Read Coming Home Page 28

  You all are very special to me.

  Also follow me on Twitter, where I have an ongoing “Tweet a KK Quote” contest. You tweet a quote from one of my books and include my Twitter name — @KarenKingsbury. The first week of every month, if I retweet you, send your name and address to [email protected]. I’ll send you a free signed book!

  Also visit my website at There you can find my contact information and my guestbook. Remember, if you post something on my Facebook or my website, it might help another reader, so thanks for stopping by. In addition, I love to hear how God is using these books in your life. He puts a story on my heart, but He has your heart in mind.

  Only He could do that.

  Also, on Facebook or my website, you can check out my upcoming events and find out about movies being made on my books. Post prayer requests on my website, or read those already posted and pray for those in need. If you’d like, you may send in a photo of your loved one serving our country in the armed services, or let us know of a fallen soldier we can honor on our Fallen Heroes page.

  When you’re finished with this book, pass it on to someone else. If you let me know, you will automatically be entered to win a signed novel through my “Shared a Book” contest. E-mail me at [email protected] and tell me the first name of the person you shared with! In addition, everyone who is signed up for my monthly newsletter through my website is automatically entered into an ongoing once-a-month drawing for a free, signed copy of my latest novel.

  There are links on my website that will help you with matters that are important to you — faith and family, adoption and redemption. Of course, on my site you can also find out a little more about me, my faith and my family, the writing process, and the wonderful world of Life-Changing Fiction™.

  Finally, if you gave your life over to God during the reading of this book, or if you found your way back to faith in Him, please know I’m praying for you. Tell me about your life change by sending me a letter to [email protected]. Write “New Life” in the subject line. If this is your situation, I encourage you to connect with a Bible-believing church in your area, pray for God’s leading, and start reading the Bible.

  But if you can’t afford one and don’t already have one, write “Bible” in the subject line. Tell me how God used this novel to change your life, and then include your address in your e-mail. If you are financially unable to find a Bible any other way, I will send you one.

  One last thing. If you make an official request, I will donate a book to any high school or middle school librarian or to anyone staging a charitable auction. Check out my website for details.

  Again, thanks for journeying with me through the pages of this book. I can’t wait to hear your feedback on Coming Home! Oh, and look for my next love story — The Bridge, out this fall.

  Until then, keep your eyes on the cross.

  In His light and love,

  Karen Kingsbury


  1. What is the greatest lesson you learned while reading Coming Home? Why do you think you came away with that lesson?

  2. Talk about a tragedy in your life. Recall the details and share how you felt at the time.

  3. In the wake of that tragedy, how did you move on? What were some things that helped you?

  4. Did the accident in Coming Home take you by surprise? How did the faith of the Baxter family help them deal with this tragedy?

  5. There is a definite dynamic in the Baxter family. Which of the adult siblings can you most relate to? Why?

  6. What did you think of Erin’s vision of heaven? What is heaven like in your mind?

  7. Erin and her family were coming home when the accident happened. Tell about a homecoming or reunion you were a part of.

  8. Why are homecomings important? What good things have come from such times in your life?

  9. What good came from the Baxters being together when the accident happened? How did they help each other?

  10. The Baxters relied on their faith to survive the tragedy of Erin’s accident. Explain how that came across in Coming Home.

  11. Tell about how faith in God has helped you get through a tragedy or difficult time.

  12. If you have never considered having faith in God, did this book make you think about the possibility? Why or why not?

  13. If you have read about the Baxters in many books now, what lessons has this family taught you?

  14. How have you applied what you’ve learned from the Baxter family in your own life? What have the results been?

  15. Oftentimes, the Baxters would sing a favorite hymn of theirs — “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” What do the words to this song mean to you?

  16. Organ donation is discussed in Coming Home. What do you think about organ donation and how has it affected your life or the life of someone you know?

  17. Ashley has a revelation at the end of Coming Home — that life never stays the same. How have you seen this to be true in your life?

  18. What is the greatest message of hope you’ll take away after reading Coming Home?

  19. Tell how your family is like the Baxter family.

  20. In what ways do you wish your family were more like the Baxter family? What can you do to see that those changes happen?


  NO BOOK COMES TOGETHER WITHOUT A GREAT AND TALENTED team of people making it happen. For that reason, a special thanks to my friends at Zondervan, who combined their efforts with a number of people who were passionate about Life-Changing Fiction™ to make Coming Home all it could be. A special thanks to my dedicated editor, Sue Brower, and to Don Gates and Alicia Mey, my marketing team. Thanks also to the creative staff and the sales force at Zondervan, who worked tirelessly to put this book in your hands.

  A special thanks to my amazing agent, Rick Christian, president of Alive Communications. Rick, you’ve always believed only the best for me. When we talk about the highest possible goals, you see them as doable, reachable. You are a brilliant manager of my career, an incredible agent, and I thank God for you. But even with all you do for my ministry of writing, I am doubly grateful for your encouragement and prayers. Every time I finish a book, you send me a letter worth framing, and when something big happens, yours is the first call I receive. Thank you for that. But even more, the fact that you and Debbie are praying for me and my family keeps me confident every morning that God will continue to breathe life into the stories in my heart. Thank you for being so much more than a brilliant agent.

  Also, thanks to my husband, who puts up with me on deadline and doesn’t mind driving through Taco Bell after a football game if I’ve been editing all day. This wild ride wouldn’t be possible without you, Donald. Your love keeps me writing; your prayers keep me believing that God is using this ministry of Life-Changing Fiction™. Also thanks for the hours you put in helping me. It’s a full-time job, and I am grateful for your concern for my reader friends. Of course, thanks to my daughter and sons, who pull together — bringing me iced green tea and understanding my sometimes-crazy schedule. I love that you know you’re still first, before any deadline.

  Thank you also to my mom, Anne Kingsbury, and to my sisters, Tricia and Sue. Mom, you are amazing as my assistant — working day and night sorting through the e-mail from my readers. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Traveling with you these past years for Extraordinary Women, Women of Joy, and Women of Faith events has given us times together we will always treasure. The journey gets more exciting all the time!

  Tricia, you are the best executive assistant I could ever hope to have. I appreciate your loyalty and honesty, the way you include me in every decision and the daily exciting changes. This ministry of Life-Changing Fiction™ has been so much more effective since you stepped in. Along the way, readers have more to help them in their faith, so much more than a story. Please know that I pray for God’s blessings on you always, for your d
edication to helping me in this season of writing, and for your wonderful son, Andrew. And aren’t we having such a good time too? God works all things for good!

  Sue, I believe you should’ve been a counselor! From your home far from mine, you get batches of reader letters every day, and you diligently answer them using God’s wisdom and His Word. When readers get a response from “Karen’s sister Susan,” I hope they know how carefully you’ve prayed for them and for the responses you give. Thank you for truly loving what you do, Sue. You’re gifted with people, and I’m blessed to have you aboard.

  I also want to thank Kyle Kupecky, the newest addition to the Life-Changing Fiction™ staff and to our family. Time and again you exceed my expectations with business and financial matters, and in supervising our many donation programs. Thank you for putting your whole heart into your work at Life-Changing Fiction™. At the same time, I pray your music ministry becomes so widespread and far-reaching that you can one day step down and do only that. In the meantime, just know that I treasure having you as part of the team.

  Kelsey, you also are an enormous part of this ministry, and I thank you for truly loving the reader friends God has brought into our lives. What a special season, when you and Kyle can be married and also work together doing ministry from our home office. God is so creative, so amazing. Keep working hard and believing in your dreams. Along the way, I love that you are a part of all God is doing through this special team.

  Tyler, a special thanks to you for running the garage warehouse and making sure our storage needs are met, and that we always have books to give away! You’re a hard worker — God will always reward that. Thanks also to my forever friends and family, the ones who have been there and continue to be there. Your love has been a tangible source of comfort, pulling us through the tough times and making us know how very blessed we are to have you in our lives.

  And the greatest thanks to God. You put a story in my heart, and have a million other hearts in mind — something I could never do. I’m grateful to be a small part of Your plan! The gift is Yours. I pray I might use it for years to come in a way that will bring You honor and glory.

  About the Author

  NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR KAREN KINGSBURY is America’s favorite inspirational novelist, with more than 20 million books in print. Her Life-Changing Fiction™ has produced multiple bestsellers, including Unlocked, Leaving, Take One, Between Sundays, Even Now, One Tuesday Morning, Beyond Tuesday Morning, and Ever After, which was named the 2007 Christian Book of the Year. An award-winning author and newly published songwriter, Karen has several movies optioned for production, and her novel Like Dandelion Dust was made into a major motion picture and is now available on DVD. Karen is also a nationally known speaker with several women’s groups including Women of Faith. She lives in Tennessee with her husband, Don, and their five sons, three of whom are adopted from Haiti. Their daughter Kelsey is married to Christian artist Kyle Kupecky.

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  Karen Kingsbury’s books inspire me to be a stronger follower of Jesus Christ, to be a better wife, mother, sister, and friend. Thank you, Karen, for your faithfulness to the Lord’s gentle whisper.

  Tamara B.

  It’s as simple as this: God’s heart comes off these pages — every line, every word. You can feel the love and redemption of Christ through every character’s life in each book. The message is a message of hope, hope in the One who has saved us and reigns victorious!

  Brenae D.

  Karen’s books are like a personal Bible study—there are so many situations that can be applied directly to the truths found in God’s Word to help strengthen and encourage me.

  Laura G.

  I have read many of Karen’s books, and I cry with every one. I feel like I actually know the people in the story, and my heart goes out to all of them when something happens!

  Kathy N.

  Novels are minivacations, and Karen Kingsbury’s novels are my favorite destination.

  Rachel S.

  Karen Kingsbury’s books are amazing! They are inspirational, encouraging, heart touching, and definitely life changing. Thank you, Karen, for sharing your gift with us.

  Lisa M. P.

  The best author in the country.

  Mary H.

  Karen’s books are like chocolate — very addicting! You can’t just eat one piece at a time, you have to eat the whole thing—you can’t just read one chapter at a time, you have to read the whole book!

  Sarah M.

  Karen truly has a God-given talent. I have laughed, cried, and rejoiced with your characters as if they were real people! Please keep writing, Karen. I can’t put your books down! God bless you!

  Rebekah H.

  The stories are fiction; their impact is real.

  Debbie L. R.

  It was my lucky day when a friend introduced me to Karen Kingsbury’s books! A day without KK isn’t complete …

  Bette O. J.

  My daughter and I “fight” to read Karen’s books first. She has even said, “Mom, I’ll do dishes. You go read the latest Karen Kingsbury book!”

  Terry S.

  Recently I made an effort to find good Christian writers, and I’ve hit the jackpot with Karen Kingsbury!


  Karen Kingsbury books are like my best friends, they make me cry, laugh, and give me encouragement. God bless you, Karen, for using your talent for Him.

  Tammy G.

  Every time I read one of Karen’s books I think, “It’s the best one yet.” Then the next one comes out and I think, “No, this is the best one.”

  April B. M.

  Karen Kingbury’s books are fantastic! She always makes me feel like I’m living the story along with the characters!

  Courtney M. G.

  Karen’s books speak to the heart. They are timely, entertaining, but, more important, they speak God’s love into hungry souls.

  Debbie P. K.

  Whenever I pick up a new KK book, two things are consistent: tissues and finishing the whole book in one day.

  Nel L.

  When I was in Iraq, Mrs. Kingsbury’s books were like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, and they made the hard days a bit easier to bear. By the end of my tour, all the ladies in my tent were hooked!

  Olivia G.

  These books are the best! I have bought every one of them. I love getting my friends “hooked” on Karen Kingsbury!

  Dana T. C.

  Not only do Karen Kingsbury books make you laugh and make you cry, they will leave you begging for more. I stay awake all night when a new one comes out reading by flashlight while my family sleeps!

  Hellen H.

  Reading a Karen Kingsbury book is like watching a really good movie. I just can’t get enough of her books.

  Esther O.

  The lady who orders books for our church library shakes her head and laughs when I tell her, “Okay, Karen Kingsbury has a new book out! I get first dibs when you get it!”

  Jeannette M. B.

  Each new Karen Kingsbury book is like a visit home. Nothing beats time with family and friends, which is just what Karen’s characters are!

  Erin M.

  As someone who has struggled with health issues over the last two years, Karen’s books have been such an encouragement to me. They remind me that God is with me, and will never leave me. Please keep writing. I need that reminder.

  Carrie F.

  Pick up a Karen Kingsbury book, and I guarantee you will never be the same again! Karen’s books have a way of reaching the deepest parts of your soul and touching places of your heart that are longing for something more.

  Becky S.

  Karen Kingsbury’s books make a way for God to get a hold of your heart and never let go!

  Jessica E.

  Karen Kingsbury really brings
fiction to life, and I’m “longing” to read the next segment. Real men really do read KK!

  Phil C.

  God’s love, mercy, and hope shines through every one of Karen Kingsbury’s books. She has a passion for the Lord and it shows in every story she writes. She is amazing!

  Kristi C. M.

  It is hard for me to walk out of a bookstore without a Karen Kingsbury book in my possession. I am hooked.

  Shilah N.

  Karen Kingsbury is changing the world — one reader at a time.

  Lauren W.

  Karen writes straight from the heart and touches each of her readers with every new story! Love, loss, family, faith, all the struggles we each face every day come to life in the characters she creates.

  Amber B.

  Other Life-Changing Fiction™ by Karen Kingsbury

  Bailey Flanigan Series





  9/11 Series

  One Tuesday Morning

  Beyond Tuesday Morning

  Remember Tuesday Morning

  Lost Love Series

  Even Now

  Ever After

  Above the Line Series

  Above the Line: Take One

  Above the Line: Take Two

  Above the Line: Take Three

  Above the Line: Take Four