Read Contagium The Way We Were Page 2

  Chapter 2 A Break From the Norm

  Shoab arrived at his desk at 9:30, just like any other day. He looked at the long list of designs and requests on the hologram display above his desk with pure familiar boredom. He reflected back on his first year at DASPA where he designed algorithms for cutting edge logic catalysts. His algorithm's were designed to compute time based equations for quantum mechanics and space travel through black holes. Shoab thought to himself "Those were the days I really enjoyed my wor OUCH!"

  Jeth, Shoab's coworker, woke him from his day dreaming with a solid punch. Shoab glared at Jeth while rubbing his shoulder.

  Jeth started to laugh "Morning sunshine. Why are you in such a bad mood? You not getting enough action at home?"

  "No Jeth, I get plenty. It might have something with you being such a joy to work with."

  Jeth smiled "Love you too Shoab. Have you finished the designs on the T47 module? Procurement is waiting to hear how much Tritanium we should order."

  Shoab still mulling over Jeth's latest insult "No I haven't got to it yet."

  Jeth's face turned slightly more serious "You need to get on that so we don't miss our bonus target."

  Shoab worked with Jeth Notas for over 75 years. Most of Jeth's time was spent finding scapegoats, flirting with interns, and bullying co-workers to get his way. Jeth's mindset served him well as a supervisor in the space military response unit. Shoab didn't see the point of his position since, to date, they've never detected intelligent life let alone hostile intelligent life. Regardless, Jeth and his response unit were always ready to fight the eminent threat that loomed over the planet.

  Jeth looked straight ahead as he received another message "It's General Milson. Gotta go. Top secret project."

  This caught Shoab's attention "Top secret, what is it about?"

  A scow formed on Jeth's face "Didn't you hear me? It's top secret." Jeth was putting on a front, he started to smile, "The project is some type of new communication technology blah blah blah you know the boring nerd stuff you like, later." Before Shoab could get another question in Jeth was already walking away.

  Shoab turned back to the hologram display on his desk and with sarcasm thought I better get some of this work done so Jeth can get his bonus for the year. Shoab looked over at his computer to activate it.

  "Good morning Shoab how are you today?"

  With no enthusiasm Shoab replied "I'm good Wendy."

  Wendy, the operating system cheerfully interrupted Shoab as he was responding "Hello, I'm Wendy. What can I help you with today?"

  Shoab's lack of enthusiasm started to migrate to slightly annoyed as he thought "How many times does that have to happen? I already entered a ticket for that glitch how long will it take before the help desk takes care of it?"

  Wendy chimed in "My apologies Shoab. Let me get a status on your ticket."

  Shoab spoke up "Forget about it."

  Before Shoab finished his sentence Wendy spoke up "Already done Shoab. What would you like to work on today?"

  Shoab mocking Wendy's peppy tone "I would love to work on the T47 module design."

  Wendy quickly replied "That's great. Let's get started!"

  Shoab looked over the T47 module design on his display "The T47 module needs an energy efficiency ratio of 100% and an output of 4,000 Kenatrons."

  Wendy was silent for a couple seconds processing Shoab's requirements as the design on the holographic display kept changing then stopped. Wendy spoke up "Here is your design."

  Shoab's eyes tightened as he analyzed the new design "Wendy, why did you make the Inok conversion rate so low on module S31? Please bump that up by 5%."

  "Shoab I've already considered that using random distribution analysis, I've accounted for over 1.5 million distributions. Raising the conversion rate by 5% will lead to a sub optimal design." Shoab sat for a minute grinding his teeth as he stared at the design. "Sorry Shoab, physics are physics," Wendy cheerfully said.

  Under his breath Shoab started mocking Wendy "Sorry Shoab, physics are physics."

  Wendy picked up Shoab's voice "I'm sorry Shoab I didn't quite get that."

  Shoab took a big deep breath "Don't worry about it Wendy, I coughed."

  Wendy not wasting any time "Do you accept this design?" Shoab quickly replied in an upbeat mocking tone "Absolutely Wendy!"

  Wendy "Great! What would you like to work on next?"

  Shoab "Wendy, I'd love to work on the S50 Module."

  Wendy quickly interrupted "Hi, I'm Wendy, what can I help you with today?"

  Shoab "THAT'S IT! I'm calling the service desk!"

  Wendy was a supercomputer that would take parameters from Shoab and in turn would generate optimal engineering designs. This inevitably led Shoab to question and argue Wendy's design output. Shoab did this day after day for the last five years which he considered absolute torture.

  Later in the day, Shoab just had to take a mental break. As Shoab looked up he noticed no one was around. He closed his eyes to activate an experience from the weekend. Shoab was instantly back home standing in the kitchen with Julie.

  Julie started to smile "So the kids are gone with your parents for the day."

  Shoab "Oh yeah, what do you consider we do with all that time?"

  Julie raised her one eyebrow "Take a look at this new body I purchased from Veronica's Secret" Julie closed hear eyes for a second as her hair turned blonde and fell to her shoulders. She stared at Shoab with intensity as she placed her hands on the sides of her skin tight red skirt that wrapped her now curvy hips.

  Shoab's eyes were wide open "You look amazing." Julie's hands began to slowly unzip the front of her top.

  She looked down then back at Shoab. "Can you help me?" Shoab pulled Julie close. They began to kiss. Julie breathing heavy "Let me take this off." Looking down Julie hastily begins to unzip the front of her top.

  All of a sudden a sharp familiar pain shot through Shoab shoulder "OUCH!"

  Jeth, not able to contain himself started laughing "Wake up Shoab."

  Shoab looking at Jeth "I'm definitely awake now."

  Jeth started to grin as he pierced his eyes at Shoab "Why are you breathing heavy?"

  Shoab knew he was on to him "None of your business Jeth."

  Jeth knowing he touched a nerve "Ok ok, I have good news! You're now looking at the new Sr. Commander of the deep space fleet."

  "Congratulations Jeth, I'm happy for you. All that hard work paid off."

  Jeth looking away for a second "It's been a long haul."

  Shoab was thinking "You've got to be kidding me. He's been here the same amount of time as me receiving promotion after promotion while I quibble over design parameters with Wendy."

  Wendy quickly spoke up. "I heard that!"

  Shoab quickly replied "Sorry Wendy, its nothing personal."

  With a sincere tone Wendy replied "No worries Shoab." Shoab promptly toggled off his mind communication to Wendy.

  Jeth looked back at Shoab. "We're having some issues with that communication project I mentioned earlier. I made a suggestion to General Milson you should join the team. I need you to harness all of your nerd power for this project."

  Shoab couldn't believe his ears "That's awesome! Thanks for bringing my name up!"

  Jeth again had a somewhat serious devilish grin "I need people I can trust, and I know you're one of them."

  Shoab quickly replied "You got it."

  Jeth "It's a deal then. Meet me at 10 am in sector 51 tomorrow morning, and we'll brief you on the project. Later champ."