Read Control Page 14

  The sound was light at first but as I sat there with my senses handicapped, my hearing became hypersensitive and soon, the static was the only sound I could hear. I waited for Daemon to do something, anything, but nothing happened and I wondered if he had left the room.


  I jumped when he suddenly whispered in my ear. “I’m right here, Damsel. Tell me what you want me to do.” He softly chuckled as he played his game, but I could barely hear him over the noise.

  I had no idea what I was doing at this moment. I felt defenseless without being able to see him or hear him and it was unnerving how that slight sprinkling of fear also caused a raw yearning for his touch. My body squirmed where it sat and my mind fought to form even the simplest of thought.

  “Okay, kiss me.” That probably sounded lame, but this was the first time I’ve done anything like this. The bed moved as Daemon’s weight pressed down into the mattress. I could tell he was in front of me. A feather light kiss was placed on my lips but he pulled away. I reached out in search of him to pull him in for more. My hands only met with air and I instinctually turned my head to look for him before remembering that the blindfold was preventing my sight.

  “Why did you stop?” I asked in the direction of where I assumed Daemon would be. The only thing I could hear was the white noise but when Daemon spoke again it seemed to break through the noise that was consuming me.

  “You told me to kiss you, so I did. If you want more, you need to tell me what you want. You were stubborn enough to fight me for control Paige, and so I gave it to you. Tell me what you want me to do.” His voice was like smooth silk as he spoke to me and the only thing I sensed at the moment was Daemon. My mind was disoriented and my body was raging with need.

  I decided to be more descriptive, thinking it would move things along. I wasn’t good at instructing people what to do, especially sexually. I preferred to let whoever I was with take over so that I could lose myself in what they were doing to me. “Kiss me deeper.” I felt him move towards me again and his mouth slowly moved against mine. His tongue sought entrance and I opened for him. Our tongues tasted each other and I reached out again to pull him to me which caused him to pull back. The only part of him touching me was his mouth and my body was frustrated, wanting more contact with him. He pulled away again and I began to protest.

  “Tell me what you want me to do, Damsel.” I could tell he had moved some distance away from me by the sound of his voice. This was so frustrating. I was surrounded by him, my senses were overtaken by him and I didn’t want to have to tell him what to do. I just wanted him to take over.

  “I want you to take over. I can’t do this, Daemon. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Tell me what you want me to do, Damsel.”

  This man was driving me out of my mind. Sitting there blind and essentially deaf while knowing he was near me was making me crazy. My body was aching for his touch and I spoke softly as I said, “Take control, Daemon.”

  He was quiet for a moment before responding. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I paused and then added, “Please.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I sat and waited to see what he would do. When there was nothing for what felt like forever, I became impatient and began to fidget where I sat. I felt him run a finger down the back of my neck.

  “Stop moving, Damsel.” My body stilled and all I could feel was the trail his finger was making as it moved from my neck and down my back before finally stopping between my shoulder blades. Every nerve ending that his touch traversed came alive and chills ran through me. I’d never been so in tune with someone else’s touch as I was at this moment.

  His finger began to trace along the outer rim of my ear and chills ran through me again. I started to fidget again and his finger was replaced with his mouth. Heat from his body and his breath caressed me as he whispered in my ear. “Be still my sweet damsel, give me time to worship every part of you. If you move again, I’ll stop and we’ll start from the beginning.” A groan escaped me and I heard him softly chuckle at my response.

  The mattress rose and fell as he moved around me and I tried to sense where he was positioned. His touch could come from anywhere, at any time, and my entire body tingled with need. Electric sparks erupted from my nerves and the anticipation had my heart racing. My breathing was labored and I was acutely aware of how my chest moved in and out with the force of my breath. My skin had become so sensitive that I could tell when air moved against me and just as I thought I couldn’t stand it any longer his mouth started trailing kisses down the path his finger had previously traveled. I cried out from the shock of it but I held myself still so he wouldn’t stop and begin again.

  When his lips reached the top of my shirt, he pulled slowly on the zipper in the back and continued kissing along my spine as the fabric parted. The cool air of the room mixing with his warm breath on my newly exposed skin was a jarring sensation. My head started to fall back as he placed the final kiss on the small of my back. My arms held my shirt in place as he moved around the bed. His lips met mine again as he gently took my arms to move them and pull my shirt off me. I now sat in my strapless bra and jeans and the skin that had previously been covered by my shirt hummed with the cool air brushing against it. I could feel the tips of my breasts tighten under the material of my bra as I imagined his eyes taking me in.

  “I’m going to guide your hands to my shirt, Damsel. I want you to lift it off of me when I do. Understand?”

  I nodded to indicate that I did and he took both my hands from my lap and pulled them to where he was sitting. He placed my hands on the hem of his shirt and moved them along his washboard abs, pulling the shirt up with our combined hands. I wanted to touch his skin, to feel the smooth, soft skin stretched taut across his muscular form, but he hadn’t directed me to do so. His hands released mine and I continued to lift his shirt until it was free from his body. He took the shirt from me and tossed it aside.

  Daemon started running his finger from my collar bone down and then across as he traced the swell of my breasts. His finger ran down my side slowly and then traced along my ribs before finally running a straight line down to the top of my jeans.

  “Lie down, Damsel.”

  There was no argument left in me. I didn’t want him to stop and I think that I would have done anything in that moment to make sure he kept going. I shifted my body so I could pull my legs out from under me. My leg muscles burned as I stretched them out from having been bent for so long. I went to lay backwards and his hand held the back of my head as he guided me to a pillow. His finger trailed down, between my breasts, and stopped again at the top of my jeans. He ran both of his hands down my legs and removed my boots and socks.

  “Spread those amazingly long legs for me, Damsel.” His hands ran back up my legs and when he reached my thighs he moved to kneel between them. His lips brushed against my stomach and my body arched up slightly seeking his warm mouth again.

  “No moving, Damsel.” He paused to see if I would still and after a few moments, I felt the button on my jeans pulled up. The button released and the material returned to my skin, looser than before. He slowly pulled down the zipper and I felt the material lift as he moved it down. His fingers scraped against my skin as he pulled my jeans off my hips, down my legs and then off my feet.

  He left me lying there without his touch for minutes. My skin was buzzing again, anticipating where he would go next and what he would do when he got there. I felt his hands run along the sides of my bra and he lifted my back from the bed as he unclasped the hook. He pulled my bra off and the tips of my breasts instantly hardened when met with the cool air of the room.

  “You have the most beautiful body, Paige. So sleek and tight. And your skin is absolutely flawless.”

  His hand cupped my breast and his warm mouth took in the tip. I gasped at the sensation and my body arched as my hands gripped the sheets on the bed. He pulled away again softly laughed.

??What have I told you about moving? Although, I will admit, I do adore watching you squirm.” He returned his mouth to my breast and his tongue swirled around the taut peak. His lips closed around it as he lightly sucked it into his mouth. He cupped the other breast and placed his mouth on it to do what he had done before. My chest was rising and falling quickly as my heart raced underneath. The bed moved as he stood up and I protested until he placed a finger on my mouth to silence me.

  He climbed back on the bed and moved between my legs. He stayed like that without touching me for a few seconds and then he slid one finger along the center of my core.

  “Oh, Damsel, you are so ready. I can feel how wet you are through the cloth of your panties.”

  His smooth voice slid past me and I was starting to lose control. I felt him move over me and his voice whispered in my ear. “If I take you now damsel, I don’t want another man touching you. I’m claiming you as mine if you’ll let me, but you need to let me know if you want that. I can stop here, or I can keep going. Just know that if I take you, I’ll own you and no other man can have you.” He kissed along my face till he reached my mouth before he leaned up and said, “Tell me what you want me to do, Damsel.”

  I didn’t even have to think about what I wanted. “Keep going, Daemon. I want you to keep going.”

  He growled as I said that and he removed my panties from my body so that I was completely exposed to him. He pushed my legs farther apart and ran his hand along the inside of one as he kissed along the inside of the other. When his mouth met my core I bucked against him. The warmth of his mouth on me unraveled me and when his tongue met the bundle of nerves my head fell back and my chest arched upwards. He continued to suck as he placed one finger inside me and then moved it in and out to the rhythm of his mouth. My legs began to tremble and my hands released the bed to grasp his hair. His pace sped up and soon he was using two fingers. He pulled them apart as he moved them in and out of me and I felt an explosion building within me. He lapped at me with his tongue as he continued to move his fingers in and out, picking up speed as time passed. My body felt like it was splitting apart with the tension that was building inside of me. I was about to burst when he removed his mouth and said, “Let go, Damsel. Show me what I’m doing to you.

  A scream erupted from me as the muscles of my core began contracting over and over. My body trembled with the force of my release and waves of pleasure rolled through me, one after the other. I saw bursts of light behind my eyelids and my breathing held momentarily while my release peaked. I started to float back down and while aftershocks shot through me, I felt him kiss my stomach and then each breast. He pulled the blindfold off me and I blinked my eyes to adjust to the dim light in the room. Daemon was above me and my breath caught at the sight of him. Shadows danced across his smooth skin and every muscle in his body was toned and defined. I reached out with my hands and ran them down his chest and across the ridges of his stomach. His body was magnificent and I was engrossed by his beauty.

  His eyes smiled along with his mouth as he looked into my eyes. “When I make you mine, I want you looking at me.” He kissed me lightly on the forehead and removed his boxers before settling back between my legs. My legs parted farther as I opened myself for him. His gaze heated and he positioned himself at my opening. “Are you sure you want this, Paige? Once I take you, there is no going back.”

  I still couldn’t speak after the release he just gave me and I nodded in response.

  He rolled slightly to the side to pull a condom out a drawer on a side table. He ripped the package open with his teeth and rolled the condom over his hard length. His eyes seared into me as he held my hips and slowly pushed himself inside me. My body arched as he filled me and my head rolled back into the pillow.

  “Oh my sweet damsel, you fit around me perfectly.”

  He gently pulled my head back forward and then his mouth crashed into mine. His lips moved against mine and his tongue invaded my mouth when his body started moving in a slow steady rhythm against me. I rocked into him, wanting him to go deeper, and he grabbed my legs to wrap them around his waist. His pace sped up and I could feel the tightening in my stomach again. We moved with each other in perfect harmony. The explosion within me started to ignite and I moaned into his mouth as he moved within me. My body started to tremble and buck as sensations flooded me. I couldn’t hold it any longer and I screamed his name as my release exploded out of me. My muscles gripped around him and I could feel how hard he was as he slid back and forth against the contractions of my core. His body tensed and he pushed inside deeper and roared with his release.

  We stayed in that position staring at each other as our bodies calmed down and our chests moved with the force of our breathing. He kissed me again and my body relaxed into the bed. I had never come apart as fully as I just did with Daemon and my body felt sated while my thoughts were jumbled.

  After a few minutes, my body calmed and I wondered why Daemon was so concerned about scaring me off with that encounter. If the extent of his control was a blindfold and sensory deprivation then I had no problem giving that to him. My mind ran through a million questions, but the only thing I could ask was, “So, that was it?”

  Daemon looked at me with an amused grin. “Again, Damsel, you are going to need to help me out with what you are thinking.”

  “The control thing. That was it? A blindfold and some noise? I don’t understand why you were so concerned.”

  Daemon’s gaze became heated and a wicked grin broke out on his face. “Oh my sweet Paige. That was just the beginning. I took it easy on you for the first time because I need you to trust me completely, to give yourself to me completely. In answer to your question; no, that wasn’t it. We can refer to that as ‘control’ lite.”

  Daemon rolled to the side to remove his weight from me and he went to the bathroom to clean up. I was lazy and sated when he returned to the bed and curled around me with his arms wrapped around me from behind. His voice had dropped an octave and was husky when he whispered, “I can promise you, the next time I take you, you’ll know what control means.” A million ideas started running through my head at what he told me, but I was too tired to focus and I decided to let it go for the moment. As we lay together, my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.


  A finger traced a pattern along my left shoulder as my eyes fluttered open and I woke up in Daemon’s bed. My muscles were languid and I didn’t have the strength to move, much less roll over to look. I was able to mutter hello to alert him to the fact that I was awake. He was silent as he continued the same pattern along my shoulder and it occurred to me that he was tracing his finger along the outline of my dragonfly necklace tattoo.

  His voice was quiet as he asked me, “Why do you have this?”

  I lay in the same position for a moment before finally finding the strength to roll over and look up into his eyes. He looked far away, like he had a lot on his mind.

  “It’s a necklace my parents gave me on my sixth birthday. Something tragic happened that day and I gave the necklace away as a reminder of a promise. I described it to Alex about a year ago and he drew it out for me. His drawing looked exactly how I remembered the necklace, so I asked him to tattoo it on my shoulder.”

  “The necklace was important to you?” His voice was soft as he asked me.

  I shrugged. “I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever given to me. But it wasn’t the necklace that was important. Just what it represents, I guess.”

  “And what does it represent?”

  “A lost love.”

  He laughed softly. “You said you were six. How did you love someone so young?”

  I smiled when he asked me that. Alex and David had asked the same thing when I told them about what happened that day; about what I lost. “I gave it to a boy who was one of the children at my parents’ shelter. He was special to me, my best friend and my first, and only, love…” I paused while I thought of Buddy and chuckled. “
…even though he drove me crazy most of the time and picked on me constantly. But he was always the first to defend me when other people picked on me, and he always took care of me when I fell down or hurt myself.” I smiled brightly while I remembered Buddy. “I was a train wreck even at a young age. Constantly falling and hurting myself, it was nuts. He was always there to clean and bandage whatever damage I inflicted on myself. But he never would let me sit around and cry about something. He was always pushing me to get up, dust myself off and keep going.”

  I couldn’t understand why I was telling Daemon all of this, but it felt good to talk about my past.

  “On the days when Buddy would pick on me the most, I would go running to my mother, with my eyes full of tears. I never understood why he could be so sweet at times, but then turn around and act like a normal boy. Momma would always let out the biggest laugh and would hold me and tell me that Buddy must be secretly in love with me because boys only pick on girls that drive them crazy the most. Even at five, the irony of that statement was not lost on me. There I was, standing in a shelter for women who were hurt by the loves in their life, yet I was being told that what Buddy did was because he loved me. I think that’s one of the points where love and trust became confusing for me.”

  Daemon was quiet for a moment, but then his body shook from a silent laugh. “So, I have him to blame for your stubbornness. Good to know.”

  I smiled. “Guess you could say that. But really, he just helped develop it in me. My stubbornness is just another aspect of my awesomeness. I wouldn’t be the same without it.”

  He nodded his head in understanding. Since we were having ‘sharing time’ I decided now was a good opportunity to dig a little into his past. “What about you? Where did you grow up?”

  His face grew dark as he remembered something. He cleared his throat before answering. “Foster care. My parents died when I was young so I spent most of my youth bouncing from one foster house to the next. I ran from the system when I was sixteen, lived on the streets, did things I wasn’t proud of to survive.”