Read Confide Page 2

  Chapter 2


  So I’ve hit rock bottom. Jake Jones is taking me out to dinner because he was told to. There’s no other explanation for our spontaneous outing. Eli probably wants me out of the house so that I don’t run into Dom. I’m not sure why she bothered. The guy texted me yesterday to tell me that he was coming with his girlfriend Bridget. Seriously, he makes no sense. One minute, he’s flirting with me the next, Dom’s dating someone else. I press my head against the window of Jake’s Lincoln, trying to dispel the headache. For the last hour, I stood in line just to buy a box of doughnuts. Apparently, the cashier’s machine was broken. I called Eli and asked her if I could get the doughnuts elsewhere, but then she threw a fit. With my feet screaming from the fabulous shoes, I stood in the long line; getting blisters, just to get my cousin some doughnuts. And it turns out, she doesn’t even want them.

  “Music?” Jake asks, his dark eyes concentrated on the road. I want to tell him no because my head hurts, but I find myself getting curious.

  “Sure,” I respond. He frowns and turns on the radio and winces. It’s a classical station. He’s about to turn the station, but I gently stop his hand. Electricity travels through my arm and kisses my heart. I’m so flustered that I don’t move my hand for a good minute. Jake stops at a red light and frowns at me.

  “Any particular station you want?” he asks. I feel uncomfortable, and I want to jump out of the car. Instead, I smile at Jake.

  “You have soft hands.’ It’s an observation, and I guess that most people won’t say that out loud. But what else is there to say?

  “So do you,” Jake says before turning his hand over, entwining our fingers, and then resting our hands on the consul. It should be weird, but I feel like this is right. As we hold hands and listen to classical music, we enter the middle-class area of Gately. The shops are less outrageous, and the homes look more like houses and less like castles. Jake pulls into a restaurant called “Murphy’s Steakhouse.” It’s packed, and we’re lucky that someone is leaving as we’re coming in. After he parks, he smirks and takes his hand from mine. I frown at him as he quickly exits the car. I’ve gotten my seat belt off, finally, and am about to open the door when Jake does it for me. As soon as we leave the parking lot, Jake reclaims my hand again. I want to say something like “so we’re holding hands.” But I’m speechless. The unattainable August Jacob Jones is holding my hand.

  “I had a huge crush on you when I was younger,” I confess as we walk through the glass double doors. Shut up Carmen! Seriously, what’s wrong with you? Jake smiles a little.

  “What made you stop liking me?” No, Carmen, don’t mention Adriana. She’s off limits. But it’s the only answer that I have.

  “Adriana. You seemed so into her and stopped hanging around. Eventually, I fell for Dom,” I confess. Jake releases my hand, cups my cheek, leans in, and kisses me. This is my first kiss, and I have no idea what to do. But Jake obviously does. His lips are gentle, probing, and lovely. His tongue darts out and prods the seam of my lips. I open my mouth to tell him that we’re in public when his tongue slides in. When our tongues meet, my entire body turns to Jell-o. I have no idea what to do with my hands, so I rest them on his shoulders. Jake’s hands remain on my face. After what feels like a blissfully long period, Jake pulls back. He smirks as I stare up at him like a first grader in calculus class.

  “Wwwwhy? Why did you do that?” I ask, feeling flustered.

  “I was curious,” he admits as he grabs my hand again and pulls me through the inner door.

  “About what?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer. The hostess smiles at us and leads us through the crowded restaurant to a small booth in the back. She leaves us with menus and Jake brushes his hand on the back of my knuckles before releasing my hand and sliding into the booth. I sit across from him and try to fix a glare on him, but it doesn’t work. He’s just so beautiful.

  “Why are you so curious about people?” Jake asks, his eyes fixed on my face. Wow! Jake just spoke an entire sentence. I look down at the table top and consider what to say. Suddenly, his hand is under my chin pushing my chin up. His eyes lock with mine, and they are intense. “Always keep your eyes on mine when we talk,” he snaps. Geez. What is up with his intensity? “So why?” I’m confused and don’t remember what he asked me.

  “Why what?” I ask.

  “Why are you curious about people? I find them annoying,” he tells me. I chuckle, and Jake frowns as if trying to figure out what was so funny.

  “Of course you do,” I say stating the obvious. He sighs.

  “So why?” I’m guessing that Jake won’t relent until I answer the question. To be honest, I’m just curious by nature. But someone like Jake, who can’t stand people, won’t think that the answer is reasonable.

  “I…” The waiter, a man with a bright smile and a thick beard comes over and Jake eyes the stains on his white apron with disgust. Jake hates messes. He’s the definition of order.

  “Can I start you off with something to drink?” the man asks, his voice so high that it surprises me.

  “Water,” Jake says not bothering to be nice. I almost say lemonade, but then I decide that I need a much healthier drink.

  “Water for me as well,” I reply. Jake isn’t even looking at the man anymore. His eyes are strictly on me, and I feel uncomfortable. No one ever looks at me with that much intensity.

  “Can I put in appetizers?” he asks. Jake looks at me, and I nod.

  “Broccoli bites and fried ravioli,” Jake answers and the short barrel of a man is off. “So why?” He will keep on pestering me about this.

  “Because people are entertaining,” I admit, missing the way that Jake use to be. We use to talk for hours about nothing when we were younger. Then again, I was very talkative back then. When did he become so into himself? That’s what I want to ask, but I don’t.

  “Have you ever been kissed before?” he asks.

  “No,” I reply feeling embarrassed. I had been sure that Dom was the one for me. Dating any other guy would have been pointless. Then, he went off and dated my best friend and nearly married her. With those actions, I lost a best friend and the man of my dreams. A flicker of regret passes across Jake’s face, and then it’s gone.


  “For what?” I ask.

  “Danny told me that you wanted your first kiss to be with Dom. I apologize that being with him will never happen.” I expect the pain to engulf me, but it doesn’t. I giggle.

  “Its fine, Jake. I’m over Dom,” I assure him. To be honest, he lost his appeal when he was trying to convince us that Chelsea ran off with Adam while Peter was frantically trying to find her.

  “Dom’s here,” Jake says in a matter of fact tone.

  “I know, he texted me.” Jake doesn’t look surprised.

  “He’s coming with Bridget. I don’t like her much. She talks a lot,” he grumbles as the man comes back with our water.

  “Have you decided what to order?” the server with the high pitched voice inquires. I haven’t looked at the menu, so I open it, spot a steak-burger with deluxe steak fries and decide it’s what I’m going to get. I order it and so does Jake. When the man leaves Jake smiles.

  “I hate steak,” he bluntly tells me.

  “Why did you take me to a steakhouse?” I ask.

  “You like steak. I’m more of a fish kind of guy.” Something about the way that Jake communicates makes him endearing.

  “Do you like coffee?”

  “Yes. I drink it black with no sugar,” he responds. I wince.

  “I like coffee with…”

  “Two sugars and extra cream. I know. I’ve been watching you.” His tone is flat, but I feel warmed by his words.

  “How do you like your burgers?” I ask.

  “On someone else’s plate. I don’t like burgers either.” He makes me laugh.

  “Do you at least like French fries?”

  “Yes. Do you like apple
pie?” I smile.

  “Apple pie is the best dessert on the planet!” I exclaim. Jake finds my enthusiasm funny.

  “That’s dessert,” he tells me as the appetizers come. The man places the fried ravioli in front of me, and I immediately dig in. I’m really hungry. “Do you want to try this?”

  “Sure,” I tell Jake. He dips the broccoli bite in his sauce and feeds it to me. It’s delicious.

  “Do you want some?” I ask Jake. He nods and picks up a ravioli with his fork before I can feed it to him.

  “Have you ever been on a date before?” Jake asks me, his dark eyes intense.

  “No,” I say, feeling embarrassed that I’m eighteen and have yet to go on a date. I’m such a loser.

  “You were saving that experience for Dom?” His words are accusing as if I’ve offended him.

  “No one’s really asked,” I confess. He frowns.

  “Why not, you’re beautiful,” he argues as if Jake has a difficult time believing that I wasn’t asked on a date.

  “You didn’t ask me,” I argue, feeling annoyed by his condemnation. Jake smiles.

  “When you get angry, your eyes…

  “He doesn’t finish his sentence because our food comes. Did Jake just bait me? Oh, he’s going to get it.

  “I understand August,” I say, knowing that Jake can’t stand his first name. He smiles and I swear that the earth has stopped revolving around the sun, just for a moment. When he smiles, his eyes soften. What a wonderful sight!