Read Collecting Smiles Page 6

  Chapter Six

  The inner hallway of the hotel was lined with dark blue doors, each with a golden number. We assumed 211 was on the second floor so we headed for the stairs. Mark took them two at a time, partly because of excitement and partly because his legs were just so long. He reached the door before I had caught up and he didn’t wait before he knocked. It was like watching a big kid at Christmas.

  The door flew open and a whirl of long, black hair jumped through the opening. Mark expertly caught his sister’s hug and returned it, spinning her in the air. She reached up to play with the curls on his head; he needed a cut.

  “Why haven't you cut your hair? You look silly. How are you supposed to find a girlfriend that way?”

  “Leave your brother alone,” I heard a soft, deep voice say. “Good to see you son. Come in for a minute then we can go to dinner.” Rebekah flitted back inside and I walked slowly up to the scene I had been observing from about ten feet away; mostly because Mark reached his hand out to me. I considered wrapping my arm around his and acting like the girlfriend Rebekah was so sure he couldn't get, but decided it would make Mark too uncomfortable.

  “Rebekah, Dad, this is Megan,” Mark said as we stepped inside the pastel room. Seeing Brother Cole for the first time was a shock even after Mark's description. He really was a building; well over six feet with solid, wide shoulders. Standing next to Mark had always made me feel short but even Mark was short next to his dad. “She's the friend Rebekah will be staying with,” Mark finished his introduction.

  “Megan, I'm so happy to meet you!” Rebekah closed the gap between us with an energetic movement and hugged me. The hug was only a little gentler than the one Mark had received and I stumbled backwards a step. Mark put his arm out and held it to my back so that I wouldn't fall. “Sorry,” she said pulling away and settling under the arm of her brother.

  “Mark has told us a lot about you, Megan. I'm glad to meet you.” Brother Cole stepped forward and gave me a gentle but firm hug. Now that explained Mark. He came from a family of huggers.

  It was a nice moment of family when mine was far away. It had been almost two months since I had gotten a hug from my dad. When the formalities were over it was time for Mark's hug. I laughed as I watched his dad squeeze him tight and spin, just as Mark had spun Rebekah. It was a funny sight. Mark was a big guy, at least I had always thought so. The hug was completed with another appraisal of Mark's mop. “You really do need a haircut son.”

  Mark barked a laugh and tried to straighten the curls out again. “I'm enjoying a little length after all those mission haircuts. Give me a break.” Mark stepped back protecting himself from another hug by wrapping one arm around Rebekah and one around me. “Where are we going to dinner?”

  “It's Rebekah's choice. Where to, Button?”

  Rebekah rolled her eyes at the nickname and then seemed to consider her options. “I want shrimp.”

  “I know just the place, and I can get steak too.” Brother Cole smiled at the possibilities. “And French fries, but don't you tell your mom,” he added conspiratorially. We all laughed as Brother Cole looked guilty.

  “Rebekah take Megan down to the car. We'll be right there,” Mark said smiling reassuringly at me as Rebekah grabbed my hand and bounced out the door and down the hall.

  “This is going to be so fun. What are we going to do? Do I get to go to classes with you? Are there any cute guys in your ward? Isn't Elder Spaulding one of Mark's roommates?”

  We got out to the parking lot so fast, thanks to her skip like walk, as her enthusiasm grew. Already, I felt old around her. Where did all that energy come from? Had I ever been this way?

  “We have some things planned, but I wanted you to pick some things too. Tomorrow you are going to go to classes with me because Mark's classes aren't open for visitors. Yes, there are many cute guys and Elder Spaulding, we call him Andy now, is one of them. All of Mark's roommates are handsome.”

  We sat on the hood of the car for several minutes waiting for the men. I wondered what they were doing. We started a game of I-spy to pass the time and Rebekah finally guessed the green gas station sign across the street.

  “Shotgun!” Rebekah hollered when she saw Mark walking towards the car.

  “Well, that just never gets old,” Brother Cole said shaking his head as he opened his door. “No cuddling back there, son,” he added as Mark and I climbed in the back seat. I had to slide in because there was a suit hanging over the other door.

  I felt a blush of embarrassment, but I was sure it was nowhere near as red as Mark was. “Thanks, Dad. I'll keep that in mind.” I was once again tempted to snuggle in close and pretend, but I resisted the urge. Mark looked at me with an apologetic smile that I couldn’t count. I tried a joke to ease his discomfort.

  “How do you know there's an elephant in your refrigerator?” I paused as eyes focused on me, “You can't close the door.” Groans came from all the Coles as we started off for the restaurant. I smiled because Mark was no longer embarrassed. Silly jokes had always worked to put my friends at ease, especially when I was in the hospital.

  It wasn’t far to the restaurant. The Coles managed to give a rundown on everyone in the family before we parked. Brother Cole walked around to open Rebekah's door and I could see where Mark had learned to be such a gentleman. I started to slide towards Mark expecting him to get out. I was right up next to him before I realized that he wasn't moving. I looked at him puzzled. “I just wanted to apologize for keeping you waiting.” His eyes were blinking as if he were trying to adjust his vision with me so close.

  “No, problem. Rebekah and I were just getting to know each other. Is everything okay?”

  “I was just being nosy.” He continued when he saw my questioning look. “I made Dad check his blood sugar.” I smiled broadly trying not to laugh. “What?” he protested, placing a hand on my arm and shaking me gently.

  “Nothing, I was just thinking that I wouldn't expect any different from you.”

  “Great, so now I have a reputation as a busy body.”

  “But a loveable one,” I teased putting the tip of my finger on his nose.

  “At least you didn't knock my curls.” At the reminder, I couldn't resist reaching up and messing the curly top. The curls were springy but soft. Mark sighed exasperated and I smirked at him. In this playful moment, I forgot about the audience just outside the car; Brother Cole rapped lightly on the window startling me into a jump. Mark laughed and tried to fix the damage I had done to his hair. “Let's go eat before we give them anymore to tease us about.”

  “Tease you about. I won't even see your dad after tonight.” I leaned my head to the side. “Hey, I could give him all kinds of reasons to tease you and I would be safe.” I moved forward before he could open the door and pecked him on the cheek. I heard a squeal from Rebekah.

  Mark was sitting stunned, his hand absently probing his cheek. “Sorry, I couldn't resist. But she should know that you could easily have a girlfriend.” He continued unmoving and I got a little worried. “Did I offend you? I'm really sorry, sometimes I just get silly.”

  Mark shook his head as if he were trying to wake up. He grabbed my hand as he opened the door and pulled me up. “It's okay,” he smiled, “I was just thinking of Andy. Let's go eat.”

  Brother Cole was clearing his throat as Mark closed the car door. Rebekah ran over to me and wrapped her arm around mine. “Let's eat. I'm so hungry.” Then to me in a lower voice, “We so need to talk.” I was whisked away wondering what I was going to say now. I felt like I had just put my foot in my mouth and I hadn't even said anything. I should listen less to my spontaneous side.

  I tried to steer the conversation in a safe direction while we were waiting for our meal. “Well, I can sure see where Mark gets his height.”

  Rebekah looked puzzled at Mark and then to me again. “Didn't Mark tell you we were adopted?”

  I eyed Rebekah more closely considering her dark features. She certainly didn't look
anything like Mark or her dad. “No, I guess it never came up.”

  Mark spoke up, “It's true. I don't get my height from my dad, just his tendency to give big hugs.” It was Mark's turn to grin at me.

  “I just wish I was responsible for his organizational skills, but his mom gets all the credit there.” Brother Cole added.

  During dinner, I had the enjoyable experience of listening to the Coles update Mark on what was going on at home. He asked about each family member in detail wondering about school and scouts. They didn't seem to find his questions odd and provided the information easily. It seemed there were two brothers who were 12, Caleb and Micah. I gathered that Caleb had just been ordained a deacon this summer but Micah had not. I wondered about that but was afraid to ask, so I listened more.

  After dinner, we made our way back to the hotel without me making things awkward. I was grateful that Mark seemed to be too wrapped up in his family to be mad at me for my childishness earlier. I suspected he wouldn’t hold a grudge, he just wasn’t the type.

  We got back to the hotel and Rebekah ran up to grab her bag. “Don't let her run too wild.” Brother Cole cautioned.

  “She'll be too busy for that. Megan has the schedule packed.” Mark said opening the trunk of Andy's car.

  We said our goodbyes. As we were driving away, Mark said, “Anywhere you want to stop tonight, girls?”

  Rebekah's face lit up. “Could you introduce me to your roommates and can we see the temple?”

  Mark reached across and messed Rebekah's hair this time. “Already planning on it. How about you, Megan,” he called to the backseat.

  “I'm good, I should probably turn in early; work tomorrow.” I smiled at the eyes that shined in the rear view mirror at me. I couldn’t see the smile but I was sure it was there. “Besides you two have a lot of catching up to do. Just let me show Rebekah the apartment first in case you are out late.”

  We rode in silence for several minutes and then Mark turned the radio on. I couldn't resist singing along and missing George as I did. Ever since George had gotten his license, he and I had sung to the radio as loudly and often as dreadfully as we could. Now I listened as Mark picked up a harmony and Rebekah joined me on the melody. It was just like riding with George except they actually sounded good. We giggled and tapped the beat out on the seats and steering wheel as we rode down the dark highway.

  We could see the Provo temple before we even reached town as it shined against the dark mountain. We drove up around it and I enjoyed the site as much as Rebekah who was seeing it for the first time. Mark turned the radio off and we sat parked for a minute just looking. Mark grabbed Rebekah's hand. “It won't be long and you will get to go inside.”

  “Inside again, you mean.”

  “You've been here before?”

  “This is the temple where I got sealed to Mom and Dad. Christian and Mark were sealed in this temple too.”

  “Wow, it must be really neat to see it again.”

  “It isn’t as big as I remember.”

  “That’s because you’re a lot bigger now. You were only three the last time.”

  “I bet you were so cute in your little white dress. Did you guys take pictures?”

  “Sure, Mom has a whole wall of pictures at home. One family picture for each sealing.”

  “How many have there been?”

  “Well there was Mark. Christian and I would make two. Then there was Caleb… three. Micah and Anna make four.”

  I counted in my head and thought about the names I’d heard tonight. What about Ruth?”

  “Oh, she wasn’t adopted.”


  “She’s our little miracle.” Mark added with a fond smile.

  “You’re just saying that because you don’t have to live with her. She’s been so whiny lately.” This made Mark laugh and he messed Rebekah’s hair again. I was relieved because Rebekah’s comment made me feel better about my own family. Up ‘til now I was wondering how the Coles managed to be so perfect.

  We sat for a few moments in silence just enjoying the Spirit of the temple grounds.

  Mark shook his head back and forth and stretched his arms. He didn’t stretch far before running up against the confines of the car. After a big yawn he said, “I should probably get you girls home. Megan especially.”

  “I’m fine. Take your time.” I was feeling tired but my mind was wide awake and full of questions. Mark’s family seemed so interesting. I didn’t want to be rude with too many questions and they did have the next couple of days.

  After a more subdued drive to the apartments, I gave Rebekah the rundown of where everything was and introduced her to Kristen, Jackie, and Melissa. Then she left with Mark and I got ready for bed. It was still early enough and my brain wasn’t ready to shut down for the night so I pulled my books out to do a little studying.

  I had a hard time concentrating because I kept thinking about our guest. It wasn’t long before I regretted not going with her to see Andy's reaction to meeting Rebekah. It would be fun to watch him squirm.

  When she got back, it was late. I had decided to wait up for her just to be a good hostess. I tried not to let her see how tired I was as she talked past midnight. I was forming a habit, it had been less than two weeks since I stayed up late to talk with friends. I wasn’t much for talking about the normal girl stuff like boys and clothes, so Jackie and Rebekah did most of the talking. I did enjoy hearing Rebekah’s take on her brother’s roommates. Too bad there was a kind of implied confidentiality in these girl’s talks. I finally left Rebekah in Jackie’s hands and rolled over to sleep. My alarm was going to seem even earlier than usual when it went off in four hours. I was almost out when I heard a squeal of delight. “She really kissed him?” Somehow, through my sleepy state I managed to feel the terror of this information in Jackie’s hands.

  The next morning Rebekah stayed with Jackie while I went to work. I was a little jealous as I left them both sleeping. I’d gotten a little less than four hours of sleep but it was worth it if she was having fun.

  Rebekah joined me later and went with me to some of my classes. I enjoyed watching Rebekah’s eyes pop open when she entered the auditorium where my history class was held. Between classes, her head swiveled around trying to take in all the sights. I was tempted to grab her by the hand and lead her to where we were going. I remembered my first time on campus and could appreciate some of what she was going through but she was probably a lot less used to crowds than I was.

  After classes, we met Mark and he treated us to a late lunch. After that, we went to the bookstore. Rebekah looked for little souvenirs for everyone in the family. Mark’s smile broadened and his eyes danced as he helped her choose. Between the two of them, each person was assured a thoughtful gift. It was so much fun being with them. I knew the Mark’s big smiles were not for me and I couldn’t count them but it didn’t reduce my enjoyment of them.

  Though Mark was focused on the gift choosing, he couldn’t help but notice the way Rebekah’s eyes followed every guy that passed us. I laughed to myself remembering the way she had gushed last night about how good looking all of Mark’s roommates were. I would not be sharing that conversation with Mark. I also was never going to tell Andy that she had said he was cuter in his mission pictures because his hair was thinner now.

  Rebekah bit her lip and made a small, happy noise as we passed an especially handsome guy on our way out. Mark covered his eyes with his hand and I couldn’t help a giggle. I was proud of him for controlling that overprotective side even though it was difficult. Trying to recover the situation, I said, “Well we had better get going if we are going to find a good spot in the canyon for dinner.”

  Mark sighed in relief and we headed back to the apartments to gather supplies and people. The idea of isolating his sister in the mountains away from all the dangers of campus must have appealed a lot to Mark.

  The group that would be going with us was not as large as I was hoping for but perhaps it
didn’t matter. We really didn’t need big numbers to have fun. Jackie and Melissa would be coming with us but Kristen had plans already. Among the guys, I was only sure about Mark.

  I managed to talk Andy into coming with us by promising that I would be his date. This way he wouldn’t seem unattached around Rebekah, not that she would care. It was funny that he was so afraid of her. Together Mark and Andy talked Nathan into missing the game and coming with us.

  The drive up the canyon was beautiful. Mark, Rebekah and Jackie were in his truck while the rest of us went in Andy’s car. Our group was lively but I was a bit quiet. It was a combination of being tired and wondering what interesting conversations were going on between the Coles.

  The fire was roaring in no time; there must have been some former scouts among us. As we all sat around talking and laughing, it brought back memories of camping with my family. Everyone found a stick and tried to cook a hotdog on the fire; some were more successful than others were. I put my hand on Mark’s shoulder to keep him quiet when Nathan offered to help Rebekah who was struggling with hers. Very happy to receive the help, she smiled broadly up at him; yet another smile I enjoyed but couldn’t count. I was pretty sure that Rebekah could have figured out how to cook the hotdog herself. She was really much better at this flirting thing than I was.

  Mark started to clear his throat and I tightened my fingers on his shoulder. If he wasn’t careful, his overprotectiveness was really going to embarrass Rebekah. Andy elbowed me, his eyebrows raised and I gave him a look that said, “Can’t you control your friend?” He grinned and left his place beside me to sit on the other side of Mark.

  Melissa scooted over into the space next to me that Andy had just left. Nathan sat across the fire from us with Jackie on one side and Rebekah on the other. He didn’t look like he was missing that game much.

  The sun started to set and we quickly cleaned up dinner before we were out of light. Mark anchored the trash bag in the back of his truck with a log from the bundle of firewood he’d brought. I wouldn’t even have thought of bring firewood. Sometimes, I thought his attention to detail was well suited for a career in recreation.

  The seating arrangements when we sat back down were almost the same except for this time Mark was sitting next to his sister. She barely seemed to notice because all of her focus was on Nathan to her right. I had Andy sit beside Mark again so that he could provide some kind of calming influence.

  Darkness, lit only by campfire has a way of bringing out the showmanship in some people. You never really need to plan for entertainment around a fire because it just seems to happen spontaneously. Nathan started us off with his Donald Duck voice. Somehow, it sounded funnier in the dark. The girls on either side of Nathan giggled and their eyes danced in the firelight. Encouraged, he moved on to his impression of a gorilla trying to catch a balloon. He was leaping around the circle with his arms hanging. Mark seemed torn between amusement and caution as his eyes moved back and forth from Nathan to Rebekah.

  Andy was next up on the program, suggesting that we all sing some hymns. It warmed my heart to sit there in the circle and sing with my friends. He reached over and held my hand and I squeezed it.

  After several hymns, we moved on the inevitable. Melissa began a ghost story. She made it only two sentences before it started.

  “Is this the one where the ghost is looking for its head?”

  “I’ve heard this one before. Isn’t it buried somewhere in the woods?”

  “No, that’s another story, in this one the ghost is looking for its dog.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard that one.”

  “Me too.”

  By now, the mood was broken and there was really no point in continuing the story. I was secretly glad, I didn’t care much for scary stories, especially in the woods at night.

  We let the fire die down as we talked. Rebekah occasionally turned to have her brother whisper something in her ear that made her grin. How wonderful that the two of them could be together and that Mark could relax enough to enjoy it.

  Melissa was riding with Mark and Rebekah this time. I wondered if she might be looking for some more time with Mark. Would Rebekah notice someone crushing on her brother? I figured the answer was not today. She seemed in her own little world. Then I wondered if I should find some discreet time to talk to Melissa about the kiss with Mark. The idea of having to explain that one didn’t thrill me much.

  I brightened as we drove because it soon became apparent that such a discussion might not be necessary. Jackie was in full flirt mode with Nathan in the back seat. This was probably the real cause of the seating changes. I couldn’t blame her. Nathan had definitely shined tonight. Rebekah would have probably kicked me out of the car so that she could ride with Nathan too but being on a date with Andy had made that impossible. Besides, I doubted that Mark would stand for it.

  It was late when we got back but Rebekah was still really excited. We said quick good nights to the guys and went back to our apartment for some ice cream and late night girl talk again. Tonight's conversation seemed to be all about Nathan. Both Jackie and Rebekah were gushing about how cute he was. I smiled thinking of the other Nathan I knew, the one who watched ESPN nonstop and couldn’t lose with grace.

  I was yawning well before the others showed any signs of being tired. I didn't really have anything to contribute to the conversation anyway. Even without much participation from me, we were up past 2 am. We went to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

  Saturday morning was Rebekah's choice of activities. She really wanted to spend some more time with Mark's roommates, mostly Nathan. We made pancake batter, grabbed some board games and dishes then marched over to D41. It was just the two of us this morning. Jackie was sleeping in. Sleeping in sounded wonderful to me too, but Rebekah was only here a short time. The cold shower I took to wake me up worked but I could tell that I wasn't as peppy as usual.

  Mark welcomed us in with a big smile. I figured I could count that one because I had brought his sister over for him. Okay, so it was a stretch but the week was almost over and I was padding my total.

  He was pleased that we would be staying in for the morning. He looked a little tired, too, but I suspect the real reason was that he wouldn't have to protect Rebekah from a city of guys. Fortunately, from Mark’s point of view, Nathan was leaving early for work. Rebekah was a bit disappointed by the news but managed not to appear too down in front of Mark. She soon rallied and we started to make the pancakes.

  It was a good thing that we had lots of batter because everyone was hungry. It had been too long since I’d eaten breakfast with my brothers. It was just like Saturday morning at home. Though I loved the atmosphere, I didn’t feel at all like digging in. I picked at my food trying to decide if I felt like eating.

  I had to shake it off; I was supposed to be leading this party. I jumped up and took my plate to the sink, disposing of the half eaten pancake as I went. Then I cleared the coffee table so that we could set up the first board game.

  “Andy, we need music. Got any?” I commanded rather than asked.

  “Yep,” he shoved in his last bite of pancake (the bite was big enough to be three bites) and jogged down the hall.

  In no time, we were laughing and playing. Rebekah was really enjoying herself and Mark glowed with joy as he watched her. The music Andy provided was a bit odd. He informed us it was his dance practice CD from a social dance class he’d had last semester. This gave the guys an idea. Andy and Mark moved the table into the hall so that the floor would be clear for dancing. Andy grabbed my hand and tried to show us some of the swing moves but I was so tired that I felt more dizzy, than anything else. Mark became Rebekah's partner and the two danced as if they had practiced together lots. Was this perhaps, a Cole family tradition, like singing in the car or bear hugs?

  Lunch was a picnic in the park and my favorite, a surprise. We had been unable to get tickets to any musical performances this weekend but there was a free hand
bell choir concert going on at a downtown park. We carried blankets and food to the concert area as they were setting up. This way we got a good seat and we got to watch as they tested their bells. Rebekah was very intent as she watched the care with which they handled them. Each bell ringer wore white gloves. The music that came from the bells was amazing. It was such an enjoyable afternoon that I wasn’t ready for it to end.

  With the concert over, it was time for Mark and Rebekah to head to Salt Lake. He was going to take her to Temple Square before they met their dad for dinner. I gave Rebekah a hug and a card with my phone number in it, hoping she would call me if she needed another girl to talk too. Though, I suspected in the Cole house that she had plenty of company.

  The rest of the day, I planned to devote to homework but I was useless. There were still plenty of things like laundry and shopping to take care of so I set the books aside and did my chores. I seemed to be doing this a lot. Amazingly, my grades were okay. I was blessed with easy classes this semester, I guess.

  The next morning when I got up for church I felt dizzy. It took me a minute before I could stand safely. Clearly, I had overdone this week. While I waited for my turn to shower, I tried some breakfast but nothing sounded good. I settled for nibbling on some crackers and had a small glass of juice.

  Even after my shower, it was obvious to my roommates that something was wrong. I guessed my wrinkled dress and wet hair pulled back in a scrunchie were good clues. I’d just had too many late nights recently. With a little rest, I would be good as new.

  “You look terrible. Maybe you should stay home.” Kristen said as she spied the lines around my eyes.

  “I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.”

  Andy seemed not to notice my disarray. He beamed at me with a wide smile as he held my door open. That was smile number one for the week. I could see Mark getting into his truck with a piece of toast in his teeth. I hoped he'd had a good visit with his dad. Andy told me about work as we drove to church. Apparently, the restaurant was packed and all four tables in the balcony were full. He had drawn the short straw and had waited on all of them. I smiled compassionately as he rubbed the back of his legs complaining about the stairs. Maybe Kristen was right; I should have stayed home. I wasn't even being good company.

  As our group made its way into the large lecture room for Sacrament Meeting, Mark placed his long arm across my back and squeezed my shoulders. “Thank you so much for your help. Rebekah had a wonderful time. She left very happy.”

  “No, problem. I had fun too.”

  He looked more carefully and grabbed my arm. “We'll catch up,” Mark called as he stopped off to the side. Andy looked back, curiosity clear on his face but he kept walking. “How sick are you Megan?”

  “I'm not sick, I'm just tired.”

  “You look awful we shouldn't have pushed you so much especially since you were just getting over something.” He shook his head. “Sorry.”

  “It's no big deal. I'll just take a nap.”

  “You need to be more careful.” He reached up feeling my forehead and checking my eyes. “You need to go home and go to bed. I'll drive you, just let me tell them I'm going.”

  “Stop!” I said as forcefully as I could without shouting. “I want to stay for church. I didn't tell you that stuff so you could baby me.” I marched angrily past him and into the room with more energy than I’d used all morning. The prelude played quietly and I took my seat. For the first time today, I was feeling something other than tired… I was mad.

  Andy smiled at me. I rubbed my eyes. They were so tired they were tearing.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes, just tired.”

  “Oh, well rest your head here. He placed his arm around my shoulders and pressed his hand against my face to push it down onto his arm. I had to admit it felt good to rest my head a moment. I heard Mark sit down but I didn't look at him. Why had I told him about the cancer? He was as bad as a mother hen. Spencer was never like that. He used to tell me to get over it so that we could hang out again.

  I declined the invitation from Andy to go over for dinner. Instead, I went straight home from church and crawled into bed, mostly because I was tired but also because I didn’t want to see Mark. I was still angry.