Read Collide Vol. 2 Page 7

  Dax knelt down, his cock already hard, curling up toward his stomach. He didn't look like he was going to just slam right into me though. The glint in his eyes said that he planned on making this memorable.

  “Keep your hands there.” He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulled them off, tossing them over his shoulder without a second glance. “No touching.”

  I nodded, wondering if this was what he'd be like at the club, in one of those special rooms. I made up my mind to talk to Carrie, not only about getting Dax his job back, but also about seeing if there was some sort of compromise we could make about me being allowed into the club to play.

  His eyes stayed on my face as he grasped my ankle and lifted it. To my surprise, he draped it over the arm of the chair. When he picked up my other leg and moved it to the other arm, it took everything I had not to drop my hands to cover myself. He'd gone down on me before, but that sort of contact was different than being exposed like this.

  “You have amazing tits,” he said as he cupped my breasts in his hands, his thumbs brushing over my nipples. “Has anyone else gotten to touch them? Play with them?”

  The questions caught me off guard, but I didn't even hesitate to answer them. “Kind of.” When his eyes narrowed, his gaze moving to my face, I clarified, “The guy I went to senior prom with copped a feel over my dress.”

  I let out a startled yelp as he pinched my nipples. Hard. He kept staring at me as he pinched me again, then rolled the stinging flesh. The pain was different than anything I'd ever felt. It was similar to when he'd spanked me the other day, but this was rougher. Rougher than I ever imagined I would want. But I did want it. I'd been wet before, but each twinge of electric pleasure sent another flood of arousal to my pussy until I could feel it dripping on the chair beneath me.

  I flushed, unsure if the reaction was from being embarrassed or being turned on. Considering the way I arched into his touch, I guessed it was more of the latter than the former.

  “So I'm the only man who's gotten to taste them?”

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I didn't know what had gotten into him, but I liked it. In fact, I was pretty sure I was more than halfway to something more than like, despite how dangerous I knew that was.

  He leaned down and took one aching nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, not bothering to ease me into it.

  “Dax!” I cried out his name when he bit down, just on this side of pain. He repeated the same actions on my other nipple. Suck. Bite.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He looked up at me. “All you have to do is say the word. Tell me you don't like what I'm doing and I'll stop.”

  He would, I knew. He might push me, might be trying things that I'd never tried before, but he would never force me into something I didn't want.

  I used my arms as leverage and pushed my breasts up toward him. “More.”

  My head fell back as his mouth latched onto me again. He alternated back and forth, using fingers and teeth to twist and pull, suction and tongue to torment. My breasts were heavy, pressure coiling tight inside me, working me toward what I knew would be an explosive orgasm. The moment his thumb brushed against my clit, that was it.

  Pleasure crashed into me, almost painful in its intensity. I felt Dax's hands on my ankles, holding them down as my body tensed, but it wasn't until I opened my eyes a few moments later, that I realized my ankles were the only places he was touching me, and he wasn't doing anything more than holding me. Instead, he was watching me with something that looked almost like awe.

  Before I could become self-conscious, he spoke, “Did any other man ever make you come?”

  I shook my head. “Only the men in my head.”

  He chuckled, but there was something primal and almost dark to the sound. “Good. I don't like the idea of anyone else getting to see you come.”

  A shiver ran through me, and a part of me even dared to hope that his words meant he wanted to be the only one giving me orgasms for a while. I bit my bottom lip, refusing to even think about anything other than getting to have sex with him. That was enough.

  He shifted until he was almost sitting on his heels, then grabbed my hips and yanked me to the edge of the chair. I had about three seconds to feel a bit of friction burn on my back before the sensation disappeared beneath the exquisite pleasure of Dax's tongue buried in my pussy. He kept his hands on the inside of my thighs, keeping me spread wide as he lapped up the evidence of my previous climax and worked me toward another.

  I wasn't even aware I'd dropped my hands to Dax's head, trying to hold him against me, until I felt his teeth on my clit. My eyes flew open to see him staring at me. Slowly, I raised my hands back up behind me, and he raised his head.

  “Next time, I'll stop and make you suck my cock while I finger you to the edge half a dozen times. You’ll be screaming before I decide to let you come.”

  His breath against my pussy made me shiver.

  Or maybe it was his words that did it.

  “Say you understand.”

  “I understand.” The words were barely a whisper.

  While I desperately wanted to come, a part of me also wanted to know what it would feel like for him to follow through. To have him in my mouth, feel the weight of him, taste him. To be driven to the edge and held there.

  Then he lowered his mouth again and took me, screaming, to the edge and over. It was almost brutal, the way he licked around and over and in, then attacking my clit until I came. He didn't let up though, continuing to suck on the swollen bundle of nerves until it was throbbing as much as my nipples.

  “Please!” The word tore out of me when I couldn't take anything else.

  My body was still shaking when he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. I moaned as he sat me down, then rolled me onto my stomach, my head at the edge of the bed. Something brushed against my lips and my eyes fluttered open. His cock hovered in front of my face, and I didn't even hesitate to flick out my tongue against the tip, the taste of him bursting across my taste buds.


  I did as he said, prickles of pain and pleasure moving across my overly sensitive nipples as they rubbed against the bedspread. He slid between my lips, moving across my tongue until he almost went too far. Before I could gag though, he pulled back. I pushed myself up on my elbows to make it easier to breathe, but I didn't touch him, letting him slowly thrust into my mouth. I concentrated on tasting him, running my tongue over the soft skin, learning the feel of him.

  He reached down and cupped my chin, his thumb running across my bottom lip. “You have no idea how much I want to fuck your mouth. Make you take me all the way to the root. Feel your throat around me. Watch you swallow every drop, then lick your swollen lips.”

  I didn't know what turned me on more, his actions or his words.

  “But I want that tight cunt more.”

  He pulled out of my mouth, walked around to the other side of the bed, and grabbed my ankles. I cried out, half in pain, half in pleasure, as he yanked me across the bed. I was pretty sure wearing a bra tomorrow would be excruciating, but it was already worth it.

  Even as my toes brushed the carpet, I heard the now-familiar sound of a condom wrapper ripping, and braced myself for what I knew was coming. Being prepared didn't stop me from keening as he slammed into me. There was no tenderness, no gentleness, but I hadn't asked for either of those things. This was passion and desire, the total and complete loss of self and immersion in the animalistic act of two bodies coming together.

  And I let myself take it all. Every thrust of his thick cock that stretched me wide and hit me deep. Every dig of his fingers into my hips. Every grunt of pleasure from him. Every wave of ecstasy that washed over me.

  I didn't let anything else in, didn't let anything mar what was happening between us. I wanted him, and he wanted me. And as I came for the third time, that was enough. Spots danced in front of my eyes, and I felt the world going gray as he called out my name. I all
owed myself a burst of pride before letting the darkness consume me.

  Chapter Twelve


  I couldn't stop myself from climbing into the bed with her after I cleaned us both up. She passed out right after she came – something I wouldn't deny brought a burst of pride – and hadn't even stirred when I ran a damp washcloth between her legs. My stomach clenched as I looked at her pink, swollen pussy, at her delicious nipples. I'd never thought there was anything specifically appealing about fucking a virgin, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I was the only man who'd ever put my mouth on her, was inside her.

  So far.

  The two words popped into my head, and a flare of anger went through me. I pushed it all down as I pulled the blankets over us and wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't stay all night, no matter how much I wanted to, but I would take what I could get. She made a soft noise and snuggled back against me. My cock gave an interested twitch, and I briefly considered rethinking my decision not to stay. I could let her rest for a bit, then wake her up nice and slow. Slide my fingers between her legs until I coaxed an orgasm out of her. Then take her from behind, maybe even push my thumb into her ass, see if it was as tight as I thought it would be.

  The urge to keep her around so that I could take her ass was stronger than ever. To be the first man to have her in every way possible. I refused to let myself think of being the only man to have her. That wasn't possible. Especially not after Cleo's visit. Being around me was putting Bryne in danger. Being with me would make her an even bigger target.

  This was the last time we could be together. The last time I’d get to feel her hot, sinful mouth, or sink inside her tight pussy. The last time I would feel her come on my tongue, taste her.

  No matter how much I hated it, how sick I felt at the thought of what it would do to her when she woke up and I was gone – again – she was safer away from me. We hadn't made any promises to each other, and while I knew it would hurt for me to leave without a word or note, a clean break was for the best.

  She had Todd to help her and comfort her. He was her friend and wouldn't leave her.

  And he wouldn't try to take advantage of her either. I could hate knowing how close they were and how much closer they'd get, but at least I didn't have to feel jealous of him doing anything else.

  It shook me more than I liked, knowing that I had such strong feelings against anyone who still got to be in her life. And I didn't even want to think about the jealousy. I'd never been jealous of anyone in my life. Definitely not over a woman.

  But the woman in my arms wasn't just any woman.

  And that was why, as the bedside clock showed midnight, I eased her out of my embrace and climbed out of bed. I dressed quickly and quietly, then walked away without looking back. I didn't trust myself not to give in to the temptation to stay, and that could cost her more than I was willing to pay.

  With my gut churning, I left the hotel and headed for the subway, barely feeling the icy wind and shards of frozen rain on my face. I had a job to do, and the first part of that was to make sure that Booker knew Bryne was off-limits.

  My mom had told me more than once that I didn't think about the consequences when I did dumb stuff, and I never really thought that was true before. I always thought I knew what I was doing, that I considered the risks. Except now I knew that wasn't right because if I had, I wouldn't have let myself get caught up in Georgie's shit at all. As soon as I discovered the shop was a front for the gang, I should've left. Tried to find work somewhere else. But I hadn't. It wasn't easy work, but it was easier than looking for something else. I had a high school diploma, but that didn't mean shit most of the time, especially if you had as much ink as I did.

  Now I had to deal with the fallout, and if that meant staying away from Bryne and risking my ass to go on some drug run, that's what I'd do. Whatever it took to keep Mom and Bryne safe.

  New York was called “The City that Never Sleeps,” and that was never any more apparent than riding a subway at midnight during the middle of the week. Sure, it wasn't close to as crowded as it would be at rush hour, but there were at least a half a dozen people in my car when I got on. The shop was too far to walk, but it was the best place for me to start looking for Booker. Georgie said the two of them were meeting tonight to finalize details about the job, and I knew that whenever Booker came into the shop, he looked over the books. There was a chance he was still there.

  I slumped down in a seat and glowered at the empty space across from me. I should've taken a shower before I left. I smelled like sex...and Bryne. I'd never cared before if the guys knew I'd been fucking someone. Pretty much the only times I ever made an effort to be discreet was when I was working at Club Privé – it might've been a sex club, but Gavin and Carrie had strict standards – and when I was around Mom. Now though, I wished I'd thought to clean up more than just a cursory wipe down. I didn't want Booker knowing I'd just come from being with Bryne, and I sure as hell didn't want anyone thinking about Bryne like that.

  I stopped myself before I could follow that line of thought any further. I didn't have any claim on her. She wasn't mine. She'd find some other guy, a better guy. Someone with a good job who she could look good standing beside. Yeah, her uncle could do the whole “bad boy” thing, but Gavin was the sort of guy who could make himself look the part for whatever he wanted. Put him in a suit and tie, and he could have lunch with the fucking mayor.

  Put me in a suit and tie, and I looked like a phony. I could look good enough for the basic sort of shit couples did together, but now that I knew she didn't just have some money thanks to Gavin, it was brutally clear that we could never be anything more than this. She and her mom might not be on the best terms right now, but I wouldn’t be the one who kept her from going back to that life.

  I jerked myself upright as the train started to slow. It'd be an extra block to the shop if I got off here, but I needed it. The cold and the physical activity. It was the only way I could stop myself from going right back to the hotel and trying to figure out a way to make her mine.

  My feet and hands felt like chunks of ice by the time I stepped into the shop, but I saw a dim light coming from the office, so it was worth it. Most likely, that was Booker. It could be Georgie, but I could reach out to Booker through him, still letting me get this done before we left for Jersey.

  The door was open, but I knocked anyway. It was Booker behind the desk, and there was no point in pissing him off by barging in. What I was about to say would piss him off enough.

  “Dax.” He looked up. “Come in.”

  I did, but I didn't sit this time. I wasn't here for a friendly chat. “Cleo gave me your message.”

  The expression on Booker's face was mild, but I knew better than to trust it.

  “Did she?” He leaned back in the chair and it let out a screech that set my teeth on edge.

  “I'm doing the job. Leave the girl alone.”

  Booker's eyes narrowed, and I knew I was toeing the line. I wasn't going to back down though. He didn't respect weakness. I just had to be careful with what he thought my reasons were. If he knew how much Bryne's safety meant to me, he wouldn't hesitate to use her the next time he wanted something from me. He had to think it was in his best interest to forget about her.

  “Cleo's a jealous bitch.” I hooked my thumbs in my pockets. “Sees me around with some new girl and thinks it means shit.”

  “But it doesn't?”

  I shrugged rather than shaking my head, trying to look as bored as possible. “She was a good enough lay, I went back for seconds. Not enough for anything else.”

  “You said she was off-limits. Seems a bit risky for you to be telling me what to do for a girl you don't care about.”

  That's what made Booker more dangerous than Georgie. He was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for.

  “Her aunt's a lawyer.” I wasn't about to tell him that anyone in her family had any sort of money. He might start getting w
orse ideas about what he could do with her to get a piece of it. “Nothing big time, but she's got enough connections to make my life hell if something happens to her niece, and she thinks I had something to do with it. I don't need that kind of shit in my life.”

  He was quiet for a minute, his eyes boring into me like he could figure out what I was thinking. “You're right,” he said finally. “We don't need lawyers sniffing around while we're dealing with this. Just make sure you do your part, or I'll find someone you do care about.”

  I gritted my teeth to keep from saying something stupid and nodded. Even though I was just starting to get feeling back in my hands and feet, I headed for the door. I needed to go home and check on my mom, grab a shower and some clean clothes. Then I’d crash at the shop until after this was done. I didn't want Mom thinking I was up to something, and I sure as hell wasn't going to risk one of the guys showing up at the house.

  To keep the people I cared about safe, I needed to stay as far away from them as I could until I figured out what the hell I was going to do once this job was done. And no matter how much I'd tried to keep my distance from her, Bryne was one of those people.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was starting to think that waking up alone after sex was normal. Then I remembered that nothing with Dax – or whatever it was we had – was normal, so it wasn't exactly the best comparison to use when trying to figure out how things were supposed to go after sex.

  He hadn't left a note. Again, not a surprise.

  I rolled my eyes as I stretched my arms above my head. I hadn't bothered to explain that another reason I wanted to come to a nice hotel was that I planned on having a slow morning. Taking a nice, hot shower and ordering room service before I headed into rehearsal. Today was costume fittings, so I didn't have to be in until a little after noon, and I wanted to enjoy being a bit lazy for a couple hours.