Read Cold Weather Page 1

Book title

  Cold Weather


  Nauman Ashraf


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  Cold Weather

  Table of contents

  Chapter one

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven


  Tina was moving with her umbrella on her head. The weather was cold and it was evening time. It was raining heavily and strong wind was blowing. Tina was coming back home from shopping in the market.

  When she stepped out of the home in the afternoon then the weather was not so bad. In the afternoon time the weather was pleasant as there were some clouds on the sky and there was some wind blowing gently. Tina made a right decision to take the umbrella with her as it could be raining at any time. Now she was enjoying the weather as she had her umbrella on her head.

  She saw another lady under a shade waiting for rain to stop so that she could move to her house. Tina approached her as there was almost no traffic on road and most people were in their homes due to bad weather. Tina closed her umbrella and stood beside that lady in order to wait or take that lady with her.

  Due to strong wind Tina’s clothes were wet and she must stay for some time in order to remain safe from further wetting her clothes. It was winter season and the rain had increased the coolness in weather. These were two ladies under a shade and rain was dropping with great speed in the surroundings.

  There was a crack in the shade from which some drops of water were falling constantly. Suddenly the cell phone started to ring. This was cell phone of that lady who was standing with Tina under the shade.

  “Hello. I am waiting for the rain to stop. I am under a shade. I cannot come in such heavy rain. Wait for me. Thanks.”

  Tina listened to the talking of that lady on phone. After the call, that lady looked depressed, and approached Tina.



  “The weather is bad and I have small kids at home so I want to go to home as soon as possible. Can you help me?”

  Tina was expecting such thing so she accepted to help her.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “My house is a couple of streets away and we can walk together under the umbrella in order to reach at the house.”


  She pointed towards the streets. Tina agreed as she was also living in that area. That lady had some handbags with her which showed that she was out for shopping. Tina also had some handbags with her and they started to arrange the things together. Suddenly a car stopped at the shade and the door opened.

  “Hi, do you need lift to your home?”

  That was a lady driving the car and she was also a friend of Tina.

  “Hi, Lucy. How are you?”

  “I am fine. Who is that lady with you?”

  “She is also a passenger. Kindly give us lift, to our homes. She is living in that area.”

  Lucy agreed and they sat inside her car. She was driving carefully as the weather was bad and it was raining heavily. All the three ladies were sitting silently and looking here and there. Lucy started to talk with Tina.

  “What are you doing in such a bad weather, Tina?”

  “I was out for shopping in the afternoon. The weather was not so bad at that time but now it is very bad and cold.”

  “What you have got Tina?”

  “I purchased some clothes and some food items of routine use.”

  “Where is your home madam?”

  Lucy asked the lady with them.

  “Just a couple of streets away, on this road.”

  “Have you seen us before?”

  Lucy asked the lady.

  “Yes I know that you both live in this area and I also saw you couple of times while I was with my family and you were with your families from some distance.”

  “What is your name?”

  Tina asked the lady.

  “My name is Nasira.”


  Suddenly the car was stuck inside a hole in the road. That hole was new and Lucy was not aware of it as she had not come to that area before. Speed was slow therefore there was no damage to the car but the tyre was in hole and it was not moving. Now the three ladies were inside the car which was also stuck in the cold weather. Lucy was trying to move the car and giving speed but the car was not moving.

  “Oh no, what will happen now?”

  Nasira asked Lucy.

  “I will call my brother. He will do something.”

  Lucy took her cell phone and called a number. It was ringing but no response. The signals were low and the coverage was poor due to bad weather. Call was not connected and the ladies got more depressed. All the three ladies checked the signals on their cell phones but there was no network coverage.

  “If we lift the car from the front side then we can get rid of this problem.”

  Tina gave a suggestion to the other ladies.

  All the ladies agreed and walked out of the car. The rain was reduced due to strong wind therefore they can work to get the car out of the hole. They grabbed the car from the front side and pushed it backwards. After applying some force they were successful and the car was out of the hole. Then they sat inside the car and their journey continued.

  “In that street.”

  Nasira pointed towards the street. Lucy turned the car and parked so that she could go out.

  “Will you come for coffee at my house?”


  Nasira offered them. Tina and Lucy were not so busy so they accepted the offer. All the three ladies got outside of the car and moved inside house of Nasira. That was a big house and looking good. Nasira had the keys of house so she opened the main gate and the ladies entered. In the home different types of things like toys and clothes were scattered here and there.

  “I have small kids who are doing such things while I am away.”

  Nasira told the other two ladies.

  They smiled and sit on the sofa. Nasira went upstairs and checked her kids. She was not able to find them. She was worried as she got the call from her kids before coming to home. It seemed that the kidnapper heard the call and followed the kids in home and kidnapped them.

  “My kids are missing.”

  Nasira said to other two ladies.

  “Where they can go in such a bad weather?”

  Lucy said to Tina and Nasira.

  “I think someone has kidnapped them as the weather was bad and you were not in home.”

  Tina added some details.

  Nasira placed her hand on her head and sat on the ground and started to cry. Lucy and Tina held her and took her to the sofa and gave her some water to drink.

  “It was my fault. I must have not gone to the market by leaving my kids alone at home. Now where are they? How they will come back?”

  Nasira was crying and talking to the other two ladies. Suddenly the cell phone started to ring. Nasira picked the cell phone and listened.

  “Hello. I will be late in the office today. I will tell you when I will leave office for home.”

  That was Nasira’s husband. She had not told his husband about the missing of kids and thought tha
t she must look in the house as they could be hiding in the house.

  “My kids are naughty and they could be hiding in the house.”


  Suddenly the laughing noise of kids came and they show up one by one. There were three kids who were smiling and laughing. Nasira saw them and held them tightly with love and care.

  “Where were you?”

  “We were hiding mother.”

  Those kids were in age ranges of 3, 4 and 5 years old. Nasira took them in another room and came after some time. Lucy and Tina were sitting on the sofa as the problem of missing the kids was resolved. Nasira took some coffee and placed on the table. Then the three ladies started to enjoy their coffee in the cold weather.

  “What you do Lucy?”

  “I run a parlor Nasira?”

  “What you do Tina?”

  “I do a job in a company Nasira.”

  “What you do Nasira?”

  “I stay at home with my kids and go for shopping to get some things for them and for the house Tina.”

  They were talking while drinking coffee. It was late in the evening and the rain was almost stopped but the weather was cold and wind was blowing.

  “Now we go home. The weather is better to leave now.”

  Lucy takes leave from Nasira and Tina followed her. Nasira walked with them to leave them at the gate. They went outside of the home and Nasira closed the main gate. Lucy started the car and moved with Tina.

  “Nasira is a nice lady. What you say Lucy?”

  “Yes she is nice.”

  “What are your plans Lucy?”

  “I will take some rest at home and