Read Collin Page 6


  “Hey, I thought we’d never find you in here. This place is packed,” Alexis said.

  “Hey. Thanks for coming.” I smiled as I lightly hugged her.

  She looked smoking hot in her short, tight, white skirt, black tank top, and black high heels. I introduced her to Aiden and she introduced me to two of her friends. We hung out, drank a lot, and danced. Alexis could move. I wondered how she would look dancing on a pole. I was getting hard just thinking about it. Her firm legs wrapped tightly around the pole as she slid around it.

  “Come with me,” I said as I grabbed her hand and led her to the back of the club.

  There was a long hallway where the restrooms were and, at the end, there was a door on the left with a sign that said “storage.” I turned the knob and, surprisingly, the door opened. I led her inside and shut the door. There was a dim light that hung overhead.

  “What are we doing in here?” she asked with a smile.

  “I wanted to get you alone. I’ve been watching your hot body all night.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. My hands traveled to her enormous breasts, and, as I squeezed them firmly, her hand made its way down the front of my pants.

  “Ah,” I moaned as I broke our kiss and my tongue traveled down her neck.

  I lifted her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, feeling her bare tits in my hands.

  “OMG. I’m going to come already,” she said.

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she moaned as I kneaded her tits.

  I took one hand and cupped her pussy from underneath her skirt.

  “No! Don’t touch me down there. I only want you to touch my tits.”

  I moved my hand back up to her breasts as she stroked my hard cock up and down firmly. I really needed to fuck her and she wasn’t going to allow me yet. I took down my pants as she continued stroking me. My lips wrapped themselves around her hardened nipple and, as I lightly sucked them, she let out a loud moan and tightened her body. She came. I couldn’t believe she came like that. I looked up at her and she smiled at me.

  “Okay, I’m going to suck you off now. Then we can be finished.”

  I stood there and stared at her in disbelief. “Umm, don’t you want to fuck?”

  “I’ve never had a penis in me before. I’m not ready for that yet. But I’ll suck your cock until you come. That’s what I always do to guys and they don’t mind.”

  This girl was weird and I was losing my hard-on faster than the speed of light. “You know what? Just forget it. I’ve lost the mood.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m positive,” I said with a frown.

  I needed to get out of there quickly. I pulled up my pants, buttoned them, opened the door, and quickly walked down the hallway back to the bar. Alexis followed quickly behind me. When I reached the bar, Aiden held up his hand to high-five me. I shot him a look as I sat down at the bar.

  “Bro, what’s wrong? Didn’t you score?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. That chick is weird. I need a drink.”

  I held up my hand to get the bartender’s attention and then ordered a double scotch. Aiden was eyeing some girl over in the corner and finally got up the nerve to go talk to her. As I downed my scotch, I heard Alexis from behind.

  “We’re going to go, Collin. We’re hitting another club. One we’re more familiar with. Do you want to come?”

  “No, I’m good right here. Have fun.” I smiled and secretly wished that she’d get the hell away from me.

  “Okay, thanks again for....well, you know.” She smiled.

  I gave her a fake smile back and she and her friends disappeared. I rolled my eyes as I ordered another scotch. A while later, Aiden came up to me and told me that he was taking the girl he’d met home and that he could drop me off at the beach house first. I told him that I wasn’t ready to leave and that I’d catch a cab home. I wasn’t anywhere near drunk enough to leave.

  Chapter 10


  It was a beautiful night for a walk on the beach. I needed to think and clear my head, and walking along the water always helped. It was dark out, but the way the moonlight glistened over the ocean water was magical. I looked around at some of the boxes stacked in the kitchen and my eyes filled with tears. It was an exhausting day and I needed to relax. If that was even possible anymore. I walked out the patio door and hit the warm sand. The light breeze that swept across my face felt calming, and as I took in a deep breath of the salt water air, I began to relax. The water swept across my feet as I held up my dress so the bottom didn’t get wet. The water was my life at one time, and now, it was just a distant memory that filled my heart with sadness and despair.

  As I walked, I couldn’t stop looking up at the stars in the sky. Orion shined brightly. My star gazing came to an end when I tripped over something and fell to the ground. After I realized what I’d done, I looked at the man I’d tripped over. He was lying face down in the sand.

  “Excuse me. Are you okay? I didn’t see you. It was completely my fault.”

  He didn’t answer me, so I poked him. “Hey, are you okay?”

  He didn’t move and I started to panic. I inched my way closer to him and rolled him on his back. His faced glowed in the moonlight and I couldn’t help but stare at him. I leaned closer and put my ear to his mouth to make sure he was breathing. His breath reeked of alcohol and that was when I knew he was passed out. I got up, brushed the sand off my dress, and started walking away. Could I just leave him there like that? I pondered with the thought of trying to wake him up and asking him where he lived. Oh well, if he drank that much that he passed out in the sand, then that was where he belonged. I began walking back in the direction I came and stopped when I heard him moan. I turned around and stared at him lying there, in the sand, drunk and helpless. I walked back over to him and shook him by the shoulders.

  “Okay, you need to wake up now!”

  He opened his eyes and looked at me. “Who are you?” he slurred.

  “Someone who tripped over you. You’re lucky I didn’t break anything.”

  “God, my fucking head. The beach is spinning.”

  “Well, that’s what you get for drinking so much. Are you from around here?” I asked.

  He turned his head and then pointed up to the house that wasn’t too far from where we were at.

  “That’s your house? Are you sure?”

  He nodded his head as he tried to sit up, but then fell back down. “Come on; let’s get you home,” I said as I tried to pick him up. “Okay, you’re going to have to help me. Get on your knees and I’ll grab your arms to help you up.”

  He did what I asked and I carefully helped him up. He stumbled and almost knocked both of us over. But I held on tight. I put my arm around his waist and his arm around my neck.

  “Just take slow small steps.”

  “Why are you doing this?” he asked.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. I couldn’t just leave you all night on the sand.”

  He kept stumbling and complaining that he felt sick. I told him that he better not throw up or I’d drop him and he could spend the night outside. When we made it up to the patio, I opened the door and helped him inside.

  “I’m going to go now. You’ll be safe here in your house.”

  He turned away from me and gave me a small wave before he tripped up the steps and lay there. I rolled my eyes as I walked over to him and helped him climb up the stairs one by one. When we reached the top of the stairs, I asked him which room was his. He pointed straight ahead. I helped him to his bedroom and made sure he lay down on the bed. He yawned, and when I went to walk away, he grabbed hold of my hand. I turned around and looked at him.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  I lightly smiled as I put my hand on top of his. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  I walked out of the room and felt the hand he grabbed. It felt like he was
still holding it. I could still feel his soft fingers wrapped around my hand. Before leaving, I stopped in the family room and looked at the numerous pictures that were displayed all over the room. His mom was beautiful and his dad was extremely handsome. Now I could see where he got his good looks from. His sister was beautiful as well. Looking at what a beautiful family they were tore my heart to pieces. Tears began to swell in my eyes as I headed back to my house as fast as I could.

  Chapter 11

  “Fuck,” I moaned as I rolled over and tried to open my eyes. I lay there on top of the comforter, fully dressed, wondering how the hell I got here. As I moved my hand across the bed, I felt something. Sand. How the hell did sand get in here? Shit, I hated when I drank so much that I couldn’t remember. I dragged myself out the bed and down the stairs to make a cup of coffee. I looked at the clock and it was noon. I popped a k-cup in the Keurig, grabbed a mug from the cupboard, and hit the brew button. I kept shaking my head because I kept smelling the scent of roses. I looked around the kitchen, trying to figure out where it was coming from, but there weren’t any roses to be found. I grabbed hold of my shirt and held it up to my nose. Sure enough, it was on me. What the hell happened last night? I took my cup, went upstairs, and took a shower. When I was finished, I picked up my shirt from the floor and sniffed it one more time before throwing it in my bag. The smell was nice. It was the scent that a woman would wear. Maybe some kind of perfume or lotion. Who was I with? I sighed as I made another cup of coffee and took it outside and down to the beach, where I stood and watched the waves crash against the shore. I took my phone from my pocket and looked at the date. Today was Hailey’s birthday. I wasn’t going to let it bother me and I wasn’t going to send her a text message either. She’d moved on, I’d moved on, and after everything that happened, we couldn’t be friends. As I stared at my phone, I heard a voice.

  “Glad to see that you won’t be tripping anyone today.” She smiled as she jogged by.

  She kept going and I didn’t understand what she meant. “Excuse me? What did you say?”

  She stopped and then turned around. “I said, I’m glad to see that you won’t be tripping anyone today.”

  I shook my head. “Sorry, but you must have the wrong person.”

  She laughed and began walking towards me. She was beautiful, especially when she smiled.

  “Nope. You’re the right person,” she said as she walked up to me.

  “I don’t understand. I’m sorry.”

  The wind blew lightly and the faint scent of roses swept across me. The same scent that was on my shirt from last night.

  “You were passed out drunk on the beach last night and I was taking a walk and I tripped over you. So, I’m happy to see that you’re awake and standing here so nobody will trip over you again.”

  I knitted my eyebrows and cocked my head. This girl. This girl that smelled like roses intrigued me.

  “I’m sorry. Are you all right?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. Are you all right?”

  I kicked the sand with my foot as I looked down in embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “You must have one wicked hangover. You were passed out cold. I was surprised I even managed to get you in the house and up the stairs.”

  “You brought me to my bed?” I asked in confusion.

  “I did. I didn’t think you should spend the night on the beach. Anyway, I have to go. I’m glad you’re up and feeling better.” She smiled as she turned and started jogging away.

  “Wait!” I exclaimed. “Do you live around here?”

  “Corner house, on the left.”

  “Do you have a name? Or should I just call you the girl who tripped over me?” I smiled.

  “My name is Amelia.” She laughed lightly.

  “I’m Collin.” I smiled.

  “Nice to meet you, Collin, aka, the guy who tripped me on the beach.”

  I chuckled as she jogged down the beach. Wow, I thought to myself. What a great girl.

  My phone began to buzz in my hand. I looked at it and there was a text message from Aiden.

  “Bro, I met the most fantastic girl. Going out with her tonight, if you want to tag along.”

  “Nah, have fun. I think I’m going to stay in tonight.”

  I walked back up to the beach house and I couldn’t stop thinking about Amelia. Her smile and her scent stayed with me and I thought about her for the rest of the day. I needed to pick up a few things from the store, so I hopped into the Range Rover and drove to the local market.


  My phone buzzed with a text message from Aiden.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come out with us tonight?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” I texted back.

  I wasn’t paying attention and ran into the cart that was in front of me.

  “Oh my God, I’m sorry,” I said as I looked up and saw Amelia staring at me.

  “First you trip me on the beach and now you practically run me over with your cart in the grocery store,” she said.

  “I am so sorry.” I began to laugh. “I was texting my friend and I didn’t see you.”

  “Of course you didn’t see me. You had your eyes focused on your phone and not what’s straight ahead of you. If you’re going to text while pushing the cart, at least stop and text.”

  She liked to go on little rants. She made me smile and no one had done that in a very long time.

  “I’m glad I ran into you, literally.” I chuckled. “I want to thank you for thinking enough of me to not let me spend the night on the beach. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for spending the night on the beach, under the stars. Just not passed out drunk. I was hoping that you’d have dinner with me.”

  She looked at me and her eyes diverted down. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “Why?” I asked in confusion.

  “Because I just can’t,” she said as she began pushing her cart down the aisle.

  I grabbed my cart and caught up with her. “Oh, I see; your husband or boyfriend wouldn’t approve.”

  “I don’t have a husband or boyfriend.”

  Whew, I thought to myself. She’s single. That’s good. “Then why can’t you?”

  She stopped her basket and turned and looked at me. “Look, Collin, you seem like a really nice guy, but I’m not interested.”

  Okay, she’s not interested. That’s impossible. “Okay, so you’re not interested. I’m not interested either. All I want to do is thank you for helping me into the house last night and to apologize to you for hitting you with my cart.” I smiled. “I don’t understand why women think that when a guy asks them to dinner, they automatically think we’re interested.”

  “Because, men usually are,” she said with a twisted face.

  “Well, not me. I think you’re a nice girl and all I want to do is thank you. What’s the big deal with that? Am I trying to have sex with you? No way. Do I want a relationship with you? No way. Would I like to show my gratitude as a new friend? Yes way.”

  She stood there and stared at me while she chewed on her bottom lip. She was trying to figure me out.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll have dinner with you.”

  “Okay. Thank you. How about I cook for you at my house? I’m really not up for going out tonight.”

  “Sounds good to me because I’m not up for going out either. Maybe I can help you cook.”

  “No. I’ll cook for you. Remember, it’s my thank you.”

  “Fine.” She smiled. “How about I bring dessert?”

  “I would like that.” I smiled back. “Do you eat meat?”

  “Yes, I eat meat.”

  “Good, because I’m going to cook us some steaks. Do you have any food allergies?”

  “No.” She laughed.

  “Don’t laugh. At the rate I’m going with you, I would probably cook something that you’re allergic to and I’d send you into anaphylactic shock.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not allergic to anything.”

  “Okay then. I’ll finish up shopping and see you at my place around seven?”

  “I’ll see you then, Collin.”

  We smiled at each other as our carts went the opposite way. I smiled all the way through the store.


  I made sure I had everything, right down to a couple bottles of wine. I set the table for two and threw the steaks in the pan. As I put the final touches on the salad, the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and it was seven already. As I walked to the door, my heart began to race.

  “Hey,” I said almost without breathing.

  “Hi,” she said. She held a covered plate and a bag in her hands.

  “What’s all this?” I said as I grabbed the bag.

  “Dessert. I brought brownie sundaes. I hope you like chocolate.”

  “I love chocolate. Come on in.”

  She walked into the kitchen and set the plate of brownies on the counter. I put the gallon of ice cream in the freezer and the caramel sauce on the counter.

  “It smells delicious in here,” Amelia said.

  “Thank you. I’m making us pan-seared tenderloin steak with a sauce, steamed broccoli, baked potato, and a Caesar salad. But first, we’re going to start with marinated shrimp scampi.”

  “Wow.” She smiled. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  “My nanny, Mason.”

  “You had a nanny?”

  “Yep, and he was the best. He was an amazing cook and taught me and my sister everything he knew. Now, do you like red wine or white wine? Because I have Pinot or Merlot.”

  “Pinot is fine.”

  She looked so beautiful. She wore a cute white sundress that made her tan glisten and she wore her long, blonde hair straight. She stood about five foot nine with a petite frame. I found myself staring at her more than I should have. I poured the wine into our glasses and told her to step out onto the patio.

  “I thought we could eat out here, since it’s a beautiful night.”

  “It is a beautiful night.” She smiled.

  She sat down with her wine and I brought out the shrimp scampi.

  “That looks great.”

  “Thank you. Wait until you taste it.” I winked.