst a selection of childcare units, where he was treated as an item and love was the last thing on their minds. All they were after was the cash that the government handed out to help look after him.

  Around the time he was five, he started on another round of pass the parcel, being shunted around a long list of foster homes, amongst families that were not the best of role models. He was treated very bad, beaten and in a couple of cases sexually abused. Just like his Mother he became the house cleaner, under the threat of punishment it he did not do what he was told.

  Being shunted around different family’s Michael became a hand full to control and look after. During which time, he was constantly threatening to run away. A few times he did, but was always returned to the family, and usually received a beating. He was best described by the Social Service Department of the day, as being 'Beyond Parental Control'.

  DNA had been taken from Susan's body, although at this stage her son's location is unknown, as there are no threads of information in the system to follow up.