Read Contagium The Way We Were Page 7

  Chapter 7 Semena Mertvykh

  The crew continued to spray larger and larger swaths of land with the gene manipulation sequence. Shoab kept close watch on A001 and E001. Shoab logged in his journal "Both A001 and E001 cranium's circumference has increased by three inches. They now walk upright all the time, and have started building shelters from stone and branches. Their language is becoming more complex and they have started calling each other by specific names. The female is now pregnant from A001."

  Shoab started to pick up on their primitive language as he observed both over the past five years. Shoab, Mosh, and Cynda were deeply troubled by what was happening to the inhabitants. They often discussed stopping what Jeth and Lisa were doing, but kept it to themselves for fear of Jeth getting word. Mosh looked at Shoab and Cynda "I heard Jeth has a way to communicate back to our planet."

  Shoab "That's not possible. Jeth's engineers said the communication equipment was damaged after traveling through the black hole."

  Cynda "We'll need a lot more support from the crew to force Jeth and Lisa to stop."

  Shoab "I'm not sure what Jeth would do if we crossed him."

  Mosh "Shoab, we can't sit by and let this go on. It's flat out unethical. Cynda, see who among the crew will help us stop Jeth, but be discrete. Shoab continue logging what is happening to the inhabitants so we can have a full report for General Milson when we make it back home. I'll find out if we're able to communicate back to headquarters to alert them to what is happening." Just then they heard someone walking up the hallway. They immediately stopped the discussion. Mosh nodded at both of them before they dispersed.

  After investigating Mosh confirmed they couldn't communicate back to the home planet. The head communication engineer died an odd death shortly before landing, and when the communication equipment malfunctioned no one was able to fix it. Jeth didn't seem concerned either. Cynda was able to convince a third of the crew to abort the mission and return home.

  During this time Shoab continued monitoring A001 and E001. It turns out E001 was carrying twin boys who at this point grown to full adult size. They appeared even more like Shoab's people and had cranial circumferences roughly two inches large then their parents. One was an avid hunter more aggressive then the other. The other preferred harvesting fruit, and nuts.

  Shoab noticed a peculiar habit that started to form among them. They both built small stone tables. The hunter would take a small portion of his food to lay on the small table then would look up at the sky. The other brother would do the same using what he gathered from foraging in the woods. It seemed as though they were in competition to out do each other. Shoab noticed overtime the gatherer continued to bring in fruits and nuts to lay on the small table, but the hunter was running out of animals to hunt and kill. Shoab noticed he was becoming frustrated at his inability to place items on the small table.

  One day the gatherer was placing his small harvest on the table. Shoab noticed the hunter holding a large rock walking slowly up behind his brother. The hunter raised the large rock into the air as the gatherer turned to look behind him. The hunter in great anger bashed the rock into his brother's head. Shoab gasped in horror. The gatherer's body went limp as he fell to the ground. In a blind rage his brother struck him six more times. Succumbing to exhaustion the hunter gasped for air as he stared down at his brother's lifeless body.

  He looked over his hands holding the large rock covered in blood. As the rage subsided memories of their childhood flooded his mind. As the hunter looked back at his brother's lifeless body his expression turned to utter sorrow and remorse. Tears running down his face, he dropped to his knees pulling his brother to his chest. Crying aloud, confused at his circumstance the hunter looked up at the sky as if looking for direction. Shoab was devastated at what had become of the inhabitants.

  After making it back to the transport ship he called Mosh, and Cynda into the lab. Shoab shared the experience with Mosh, and Cynda. Cynda gasped in disbelief as the experienced played in their minds. Mosh opened his eyes looking over at Cynda and Shoab with a sobering countenance. Shoab "We must act now. The inhabitants of the earth are now killing each other. All because of Jeth and Lisa's decisions".

  Mosh "We agree Shoab, we've waited long enough. I've heard other reports like this. That is why this Monday, during the all hands meeting, we're going to formally charge Jeth with insubordination and take possession of the ship. We've gathered support for over a third of the crew. Officer Michael will lead in detaining Jeth and his followers. I've known Michael for over 300 years. He's trustworthy, and absolutely will not back down from anyone."

  That night Shoab laid in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about finally going home to Julie and the kids "They shouldn't be worried; it's only been 6 months' their time since we left. We'll actually be home early." Shoab closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.

  Monday morning the entire fleet was in formation in the main assembly hall of the transport ship. Shoab looked over at Mosh and Cynda. Both had a hopeful but nervous look on their face. Today will be the day they take control of the ship and set coarse for home. Shoab looked up at the front of the assembly, Officer Michael was standing at attention with the other senior leaders on the main stage. Jeth standing at the podium, in front of rows upon rows of the 10,000 personnel crew began the Monday all hands meeting "At ease. We've now been here for over five years. With your help we've been able to improve the lives of these creatures. They now have the ability to make shelter, and have formed language. They recognize the value of life, and have the power to understand the consequences of their actions." Jeth turned to look directly at Shoab with a smug grin on his face "And I commend your hard work and loyalty." Shoab showed no emotion as an unsettling feeling formed in his gut. Just then Jeth's second in command Renn pushed a rail gun against officer Michael's temple. The crowd gasped at the sight. Just then Shoab felt the cold metal of a rail gun against his own temple. Loud rustling erupted among the crew.

  Jeth in a loud command "Silence! For those who have not been loyal I'm giving you two options. One, leave the ship and fly west never to return, or two be shot in the head." Shoab was devastated, he knew the smaller transport pod could not travel in outer space. He would have to live on the planet never to return home. He had no choice considering the alternative. Jeth's crew rounded up Mosh, Cynda and their followers and escorted them to one of the smaller transport ships. While this was happening Jeth continued his rant "This planet is now ours to rule for eternity! No longer will we have to follow the overbearing rules of DASPA. The people of this planet will worship us as gods!" As the crowd heard this they erupted in cheers to Jeth. As the transport pod was leaving Shoab buried his head in his hands. All hope of making it back home was lost.