Read Colony - Orbit the Sun – Part 9 Page 2

Peter opened the bedroom door without any warning. Vincent was on the bed with the woman. “Well?” he said ignoring them both as he went to the mini bar.

  “Yea,” Vincent drawled getting off the bed. “She’s okay.”

  Peter poured himself a single malt from the well-stocked fridge. “She should be, she was your choice?”

  “I just expect bit more reaction; it kind of hurts my pride when they just lay there.”

  “She’s drugged,” Peter said as if he was talking to a child.

  “I know; call it professional pride, but that’s not the way I do it?”

  “We need her dependant: I’m sure even your considerable appeal doesn’t extend to anyone else?”

  “No, anyway she’s way out now.”

  Peter walked over to the bed and looked down at Sara. “How much did you give her?”

  “Like you said to?”

  “They’re not usually this stoned?”

  “I wasn’t sure it would work, so I gave her a bit more?”

  “You could have killed her.”

  “She’s still breathing.”

  Peter wanted to point out that she was only just breathing. “Andrews outside; what do I tell him?”

  “She’s drunk; it didn’t bother me?”

  Peter slapped her cheek several times but there was no response. “Didn’t you say she wasn’t interested?”

  “They are all interested they just don’t know it?”


  Vincent leered. “I have a way with chicks, tell em’ what they want to hear and they’re butter in your fingers.”

  “You should write a book?”

  “What and let others in on the action.”

  Vincent reached down and gripped Sara jaw: digging his finger into her cheeks until she groaned and opened her mouth. “Hey bitch, who’s laughing at who now?” He let go and drew his hand back before giving her a brutal open handed slap on the side of her face.

  Peter watched as Sara’s head snapped to the side and she moaned even louder. Violence was something he was well accustomed to but rarely enjoyed. It was tool; get people scared and they did what you want but for them to understand they had to be awake, or at least for other people to be watching. Vincent was one of those people who enjoyed violence purely for violence’s sake. He looked at Vincent; his face giving nothing away as he decided Vincent would have to be replaced. Give her another dose when she wakes up; but this time exactly what I told you… Do it for two; three more days and she’ll do anything for another fix.”

  Vincent walked over the mini bar and poured himself a drink, before he looked back at the unconscious woman. “I never knew you could knock someone out so cold with a mix like that?”

  “Most people don’t; do you know your average mall drug store has more addictive stuff than most pushers can hope to find.”

  “And hotels?”

  “That’s thanks to the vagaries of space travel: you can’t call the supplier for a next day delivery up here?”

  “Lets hope no-one gets themselves hurt with us having all the pain killers?”

  “That depend on what they have to offer in exchange.”

  “There’ll be questions if you suddenly find everything that was stolen.”

  “Yes, but very soon the question is going to be; what’s anyone gunna do about it?”

  Vincent grinned. “With you being commander; nothing.”

  “Don’t get too far ahead, we’re not in control yet?’

  “But when we are we’ll have everything all our own way.” Vincent looked at Sara, his eyes full of lust. “Yea, and I’ll be able to finish what I started without him interfering.”


  “He needs to be taught a lesson, and I’m gunna do it.”

  “Patience Vince; I let you have her, be satisfied.”

  “Oh I am; very, but I don’t leave loose ends?”

  “But if were gunna get back home we could still need him?”

  “You’ve got Andrew?”

  “He’s not as useful, anyway you don’t discard any valuable cards until you lay down your hand?”

  “But I get him then?”

  “I told you, he’s all yours, like her?

  Vince grinned, “Of all the things I’ve done I’ve never run a whore house.”

  “Stand by me and I’ve gotta lot of things for you to do that you’ve never done?”

  “Yea, I always wanted to be Mr. Big?”

  Peter looked at Vince with a pitying smile on his face, but Vincent didn’t see it as he sat beside Sara and began stroking her leg.

  “If your going to be any use in my organization you need to learn that revenge isn’t something you take it’s something you plan?”

  “Oh I’m planning it all right.”

  “Forget him; right now you need concentrate on Richard.”

  “His chick aint gunna fall for me that easy, with her being pregnant and all?”

  “No I don’t expect your considerable talents in that way to work this time; what we need now is threat, and we’ll soon find out how serious he is about her.”

  “Yea well he could just say kill her, she aint worth a million?’

  “Vince stop thinking small. We can get a lot more than that?”

  “You mean like Vlad?”

  “Yes; we can have it all; like Vlad.”

  “He’s was the reason you came here wasn’t he?”

  “Vladimir… yes, you wouldn’t believe how hard it was to get close to him. I tried everything but nothing worked, until he decided to come here. It was the perfect opportunity to get him alone, get him compromised with my whore while my boys back home squeezed his business.”

  “He must be worth a lot for all it cost you?”

  “He is.”

  “But then Matt spoiled it all.”

  “Yea he gave her ideas; but plans change and you have to take advantage of everything you can even if when it means a tour of the galaxy?”

  “Will they still accept you as his replacement?”

  “Of course; he signed everything over all legitimate. I paid a fortune to get my lawyers to make it uncontestable, and if his board of directors even try I’ve got a couple of key suppliers who’s supplies will slow down, and squeeze them until they do?”

  “And no witness’s”

  “I never leave witnesses.”

  Vincent looked at him suspiciously. “And the boys?”

  “What about them?” Peter smiled. “It’s us and the boys, once were back on Earth you’ll all be selling you stories to the TV. The sole survivors from Earthrise; you’ll be famous and have all the chicks and money you can handle.”

  Vince grinned broadly. “I can handle a lot of both.”