Read Consumed Page 19

  Who the heck cared how she looked? The full moon was hours away, her friend Jase had been taken by demons, and Jordan hated her.

  The last thought had her biting back a sob as she dodged down the hallway toward the lab to find Emma muttering while peering in a microscope. The scent of lemon cleanser and bleach hung heavy in the room.

  Katie cleared her throat, fighting an unwilling laugh when Emma started, dropping her pen.

  The queen whirled around, blue eyes widening. “You look terrible.”

  “I was mauled by a lion last night.” Katie stretched her neck, wincing as her blazing shoulder protested.

  “I know. Try being branded by a vampire king.”

  Katie had never really thought about it. When the Kayrs family found their mates, an intricate marking appeared on their palm, transferring during sex. “So much for wine and roses.”

  Emma ground a palm against her eye. “No kidding. But I figured you’d look better after sleep.”

  If anything, Katie felt worse. “Are those the test results?”

  “Yes.” Emma shoved a stray strand of black hair away from her face. “Jordan’s results show no change from your mating.” Sorrow and irritation mixed in her eyes. “Neither do yours. I’m so sorry.”

  Desperation had a rock slamming into Katie’s gut. The last night couldn’t have been for nothing, especially since she might have lost Jordan forever. “But the results could change, right? I mean, it’s early.”

  “Sure.” Emma’s eyes darkened to match the circles under them. “You really look bad.”

  “So do you.” The king wasn’t there to make sure Emma got rest, so she wouldn’t rest. Katie bit her lip to keep from crying. “Jordan is mad at me.” At least, she assumed he was mad. It wasn’t like the guy had been talking to her.

  Emma blew out a breath. “Why?”

  Katie lifted her good shoulder in a shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe because I manipulated him to chase me through the woods and mark me?”

  Emma barked out a laugh, wiping a hand over her eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t take relationship advice from my sister.”

  Katie’s temples began to pound. “Well, kinda.”

  Emma shook her head, reaching down to retrieve the pen. “Cara and Talen have their own dynamic.” Both dark eyebrows arched in her classic face. “But you got what you wanted, right?”

  Did she? If so, why did she feel so crappy? “I guess.”

  Emma’s lab coat swished as she stepped forward and tugged Katie’s shirt to the side. “That’s not healing very quickly.”

  Katie twisted her neck to see the back of her shoulder. Jordan’s mark flared swollen and sure. “Maybe because he didn’t want to bite me.” The whine in her voice irritated her even more.

  Emma released the material. “Don’t be silly. No matter how much you tried to manipulate him, no way would Jordan mark you unwillingly. Whether he admits the truth or not, he wanted to mate you.”

  Hope caught in Katie’s chest. “Maybe.” She shoved her hands in her pockets. “Do you need my help in here today?”

  “No.” Emma tilted her head toward the door. “Go find Jordan and make things right.”

  With a nod, Katie loped out of the room, aiming for the gym. She needed to work some angst out of her system before facing Jordan.

  Alone in the massive room, she jumped on a treadmill, trying to relieve the aches in her legs. Unfortunately, the pain came from bruises and not muscles. Five minutes into the run and she couldn’t see. It took several seconds for her to realize she was crying, tears streaming down her face.

  Reaching for the side bar, she missed it and tripped.

  Two loud thumps later and she sat on the ground, hugging her knees, shaking silently with sobs. Now her butt hurt from falling off. The treadmill continued to run next to her. Jordan would never forgive her.

  Oh God, what had she done?

  She’d finally gotten exactly what she wanted, and she’d never felt so alone. Jordan was her safety net, the one place she could go. Now she needed him and couldn’t go there. Her sobs increased.

  Several minutes later, air whispered around her, and the treadmill clicked off. Strong arms lifted her onto a warm lap as Jordan sat down. With a muffled sob, she snuggled into his chest like she had when young, letting his masculine scent surround her.

  She flattened her hand against his heart, which beat strong and steady. “I’m sorry I manipulated you.”

  His sigh parted her hair. “I’m not that easy, kitten. I marked you because I wanted to.”

  “But you’re still mad.” She sniffed into his dark T-shirt.

  Muscles shifted as he settled her. “Yeah, I’m still mad. But not at you.” Tugging her thigh, he moved her to straddle him, lifting her chin with one knuckle. “I’m mad at myself—and the virus—and fate.”

  She met his gaze through wet lashes. “You talked to Emma.”

  “Yes.” Sorrow and anger mingled in the lion’s topaz eyes. “There’s no change.” He tugged her T-shirt aside, rubbing a finger across his mark.

  Fire ripped straight to her core, and she gasped, arching against him.

  Dark amusement lifted his lip. “I would’ve loved to have explored this with you.” Leaning down, he ran his tongue over her shoulder and across the bite.

  Her entire body went rigid. Electricity shot through every nerve ending. She moaned, fingers clutching into his chest.

  He leaned back. “Very nice.” Framing her face with both strong hands, he placed such a gentle kiss on her lips that tears spiked behind her eyes again. “I love you, Kate. No matter what happens, every good memory I have is filled with you.”

  Her nipples peaked while her heart warmed. “I love you, too.” Determination straightened her spine. “We’re not giving up, Jordan.” They had at least twelve hours until the full moon rose high in the sky.

  “I know.” His gaze hardened. “I had a long talk with Noah and his brothers. You’re leaving with them in an hour. I promise I won’t give up.”

  Surprise caught her off guard, followed by heated fury. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Yes, you are.” The gentle tone failed to mask the hard core of determination underneath. “Any shifter will be able to smell me on you from a mile away. Don’t you understand the danger this puts you in if I don’t make it tonight?”

  She swallowed. Truth be told, she hadn’t thought beyond the full moon. “We’re family now.” Happiness caught in her chest.

  “Yes.” Jordan looked anything but happy. “We are. Which means if I die, you’re the next in line to lead.” He lowered his head until his gaze captured hers an inch away. “You’ll be challenged immediately.”

  With the virus in her blood, with being unable to shift, she didn’t stand a chance. She shook her head. But she wasn’t leaving him to face the moon alone. “So, what’s your plan? I mean, do you think the mating will kick in soon?”

  “No.” His smile turned rueful. “I’m going deep underground where the moon can’t touch me.”

  Disbelief had her shoving against his chest. “You’re fucking crazy.” She started to struggle, to get up, and his hands clamped on her hips. “Your head will blow off.” Unfortunately, she wasn’t being dramatic. They’d tried to help infected humans centuries ago by hiding them from the moon. The moon still called—loud and strong enough that the infected’s brain blew to pieces if they didn’t obey her call. “If nothing else, turn into a werewolf.”

  He jerked his head back. “No.”

  “Yes.” She grabbed both of his shoulders and shook. “Look how Brent has evolved. If you let the moon take you, at least you’ll still be alive. We’ll have time to fix this.” If he fought the moon by hiding, he’d die.

  “I’m not turning into a werewolf. No way will I be like Brent.” Anger scented the air.

  Enough with the secrets. The lion either trusted her or not. “What happened? I mean, with Brent? Years ago?”

  Jordan stiffened. Fire flashed in
his incredible eyes. “Nothing.”

  Hurt spiraled down through her chest. “You don’t trust me.”

  “I do.” He shut his eyes and exhaled. “You don’t need to know that side of me.”

  She speared both hands in his hair, cupping his head. “I want to know all sides of you. No matter how much time we may or may not have together.” Scrambling to make him understand, she tightened her hold. “A public challenge was made, and David made accusations. I need the truth to counter them, Jordan.”

  “He gave the truth.” The lion’s jaw hardened. “I killed his brother. At least, I thought I had killed Brent.”

  She huffed out an irritated laugh. “I know you. And I know Conn. There’s no way you two sprang a trap on your cousin and then stabbed him in the back.”

  “Very distant cousin.” Jordan jerked his head in almost a nod. “But you’re right. The truth should be known. Brent’s father was a good guy ... strong supporter of the Realm, which is one of the reasons the Kurjans took him out.”

  “Brent didn’t support the Realm?”

  “No. Brent advocated withdrawal, which would’ve weakened the feline nation as well as the Realm.” Agony cut hard lines into Jordan’s sharp face. “Conn was my best friend. Sure, we knew someday we’d be called on to fight, but we never thought it would happen so quickly. So, when war was absolutely declared, at the time, our only solution was ...”

  Katie frowned. Anybody could challenge a feline leader as Alpha. “But you didn’t challenge Brent.”

  “No. Not publicly.” Regret twisted Jordan’s lip. “I challenged him privately. In the woods that were clean and new, where cubs still play. He wasn’t getting out alive.”

  A shiver wound down Katie’s spine. In that moment, she saw the assassin he’d once been. “I’m sure the fight was fair.”

  Jordan’s short laugh lacked humor. “Well, we faced each other and went at it. The fight was bloody ... and I had to work for it.”

  “So it was a fair challenge.”

  “No.” Inevitability turned Jordan’s face to stone. “Brent was going to die that day—even if I did.”

  Katie caught her breath. “Conn.”

  “Yeah, Conn. He waited, just in case, sniper position, ready to take out Brent. If Brent and I both died, then Conn was going to approach Noah to step up.”

  Katie shook her head. “Does Noah know?”

  Jordan shrugged. “We’ve never talked about it, but Noah doesn’t miss much.”

  “You did what you had to do.”

  “Yeah, but I changed Conn forever.” Regret twisted Jordan’s lips.

  “Conn would be mad you took responsibility for his decision.” Katie sighed. “Enough of that nonsense.”

  Jordan gave a short nod and kissed the tip of her nose, leaning in to nuzzle her neck. “I love the way you smell.” His talented lips wandered up her skin.

  Then his entire body went rigid. He leaned back as if she’d kicked him.

  His hands wrapped around her biceps. Fire and an odd panic filled his eyes. He sniffed again. “Oh God.” Leaping to his feet with her still in his arms, he ran out of the gym.

  Katie yelped, trying to get her balance as he hurried through the underground hallway. Paintings and light sconces blurred together. “What are you doing?” He jostled her again, and nausea rose in her throat. “Stop running, damn it.”

  They swept into the main lab and he dropped her on the examination table.

  Emma flipped around, surprise forming her mouth in an O. “What’s wrong?”

  “Do a pregnancy test,” Jordan growled.

  Max sauntered into the room, his hand on his gun. “What’s going on? Saw you running on the monitor.”

  Jordan pointed at Katie. “She’s pregnant. I can smell the baby.”

  Max lifted both eyebrows and then closed his eyes, sniffing the air. “Yep. New baby. Just like a brand-new snowfall.”

  Panic danced large dots in front of Katie’s eyes. Pregnant? She couldn’t be pregnant. Then joy swamped her so fiercely she swayed. Pregnant. Jordan’s baby.

  Emma cleared her throat. “Ah, there’s no test for a pregnancy this early, Jordan.”

  Max shrugged massive shoulders. “Don’t need a test. Can smell a new baby. She’s pregnant.” A wide smile split his face. “I have to go tell my mate. Sarah loves babies.” Quick strides had him out the door.

  Jordan’s face lost all color. He swayed, blindly reaching for the counter to balance himself.

  Katie frowned. “Jordan, it’s okay.”

  He rounded on her so quickly she shrank back. Anger filled his face, but something else filled his eyes. Seconds passed until she recognized the look. Pure, raw terror. “You don’t understand.” His voice dropped to a hoarseness that hurt her ears. “It was one thing to have Baye hide you since we mated. But with a baby, my baby ...”

  Oh God. Katie slapped a hand over her mouth. Her entire body trembled. Anyone wanting to challenge for leadership of the pride would have to take out the baby. Jordan’s heir. She could try to hide, but shifters were hunters at heart. She’d be found.

  Jordan yanked the band out of his hair and started pacing. “Okay. I can fix this. We can keep the pregnancy quiet, so nobody knows. But I’m afraid they’ll still come looking for you.”

  Emma stepped out of his way. “We’ll keep them here, Jordan. Keep them safe.”

  His low laugh lacked humanity. “At Realm Headquarters? No. Too public, too known. A challenge will be made, and she’ll have no choice but to accept. Or they’ll come for her.” He ran a rough hand through his thick hair. “You’d end up at war with my people.”

  He stopped pacing, his gaze on her. A deep sigh escaped him. “Emma, do we have a Realm prophet someplace close?”

  Emma scratched her chin. “I think so. I think Lily is in Seattle—we could have her here in a couple of hours.” She yanked open a file cabinet and pulled out a thick stack of files. “I have her direct number in here somewhere.”

  Katie scooted off the table, panic making her hands tremble. “Why do we need a prophet?”

  Jordan’s expression smoothed out. “So you can marry Noah. He’s strong enough to lead and protect you.” He nodded at Emma. “Call Lily.” Quick strides had him at the door. “I’ll find Noah. Right now, I need some air.” He disappeared.

  Katie put her hands on her hips. Sure, she could marry someone else besides Jordan, could even sleep with someone else, unlike the vampires, who once mated, caused a horrible allergy in anyone else trying to get intimate with them. But she’d only have one mate. “I’m not marrying Noah.”

  Emma shoved the file back in the drawer. “You had better go talk to Jordan—if that’s the only way to keep you and the baby safe, he’s not going to back down.” She smoothed hair off her face. “I’d hate to have to hide you myself, but I will.”

  Katie flashed her a grin. “I know.” Thank goodness for friends. “I need some air, too.” About the middle of the day outside, and she could certainly use some warmth. She hurried from the room.

  No small amount of hurt settled in her heart as she jogged through the dark stone hallways. How could Jordan even think of her marrying another shifter? He’d said he loved her. There had to be a way to fix this. She passed all the security places, nodding at guards each time. Nobody tried to stop her.

  Finally, she emerged outside into a beautiful fall day. The sun shone bright in the sky, the ocean sparkled an amazing blue, and the one man she’d ever love stood tall, his back to her, studying the sea.

  Janie Kayrs sat on a bench, her face tilted up to the sun. Dressed in shorts and a tank top, the girl’s nose and arms were freckling. She stood and nodded at Katie, her blue eyes serious. “Wanted to feel the sun on my face—it’s safe considering it’s the middle of the day.” With a sad smile, she headed for the door.

  The hair prickled on the back of Katie’s neck. Almost in slow motion, as if the air itself worked against her, she turned her head toward the forest.
  The werewolves chose high noon to launch their attack.

  Chapter 21

  The hairy brutes attacked from both sides, fur flying and shining under the sun. They must’ve somehow taken out the perimeter guards.

  “Run!” Jordan bellowed, shifting into a massive cougar, sending clothes scattering.

  Fear and shock kept Katie frozen for two beats. Awareness slammed home, and she accepted reality. The werewolves were attacking in daylight.

  She leapt for Janie, colliding with seven feet of muscle and fur. She bounced back, landing on the soft grass. Pain shot up her tailbone. A breeze lifted her hair, carrying ocean salt and the smell of dirty dog. Scrambling to her feet, she ignored Brent and tried to reach Janie.

  The teenager faced a beige werewolf as it advanced on her, teeth flashing. With a sharp cry, Janie executed a perfect jump kick, nailing the beast in the face.

  Blood spurted from the monster’s nose. He roared, sweeping a beefy paw out and swiping Janie in the temple. The girl smashed into the rock. A loud clunk sounded as her head impacted.

  Fear narrowed the day, and Katie yelled. She shot toward Janie.

  Brent intercepted Katie, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her high in the air. Smelly animal and evil coated her throat. She struggled, kicking and reaching for his face. With a low growl, the monster threw her to the ground.

  Her shoulders hit first, bouncing before the rest of her body followed. The air shot from her lungs. Pain burst in her skull and back. Stunned, she blinked blackness away.

  Brent turned his head. “Leave girllll alone.”

  Growls and snarls echoed through the air as vampires and shifters exploded out of headquarters. They were outnumbered three to one.

  Katie took advantage of Brent’s distraction, rolling over and crouching in front of Janie. The werewolf advanced, evil gleaming in his bizarre eyes. Feinting to the left, Katie dodged back to the right and nailed the bastard in the balls.

  He shrieked in fury, stepping back, eyes going wide.