Read Consumed Page 8

  “It’s an honour to meet you both,” said the dark-haired male, smooth and confident. “As you may have guessed, I’m Will. This is my mate, Blythe. And this is my first-born, Gina.”

  Jared raised a brow. “You requested to bring your mate and your guard.” It was a reproach. The Grand High Pair liked to pre-approve their visitors and residents.

  Will gave a weak smile. “As I said, Gina’s my first-born, we’re very close. She didn’t want to be left behind, and I didn’t feel I could deny her, so I brought her in Todd’s place. I hope this won’t be a problem.”

  Sam twisted her lips as she studied Gina. “A background search will be done on you.”

  Gina nodded respectfully. “You have to be careful about who you allow on your island. I understand. To give you a brief summary…I’ve been a vampire for over one hundred years. Will is my Sire, and I’ve served him for the whole duration of my existence as a vampire. I worked with him to help Salem attain the level of control he now has. It will be good to see Salem again.”

  Instantly, I stiffened. There was too much intimacy in the woman’s voice as she spoke of Salem for my liking. And when she said his name, it dripped with ownership. More annoyingly than all of that, though, was the scheming glint in her eyes that told me she didn’t just want to ‘see’ him.

  And just like that, I had Alora, Jude, Paige, Imani, Maya, and Cassie gathered behind me…like I was facing an invading army and we were all going into battle. I would have laughed if images of Gina and Salem weren’t flicking through my mind, pumping anger and resentment through my system.

  Thousands of petty questions popped into my head: ‘Had Salem been serious about Gina?’, ‘Had he cared for her?’, ‘If yes, did he still care for her?’, ‘Will Salem be glad to see her?’, and ‘Can I kill her without pissing anyone off?’

  My inner jealous harpy was urging me to introduce myself as Salem’s girlfriend and make it clear to Gina that he was off-limits. But instinct told me to wait. If I was going to learn more about her and her intentions toward him, I would need her to believe she could talk freely.

  “These are members of the female squad,” Jared told the Pagoris when they looked at us expectantly. I didn’t greet them, since I didn’t trust myself to speak. The other girls didn’t greet them either, and I knew it was a show of support and loyalty toward me.

  “You’re forming a female squad?” Blythe grinned, a little too animated. “That’s fantastic. It should have been done a long time ago. There are too many chauvinists out there.” Clearly she hadn’t watched Sam and Jared’s ascension on V-Tube or she would have heard Sam announcing her intention of forming this squad.

  “There is,” agreed Gina. “I never understood it. Particularly the prejudice against Sventés.”

  Oh, come on! It was obvious that they were sucking up to Sam by making a point that all of vampirekind knew was close to her heart. It seemed that Sam saw that instantly, because she regarded them with a sceptical gaze.

  “There’s plenty of food under the marque, if you’re hungry,” Jared told them.

  “Thank you.” Will smiled. “I was hoping to speak to Salem first. I’ve been looking forward to seeing him again. It’s been a long time. We have a lot to catch up on.”

  “Where is he?” Gina glanced around. Her expression was cool, but anticipation swirled in her eyes. And I didn’t like it.

  “Around,” Jared answered vaguely, taking Sam’s hand in his and squeezing lightly. The act was soothing, and it made me wonder if Sam’s mood was turning a little sour. After all, she knew exactly what it was like for her partner’s ex to show up. And she was no doubt protective of Salem, as he was a member of her personal squad.

  Blythe’s smile faltered. “He does know we’re relocating here, doesn’t he?”

  “Of course,” replied Jared. “But I don’t think he expected you to turn up so soon or he probably would have been on the lookout.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be here in a few minutes,” said Sam. “He never leaves Ava alone for long.”

  I quickly sent a thought to Jared: Tell Sam not to formally introduce me yet. He acknowledged that with an almost imperceptible nod.

  Gina’s head whipped round to face Sam. “Ava?”

  “His girlfriend,” Sam elaborated with total delight.

  Gina ran her eyes along me and the group behind me, suspicious. But the suspiciousness quickly faded, and she looked to the marque, straining to see the people inside. Apparently she’d dismissed us as possible choices for Salem and was assuming his girlfriend was over there. Someone behind me snorted.

  “Girlfriend?” Blythe rocked back on her heels. “Well that’s a surprise. Salem was never much interested in relationships. Other than with Gina.”

  Hearing footsteps, I turned my head to see Chico, Butch, and Stuart – all of them looked fierce and watchful. “Hey,” greeted Chico carefully as he sidled up to me, “everything okay over here?”

  Sam didn’t move her gaze from the newcomers. “We have some new residents. This is Salem’s Sire, Will, and his mate, Blythe. Oh, and that there is Will’s first-born, Gina.”

  “She’s Salem’s ex,” I murmured only loud enough for the guys to hear. Instantly, they shifted behind me – more support. Will cast the slowly growing crowd an odd look but seemed to shrug off his confusion.

  “These are members of our personal squad,” Jared told the visitors. He then suddenly added, “And so are the vampires on their way over.”

  I saw then that Harvey, Damien, David, and Max were fast approaching; most likely in response to the gathering of our vampires. Max was looking much more alert now, possibly sobered by the prospect of trouble. Jared exchanged looks with the four of them, and I had the feeling that he was communicating with them telepathically. My suspicion proved correct when, appearing a little pissed, the guys joined the mass at my back.

  Will spoke then. “Salem’s part of this squad, correct?” At Jared’s nod, Will’s smile seemed to shrivel. There was no happiness or pride there, despite that, in vampire terms, Salem was his ‘son’. Apparently he didn’t like Salem being a member of the legion. Well, well, well.

  Blythe did her best to make eye contact with the male squad members who had planted themselves behind me. “I don’t suppose any of you know where Salem is?”

  “Not a clue.” Chico’s voice was close to a growl.

  “Maybe he’s with Ava,” mused Blythe before asking Sam, “Is he serious about her?”


  “Have they Bonded?”

  Sam reluctantly bit out, “No.”

  Gina’s expression turned calculating, and I barely held in a hiss of warning. My inner jealous harpy dug out her crossbow – she had an arrow with Gina’s name on it.

  “But it’s only a matter of time,” added Sam, obviously trying to rile Gina.

  Will shook his head. “Salem will never Bond with anyone.” It was an echo of my own thoughts.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. He’s very possessive of Ava.”

  Gina tittered. “Salem’s possessive by nature; that means nothing. I know him inside out. Trust me, he will never fully commit himself to anyone.” It was said with approval, as if she was someone who didn’t believe in love or the need for commitment; perhaps saw those things as weaknesses. “If this girl thinks any differently, she’ll be massively disappointed.” The word ‘girl’ was spoken dismissively, like I was something to be pitied, like I was nothing – certainly no threat to her. “The girl is a delusional fool if she thinks she can hold onto Salem.”

  Growls, hisses, and profanities sounded throughout the crowd behind me. I glanced at them over my shoulder, seeing then that Evan, Denny, Fletcher, and Norm had also joined us. “Relax,” I mouthed at the mass. It didn’t have any effect. Irises were glowing, a snarl was fixed on every single face, and they all appeared ready to pounce.

  Jude had her beloved knife out, clearly desperate to slice the bitch up. Max was flexing his ha
nd…as if barely resisting the urge to close his fist and temporarily deprive Gina of her senses. Hearing a high-pitched squeaking sound, I peered up to see a harpy eagle circling over us; I had to wonder if Alora – who had the ability to communicate with animals – had called it here, ready to sic it on Gina.

  I turned around in time to hear Sam very bluntly ask Will, “Why are you here?”

  He blinked. “You want information –”

  “But you didn’t need to move here. That was your price, and I’m wondering why.”

  “Who wouldn’t want to live in the most secure place on Earth for vampires?” Good point.

  “Just remember that your stay here is conditional. If the information you have is worth shit to us, you’ll be leaving immediately.”

  Will bowed slightly. “Understood. But I believe you’ll find my information very –” His sentence halted abruptly as, much like the rest of us, he heard a familiar sound: Salem’s voice. He was walking along the beach toward us with Reuben, coming from the direction of our apartment building; they had both showered and changed into fresh t-shirts and jeans.

  One glance in our direction had Salem’s shoulders tensing. In a blink, he and Reuben had joined us.

  “Salem, we’ve been waiting rather impatiently for you.” Will’s smile was wide and genuine.

  Other vampires might have rushed over to their creator and greeted them warmly, but Salem wasn’t the gushy type. He simply nodded politely. “Will, Blythe.” As his attention shifted to the third Pagori, he frowned. “Gina.” His unwelcoming tone soothed my jealous harpy a little. As he took in the supportive group at my back, his frown deepened.

  Arching a sardonic brow, Gina said, “Don’t I get a hug?” It was a provocation, a taunt.

  Still, if he touched her at all, he was so dumped. And maimed.

  Ignoring her, Salem came to my side, searching my eyes. “You okay?”

  Maiming exercise cancelled. I gave him a winning smile. “Of course.” He curled an arm around me…and I watched as realisation hit the three visitors. Will and Blythe shifted uncomfortably. Gina, on the other hand, flushed a weird shade of purple – seeming both stunned and livid.

  With an expression of total and utter joy, Sam spoke. “Glad you could join us, Salem. We didn’t get a chance to introduce her to them.”

  Salem tightened his hold on me. “Will, Blythe, Gina” – her name was said with a frown again – “this is Ava.”

  I turned my smile on Gina, adding a little self-satisfaction to it. “Or, as you put it, the delusional fool who thinks she can hold onto Salem.”



  You didn’t need to be someone who worked with psychic energy to sense the riot that was brewing. The air was snapped taut with tension, anger, and unease. Menace literally emanated from the residents of the island – particularly Ava and Sam.

  Not the diplomatic type, I didn’t even bother attempting to defuse the situation. Instead, I stood there trying to work out what the fuck had happened to make two squads gather behind Ava; the act was both supportive and protective. Each individual looked ready to not only leap on Gina, but to literally fight for the pleasure of being the one to deliver the killing blow.

  The expression on Ava’s face…it was one I’d seen on Sam’s face countless times when she’d dealt with Jared’s ex, Magda. Which had to mean three things: One, Ava knew Gina and I had history. Two, Ava was pissed about it. Three, Gina had blurted out some bullshit. Fuck.

  Abashed, Will smiled at Ava. “I don’t suppose you could forgive our ignorance…? I would imagine that some of the things we said weren’t pleasant for you to hear.”

  Will had blurted out bullshit too? What the fuck had they said?

  The questions must have been clear on my face, because Jared’s voice was suddenly in my head. They basically called Ava – not knowing she was right there – stupid for thinking you’d ever fully commit to her. And they claimed there’s no way you’ll ever Bind yourself to anyone. You should know that Gina seems intent on getting into your pants.

  I silently snorted. Like there was even the slightest chance of that ever happening.

  “If we had known who you were,” began Blythe, “we would never have…”

  “Talked so freely,” finished Ava, her smile bland. “That doesn’t change what you’re thinking.” In other words, apologies were pointless because they were nothing but efforts to placate her. Ava moved her attention to Gina then. “But there are some things you shouldn’t be thinking. Like whatever it was that made you look at Salem like he was living, breathing candy.”

  Gina’s face hardened. “Don’t think you can –”

  “Ava’s right.” Will placed a hand on Gina’s shoulder. “Salem’s clearly happy. What we want is to make things right, not to widen the rift that exists between him and ourselves.” He gave Gina a meaningful glance that made her mouth snap shut. But I knew Gina, I knew that wouldn’t be the end of it.

  It wasn’t that Gina would be jealous of Ava. No. But she had a very strong sense of entitlement, believed that not only was she due whatever she wanted but that it should remain hers and only hers. She was possessive in a venomous, spiteful way. She would choose to keep something purely so that no one else could have it. Like a spoilt brat who refused to share her toys just to be cruel to others.

  As such, she would get a kick out of fucking things up for me. Out of playing with Ava like a cat with a mouse. Which meant I’d probably have to kill her at some point.

  Ava and I were new; we were treading a fine balance, and I didn’t need anything tipping the scales into ‘this won’t work’ territory. I doubted that Gina’s presence or behaviour would make Ava withdraw from me, she was strong enough to deal with this and anything else. But she shouldn’t have to, and I didn’t want her to.

  “How about you and I take a walk, Salem,” proposed Will. He took a few steps, obviously expecting me to follow.

  “Maybe tomorrow.” I sensed through our blood-link that my words both shocked and offended him, and it was clear then that he believed he still had some authority over me. I’d be happy to correct that assumption, but that could wait. Right now, Ava was angry and upset. There wasn’t a chance I was going to leave her alone like this. And I had a pretty strong feeling that it would go very badly for me if I did.

  Will went to speak again, but Jared overrode him. “Salem’s right. It’s probably best for you all to get settled into your apartments first. Let everyone cool down.” The authority with which he spoke couldn’t be ignored. Will, Blythe, and Gina all nodded respectfully – albeit reluctantly. “Sam and I will show you to the residence hall you’ll be staying in.”

  “Tomorrow evening, then, Salem.” Affronted, Will cast me an odd glance before he, Blythe, and Gina – who shot Ava a hard look – were escorted away.

  Once the visitors were out of hearing range, Ava looked at her supporters. “Thanks, guys.”

  “Gina’s going to be a problem,” predicted Jude. Fletcher nodded fiercely in agreement – no doubt the Empath had picked up a lot about Gina.

  Alora’s narrowed-eyed stare was focused in the direction that Gina had left. “We’ll keep an eye on her.” The other girls nodded.

  I closed my hand around Ava’s wrist, needing to be alone with her. “Come on.” She hesitated. “I know you’re pissed, but it isn’t really me you’re pissed at, is it?”

  Alora literally shoved Ava at me. “Go have fun with Salem. Don’t let that bitch ruin a night of hopefully hot sex.” Evan laughed, kissing Alora’s temple.

  As Ava and I were leaving, I heard Chico’s voice behind me. “Jude, put the knife away. She’s gone now. We’ve talked about this before: your Michael Myers vibe freaks me out.”

  That got a giggle out of Ava. “So where are we going?”

  In answer, I scooped her into my arms and travelled at vampire speed to my apartment, making her giggle again. Finding herself standing in my bedroom, she arched a brow. I shr
ugged. “Like you said earlier, I’m a presumptuous bastard.” I went to thread my hands through her hair, but she stepped back.

  “You know, it would have been nice if you’d given me a heads up about all this shit with your Sire.”

  “Coach only discussed him moving here earlier. I didn’t rush to tell you because I didn’t think he’d show up so quickly.”

  She raised a hand to ward me off when I moved to close the small distance between us. “Wait. We need to talk.”

  Talk? “I’m not a talker. You know that.” And I certainly didn’t want to talk when I finally had her here, where she belonged.

  “Yes, I know that. But this is important.”

  The anxiety in her eyes kept me where I was. “All right, what is it?”

  “I need to know what happened between you and Gina.”

  Way to kill the mood. I didn’t know much about relationships, but I was pretty sure that discussing your ex with your current partner couldn’t go well. “Ava…”

  “I’d prefer not to waste time out of my life talking about her either. But this is what she’s going to do: every chance she gets, she’ll say a little about your relationship with her; she’ll tell me things that she thinks will hurt me or make me doubt you. And she’ll believe it gives her some sort of power over me; some power over us.”

  Okay, she had a point. I’d seen Magda do the same to Sam…which was a big reason why Magda had eventually ended up dead.

  “If I already know what there is to know, there can’t be any surprises. I’ll know whether the things she says are lies or truths. I’ll be prepared for what she might try to use to hurt me. I need that if I’m going to keep from smashing her nose into her brain. Besides, if this was the other way around and my ex was here –”

  “He’d be dead by now.” And I was totally serious.

  She rolled her eyes. “Just tell me so we can forget about her and get to the good stuff.”