Read Control Page 18

  He held onto my arms and moved me backwards until my back was firmly planted against a wall. His eyes never left mine as we crossed the room and he continued to stare at me after placing me there. His grip was forceful, but not enough to hurt. I didn’t bother fighting because there was no way I would overpower Daemon. My heart was racing as his body was barely touching mine. The heat between us was stifling and his scent was washing against me. One of his hands released my arm and came up around the front of my neck. I swallowed hard as I panicked. His grip around my neck wasn’t chocking me, but he gently pressed the tops of his fingers into the back of my jaw to keep my head in place. He moved slowly as he placed his forehead against mine, never once breaking eye contact. His head didn’t move as his lips reached out and lightly brushed against mine. I remembered the Brunette waiting outside of this room for him and I struggled to turn my head away from him. His eyes crinkled from his smile and I knew he was enjoying my inability to move. My breathing was labored and my chest would rub against his every time I inhaled.

  I closed my eyes to break his stare and he rubbed the tip of his nose down my cheek to just past my jawline and placed a kiss on the sensitive spot of my neck. His mouth was warm and his lips slightly parted on my skin. Chills ran through me and those traitorous bumps raced across my arm. His grip on my other arm released so that it could rub my skin’s reaction to him.

  “Oh, my sweet damsel, what are you up to this time?”

  His voice was like silk wrapping around my body. The low timbre and slow speed of his words was reminiscent of darkness and dangerous liaisons and my knees started to give out while he held me in place.

  The alcohol diluting my blood wasn’t helping matters either. My mind was angry at this seductive man, but due to the alcohol, my body was responding in full force. It took everything I had to not give in to him.

  “Let me go, Daemon. Just go back to your friend and let me go home.”

  His crystal blue eyes shot back to mine and his stare was disarming in its intensity. “My friend was a show I was putting on for you. I’ll admit, I didn’t notice you when you first came in, so I’m not sure how long you’ve been here, but when you went to the restroom, I saw you immediately.” I didn’t think it was possible, but his voice grew even more seductive. “You need to understand Paige, that you are seared in my memory; the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you turn your head, or laugh, or smile, your sound, your smell…” his grin grew wicked and his voice lowered “…the way you squirm when you don’t know what I’ll do next or when I’ll do it.”

  Ironically, I squirmed as he said that. How in the hell was this turning me on so much? His touch had severed all communication between my mind and my bodily functions. Everything from my neck down was operating on animal instinct and there was nothing I could do to get it back under control.

  “So, you’ve known it was me this whole time?”

  Daemon’s face was so close to mine that his lips brushed against me as he spoke. “I walked over to where you were originally to find out what you were doing dressed like this. When you ran away I became convinced that you were up to something. I decided to play along. I ended up pushing that brunette tramp out of my way so I could get to you when I saw that you were leaving. Now tell me, Damsel, what are you up to?”

  I caved. There was no way around this. I was one hundred percent busted and the only option was to just come out with it. “I was spying on you.”


  My breathing became heavier and my heart raced faster as I regretted what I had to tell him next. “To see if you were dating other women. To find out the truth about your reputation of only wanting women for a few nights and then moving on to the next…” I paused to let out a guilty sigh. “…to see if you were doing that to me.”

  His mouth turned up at the corners and his body shook from a silent laugh.

  “Well, well, Damsel, I do believe you are becoming possessive of me. Whatever shall we do about that?”

  I expected that he would become angry with me, that he would ask me to leave his club and never return; but instead of anger, his mouth was suddenly on mine. He moved his lips slowly against mine at first and his tongue swept across my mouth. His tongue rushed in when my mouth parted and his taste flooded my senses. I slid my tongue against his and his hands let go of my neck and arm to grab my hips and push me up onto the wall. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist and my short skirt instantly slid up to my hips. The only thing between us was a small patch of cloth as he pressed himself against me. His desire was evident and my hips rolled against the friction. His chest rumbled as he deepened our kiss.

  He shoved my underwear aside and pushed a finger inside me while placing his thumb over that one special spot. His other hand reached beneath, cupping my ass and holding up my weight. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my head fell back as he started kissing my neck. He nipped at my skin and I let out a small cry.

  “Shhhh, be quiet, Damsel. We can’t let people hear us, now can we?” His voice purred as he spoke to me. “If you make another sound, I’ll stop. And I really do not want to stop.” He kissed my lips gently and then held his mouth to my ear as he whispered, “Holding your breath will help you stay quiet.”

  His thumb starting rubbing circles as he inserted another finger. I wanted to cry out from the sensation but I didn’t want him to stop. I bit on my lower lip and held my breath as he instructed. He continued his rhythm and that familiar building started to occur throughout my body. I focused on remaining quiet which only made his movements against me more pronounced. I would take in short gasps of air when my lungs screamed for it, but I would bite down harder and hold my breath longer when I knew my body wanted to vocalize its pleasure.

  Daemon’s eyes continued to hold mine and the intensity of his stare was too much for me to handle. This man had completely overtaken me and I was powerless to do anything but what he wanted me to do. Logical thought no longer existed within my mind rendering me a puppet to which Daemon held the strings. His gaze began to slowly travel down my body and he watched what he was doing to me. I could feel his eyes on me and the nerve endings in my skin came alive. His hand started moving faster and more forcefully and it took everything I had not to cry out from the sensations he was forcing through my core. My head became dizzy due to the pace of my heart combined with the lack of oxygen from holding my breath. The climax that was building within me was too much to hold in. My body felt like it was ripping apart from within itself and my gasps at air became more frequent and desperate. Nothing else around me existed at this moment. There was only Daemon and what he was doing to me and I couldn’t contain my release for much longer. I shook my head back and forth as I fought against letting go and Daemon’s eyes shot up to mine and widened when he realized how close I was. He leaned in to brush his lips against my ear as he whispered, “You can let go now, Damsel.”

  His voice was rough and vibrated through me and I couldn’t contain myself any longer. My body lost all control. I took in a deep breath and a scream burst forth from my lips as my muscles gripped around his fingers inside me. His mouth crashed into mine as he swallowed my scream and waves rolled through me, relentlessly battering the inside of my body. My release felt like it would never come to an end and tears welled in my eyes from its force. My head rang from the rush of blood and I was hyperaware of every nerve ending within me. I could feel him still pushing his hand against me as my muscles gripped and released him over and over again. This wasn’t just an orgasm, this was nirvana like I had never experienced it. I saw bright bursts of light even with my eyes open and I never wanted to come down from this feeling.

  As if in tune with my body, Daemon’s hand slowed its rhythm as the last tremors quaked within me. My breathing was heavy and my head swam. A loud ringing sounded in my head with each beat of my heart and when I opened my eyes, Daemon’s gaze was heated and fierce. He had complete power over me and he was very much aware of tha
t fact. His smug grin didn’t anger me, he had every right to it. Relief flooded me as I let go of all control and allowed Daemon to do to me what he wanted. My willpower had abandoned me and my stubbornness had been battered into submission.

  A growl erupted from Daemon and he quickly undid his pants and shoved his hard length within to fill me. My head rolled back and he returned his hand to my neck. He used just enough pressure to control my breathing, only loosening his grip when it was necessary for me to gasp in air. He drove into me and my legs tightened around his waist with every movement he made. He was rough in his force and I started to swell around him. The explosion inside me started to build itself again. The sensation was too much for me and tears fell down my cheeks as my body trembled uncontrollably. Daemon continued powering into me and my muscles gripped around him driving him deeper with each stroke. My release started forcing itself out of me and just when I couldn’t take it any longer, Daemon released my neck and I drew in a large breath of air. My release burst forth again unbelievably stronger than the one he had given me moments before. His mouth covered my lips and his tongue swept over mine as he muffled the cry of my body. His body quickened and tensed as he peaked and we gripped on to each other as our bodies shuddered from the concentrated power of our combined release. Our chests collided from our labored breathing and our eyes were closed as we floated back down together. This dark and arrogant man had awakened something deep inside me and managed to tear down every crumbling wall I had left. I felt defenseless without my usual barriers and the feeling was unsettling, but at the same time, insanely erotic. My muscles still gripped him sporadically and he twitched within me in response. We stayed like that for a few moments until I felt a small laugh shake his body as his thumb wiped the remaining tears from my face.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” His voice was soft with concern but still rough from the experience we had shared.

  I shook my head in response. Yet again, the English language escaped me and my voice failed me. When I was able to connect with logical thought once again I vocalized my answer. “No. I’m fine, I just…god…I have no idea what you just did to me. There are no words to explain it.”

  He chuckled wickedly as my legs started to unwrap themselves from his body. They were like jelly and when Daemon released me I barely had time to pull my clothes back into place before slumping to the ground. Daemon was soon sitting beside me and our backs were pressed up against the wall while we tried to calm our bodies. Every once in a while he would turn to look at me and we would laugh at our breathlessness and inability to communicate.

  Daemon leaned his head back against the wall and I admired the profile of his face. His features were perfection and the stubble that always peppered his jaw only emphasized his masculine beauty. He turned to me and smiled brightly and those dimples popped out causing me to melt. We stared quietly at each other for moment before he let out a small chuckle and said, “My intention for bringing you in here was to find out what you were doing here tonight. I’m, uh, sorry I got carried away. I have to ask that you not come here dressed like that again.”

  I shamefully looked down when he said that. It was wrong for me to spy on him or attempt to deceive him. My voice was soft as I asked, “Are you angry?”

  He sat up from the wall and turned to look at me directly. “Why would I be angry?”

  My hands fidgeted with each other and I couldn’t look him in the eye. I don’t know what came over me when I agreed to this. It went entirely against my nature and I felt silly and foolish for having allowed my trust issues and jealousy to cause me to act like this. “Because I dressed up in this ridiculous outfit and came to your work to spy on you.”

  A laugh burst out of him and he placed his finger under my chin to tilt my gaze up to his. “Paige, I didn’t tell you not to dress like that again because you were spying, although we do need to talk about that. The reason I said it is because I can’t keep dragging you in this storage room. If you dress like that, and I have to see men staring at you and hitting on you, I’ll have no choice but to keep you locked in here every time you show up.”

  I was momentarily stunned speechless as he said that. He wasn’t mad about the spying. I couldn’t understand how nonchalant he was being about my attempt at espionage. My smile broke free and he smiled in response. I started to say something when bass from the music playing outside the room started rattling the walls and distracted me. Daemon had told me to be quiet so people wouldn’t hear us, but it didn’t occur to me at that time that it was impossible for someone to hear us over the music in the club.

  “Why did you ask me to be quiet?”

  A sly smile appeared on Daemon’s face and he looked straight ahead to avoid eye contact with me. My curiosity was heightened even more by his reaction to that question and I moved so I could face him while he responded. His arms shot out when I was closer to him and he pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. My barely there skirt slid up to my hips again and his hands came from around my back and began rubbing up my legs. Daemon’s gaze heated as his hands climbed higher and his fingers began to slightly dig into the flesh of my thighs. I pushed under his chin to bring his attention back to my face and he laughed softly at my inquisitive glare.

  “That’s for me to know for now; but more importantly, why were you spying on me, Damsel?”

  My mind raced with what I was willing to admit to Daemon about the motivation behind my actions tonight. I didn’t want to mention to him that Logan had warned me against him and I was afraid that if I did, Logan would no longer have a job. The only other alternative was to admit to him that I had allowed my jealousy to get the better of me, and I cringed at the thought of that confession. The only way to spare myself the insufferable embarrassment of admitting a weakness was to turn it around on Daemon.

  “I was trying to determine if your demand for ‘ownership’ was a one-sided requirement.”

  He looked amused by my statement and he pulled me closer as his legs bent up to support my back before responding. “I have to tell you, I’ve never met another person that has the same maddening ability as you to hear only certain parts of a conversation, while ignoring the most important parts.”

  My eyebrow raised in question and he couldn’t contain the lopsided grin that broke out across his face. “Like I’ve told you before, I couldn’t care less what or who those other women did once I had my night with them. There was never a question, a concern or an afterthought about them when they left in the morning. But you are different in so many ways, some of which…” He appeared suddenly distant before continuing his statement. “…some of which, you don’t know. I wanted to make it clear to you in the beginning that if this happened between us, I wasn’t going to just walk away and forget I had known you.”

  A silent laugh shook his body before he added, “It’s like I’ve told you before, you are the most frustrating and stubborn woman I have ever met. I was intrigued with you from the moment I pulled you up onto the speaker and called you Damsel…” He tapped his finger on the tip of my nose. “…You were instantly aggressive and, to be honest, it was appealing as hell. Then, when I got to watch you shimmy down that speaker as you refused to accept my assistance, my interest only intensified.” I squirmed and another silent laugh shook him. “But after seeing you fight Chris and after having to hold you back when you attempted to break free while we broke up your little skirmish…” His gaze grew heated as he continued, “…well, let’s just say you had my attention. In all honesty, I didn’t expect to see you again after that, at least for a while. When you returned with Alex two nights later, I couldn’t help myself when I approached you. I was disappointed after you introduced Alex as your boyfriend, but I couldn’t shake the idea that you weren’t being completely honest. I wanted to accept the fact that you were with someone else, but it was impossible to stay away. Luckily, for me, Alex met that other woman and it became abundantly clear that you had been lying. I’ll have to remember to
thank him for that later.”

  I winced at what he was saying and bit down on my lip as guilt overtook me. It occurred to me that I have spent a lot of time lying to Daemon, yet here I was, practically stalking him to determine if he had been lying to me. The double standard was apparent and I felt shameful to have conducted myself as I had.

  Daemon tugged on my lip to pull it from between my teeth. “Regardless, you still haven’t answered my question, and I’m not letting you out of here until you do. So what’s it to be, Paige, are we finishing the conversation, or should I have had furniture stored in here to keep me from having to sit on the floor all night? I’m fine either way, but I do think we would be more comfortable spending our evening elsewhere.” His eyebrow cocked up in silent inquiry.

  I huffed out a breath of air. What the hell did he want me to say? I had already told him why I was here tonight and why I had been spying. Where was he going with this conversation? “What do you want to know, Daemon? I’ve already told you I was here to see if you were still sleeping with other women.” My confession was mortifying and I looked away to break his stare. “There’s not much more I can tell you.”

  He grabbed my chin and turned my head to look at me directly, “Do you want to be with me exclusively? Is that why you were concerned about what I was doing tonight? I said I would own you and I will if we continue this, but I won’t force that upon you without your consent. If you want me, Damsel, I’m yours, but you have to let me know.”