Read Color of Deception Page 23

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Kitty knew she should be embarrassed at the impropriety of lying in Nathaniel’s lap in her family’s sitting room, but she couldn’t conjure up the energy to care. Lydia and Patience were in the kitchen making something for tea, as Kitty hadn’t eaten since she’d been taken and was quite hungry.

  Nathaniel held her in his arms and stroked her face. “You cannot know the terror I had in my heart when I learned of your disappearance.” He grasped her chin gently and angled her head to the side. “You’ve a bruise, just here.” He ran his finger lightly down her jaw. “They struck you. How I long to pummel the person responsible.”

  “Don’t think of it now. I’m… I’ll be fine. I just need some food. And rest.”

  “Of course. Forgive me for putting my need for vengeance before yours of healing and the comforts of home.”

  “I’m so very tired, but I wanted to tell you about Robert.”

  “What of him? Your sisters said that when they tried to find him to tell him of your disappearance, he couldn’t be found.”

  “I think I know why.”

  “You do?”

  She nodded slowly, trying not to cause her head to ache any more than it already did. “I overheard the men talking.”

  “Did you recognize them?”

  “One of them. He’d come to the bazaar demanding to see my panoramas then got angry when I didn’t have what he sought.”

  “How strange.”

  “I thought so too, at the time. And he’d frightened me. It made no sense why he was so upset about a panorama. But when I was in the racecourse shed, I kept my eyes closed and held very still, hoping they’d think me asleep. They must have, because they began talking. And then they mentioned Robert’s name.”

  “But how could that be? Your own cousin?”

  She let out a sigh. “I’m afraid so. It appears that Robert was involved in some nefarious business dealings and was using the panoramas for his pursuits.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “A short while ago, he demanded that we incorporate a strange symbol, sort of a triangle shape, into the panoramas. But only in certain ones. And only when he instructed us to. We were too frightened of him to disobey, so we all agreed. He’d told me to put the symbol in one of the Tower of London. I did as instructed but didn’t question him any further as to why.”

  “Why would Robert want you to do that?”

  “As I listened to the kidnappers, I found out. Apparently, whatever painting had the symbol, that was where the people he did business with would find some money he’d left for them.”

  Nathaniel lifted his hand. “Go on.”

  “When that man, the kidnapper, approached me for a panorama, the ones I’d done of the Tower of London had both been sold. He became irate and threatened to come back. I’d assumed he’d meant that he’d return to the bazaar on another day. Much to my chagrin, he came to the house. For me.”

  Nathaniel leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “How scared you must have been.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek. “Yes. So frightened I might never see my sisters again.” Or you… The need for sleep was quickly threatening to overtake her, but she forced herself to stay awake, not wanting to miss a moment of being in Nathaniel’s arms. He was being so sweet, so caring. Was that only an expression of his relief at finding her alive? How she wished it was more.

  “Once I leave here today, I will go straight to the constable and tell him everything you’ve just told me. Hopefully, the men responsible will be caught.”

  She sighed. “Sad to say, including my own cousin.”

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat. “I must admit that this day is completely upside down from what I’d intended.”

  “It’s not every day a woman who works for your uncle’s magazine is kidnapped.”

  He chuckled. “True, that. But… When I came to collect you this morning for your assignment, I actually had another intention.”

  “You did?”

  “Since the day I met you, you’ve captured my interest. When Stratford brought you into the office, I knew my life would never be the same. Your beauty captivated me. I… I found I couldn’t stop looking at you. While you are lovely to behold, what I found to be true was that I admired your spirit. Your gentle laugh. The way you create art simply by putting a pencil to paper. But what really drew me to you was the way you make me feel. When I’m with you, I’m not simply someone’s nephew or cousin or worker. I’m more than a man with a limp who plays second best to his much-adored cousin. You’ve changed me, from the inside out. You make me feel like I can do anything in the world. Anything. I’ve never felt that before. Never felt special before.”

  Kitty blinked. Had he just spoken those beautiful words, or had the bump on her head distorted her thoughts? One thing she did know, however, what that Nathaniel was a rake. Even if his words were sincere, could she trust that he’d stop his wild ways? “You’ve acted the rake since we met.”

  He lowered his eyebrows. “About that—”

  “With a few exceptions where you were sweet and sensitive, you’ve flirted with me but led me to the conclusion that in that way you’re like your cousin.”

  Nathaniel hung his head. “I must confess that I’ve been living… a lie.”

  “You? But—”

  “The day we were introduced, you acted so enamored of Stratford.” He balled his hand laying across her legs into a fist and then relaxed it.

  Kitty squirmed, uncomfortable at the reminder of acting like she was more interested in Stratford because her uncle had demanded it.

  “My cousin is a known rake, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

  “Yes.” She’d known he was a rake from the start, but until Robert had made his demands, Kitty hadn’t had any intentions of showing him any interest beyond innocent flirting.

  “I’d decided that to gain your attention, the only way to compete with him was to try to be like him.”

  She tried to sit up, but her aching head discouraged it. “You mean you’re not—”

  “I’m as far from a rake as one of your sisters.”

  Kitty giggled. “Well, they certainly are not.” She sobered. “So the way you acted with me isn’t…”

  “No. That’s not who I really am. I’m sorry to say I misrepresented myself. But I’m not sorry for my reason. To try to win your attention.”

  She pressed her shoulder into his chest. “I must admit… I believed you to be a rake, but there were times when you were also sweet and sensitive.”

  He scowled, as if he’d been found out and didn’t like it.

  “No, don’t be upset. I… I like that about you. Your sweetness. And caring.”

  Nathaniel blinked slowly. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she uttered without even thinking. Because it was true. She did trust him. Heart and soul.

  He let out a sigh, leaned forward, and pressed his forehead briefly against hers. “I have three things to tell you.”

  She lifted the corners of her mouth in a smile. It felt good to be a little lighthearted in the midst of turmoil. “Only three?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, but they are three very important things.”

  “Very well. Go ahead.” She wanted so much to close her eyes and sleep, but what he was saying was too important to miss.

  “The first one is, yesterday was my birthday. I am five and twenty.”

  She peered up at him, wishing she’d known so she could have done something special for him. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thank you. The second is, I received something in the post.”

  “Oh?” She let out a yawn. “Something for your birthday?”

  “In a way, but it will also be of interest to you.”

  He acted so excited about whatever it was, but what could it possibly have to do with her? With what she’d just been through, she wasn’t sure she could take much more upheaval.

  “What I rece
ived was something that will change my life. For the good.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Any good news was welcome even if it didn’t involve her. How could Kitty want anything but the best for this sweet man?

  “It is wonderful.” He held up one finger to make his point. “And let me explain why.”

  She waited, happy to see him so full of joy.

  “I received a letter from a solicitor. In it, he stated that since I am now five and twenty, I will receive my inheritance.”

  Kitty’s heart gave a little bump. “Inheritance? But I assumed—”

  “As did I. I had no idea my father had set this up when I was born. You can imagine my surprise when I found out.”

  She pressed her hand to his cheek. “I’m so pleased for you.”

  “You should be pleased for yourself, as well.”

  “And why is that?” Kitty’s eyelids fluttered closed and back open.

  He took both of her hands in his. “Because the third item of interest I wanted to tell you is this. Kitty, I love you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. Had she really heard those words from his lips? Or was she so tired she was hallucinating?

  “Oh, I’m not finished.”

  She blinked. Her mind was suddenly hazy. Had the bump on her head made her feel that way?

  “I love you and want you to be my wife.”

  Before she could answer, darkness crept over her.