Read Command Decision Page 2

  “I must be losing my touch,” Ash complained as he walked over to sit down next to Josh.

  Josh leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment. The pounding in his head was getting worse. He had caught an early morning flight and was working on a couple of hours of sleep. Cracking an eyelid, he saw the calculating look in Ash’s eyes as he stared at the receptionist.

  “Forget it,” Josh murmured under his breath. “She isn’t too happy with men right now.”

  Ash leaned back and crossed his arms. Josh could feel his friend staring at the woman with a frown now. He shot Josh a glance and scowled.

  “Okay, how do you know?” Ash grumbled.

  Josh shook his head and opened his eyes to stare at his friend. “You’d think by now you’d learn to look for the clues,” he replied dryly. “The third finger of her left hand still has the outline of her wedding ring and the indent from it. She just took it off. I suspect if you looked in her desk drawer, or better yet, the trash can, you’d find it.”

  “So, maybe she took it off to wash her hands and forgot to put it back on,” Ash reasoned.

  Josh shook his head. “No, she took it off on purpose. The indent showed it wasn’t something she did often. She’s also wearing more makeup than she normally wears. The picture on her badge and the one on the wall behind the desk show that she doesn’t normally wear very much. Her bottom lip is swollen as well, as if she had repeatedly bitten it and her eyes are slightly bloodshot from crying. Also, the picture on her desk has recently been changed. She used to have a picture of her husband in it. Now, she has a picture of a dog. It is crooked under the glass. If you look closely, you’ll see the smudge mark from the ink on it. The dog isn’t hers, by the way. There is no dog hair on her uniform,” he added.

  “Sometimes I really hate your attention to detail. You take all the fun out of the chase,” Ash muttered, looking at the woman again. “What other clues did you see, Sherlock?”

  A soft chuckle escaped Josh and he shook his head again. “Her lips tightened when you gave her the smile and I swear if she had a gun, you’d be sporting a bullet wound in your ass right now,” he said. “No, I suspect her husband finally got caught cheating on her and she kicked him to the curb.”

  Ash sighed and released his breath. “I hate to admit you are probably right – again,” he snorted when the phone rang and the receptionist picked it up. She hissed out a few strong words before hanging it up with a slight bang. “Of course, I’m always open for being the rebound. I’m great at giving comfort.”

  Josh was about to reply when the door leading into the internal offices suddenly opened. A stiff looking young Yeoman stood in the doorway. Josh rose when the man turned his attention to them.

  “Commander Manson, Commander Haze, Admiral Greenburg will see you now,” the young man said.

  Ash rose behind him. The Yeoman stood stiffly as he and Ash walked through the door. Once they were clear, the man turned on his heel and led the way through a series of inner offices until he stopped outside the rich, dark wooden doors with Admiral Greenburg’s name attached to it. The Yeoman opened the door and announced their arrival.

  Josh walked in first, followed by Ash. He heard the slight click of the door when the Admiral’s personal assistant quietly closed it behind them. Both he and Ash stood at attention until the Admiral finally looked up several minutes later. Josh’s mind raced through all the different scenarios as to why he and Ash were there. Each one kept coming back to one conclusion, they were both about to find themselves on a different career path than what they were expecting – probably not a favorable one at that.

  At thirty years old, Josh had passed his thirteenth year in the Navy. He planned on staying the full thirty. His hope of joining the astronaut program a few years ago had slowly disappeared after several rejection letters, but his love of flying hadn’t. While he had excelled at it, his tendency to do things his own way had gotten him in trouble more than once, even if he had been right more often than not.

  “At ease,” Admiral Greenburg finally said with a nod of his head. “Sit down.”

  Josh sat in one of the plush chairs that had been moved in front of the desk while Ash took the other one. He sat stiffly as he waited for the admiral to speak. His gaze flickered to the open folder on his superior’s desk. If he had to guess, it was either on him or Ash.

  Admiral Greenburg sat back in his seat and studied them carefully for several long seconds before he leaned forward again. The expression on his face clearly said he wasn’t pleased with what he saw; another sign that this meeting wasn’t going to be a pleasant one.

  “You’ve both applied to the astronaut program multiple times, why?” Greenburg asked in a blunt tone.

  Josh frowned. This was not a question he was expecting. It wasn’t often that he was taken by surprise, but the start of the conversation had definitely done that.

  Josh shrugged. “You are aware that my father was in the program,” he said. “He went on three missions into space. It only seemed natural that I would follow in his footsteps.”

  Greenburg turned his attention to Ash. “What about you?” He asked.

  Josh felt his friend give him a quick look before he redirected it back to the admiral. A part of him wanted to grin at Ash. He wondered how his friend was going to answer the question – truthfully or with a politically correct answer. Knowing Ash as well as he did, he doubted his friend would be able to keep his foot out of his mouth.

  “Josh bet me that I couldn’t get in,” Ash admitted.

  Yep, truth every time, Josh thought.

  It was just as well, Ash wasn’t a very good liar. He was a damn good pilot and friend, though. That was what made them excel as a team.

  “He lost the bet then. You are both to report to Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center tomorrow morning,” Admiral Greenburg stated.

  Josh blinked in surprise. Ash drew in a sharp breath. Sitting forward, Josh stared at the admiral in confusion.

  “Why?” He asked in a blunt tone.

  The admiral studied Josh’s hard face for several long seconds again before he responded. His lips were tight. Josh glanced down at the file on the admiral’s desk again. At the top was a subheading in large, bold letters that said Family. Neither he nor Ash had any living relatives. That was another common thread that bound them. Ash had been adopted by an older woman, but she had passed away almost five years ago.

  “For a top secret mission,” the admiral stated. “I was asked to pick two candidates that would be crazy enough to take on a suicide mission. You two came up. You’ll find out the details when you arrive tomorrow morning. My assistant has made all the arrangements. You are dismissed.”

  Josh rose slowly out of the chair when the admiral closed the file in front of him. Almost as if the Yeoman was listening at the door, it opened. Ash stood up beside him and shot him a puzzled look before saluting the admiral and turning sharply on his heel. Josh did the same and followed at a slower pace. He paused at the door when he heard his name being called.

  “Commander Manson,” Greenburg called out.

  Josh turned. “Yes, sir,” he responded.

  Greenburg rose from his seat and walked around it to stand at the corner of the desk. Josh noticed he was holding the two files. His eyes lifted to the admiral’s face.

  “I knew your father. He was a good man and a great astronaut. He would have been proud of you. Whatever happens, don’t dishonor his memory, or me,” Greenburg ordered.

  Josh stared back at the admiral for a moment before he replied. “Yes, sir,” he said in a quiet voice.

  Stepping out of the office, he strode down the hallway where Ash was waiting for him with a puzzled expression on his face. They both waited impatiently as the admiral’s assistant handed each of them a packet before explaining that they would be catching a military hop to Houston at 0500 the next morning.

  Neither one of them said anything until they had left the office. Ash grabbed his arm once they reac
hed the outer corridor. Josh turned to look into Ash’s dark face.

  “What the hell is going on?” Ash asked, holding up the envelope. “I thought we were about to get our asses handed to us on a platter and instead we are suddenly being sent to astronaut training. What the hell is up with that?”

  “I don’t know any more than you do, Ash,” Josh replied with a frown, glancing down at the folder before looking up again.

  Ash blew out a long breath and scowled at him. “When you are taken by surprise, I know shit is about to hit the fan,” he muttered, turning away. “I need a drink.”

  “You aren’t the only one,” Josh said. “I’m staying at the Plaza. I’ll meet you at the Boundary at nineteen hundred.”

  “Sounds good,” Ash replied as they passed through security. “And, Josh…”

  Josh paused and turned back as he was about to go down the steps. “Yeah,” he responded.

  Ash gave him a slight grin. “I expect you to have it figured out, man. You know I don’t like shit taking me by surprise,” he replied in a half teasing, half serious tone.

  “Neither do I,” Josh retorted before turning. “Nineteen hundred. Don’t be late!”

  Chapter 2

  Lyndon B. Johnston Space Center, Houston, Texas: 0800.

  Josh held out his hand to retrieve his security badge and picked up the small bag holding his belongings. His gaze flickered around the huge reception area of the compound before narrowing on an older woman that was walking toward him and Ash. She paused to speak with one of the guards, glancing at the two of them several times before she nodded.

  “Commander Manson, Commander Haze, welcome to the space program. My name is Lydia Gaines. I’m one of the senior scientists that will be overseeing your training. Please follow me,” she said with a warm smile before reaching out to take two badges that the security guard was holding. Turning back to them, she held one out to him before giving the other to Ash. “You’ll need to keep that with you at all times. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself locked out.”

  “Dr. Gaines, can you tell us what this is all about?” Josh asked with a frown. “The information we were given was little more than an order to report here.”

  Lydia smiled over her shoulder as she swept her badge across a lighted post and stepped through. Josh did the same, following her. Ash glanced at Josh with a raised eyebrow as he did the same.

  “Everything will be explained shortly, Commander. I apologize for the lack of information given to you so far. I’ve, uh, scheduled a briefing within the hour,” Lydia assured him, pausing outside a bank of elevators. “I think it would be best if the entire team is present.”

  “Team?” Ash asked, watching as the doors parted.

  Josh watched as Lydia Gaines nodded her head and stepped into the elevator. He followed and turned. Ash raised an eyebrow at him again. It was Ash’s way of asking him if he had figured out anything. Josh gave a barely visible shake to his head.

  He stepped to the back so that he was standing behind the woman. She was in her mid-sixties if he had to guess. His gaze swept down over her. She was wearing a pair of tan dress pants and a dark red blouse with a wide, matching red belt around her waist. Her feet were encased in a pair of sensible, tan loafers that matched her pants. Except for her badge, she didn’t appear to be carrying anything else. The lack of information was frustrating to Josh.

  “How long have you been in Houston, Dr. Gaines?” Josh asked politely.

  Lydia glanced over her shoulder with a smile. “Almost, uh, ten years, Commander,” she replied. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious,” Josh said with a shrug. “I imagine the weather isn’t much different from Louisiana.”

  Lydia’s soft chuckle filled the elevator as it began to slow. “Very good, Commander. Can you tell me which part of Louisiana I came from?” She asked with a curious expression of her own.

  “Outside of New Orleans, perhaps the Metairie area,” Josh replied. “You have a slight French accent on some of your syllables and often use the term ‘uh’ which is common in the south Louisiana dialect.”

  Lydia’s eyes widened and she nodded in approval. “Your files indicated that you were a smart man, Commander Manson. You’ll need to be for this mission,” she added before turning around and stepping out of the elevator.

  “I wonder what in the hell that file says about me?” Ash muttered under his breath. “How the hell did you know where she was from?”

  Josh’s lips curled into a smirk. “The last woman I dated came from New Orleans and said ‘uh’ in just about every sentence,” he admitted with a mischievous grin. “I immediately recognized it. It isn’t something you forget, especially when it is inserted repeatedly between exclamations of passion.”

  Ash chuckled and shook his head. “Only you would pick up on something like that,” he muttered.


  Josh walked down the long corridor following their escort. Each room they passed was filled with people. What was strange, they all paused when he and Ash passed by to stare at them before bursting out in excited conversation.

  “Something is up,” Ash whispered, glancing at the rooms as they passed. “I swear I’m getting the feeling that we are about to be fed to the lions or something.”

  “It’s the ‘or something’ that has me worried,” Josh retorted under his breath.

  He slowed his stride before coming to a stop when Lydia paused outside of a room. Her hand gripped the door handle and she smiled at the two of them with a hint of pride and anticipation. Josh was pretty sure she could feel their frustration and curiosity.

  “Commanders, I’d like to welcome you to Project Gliese 581g,” Lydia said, pushing the door open and motioning for them to step through.

  Josh glanced at Lydia before he stepped through the door. His eyes widened when he saw instead of a conference area, they were in what looked like a huge training room. Dozens of people paused as he and Ash stepped inside.

  In the center of the room was a strange looking spaceship, or at least a section of it. He walked forward, his eyes glued to the futuristic design. His gaze ran over the outer hull. Small windows around the bottom gave a hint as to what might lie inside. This was far different from the space shuttles that he had seen.

  “What is this?” He asked with a frown.

  “It’s a replica of the Gliese 581 Starship,” a soft voice replied. “A long range spacecraft made specifically for extended exploration.”

  Josh turned to watch as a slender woman in her early thirties walked up to him. She was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a white cotton top. Her brown hair was piled up on the top of her head in a messy bun with small wisps fanning her face. Her dark brown eyes were piercing and held a look of curiosity and an intense assessment of them – as if she was evaluating whether he and Ash measured up to her expectations. In her left hand, she carried two binders.

  “Dr. Julia Marksdale,” she said, holding out her right hand.

  “Josh Manson,” Josh replied, shaking her hand before turning as Ash stepped up.

  “Ashton Haze, but everyone calls me…,” Ash started to say with the easy grin that melted most women’s hearts.

  “Ash,” Julia Marksdale finished with a smile. “Your reputation is well documented, as is Commander Manson’s. We are honored to have you as part of our team. Lydia, I’ll introduce them to the Gliese’s command center, if you like, while you let everyone know that they have arrived.”

  “Thank you. Gentlemen, I leave you in very capable hands,” Lydia replied with a smile. “We’ll meet for the in-depth briefing in an hour.”

  Julia nodded. She waited until Lydia had walked away before she turned back to look at them. Josh’s eyes instinctively moved down to her left hand – it was bare and there was no sign of a ring having been on it. His curiosity grew when she turned and looked up at the replica. She waved her hand toward it and gave them a smile filled with pride.

  “It is slightly different fro
m the aircraft you are used to flying. Would you like to see the inside?” She asked with a smile when both men nodded.

  “Is this replacing the shuttles? It was my understanding that private companies were taking over the development of reusable spacecrafts to ferry astronauts around,” Ash commented, glancing up at the massive circular pod.

  “This is slightly different,” Julia replied. “While this has several private backers, this spaceship is designed for an interplanetary mission.”

  Surprise coursed through him at her words. He glanced at Ash. His friend had a what-the-fuck-does-that-mean expression on his face. He felt the same way as he started forward.

  “Project Gliese 581g is an international project that was started six years ago. It is projected to launch in eighteen months, if all goes well,” Julia said as she stepped around to a steep, portable staircase.

  “What has to happen for it to go well?” Ash asked.

  Julia stopped on the fourth step and turned to look down at them. A small smile curved her lips. Josh could feel that assessing look as she scanned both of them again.

  “Whether or not you both agree to accept this mission,” Julia replied, turning to climb the stairs. “The team needs you, but this mission is on a volunteer basis because of its nature.”

  “It would be nice to understand what in the hell is going on. Usually the briefing comes first,” Josh retorted behind her.

  “I second that,” Ash responded in a frustrated voice, staring back at Julia. “It’d be nice if someone actually told us why we are here.”

  Julia bit her lip and nodded. “Let me show you the Gliese 581 and I’ll explain what I can before the meeting,” she replied, turning to finish climbing the steps.