Read Companions of the Eye and Ear Page 4

  Chapter 4

  “The Quest of Doom”

  Aylith and Twaylee were together in the marketplace with Twaylee’s friends Lillay and Jenna. The greater nymph was amused at the bounce and chatter of these littler ones. “She did?!” Twaylee joined the gossip.

  Lillay explained, “To live with him; not to marry him.” They were discussing the lesser nymph “Gayl” and her greater he-fay fiancé, Sir Brennith.

  Aylith told them, “Brennith should not bring her into his household until they are wed. He knows better.”

  Twaylee insisted, “She should not marry him!”

  Sprites were silly, fickle and notoriously promiscuous. Amongst only themselves, there was not even the thought of matrimony. Even those who strove to be wise and chaste remained whimsical, thus, prone to mischief. Why was it the fancy of so many a greater he-fay to wed such a wanton little thing?

  Lillay asked Aylith, “Will you be staying with Twaylee?”

  Twaylee cuddled the greater nymph and hinted, “I hope so.”

  “Yes,” Aylith rubbed Twaylee’s head.

  “But she will not join our festivities.”

  Jenna remarked, “Greater nymphs never do.”

  Twaylee looked up at Aylith and told her, “You would be happier if you learned to play.”

  “I have fun my own way.”

  “Yes, the boring way.”

  Lillay defended, “Aylith is never boring!”

  “Yes, she is.”

  Lillay assured Aylith, “She says such things but she loves you. She often speaks of you and always fondly.”

  Aylith asked Twaylee, “Always fondly?” The littler nymph stuck her tongue out and did not answer.

  For all their silliness, Aylith enjoyed the company of these littler elves. They were so playful and enthusiastic and everything was so important to them... so long as they were thinking of it. “Aylith,” Twaylee offered her green grapes.

  “Thank you.”

  That evening: Aylith was alone in Twaylee’s and Neena’s home reading a book. As for Twaylee and Neena, they had gone with Lillay, Jenna and several others to some “grand” festivity somewhere else in the city. Aylith peeked over the book when she heard someone enter. Twaylee had returned... alone. The lesser nymph helped herself to tea and snacks. She asked, “What are you reading?”

  Aylith responded, “You do not know? It is your book.”

  “Oh,” Twaylee recognized the cover. She giggled, “Aylith, are you reading sensual poetry?”

  “Some of it is about love.”

  Twaylee sat next to Aylith and offered her a sip of tea.

  “Thank you,” the greater nymph accepted. “You have returned from your festivities already?”

  Twaylee nodded. “I missed you.”

  “Why? You are so often with me and so seldom with your friends. Do you not miss Neena, Lillay, Jenna and all the others?”

  Twaylee shrugged. She snuggled up to Aylith and sighed.

  “Twaylee, are you sad?”

  “No.” The sprite thought for a moment then asked, “Do you have fun with me?”

  “Yes. Though not frolicsome, as you are, I am cheered by your liveliness.”


  “You are so sprightly.”

  Twaylee tittered, “I amuse you.”


  Twaylee nodded. Did she understand? “I love you, Aylith.”

  “I love you, as well.”

  “Aylith, are you lonely?”



  “So long as I reside within silence and shadows I shall always be lonely. Twaylee, are you lonely?”

  “Only if you leave me.”

  “Leave you?”

  “If you marry, then we shall no longer be companions.”

  Aylith laughed. “Twaylee, we are companions whether I marry or not! You need not fear being forsaken. Unless a he-fay loves you, I cannot love him.”


  Aylith hugged and kissed her. “Yes!”

  In the darkness, he could see her brightness and in the silence, he could hear the strong, peaceful beating and feel the warmth of her gentle heart. She was... happy. It was good for her to be happy. Vellizar opened his eyes and beheld Dame Aylith the High Elf kneeling and bowing before him. He greeted, “Peace be with you.”

  “As with you, milord.”

  “You return cheerful.”

  “Yes, milord. Unbeknownst to them, Twaylee and her friends have reminded me of my purpose.”

  “Though you pity the little ones you slay, you cherish those whom you protect.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “Good. I am delighted to see you smile again.”

  “Thank you, milord.”

  Vellizar waited before saying, “I call upon you to spring a trap.”


  “There is a reading glass. It is akin to the book you returned to us. Of itself, the glass is of no use to the enemy, but it is of great use to us. The enemy knows this.”

  “A trap, milord?”

  “Yes. You see, the enemy themselves revived the homing spell and greatly strengthened it. Such could only happen most purposefully.”

  “Why set a trap so evident?”

  “We value this item. The enemy openly challenges us to take it. If we are to do so then it shall be by your hand. Any other would surely fail.”

  “Milord, if it must be gotten, then I shall strive to take it.”

  “I shall not command you to do so.”

  “Milord, commanded or not, I shall do what I must!”

  Vellizar smiled, “You serve the People of Peace well.”

  “Thank you, milord.”

  “As I have said, you serve us well. I thank you.”

  “Milord, have we discovered the nature of the enemy’s trap?”

  “No– but we know where they wish to spring it.”

  Aylith was soon aboard a ship on her way to an island fortress of the enemy. While on deck, she was surprised when tapped on the shoulder... by Twaylee! The sprite giggled, proud of her stealth. “Twaylee, why did you stow aboard?!”

  “I did not stow aboard. Lord Vellizar asked me to join you on your quest.”

  “He did not tell me you were coming!”

  “Did you ask him?” Aylith did not answer. Twaylee laughed.

  The greater nymph insisted, “It was wrong of him to send you.”

  “He asked me to go.”

  “He should not have asked.”

  “Aylith, I am a fay. I may go where I please.”

  “Stay onboard when we near the island.”



  The little nymph gestured for the bigger nymph to lean down. Twaylee whispered into Aylith’s ear, “I know it is an enemy trap. I foil traps! I will help you.”

  Aylith sighed. If she did not bring Twaylee along, then Twaylee would follow along anyhow and perhaps be in even greater danger. Aylith did not approve, but little Twaylee was to be her companion on this most perilous quest.

  The dark elfin fortress: A sword-girl said to the one with her, “I have not seen ships for days. Has the navy left us?”

  The other guessed, “Perhaps the war has begun.”

  “Unlikely. We have not been told.”

  “What are we ever told?” The two laughed– unnoticing the two high elves scaling the rocky cliff just below. Aylith and Twaylee reached the base of the fortress wall and quietly moved along it to elsewhere. They would not climb up to where they heard voices right above them.

  A short while later: A sword-girl was standing guard... when hands grabbed her head and snapped her face past her shoulder! She writhed mindlessly as she sunk to the ground.

  Nearby: Twaylee snatched a guard over the mouth and stabbed her.

  A sword-girl told another, “Ayviss tells me that it is not forbidden for us to speak with t
he monsters.”

  “Yes, but who would want to?”

  “I would. Some of our lords and ladies, especially among the knighthood, count monsters among their friends.”

  “How odd. Perhaps not all monsters are so ugly and feral as those Fomorian pirates.”

  “They are not pirates! They are our allies.”


  The two little nymphs did not notice the tall nymph behind them... until pounced!

  Twaylee was nearby, wetting her blade in yet another back. She crawled towards another and slit her throat! “Hello?” an unseen guard hailed. “Who goes there?” Twaylee heard a squeak, the clang of a dropped spear-sword, a sickening crack... then deathly silence.

  A sentry uttered to the other with her, “Though far and below, I can still hear the crashing waves so clearly.”

  “Yes. It is simple yet delightful to hear.”

  “It is, but I would rather hear songs and music!”

  “Yes. It is gracious of our lady to allow us to sing and dance.”

  “It is not the same when only nymphs.”

  “I shall not tell her so.”

  “No, nor I!”

  “Find solace that you are among friends.”

  “Oh, I do! It is good to be among friends.”

  The two were suddenly knocked into each other and pressed to the ground! They squirmed and choked beneath their strong, heavy attacker, struggling desperately... but to no avail.

  Aylith was looking at her finder when Twaylee rejoined her. The greater nymph pointed and the lesser nodded. When they came to a suitable hiding place, Twaylee commented, “These guards are not awaiting us. Perhaps there is no trap.”

  “Perhaps these guards are not the trap.”

  “What do we do?”

  “We fulfill our quest.”

  The two continued on until spotting more sentries. Aylith pointed up at two archers perched nearby, then at herself. Twaylee nodded. Aylith pointed up at another archer, then at Twaylee. Her little companion nodded.

  After killing the archers, the companions of the Eye and Ear climbed back down and crawled through a witches’ garden and tiptoed down steps. Coming to a courtyard, they looked about, but spotted no guards. Aylith looked at her finder. It pointed towards the middle of the courtyard! She noticed a reading glass lying on the ground in the very middle of it! Aylith felt cold and sick, knowing in her heart and gut that the unseen trap was before her. Twaylee wondered, “Why would they leave it lying in the courtyard?”

  “Why are there no guards about?”

  Twaylee suspected, “Perhaps they are hiding.”

  “Perhaps. Twaylee, stay here.”

  “You are going out into the open?”

  “Yes. I shall do so alone.”

  “But if it is a trap, you will need my help.”


  “But, Aylith...!”

  “No!” Aylith choked and tried to whisper, “If you follow me, I shall never quest with you again!”

  Twaylee bowed her head, “I shall not follow you.”


  “Perhaps you should not go either.”

  “Perhaps. I shall flee without the item if I must.” Aylith caressed Twaylee’s cheek, “Should trouble arise then you must flee. I shall rejoin you.” With that, the greater nymph drew her sword and tiptoed into the courtyard... and perhaps to her doom.

  Aylith eyed her surroundings, awaiting archers popping up from above and throngs of sword-girls pouring in from all around. She pulled out her finder. The red, holographic “arrowhead” within the small, crystal orb was pointing straight at the reading glass lying before her. It was undoubtedly the one she sought. She moved closer. No arrow was loosed nor did throngs emerge. Danger was undeniable, but it was yet to be seen!

  As Aylith neared the middle of the courtyard, a gasping, resonant whisper called out, “Aylith!” Dozens of dark elves suddenly rushed out and surrounded her! They were not the little nymphs Aylith awaited. They were male but not scraggy little he-sprites. They were tall and strong. They were greater he-fays! They wore no armor, only boots and trousers, but they were clearly Dark Knights! Their bare chests and arms were firm with wiry muscles and their tight, predatory faces were those of natural warriors. Their cold, burning green eyes stared at her with clearly murderous intent.

  Though each enemy wore a sword, not one cleared his blade from its scabbard! They merely smirked or sneered. Aylith kept turning around, her sword held ready. The dark elves snickered. Why were they waiting? Why had they not drawn their weapons?

  A Dark Knight stepped forward saying, “In honor of our beloved and Holy Dame Elleeay, she who served the Queen even unto death, we offer you this prize.” He tapped the reading glass then stepped back.

  The other Dark Knights shouted, “Blessed be Nicnivin! Her elf shall be avenged!”

  “Elleeay,” the high elf remembered the name. These were the knights who accompanied the warrior-priestess when Aylith killed her!

  The high elf waited, yet the attack never came. The bloodthirsty dark elves merely stared, their weapons still resting in their scabbards. Aylith leaned down to take up the glass... but shot back up, sword ready! The enemy laughed. Aylith would rather contend with hundreds of sprites than these dozens of Dark Knights. If they meant to kill her then they were sure to try. Waiting would not avail her. Aylith snatched up the reading glass. The enemy drew their swords and several lunged! They jabbed and swiped with great yet sound ferocity. They were so fast and their blows so heavy. Aylith spun and parried for that was all she could do! “Run!” she hoped Twaylee would hear. The knights were startled by her cry. Aylith ran one through! He wailed!

  “Die!” the others were angered.

  Aylith dove under their flurry and slashed open a belly! “Run!” she hoped Twaylee was already doing so. Aylith darted, dodged and fought past blades and out of the courtyard. She ran! Only escape would be her survival!

  “The hunt is on!” a voice cheered.

  Even in her desperate haste, Aylith was mindful to flee to where the guards were already dead.

  The Dark Knights were running through the garden... when Aylith shot up behind one and cut him down! “Kill her!” the others chased. When they lost sight of her, they spread out. Some of them saw her disappear through an archway and presumably up steps. They rushed after her. The last one to cross under the arch yelped and stumbled when smote from behind! Aylith fled back the way she had come. “Be wary of her trickery!” a knight warned.

  A group found a sprawled pair of little sword-girls. A knight felt their necks and told his fellows, “They are cool to the touch.”

  Another surmised, “They were dead before Aylith reached the courtyard.”

  “Yes,” another agreed, “but she shall return this way to escape.”

  “Lest she has done so already.”

  “Unlikely. She hides too often to be ahead of us.”

  Aylith was nearby, watching them. She crawled away in search of another route.

  The high elf climbed up to higher part of the fortress and watched as the dozens of Dark Knights below continued the hunt. Suddenly one of them pointed at her! Aylith fled then dropped back down and hid.

  While peeking between bushes she sensed... danger! Aylith swung around and smacked aside the blade that nearly pierced her! Three Dark Knights faced her, all of them grinning, confident of victory. The one who nearly stabbed her remarked, “Your golden hair is so beautiful. I shall peel it from your head!”

  “Her hair?” another spoke. “There are sweeter parts of her than that!” The three laughed as if a joke had been told. They rushed her! Aylith fell away from their onslaught. For all her skill, a greater he-fay was still stronger than a greater nymph. They surrounded her! Aylith turned, dodged and blocked. The fierce and heavy attacks were knocking her about and fatiguing her! She must escape! Aylith smacked a blad
e aside then stabbed and tore its wielder’s leg! The victim howled! Aylith shoved past him. “Curse you!” the hapless dark elf hobbled after her.

  The other two left their limping fellow behind as they gave chase. They soon lost sight of Aylith but did not relent. Believing her near and hiding, they held their swords ready and stalked. Aylith shot up and stabbed one of them! The pierced elf wailed, swinging and poking wildly in his death throes!

  The other attacked; the one who wanted her hair! He sneered and shouted, “For the righteous!” Aylith parried as she fell away from his murderous fury. He laughed, seeing the fear in her eyes.

  The enemy winced and stumbled! A knife slashed his throat! Twaylee jumped onto his shoulders and stabbed him! “Leave her alone!” the flustered little nymph cried. Aylith watched in shock and amazement as a lesser fay vanquished a Dark Knight!

  “Over here!” a masculine voice hailed.

  “Come, Twaylee!” The two high elves ran, tiptoed, hid and crawled until finally escaping the enemy fortress.

  While on their way back to their boat, Aylith stopped and turned Twaylee around, looking for even the slightest wound. “What?”

  Aylith squeezed and kissed her. “You are well!”

  “Not if you crush me!”

  Aylith cradled Twaylee’s face, smiling, and told her, “You saved my life.”

  The littler nymph insisted, “You were weary because you had fought so many. Against only him, you would easily have won.”

  Aylith laughed. Was all so simple and easy to Twaylee?

  The companions reached their boat then waited for the ship that was to take them home. As it neared the island, they rowed out to meet it. When aboard, the skipper (a gray greater nymph whose name was never uttered) asked Aylith, “Success?” Aylith nodded. “Well done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Twaylee watched the busy crew of gray lesser nymphs and wondered if they knew the name of their skipper. They seldom spoke in their lady’s presence, even in whispers amongst themselves. Did any of them know or even wonder what the particulars of these quests and voyages were?

  Aylith whispered into Twaylee’s ear, “We have the item.”

  “I know.”

  The greater fay kissed and embraced the lesser. They watched as they sailed away from the island, grateful that its dangers were now safely behind them. The companions had survived their quest of doom and were on their way back to Avalon.

  Vellizar could feel the warmth of love, but there was also the swirling of confusion and the trembling of fear and of anger. All remained softness and strength within her. Fascinating. How strange that even angst could be gentle. Vellizar opened his eyes and beheld Dame Aylith kneeling and bowing before him. He invited, “Tell me of your fear and anger.”

  “Milord,” the nymph choked, “why did you send Twaylee with me on this quest? You knew it was a trap!”

  “Send? I merely invited her.”


  “The choice was hers alone.”

  “Milord, you knew she would join me! A sprite is not wise enough for such choices!”



  “I am Minister of the Eye and Ear. My beloved Aylith, tell me why, if you know.”

  “To serve and protect the People of Peace.” Vellizar laughed. “Milord?!”

  He explained, “I am Twaylee’s friend. All that I do is for her sake.”

  “Milord, you should not have endangered her so.”

  “I gave Twaylee a choice that was already hers. It would have been cruel to keep it from her.”

  “Milord...,” Aylith bowed her head, “she saved my life.”

  Vellizar smiled and nodded. “When you understand why, then you shall understand why the choice was hers alone.”

  Aylith sniffled. “Forgive me, milord.”

  “Your fear and your anger were born of love. Aylith, my dear, you have never offended me. There is nought to forgive. Peace be with you.”

  As Aylith was leaving, she saw Twaylee and went over to her. The lesser fay looked up at the greater and asked, “What?”

  “Thank you.”

  Twaylee gleamed, “We are companions!”

  Aylith giggled and cuddled the littler elf. “Our Lord Vellizar bids us not to return until we wish it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “For our sakes.”


  “Twaylee, will you join me?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Anywhere we want to.”


  Aylith and Twaylee were not merely companions of the Eye and Ear. They were friends.

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