Read Conflict Page 8

  Once the shirt had been removed from me, I sat bared to him on the countertop. His eyes raked over my skin and I tingled wherever they landed. I visibly trembled as he took in every detail of my body. His wonderfully hot mouth came down on to my breast and he sucked the taut peak between his lips. His tongue swirled and teased me, sending electrical shocks running down the nerve to my core.

  Finally raising his head, he said, “I want you wet, I need to taste you. Lay back and spread your legs for me, Damsel, let me see just how beautiful you are.”

  His hands pushed on my shoulders so that my back pressed against the cold stone upon which I sat. The differing sensations of the heat within me and the chill of the stone made me cry out in pleasure and astonishment. I was laid out like a buffet for this seductive man. His mouth came over my core and his tongue flicked out to tease that sweet bundle of nerves causing me to writhe in absolute ecstasy. His tongue laved at my folds and then dipped into my entrance. My head fell back as he tasted me and the moans would not stop from pouring off my lips.

  While one hand grasped my hip tightly, the other came up to accompany the movements of his mouth. He shoved three fingers inside my entrance and slammed them into me before pulling back, just to do it again. I was coming apart from the tremors his actions elicited and I could feel my orgasm build and intensify. My body quaked and quivered and when I finally found my release it was like a freight train forcing its way straight through me. I cried out from the sheer force of the release. My entire body froze and my lungs momentarily lost their ability to draw in a breath. Lights flashed before my eyes and every wonderful muscle in my body tightened only to loosen again. Daemon slowed his motions in perfect rhythm with the calming of my body creating smaller quakes to roll through me as he did so. When I was finally able to open my eyes, I found the most beautiful man staring in awe at the woman spread out before him.

  “There. Now, you are ready for me. I suggest you hang on tight.” Daemon’s hands gripped the sides of my body and he turned me over with such speed that I was disoriented from the change in direction. He grabbed both of my hands and placed them on the edges of the countertops. Squeezing his fingers over mine, he forced me to grip along the edge.

  “I wasn’t joking when I said hold on. I don’t want to see your hands leave the sides of the counter. If you let go, I’ll stop.” His voice was rough and I was enchanted by the hunger in his tone. I gripped the sides tightly, knowing that Daemon would, in fact, stop, if I didn’t do as he said. He had the maddening ability to go from full throttle to a sudden stop when I said or did something he didn’t like. His self-control was astounding and I had to respect that he had much better control over his body than I did over mine.

  His hand suddenly slapped across my bottom and I yipped from the sting of the slap. He rubbed at the red mark he had caused on the soft skin and chuckled at my responsive outcry. “Like that, Damsel? Because I know I absolutely adore seeing the mark of my hand on your remarkable ass.”

  Daemon pulled down his pants and replaced his hands on my hips. He positioned himself at my entrance and then slammed his full length into me. My head arched back while the edges of the counters dug into my fingers due to my grip. The force of Daemon’s repeated thrusts knocked me forward and pulled me back and I become lost in the marvel of our combined bodies. Never before I had I been able to let go of all control; to entirely submit to the desires and wants of another over my own.

  “Are you holding on tight?” His questioned was not quite spoken, but growled and I nodded my head in response.

  Once Daemon was satisfied that I held my grip on the counter, he abruptly let go of my hips. While one hand reached up to tangle itself within my hair and pull, the other reached underneath me to massage that one special spot between my thighs. Oh, God! The fire was building within me and my insides felt like they would tear themselves apart. I wasn’t sure I could handle the release I knew was coming and I held on tighter trying to keep myself from jerking away from the overly intense feeling. Tears welled in my eyes as he thrust into me repeatedly. His rhythm was relentless and never ending. He fit within me perfectly; filling me and leaving me empty, only to fill me once again. He let go of my hair to once again grasp and take control of my hip. I rested my forehead against the cool stone and clenched my teeth to keep from splitting apart entirely. The countertops continued to push into my hands and legs as he pounded at my body and the pain of those sharp edges blended perfectly with the succulent sensations he drove along the walls of my core.

  “Come for me, Damsel. It’s been so long since I’ve been wrapped up in you, I’m about to fucking explode.”

  Daemon’s words were my undoing and my release blasted through me, freeing me from my tired body as every luscious muscle in my core gripped around Daemon’s rock hard length. Nirvana had been bestowed upon me by this virile man. As the final spasms shot through my muscles, Daemon roared out his release and spilled himself inside of me. My body once again spasmed around him. He twitched within me as he came down from his own release and his fingers gripped into the skin of my body. My core tightened along him as he finally pulled himself from me and I lay breathless and quivering from what he had just done. The stress and tension of the last couple weeks had been incinerated by the splendor of that encounter. I wanted to cry out in relief from the weightlessness Daemon had caused but I just stayed there, laying across the countertop, trying to control my breathing.

  Daemon’s arms came around me and he lifted me up from the counter before pulling me to the floor with him. I sat languid in his lap and rested my head against the broad expanse of his chest. We calmed our bodies together and sat silently in our embrace.

  Daemon eventually stirred and grabbed my chin to pull my face to his. “That was…incredible.” His voice was gritty as he spoke. His hand reached out and rubbed along marks on the upper parts of my legs. He chuckled before saying, “I’m afraid I may have marked you on the counter.”

  My eyebrows shot up as I looked at the line running across my legs and I hurriedly looked at my hands to see if they also had a mark. Angry red lines ran two paths along my hands and I held them up to show Daemon. A wicked grin came over his mouth and he bent his head to softly kiss both hands. “Those are the most beautiful marks I have ever seen.”

  I was confused by his statement and I looked at him in silent query. He chuckled. “They are evidence of the fact that you followed my instructions.” His brow arched up into an arrogant peak and one side of his mouth quirked. “I love nothing more than when you listen to me without arguing.”

  I let out an astonished laugh, but smiled brightly when he wriggled his brows at me.

  His expression turned serious after a few seconds. He cleared his throat before saying, “I wanted to apologize to you for last night. I was wrong to throw Alex in your face as I did. You didn’t deserve it.”

  I nodded at Daemon’s apology. He had an aggravating way of always steering us back to the awkward conversations I preferred to avoid. “No worries. We both have something to apologize for.” I left it at that. There was no need to rehash the drama; we both acted poorly and I was game to just simply let it go.

  He pressed a soft kiss on my lips and stared into my eyes with such tenderness. “What have you done to me, Damsel? I think I’m falling for you more every day.”

  My eyes must have gone wide at his statement because he paused before reluctantly continuing. “I know it should be too soon for me to tell you this, but there’s no denying how I feel. You are everything to me. More than you know, or may ever know. You’re all that I’ve wished for and never thought I should have.”

  I was suddenly uncomfortable with his admission and I squirmed at his candor. He smiled as he said, “I know you need time to open yourself to me, to tear down those frustrating walls you have guarding your heart. I’m willing to give you whatever you need. Time. Freedom. Space to come to me on your own terms, when you are finally ready.” As he runs his long fingers throug
h my tangled hair he whispers, “You have invaded my soul and there is no separating from you. All I can do is wait.”

  My voice was soft as I asked, “Are you sure about this, Daemon? I’m not sure I know how to define things yet. I don’t know that my walls will ever fully crumble down.”

  He chuckled before he responded. “At this point, even if you can only open a small window for me to squeeze through, I would be pleased. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours over labels. In all honesty, I’m not sure there is a word in existence that could describe the absolute perfection of what we are. Any label you could come up with would be lacking as an explanation. I want to live for you and for you to live for me. It’s that simple. I don’t want to complicate it with the use of a fallible description of our relationship. Take your time, Paige. I’ll give you all that you need. Just promise me that you will try to trust me; trust that I want to be everything to you in return.” His mouth curved into a sly grin and one glorious dimple made its appearance. “I can’t promise that I won’t pester you while I wait. To be honest, it’s just too much fun aggravating you to stop. I’ve told you before; you are insanely enticing when you are stubborn and angry.”

  I arched a brow in response to his veiled threat, but my heart softened to know that he would try. His words were a caress, a beacon of hope that we could find a way to move past our differences and find harmony in our combined needs. I wanted to trust him as much as he wanted my trust. I was so tired of the walls that I constantly maintained and nothing would be as satisfying, as fantastically relieving, as finally being able to drop them for another soul. Daemon’s patience was his strength; and even though it could be irritating and infuriating at times, it was also the part of him that spoke the loudest to everything deep within me.

  At first, I was too choked up to speak so I simply nodded my head in agreement with his words. When I regained my voice, I looked up at him reticently before resting my head back on his chest. My voice was soft and unsure as I answered. “I can’t promise I won’t be difficult…or frustrating…or stubborn…or proud…”

  His shoulders shook from his light laughter.

  “…But I can agree to try.”

  His arms tightened around me as he rested his chin on my head. “I’ll take what I can get with you, Damsel, and I’ll be happy to have that.”

  We sat motionless together as our breathing evened and our hearts began to beat in time with each other. I never expected to feel so free, so safe, in Daemon’s arms; but this determined man was slowly whittling away at the stubborn barriers I have always carried within me. In this quiet moment that we shared, I realized the true depth of the respect I held for this man. It would be nothing for him to tear through me each time I challenged him or for him to simply walk away when I didn’t submit. Yet, he stayed; he was patient instead of forceful, loyal instead of detached. Trust was a foreign concept, but one I could now acknowledge was a vital piece missing from my very being. I wanted to give him the chance to find the scattered pieces of me, to combine them, for once, making me whole.

  Chapter Six

  “Do I even want to know what kept you two so long?” David eyed us as we walked into his hospital room. He was walking around, packing the small amount of possessions he had with him into a bag. He crossed the room to pull the pins from his ultimate makeover poster, freeing it from the wall. The cardboard flapped loudly as he made his way back to his bed. After placing the poster flat on the mattress, he looked back up at us. “Because if you two are late due to finally getting past that moronic ‘roommate’ rule; that is definitely something I want to know.” He wriggled his brows and stared expectantly in our direction.

  Daemon took my hand before looking over to me. In an amused voice, he asked, “What do you want to tell the man, Paige? It’s your call.” He nudged me with his side and I looked up at him to find a mischievous grin plastered across his face.


  We hadn’t even been here for ten minutes and David managed to place me right back in front of the firing squad. Ten sets of eyes were staring down their barrels, intent on firing unless I was able to bullshit my way out of this.

  “Uh, well, we’re no longer just roommates,” I admitted.

  I looked back over at David before continuing. “We’re Paige and Daemon, if that makes any sense.” My eyes traveled to my feet as I ventured into this conversation with David. It didn’t matter whether the situation was appropriate or not, if he wanted more information he would get it. Nothing would stop him until he felt satisfied that he knew the entire story. David was a tenacious person and I could only hope that he would save the interrogation for when we had some alone time.

  David must have picked up on my hesitancy to go into detail because he graciously dropped the subject. I was in absolute shock when he merely nodded and continued packing his things. He neatly folded and packed his hospital gown before zipping up his bag. I cocked an eyebrow at David wondering why in the world he would want to pack his hospital gown.

  “Can I ask why you are taking that god-awful gown with you, David?”

  David shot me a look which clearly conveyed how stupid he thought I was for even asking that question. “Well, duh, Paige. I’m taking the gown because Matt likes playing nurse and I like playing patient. You figure it out.”

  I shivered at the mental imagery that appeared in my head. After those thoughts, I felt dirty and was suddenly in need of a long, hot shower. “Good to know…you ready to get out of here?”

  David nodded to indicate his readiness and we walked out of the room. As we passed the room next door, a little, silver haired woman stood in the doorway, glaring at David as we passed. “Good to see you are going home, son. At least now I know my chocolate pudding will be safe from your grubby hands.” She crossed her tiny arms over her chest and stared David down.

  David stopped in his tracks and turned to the old woman. “It’s so nice to see you too, Ms. Hugsmybottom. Unfortunately, as you can see, I’m leaving, so I don’t have time for your chocolate pudding delusions at the moment. Why don’t you find another neighbor to harass with your geriatric antics?” David crossed his arms back at the old lady in challenge. I looked between her and David as I tried desperately to figure out why they were arguing about a dessert product.

  The wrinkles on her face deepened and warped into some kind of evil old lady mask when her scowl grew more atrocious. She uncrossed her arms and pointed a long bony finger up into David’s face. “It’s Higgenbotham, boy, and you’d do well to remember that. Now get your skinny ass out of here and stay away from other people’s sweets. If this were back in my day, I would bend you over my knee and beat the tar out of your thievin’ behind.”

  David smirked at her words and bent down to get in her face. “Is that supposed to be a threat, old bitty, because who’s to say I wouldn’t enjoy that?”

  The color drained from Ms. Higgenbotham’s face as her jaw dropped in astonishment. She appeared to regain her composure before slightly turning her body and motioning towards her bed. “Well, come on in and let’s get this over with. You’re not my normal type, but you’ll do for now.” Her wrinkled mouth turned up in a lewd grin.

  “That is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard!!” David’s expression was one of surprised disgust and it caused little Ms. Higgenbotham to chuckle triumphantly.

  “Just as I thought. I’m too much woman for ya.” Without saying another word she carefully turned around and slowly marched her way back into her room. I assumed she didn’t move very well at her age and that was the swiftest speed she could muster.

  An astonished expression was pasted to David’s face and he snorted in response to Ms. Higgenbotham’s statement. He turned up his chin and moved to continue his path down the long hallway.

  Daemon and I looked at each other in confusion and I called out to David to ask, “What the hell was that all about? Why was that old lady yelling at you about dairy treats?”

  Executing a
perfect 180 degree turn, David spun on his heel to face Daemon and I. He pointed a deliberate finger at Ms. Higgenbotham’s door and said, “She keeps accusing me of stealing her chocolate pudding and I keep telling her I didn’t steal it.” He turned and continued his fast-paced quest towards the elevators and Daemon and I rushed to keep up. The poster board in David’s hands flapped loudly and echoed through the wide halls with his increased speed.

  “Why would she accuse you of stealing her pudding?” I gasped in realization. “David! Did you steal that nice old lady’s pudding?”

  He continued his clipped pace and slammed his finger into the elevator call button when we reached the end of the hall. “First off, that particular old lady is a senile, snarky, little witch. Second, I didn’t steal her pudding. While the old bag was sleeping, I switched it with the horrible green gelatin they insisted on giving me.”

  My eyebrows shot out up to my hairline and I stood staring at David with my mouth hanging open. “Holy shit, David. That’s really messed up. How often did you switch out her pudding?”

  David huffed out a breath and his hair slightly blew around him. “Every day,” he admitted before quickly adding. “But I’m a growing boy and I need my dairy. Plus, she’s over 1000 years old; it’s hard for people that age to digest certain foods. The gelatin was better for her.”

  Daemon chuckled next to me and I elbowed him in the side. “Do not encourage him, Daemon. He should not have been touching that woman’s pudding!” I turned to David. “Why didn’t you just order your own pudding?”