Read Consumed Page 15

  “You owe me,” he growled. “You would have died in that alley if it wasn’t for me. The people who ordered the death of your –”

  I had my hand around his throat in under a millisecond. “Don’t say it.” Apprehension flashed across his face just as a tingle of fear shot down our link. Will was strong and a good fighter, but I’d always unnerved him on some level. I’d seen it in his eyes, heard it in his voice, and felt it through the link a thousand times. Maybe part of his wariness was that my emotions weren’t so clear to him; according to Will, he only felt ‘tiny flickers’ of emotion from me, as if I was too closed off.

  “Let him go, Salem,” urged Gina, gripping my arm. I shook her off.

  “I gave you your revenge,” Will reminded me. “Now you must repay that debt.”

  I released him with a shove. “I couldn’t get you a position in the legion even if I wanted to. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “But you can talk to Sam and Jared. You can put in a good word for me. I would make a valuable trainer.”

  Even if there were trainers within the legion, I wouldn’t have done any such thing. Not after the devious shit he’d pulled at the meal. “If you’re so confident in your suitability, you don’t need my interference.” I strode away, and they thankfully didn’t try to follow.

  “You broke the golden rule I gave you during your training.”

  I didn’t turn at the sound of his voice.

  “I told you never to allow yourself any weaknesses. But you have one now, don’t you? Sventés are so fragile compared to us, aren’t they? So easily breakable.”

  Halting sharply, I slowly turned to face him. “Are you threatening Ava?” I rumbled, sure my irises were glowing red.

  “Of course not.” He sounded genuinely offended, but his eyes glinted with amusement at my angered response. “I don’t hurt women. You know that.” But Gina would have no problem with hurting Ava. And if Will wished it, she happily would.

  “Sam and Jared might have vowed to let you stay here, but I can promise you right now that if either of you hurt Ava, they will banish you all from this island faster than you can blink. But I’ll get there faster, and I’ll make sure you don’t leave this place alive.”

  “You’d never hurt me.” But Will didn’t appear as sure as he sounded. He was right to be worried.

  It was rare for vampires to harm their creators. Even if the vampires had no regard or time for their creators, they respected the fact that they had Turned them. Plus, not only was the blood-link overpowering for the mind, it was incredibly painful to break unless it was replaced with another.

  All of that would make a vampire extremely hesitant to harm their creator. But I knew for a fact that none of that would keep Will alive if he did anything at all to harm Ava. “As you pointed out, I have one weakness. That weakness is the only being on this planet that’s safe from me. Remember that.”

  “There are three entrances,” Stuart told Sam and Jared after doing a perimeter check in his molecule form of the club opposite us. “One at the front, one at the back, and one at the side. The only entrance being used is the front.”

  From our spot on top of a twelve storey building across the street, we could see the line of people hoping to get into the club belonging to Giles Rowland – Diane’s Sire. It was guarded by four Pagoris, all of whom were vigilant.

  “We need to cover all three doors,” Sam told us.

  “In case Giles tries to flee?” Ava asked from beside me.

  “Yes, and also in case he decides he wants a fight and calls for back-up. I doubt he will, but it’s best to be cautious. Stuart, Damien – I want you covering the side. Reuben, Harvey – you guard the back door.”

  “If people start trying to get in or out,” began Jared, “contact me.” All they would need to do was direct a thought at him. “The rest of you will come through the front with me and Sam, watch our backs.”

  So that was what myself, Ava, Chico, Butch, David, Denny, and Max did. As we approached the club, three of the bouncers straightened to their full height, their posture confrontational. The fourth paled.

  “There’s a line,” spat one of them.

  The fourth bouncer bowed at both Sam and Jared. “It’s an honour to meet you.” That was when the other three realised that, hey, we weren’t your average vampires. They also bowed as they opened the doors wide, allowing us all to enter. The place was dark, loud, and smelled strongly of sex and blood.

  Ava leaned into me. “Do you think these humans know they’re around supposedly mythological creatures?”

  Noticing that one human had a set of fangs buried in her throat, I grunted. “Maybe. I think someone wipes those memories before they leave. A lot of Kejas can do that.”

  Jared tipped his chin toward the bar. “There’s our guy.”

  I recognised the tall, grim looking vampire from the photograph the researchers had provided. I’d suspected then that I’d met him before, long ago. Now, I was certain I was right, but I couldn’t recall where from.

  There were three Pagoris either side of Giles, keeping others from getting too close. None of them were aware of our presence. Yet. It was really only a matter of time.

  One of the nearby vampires accidentally bumped into Jared and swiftly turned – maybe to apologise. Then he gawped, clearly very much aware of who he was looking at. Without moving his eyes from Jared, he tapped the vampire behind him with the back of his hand. The guy turned, joined his friend in gaping at Jared, and then clicked his fingers at another vampire to gain his attention. On and on it went – one vampire wordlessly warning another, who warned another, who warned another, until eventually news of our arrival reached Giles just as the music abruptly switched off.

  Giles snapped to full alertness, eyes searching for us. A wave of his hand caused the crowd to part, creating a path. We followed Sam and Jared as they strolled casually toward Giles.

  Smiling graciously, he bowed at them; his guards copied the move. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

  I might have believed that if it wasn’t for the apprehension that very briefly glinted in his eyes. I was betting he knew exactly why we were there.

  “Same to you,” drawled Jared. The civil exchange seemed to relax the crowd, and the music came back on.

  As Giles introduced his guards, I briefly studied each of them, and was surprised to discover that I’d met one of them before. Going by the black glower he was wearing, he recognised me too. And that was when I realised why Giles was so familiar.

  Why does that guard look like he wants to castrate you? Jared asked telepathically.

  Back when I worked for Will in his fight club, I was pitted against this guy by Giles.

  I take it you won?

  Knocked him unconscious in under ten seconds – that was without using my gift.

  Despite that glower, it wasn’t that particular guard that was at risk of seriously pissing me off. It was the one who was raking a heated gaze over Ava. I shifted closer to her, gaining his attention, and shot him a ‘don’t even fucking think about it’ glare. Wisely, he averted his gaze.

  Rather than introducing each of us, Sam simply said, “We brought along some friends.”

  Giles did a very quick study of each of us, and his eyes lingered on me. “You’re one of Will’s vampires. Salem, isn’t it?” I merely nodded. Giles then turned to the bartender. “Hal, please get our guests whatever drink they choose. It’s on the house, of course.”

  Sam smiled as she perched herself on a stool. “I appreciate the gesture, Giles, but we’re unfortunately not here to socialise.” Jared sidled up to her, presenting a united front.

  “Oh?” Giles’ smile wavered slightly. “Then what has earned me the honour of your presence?”

  “I think you know. But let’s pretend that you don’t. Let’s pretend that you didn’t watch or hear of the announcement that Jared and I made on V-Tube. Let’s even pretend that you didn’t know we’d mentioned the involvement of a vamp
ire who has a gift that protects their identity in that announcement. Or we could drop the pretence and have a straightforward conversation that doesn’t insult anyone’s intelligence.”

  Giles inclined his head, admitting, “I saw the announcement. You think the person you are searching for may be Diane.”

  He didn’t say it may have been Diane, didn’t say her name in the past tense, which would suggest she was still alive.

  Sam shrugged casually. “We’d simply like to talk to her.”

  “Many vampires have gifts similar to Diane’s.”

  “That they do, Giles. That they do. Which is why we need to briefly speak with each one of them.”

  “Hopefully it will be a case of crossing Diane off the list of suspects,” said Jared. “Where do we find her?” His expectation of an answer was clear in his expression and tone.

  “She has an apartment in Manhattan.”

  “Yes, one of our squads did pay it a little visit.” Sam sighed. “It seems that there was some kind of fire. Does she have any other homes?”

  “Not that I am aware of. But I do not know the business of each one of my vampires.”

  “Her entire nest has gone into hiding.” Sam had been pretty pissed on hearing that from the squad she’d assigned to find them. “It’s not looking good for dear Diane. It’s important that we talk to her.”

  “I wish I could help, but –”

  “Don’t play games.” Jared’s voice was like a whip. Giles’ guards tensed, ready to protect their Sire. My past opponent was focused totally on me, probably desperate for an excuse to attack.

  “People of various species were kidnapped, sold, and forced to work in a brothel,” continued Jared, his voice close to a growl. “The owner was also blackmailing the clients. It is imperative that we take care of this, because if we don’t, another species might.”

  Giles’ face fell. “Some survived?”

  Jared evaded the question. “The trail will eventually lead back to a suspiciously absent Diane, which will then lead to you.” And he’d pay for what Diane did.

  “There was a demon in that place.” Sam’s revelation made Giles blanch. “She got away.”

  Giles swallowed. “I heard that a horde of demons has been hunting vampires.” And it wasn’t a stretch to conclude it had something to do with the brothel.

  “It will only be a matter of time before they come knocking at your door, Giles,” she pointed out.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I told you, we want Diane.”

  His sigh was resigned. “I do not know her exact location. She told me she must go into hiding, but she refused to tell me where.” That was not only an admission of her guilt, but a confession that he had withheld her guilt.

  Sam’s expression hardened. “You should have come forward, Giles.”

  “Would you give up one of your squad?”

  “No. But if they did the sick shit that Diane did, I would – though it would pain me to do it – end their lives.”

  “You should know that she is infuriated by your interference. You have lost her a lot of money.”

  Sam’s smile was crooked. “Trust me, Giles, she ain’t more infuriated than we are.”

  Jared spoke then. “Your blood-link must give you some idea of her location.”

  Giles shook his head. “Her gift conceals her even from me. It is impossible to find Diane unless she wants to be found.”

  “Then you must get her to come to you,” Sam told him. “And then you must give her up.”

  “I do not know where –”

  “You can find a way to contact her,” interrupted Jared. “And I’m sure you can convince her to come to you. You’re her Sire, after all.”

  “Five nights.” Sam hopped off the stool. “You have five nights to lure her to you or to find out her location. When we receive your call, we’ll come for her. Don’t disappoint me, Giles.” The latter words were hard.

  Panic glinted in Giles’ eyes. “It will not be easy to find her.”

  Jared snickered. “Neither will what we do to anyone who stands in the way of us and Diane – that includes you.”


  “What do you think Giles will do?” Sprawled on top of Salem on a beach lounger, I propped my chin up on his chest, enjoying the feel of his fingers threading through my hair.

  “If he’s got any sense, he’ll give Diane up. But my bet is that he’ll try to cover for her, worried he’ll lose the trust and loyalty of his nest if he gives up one of his own.”

  “Then it’s a good thing that Sam and Jared have sent Sebastian to track her.” He was an expert tracker; the best The Hollow had.

  “There’s no one that guy couldn’t find.”

  “I called the infirmary earlier to ask Mary Jane how Rosa was doing. She’s getting better. Turns out, though, that a few more of the survivors came around.” I smiled wanly. “Despite Rosa’s assurances that they were safe, the newly awakened banded together and tried to escape. Can’t say I blame them for taking advantage of the fact that they were finally lucid. Thankfully, they calmed down once Mary Jane sent for Sam.”

  “Did they have any useful info?”

  I shook my head. “According to Mary Jane, their stories were the same as Rosa’s – even down to their Sires selling them. Sam and Jared are keeping them here for a while to be sure Diane can’t get to them. Plus, there’s a chance that the demons would track them down, hoping they know something. They’re safer here.”

  “Do you think Max is right and there’s a leak at The Hollow?”

  I cocked my head. “I’d like to think not. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I’d like to believe it’s not intentional; that someone’s not purposely betraying us.”

  He slipped a hand under my t-shirt, smoothing it up and down my back. “Coach and Jared will probably ask Ryder to search the minds of every member of the legion.”

  “The poor guy will be drained by the end of it. Why are you glaring at me?”

  “Maybe it’s because you said ‘the poor guy’ in a soppy voice,” he grumbled, looking adorably petulant.

  “You can’t seriously be jealous.”

  His hand paused in caressing my back. “You called him pretty.” He spoke like I’d committed mass murder.

  I had to smile. “Yeah? Well I prefer rugged, moody, and mentally unstable.”

  “Mentally unstable?”

  “Hey, I didn’t say it was bad. I like you just the way you are. Whether or not you continue to feel that way about me, we’ll soon find out.”

  Salem’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Who made you feel you’re not good enough exactly as you are?”

  I blinked innocently. “No one.”

  “Don’t bother bluffing, Sam already mentioned it.”

  Damn Sam for blabbing. “Like I said, it’s not a big thing.”

  “Then there’s no reason why you can’t tell me.”

  Crap, I’d walked right into that one. “When I was a kid, I had a mild case of ADHD. People found it hard to cope with me.” I shrugged, like it was nothing. Apparently my blasé act hadn’t worked, because that seemed to piss him off even more.

  “What ‘people’?” When I didn’t answer, he growled, “Ava. I answered your questions when you asked.”

  All right, that was a fair point. “My parents. My grandmother. My aunt. My foster parents. The last set of foster parents weren’t so bad, but that was because I got a little better as I got older. It was only Cristiano who accepted me as I was.” Until Salem.

  His arms tightened around me as he muttered, “Bastards.”

  “I really wasn’t easy to have around. I’ve always been a naturally upbeat, quirky person anyway. Add in the mild case of ADHD and it was no wonder they got tired of me.”

  “They had no fucking right to make you feel so bad about yourself.” A look of realisation crossed his face. “You’re waiting for me to get tired of you, too, aren’t you?”

; I could see that hurt him, which was the last thing I wanted to do. “I moved in with you, didn’t I?”

  “But you still worry I’ll eventually reject you, don’t you?” My expression must have answered that, because he pinned me with a serious gaze. “It’s never going to happen.”

  “You say that now, but –”

  “There is no ‘but’, baby. Shit, if either of us will think about leaving at some point, it will be you.”

  “Why would I leave my cuddly bear?”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked. “Ava.”

  “You already told me about how you avenged the death of your parents by turning vigilante. I’m still here.”

  “There’s a lot more.” It was a warning. “But it’s too late for you to run. I’ve told you before: what’s mine stays mine.” As if to punctuate that claim, he took my mouth with a force that almost hurt. Every flick of his tongue and every touch of his hands were sure and confident. And I was soon panting and desperate for more. Which, of course, was what he wanted.

  I pulled back. “Okay, okay, I’m officially distracted. I won’t push you to elaborate. But you’ll have to tell me some time.”

  “Some time,” he agreed rather reluctantly. And I knew that was the best deal I’d get.



  When Salem left for one of his squad’s training sessions at dusk, I’d been green with envy. I knew Sam and Jared gave them combat training, and the idea of gaining better control of my combat-based gift was damn appealing. So when Sam had called me five minutes after Salem left and invited me to come along – and to bring the other girls with me – I hadn’t hesitated.

  Mere seconds after I’d entered the arena, Salem appeared at my side; his face a question mark. I gave him a bright, excited smile. “Guess what! Sam invited us. She wants us to undergo some training. Isn’t that great?”

  His entire body went rigid. “Training?” he echoed, incredulous and disapproving.