Read Control Page 2

  “Shut up guys! It’s not funny! I’d like to see what either of you would do if you were chased by a rabid pig!” They laughed harder and started clutching their sides from the cramping.

  I started back towards my bedroom and shouted to them over my shoulder. “Well, this has been a good talk guys, really, but I need to get a shower and get ready to go.” I walked in my room and locked the door behind me. I was sweaty from my earlier stakeout and needed to rinse myself off. Even with air conditioning, a parked car in Florida can feel like an oven. I stripped off my shirt, jeans and underwear and then turned on the water. While I waited for that to heat, I reached in my closet and pulled out some clothes to wear to the club.

  When steam started billowing out from the bathroom, I jumped into the shower. My muscles immediately relaxed on contact with the hot water. My shoulders dropped and an automatic sigh escaped my lips. I stood there for a few minutes enjoying the instant relaxation and then grabbed the shampoo. I lathered up my hair and was turning around to rinse.

  “Hey Paige.”

  The sound of my name caused me to jump five feet into the air and I had to grab onto the shower head to keep from falling. My eyes had involuntarily opened while I was keeping myself upright and the soap burned like acid in my eyes.

  “Sonofabitch!” I turned my face into the spray and rubbed at my face to get the soap off. “What the hell David?! I’m naked in here! What are you doing in my bathroom and how did you unlock my door?!”

  “Take a valium Paige. You have nothing I haven’t seen before. And those locks on your doors are worthless, they can be opened with a wire hanger in no time.”

  Mental note: buy key locks for my bedroom door.

  I pulled the curtain aside and glared at the sneaky intruder. “What do you mean you’ve seen a naked woman before? You’re gay.”

  David chuckled. “Well, yeah, I’m gay. But I had a ‘straight-curious’ moment in high school that didn’t work out. The boobs on that girl kept getting in my way. Although with you, I guess that wouldn’t be too much of a problem, Ms. 34-B. I could always consider giving it another shot.” He wriggled his eyebrows and smiled.

  David shrieked when I grabbed the removable shower head and aimed it over the curtain at him. “Seriously David, what is so important, it couldn’t wait until after I was done in the shower. I could have been masturbating! You really need to look up the meaning of the word ‘privacy’ in the dictionary, Mister.”

  “Oh please, you? Masturbating? Hardly. I believe Alex has you well taken care of in that area. I know that if I had man candy like that to play with, I definitely wouldn’t be wasting my time wrestling the Cyclops, if you know what I mean.” He pulled the shower curtain back this time to drive his point home with a pointed glare, then released the curtain to sit back down on the counter. “Anyways, my reason for gracing you with my presence is that I’m curious as to where you are going this evening.”

  I turned off the water. “You know what they say about curiosity.” I shoved my hand out from behind the curtain. “Towel please.” I waved my hand around thinking that it would make him move faster.

  “First, tell me where you are going.”

  Damn. No such luck. I sighed. “I’m going to Tomb tonight. There’s a new band playing and I could really use some music induced nirvana.

  David’s eyes brightened as he handed me my towel. I pulled it behind the curtain, proceeded to make myself decent and stepped out.

  “Tomb, you say.” He put his finger to his mouth as if thinking. “You know, it’s been a while since I’ve accompanied you there. Maybe tonight I could be a good friend and act as your fabulous male escort.” He winked.

  I looked over at David who was a force all on his own. David was just shy of six feet tall and his lean, athletic build could make any man, or woman, jealous. He kept his dark brown hair long and it fell right to his jawline. But it was David’s magnetic personality that attracted a person the most. He never was affected by tension and would be the first to lighten anybody’s mood.

  “Oh no. Not again.” I put my hand up as if to stop his thought process. “There’s no way I’m taking you back there. You remember what happened last time.”

  He crossed his arms in protest. Turning his nose up at me he muttered, “It wasn’t that bad.”

  My eyebrows shot up to my hairline as I performed my best parrot impression. “Wasn’t that bad?! Wasn’t that bad?! You’re kidding me, right?” I let out a humorless laugh and pointed at him. “You decided it would be a good idea to pirouette in the middle of the pit while calling out ‘gay man moshing’. You were elbowed in the eye, fell back and hit your head, and then I had to drag you out of there and take you to the hospital. Don’t you remember the broken left orbital, or did the concussion cause you to lose your memory?”

  David blanched. “Well, pfft, if you put it that way, it sounds all bad. I just remember that I had a wonderful evening spending quality time with my best lady friend.” David put his hands in front of him in a prayer pose and gave me his best puppy dog look with his gorgeous honey brown eyes.

  “No! I’m not taking you with me. If you want to go in there separately, I can’t stop you, but I’m not going with you again so that I can babysit you. And if you do go, do us all a favor and stay out of the pit!”

  David poked out his bottom lip but then quickly smiled. “Sigh. I guess you are right. I’d say I would stay out of there, but I can’t be trusted around sweaty men running themselves into each other. It’s probably for the best. I still get headaches and I don’t think my face is symmetrical anymore because of that last time.”

  I laughed and pointed to the door. “Out.” David turned and retreated back to the living room and I proceeded to get dressed.

  I had chosen a plain black tank top and my favorite pair of distressed dark blue jeans. At 5’10” and with a skinny frame, finding a pair of jeans that accented my butt and were long enough was a difficult task. When I found these, I bought two other pairs just like them because they fit so well. I pulled on my black knee high, lace-up riding boots and walked back into my bathroom to dry my hair. I left my long blond locks hanging loose down my back and applied some light mascara and lip gloss. After spritzing on some of my favorite perfume, I felt ready to go.

  I walked out into the living room to a low whistle coming from Alex. I ignored him and continued my quest into the kitchen to make a quick cup of coffee before heading out. As I stood there staring menacingly at the slow brewing coffee machine, I felt a pair of muscular, tattooed arms wrap around me. Alex swept my hair aside and began kissing a line up the side of my neck.

  “Where to tonight, Paige?” The low timbre of his voice caused goose bumps to race up my arms and I reached behind me to pull him in closer.

  “Tomb. There’s a new band playing tonight and I’ve heard good things about them so I thought I’d go check them out.”

  Alex turned me around to face him. He started planting feather light kisses along my jaw line before looking into my eyes. Alex’s silver eyes were amazing. When angered, his eyes almost appeared black, but when Alex was in his normal good mood, his eyes sparkled and resembled a cloudy day with bits of light peeking out from behind the waterlogged clouds. I’ve spent countless hours staring into those eyes, and although Alex and my libido were on the friendliest of terms, I could never fall for him because my heart was broken when I was way too young. I never recovered. I was not anxious for the day when some lucky girl stole Alex’s heart and our arrangement would have to be surrendered, but I wanted that for him more than anything.

  Alex had been working towards a business degree when we met. After graduation, he bought a failing tattoo parlor and turned it around within months. He works at the shop as both the owner and one of the artists, which was his preference. At first, he was aggravated that the paperwork and accounting kept him busy and away from the artistic aspects of the job; but I eventually convinced him to hire an accountant to free up his time. Once Alex
could afford it, he hired a kick ass manager to run the shop and he only works part time now when he feels like being creative. Alex was the one who gave me the dragonfly necklace tattoo on the back of my left shoulder. I described the necklace my parents had given to me on my sixth birthday and I was shocked at how well he was able to replicate the delicate design. If I didn’t know it was ink that he used to create the artwork, I would have sworn he implanted actual jewels into my skin and sewn spun silver over my shoulder for the chain. The man had a gift and I was glad that he was able to turn that into a means of support.

  Alex rested his chin on top of my head and hugged me closer. His 6’3” stance always made me feel small, which was nice. I was always taller than my friends and sometimes it just felt good to be tiny. I felt Alex’s jaw move as he spoke over my head.

  “Are you looking for company or is this a solo mission tonight?”

  I pulled away from him when I heard the coffee machine beep, indicating it was finally ready. Turning to reach for a cup, I spoke to Alex over my shoulder. “David already asked to go with me tonight and I turned him down. He’d most likely be upset if I agreed to take you with me. Plus, I’m taking the bike and if I decide to have a drink, I would feel nervous having you on the back of it when I come home. It’s probably best you hang here or whatever.”

  “Turned him down, huh.” His face broke into a smile. “Let me guess, ‘gay man moshing’ flashbacks?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Alex stepped away from me as I prepared my cup of caffeinated bliss. He mocked me with a shocked expression as he watched me fill half the cup with sugar and powdered creamer.

  “What?” I smiled and I’m pretty sure my face reddened. “I like a little coffee with my sugar and creamer.”

  Alex closed his mouth and then laughed. “You know, you are going to develop diabetes one of these days drinking your coffee like that. For a person who has a deathly fear of needles, that’s probably not the most intelligent beverage choice.” I smacked him playfully on the arm and made my way into the living room.

  Annie and David were sitting in their original positions completely absorbed as they watched whatever reality show it was that they apparently agreed upon. Annie looked over at me as I lowered myself into the chair Alex had earlier occupied.

  “So David tells me you are heading out to Tomb tonight all by your lonesome. By any chance are you trolling for guys, looking to get lucky?” She wriggled her brows.

  I shook my head slightly. “No Annie, I’m not. Alex has my ‘getting lucky’ department well managed, therefore I have no need. I’m just going for the music tonight.” I looked over at Alex and he flashed me his brilliant smile and winked.

  Annie sighed. “Maybe I should find my very own Alex to take care of my ‘getting lucky’ department. It would certainly make my dating life easier.” She looked over at Alex and then back at me. She angled her head in Alex’s direction and said, “Or maybe I could just borrow your Alex in the meantime. We could work out a custody schedule or something like that.”

  Alex laughed as he walked up behind me. He began massaging my shoulders and I let out a soft moan.

  Oh please, please, please, keep touching me with those magic hands. Another couple of minutes of this and I might not be leaving tonight.

  “Sorry Annie girl, but I only have one benefits package and it’s currently reserved for Paige.”

  Annie smiled and then returned her attention to the anxious designers on the television screen.

  David looked up. “Wow Alex. In a really bizarre way, that was such a romantic statement. I apparently need to find more friends like you. Either that, or just let me know when you are hiring. I could definitely use the expanded benefits package. The only benefits I get at the office are boring crap, like health and dental.” Annie high fived David in agreement.

  Annie and I also met in college. She was pursuing a degree in paralegal studies and before she had even graduated, she landed a good paying job at the same law firm where David worked. For as book smart as she was, the poor thing had no common sense when it came to men. With her wavy auburn hair and emerald green eyes, she could have any guy she wanted. Her milky complexion, hourglass figure, and short stature only added to her appeal. She was like an adorable little Irish doll. Unfortunately, Annie tended to be most attracted to jocks and muscle heads. Even more unfortunately, the men she dated always seemed to lack respect for women. I’ve spent countless hours watching Annie’s heart get torn apart by her boyfriends, and countless more acting as a shoulder for her to cry on. There were times when Annie reminded me of the women at my parents’ shelter. She had never come home as bruised and battered as those women, but the mindset was the same. She always wanted to believe that a guy would change, even after he repeatedly cheated on her or disrespected her in some way or another.

  “Well, you know how I like my men. If you happen to stumble upon one who fits my criteria, be sure to get his number for me.”

  I grudgingly removed Alex’s hands from my shoulders and stood up. “So, basically, if I see a guy with no neck and small testicles from steroid abuse, and who treats women like objects, and who is also an all-around arrogant asshole, I should send him your way? Sure Annie, I’ll jump right on that for you.”

  Annie raised her middle finger at me and I laughed.

  I walked into the kitchen, washed out my coffee cup and placed it in the dishwasher. I walked to the front door and turned back to my friends. “I’m out of here you three. I’ll catch you guys later. Try to be good while I’m gone.”

  Sometimes this bunch made me feel like a single mother.

  “Will do.”

  “Drive carefully.”

  “Have fun.”

  My friends yelled to me in unison as I shut the door and started down the stairs.

  Chapter Two

  The drive to Tomb was quick and uneventful. I parked my bike along a side road and made my way to the front entrance. From the outside, the bar looked like nothing more than an abandoned warehouse with the word “Tomb” flashing in bright red neon lettering. It always had a steady line of patrons wrapping themselves around the building from the front entrance. The bass boomed through the walls and I couldn’t wait to get myself inside to lose myself in the vibration.

  Inside, Tomb was like any other bar or club in town, only slightly larger because it was, in fact, a converted warehouse. The front entrance area was lined with ATMs and cigarette machines. Once you got past the front entrance, the club opened up into a large space with ceilings that must have been forty feet high. Lights ran in strips along the ceiling and were accented with strobe lights, spot lights and industrial fans. Full length black stone bars ran along the left and right walls and clear high top tables were situated beside each bar area. There were upper level wooden dance floors on each side and the front contained a large elevated stage for live shows. Stairs led from the upper dance areas down to a sunken dance area referred to as the ‘pit’.” Speakers were hung on the walls throughout the club, and two large seven foot speakers sat on the floor in the back of the pit. My favorite place to stand on nights when I needed to get lost in the hard, driving music was directly in front of those speakers. The added bonus was that the music was so loud in that area, nobody approached me attempting to strike up conversation. And even if they did, I could just pretend like I didn’t hear them. It’s a win-win.

  I decided to have one drink for the evening and proceeded over to the bar on the right. It didn’t really matter which side I went to, considering the place was one big square, but I saw that Logan, my favorite drink slinger, was working that side tonight. I’ve become somewhat of a regular at Tomb due to its industrial feel and because it’s a good place to go for a decent mixture of music. That is unless you are looking for country, rap, techno or folk. If you are, then Tomb is definitely not the place for you.

  I stood there for an agonizing five seconds waiting to catch Logan’s attention.
He looked over at me, placed a couple drinks down in front of a couple sitting at the bar and headed over in my direction. The faces on the other customers he passed up to get to me were always amusing. It made me feel special and it only emphasized the point that it really is good to know people.

  Logan has been working at Tomb since before I started coming here. He was around my height with shaggy blond hair and a surfer’s build. His arms were well toned and his shoulders were broad. His skin always had a perfect tan which only served to complement his straight white teeth and baby blue eyes. When I first started coming here, Logan and I had established a naturally flirty demeanor with each other. Within a couple weeks of my coming here, Logan asked me on a date. I turned him down as gently as I could and used the excuse that Alex is my boyfriend. Having seen Alex with me on several previous nights, Logan believed it and we’ve been friends ever since.

  And that is just one more added bonus of the “Alex Simmons Benefit Package.” A fail safe, tried and true excuse that I get to use whenever a propositioning emergency occurs.

  I’ve often considered introducing Logan to Annie. Knowing that Logan doesn’t fit the ‘criteria’ that Annie has established for any potential suitors, I haven’t made the attempt. I would hope that Annie would look past her requirements and give a new type of guy a chance, but I realize that in all likelihood, she wouldn’t go for him. Logan is too sweet and Annie wouldn’t know what to do with herself with a guy like him.

  “Hey Paige, how’ve you been doing?” Logan stretched over the bar and gave me his best bear hug. He released me and I rested my arms on the bar and leaned over. “I’ve been doing pretty decent lately. How about yourself?”

  I watched as Logan eyed my chest and it took him a second to respond. He wet his lips and then looked back up into my eyes and smiled.

  “Something interesting, Logan?”