Read Contagium The Way We Were Page 5

  Chapter 5 Departure

  Saturday morning Shoab was sitting at the kitchen table. His departure to the new planet was in one month. As he sat their staring out the window he wondered how to break the news that he'll be gone for a year on an extremely dangerous mission. Shoab watched as Julie walked down the steps. Julie looked over at Shoab from the bottom of the stairs "Good morning babe"

  Shoab "Good morning honey."

  Julie concerned "What's wrong? I know that look."

  Shoab not a pro at delivering the news "Its work, I've been assigned to a really big project. I've been selected to go on a mission. I'll be gone for a year."

  Julie not amused "Can't you get out of it? That's a long time."

  Shoab "I can't really talk about it but this mission is the most important thing to have happen to our planet.

  Julie surprised "Wait a second, so you want to go?"

  Shoab speaking quickly to make his case "I really wish I could tell you what its about but I can't."

  Julie at this point was getting frustrated with the lack of details "This is really hard for me to go along with Shoab. You go away for a year and I'm just supposed to go along with it? How am I supposed to keep it together for a year not knowing where you're at and if you're ok?" Pausing for a brief moment "At least we communicate while you're gone."

  Shoab quickly responded "No, once we pass through the black hole I won't be able to communicate with you."

  Julie "Black hole, you're traveling in outer space!" Shoab knew he slipped up. He pondered whether he could tell her about the project. "Maybe, he thought, She'll feel better if I tell her."

  "You have to promise you won't speak a word of this to anyone."

  "I promise."


  Julie annoyed by Shoab's lack of trust "Geez I promise, not even my mom. Give me more credit then that."

  Shoab stared into Julie's eye for a moment "I've been placed on a top secret project. We've found the location of a planet with intelligent life. To get there we'll have to travel through a black hole that will get us there within a month. We're going there to study the life forms to see how similar and different they are from us."

  Julie looked at Shoab with crossed arms and raised eyebrows "Wow this sounds like a marvelous idea."

  Shoab continued "I know this sounds crazy but like I said this is the most important thing that has ever happened to our planet, and I want to be a part of it. One other thing, since we'll pass through the black hole time there will run a lot faster than what it does here. The year that I'll be gone will be 10 years there." At that moment the kids began walking down the stairs for breakfast. Julie stood up from the table giving Shoab a half sad, half angry look. They spent the rest of the day mulling over their discussion not saying more than a few words to each other.

  Ten days till departure. Jeth worked closely with Shoab's team to go over the flight path and risk mitigation strategies to make a safe passage through the black hole. "Alright Shoab, have you and your team of nerds gone through space acclimation training? You're going to experience some killer G's during lift off."

  Shoab "Yes, we're all trained up and ready."

  Jeth continued "Ok, General Milson put me in charge of this entire operation. We have over 10,000 personnel coming with us on the transport ship so I'm not going to have time to hold your hand."

  Shoab annoyed "Don't worry Jeth my team is ready."

  That night Shoab and Julie we're sitting quietly over dinner feeling the pressure of Shoab's departure. Julie "You know the kids and I are really going to miss you while you're gone."

  Shoab "I know babe. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't so important. Promise me you'll spend more time with your parents and to keep the kids busy." They sat in silence for a minute.

  Julie looked up at Shoab "I'm so proud of you. The kids and I will be counting down the days until you get back." Tears began to form in Julie's eyes. They embraced each other holding tightly to the moment, thinking about each other, their kids, and the year ahead.

  The day of the launch, Shoab and Julie couldn't sleep the night before. Shoab had to report to headquarters at 4 am. Take off was scheduled at 6 am. Shoab glanced in the children's bedrooms. Lace, Rem, and Dath were peacefully sleeping away. Shoab was crushed inside knowing he wouldn't seem them for an entire year. He leaned over and gave them each a kiss goodbye. Shoab walked downstairs where Julie was waiting near the door. They embraced again as Julie looked up at Shoab "Promise me you'll make it back safe."

  Shoab, with a confident and sincere tone "I promise babe." They stood embracing each other one last time before Shoab was out the door. Shoab stepped onto the loop accelerator pod thinking how long it would be until he would return home. As the loop accelerator pod took off toward headquarters Shoab rested his head back and stared off into the distance, thinking about what he was leaving behind and nervous of what was to come.