Read Control Page 6

  I shook my head and sighed. “It didn’t. I asked him not to call me that and explained my issue with demeaning stereotypes, but he kept calling me that anyway and then claimed to have rescued me three times last night.”

  “Three times?”

  “Well, yeah. I’m not done.” I lowered my head and then looked back up at him. “So after the band stopped playing and the people in the pit were dispersing, he jumped down and I realized how high off the ground I was...”

  “Oh dear,” David interrupted.

  “…So the asswipe tried to help me down but was being all smug because I needed help. I refused his help to be spiteful and I eventually had to shimmy my way down the side, giving him an up close and personal view of my ass.”

  David nodded in understanding.

  “We got in an argument about him calling me Damsel and he told me he would leave me alone for the rest of the night if I would tell him my name; so I did. I talked to Logan later and he told me to stay away from the guy because apparently he’s got a reputation for being a man whore. Later that night, another drunk guy trapped me near one of the bars and grabbed my ass.”

  David’s eyes widened. “Did you kick his ass?”

  “No, but I did break his finger...”

  “Good girl.”

  “… but the guy was twice my size and Daemon had to pull him off of me.”

  David looked confused. “Who’s Daemon?”

  “Daemon is the asswipe from the speaker.”

  David nodded his head. “I see. Continue.”

  “Well that’s pretty much it except for Daemon tried to walk me to my bike when I left and I told him that he and his white horse could fuck off.”

  David chuckled then took a moment to absorb the details of my story. He took my hands into his and his warm brown eyes stared into mine.

  “You know, Paige, I love that you are all ‘I am woman and I’ll kick your ass’, but it doesn’t make you a weaker person to accept assistance from other people. You are one of the strongest people I know and you’ve seen and experienced more than most people, but one of these days you are going to have to let someone in. I’d hate to see you wasting your life pushing people away and then ending up alone when you are older. It would suck if you ended up the friendly neighborhood cat lady”

  I shook my head and quickly responded. “There’s nothing wrong with being alone, David. And if my heart can open to someone in the future, I wouldn’t object to the experience. But I haven’t come across anybody who’s been able to break through my walls. Regardless, Daemon was a complete prick and, even if I need to learn to accept help, I don’t have to accept it from someone like him.”

  David gave me a knowing look and dropped the subject. “What are your plans for this beautiful day?”

  It was Sunday and my normal routine involved running into town to grab breakfast and then taking a long ride to visit my parents at The Center. They started spending more time there after I left for college and eventually sold their house to build an extra wing for them to live on the property. Their space was the size of a normal home and it had all the rooms and amenities a home could offer.

  “I’m heading out to see my folks.”

  David thought it over for a moment and then asked if he could join me for the day. David’s personality was always welcomed by the women and children at The Center. His enthusiasm for life was infectious and it inspired the women who lived there. The children loved him because he was a giant jungle gym and he had two or three kids hanging on him at all times.

  “Sure thing. But can you follow behind me in your car? I’m kind of looking forward to biking down the roads through the state parks.”

  David agreed and he retreated to his room to get dressed for our journey. I waited on the couch in silence when Annie emerged from her room. Annie isn’t a morning person and she grunted in my direction as she went in the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. She made her way back into the living room and sat down in the winged back chair. She took a couple of sips of her coffee and I swear I saw when the caffeine took effect. Her eyes brightened and she smiled at me.

  “Mornin’ Paige. Heading out to see your folks today?”

  I nodded and then added, “Yeah, David is following me in his car if you want to come along.”

  Annie shook her head. “I’d love to babe, but I’ve got to run into work for a few hours to help prepare some trial exhibits for next week. Maybe next weekend I can join you?” It was quiet for a moment before she continued. “So, did you get any numbers for me last night?”

  I laughed. “No I did not and you know good and well that I will not be contributing to your tragic love life. If things go south between you and any guy, I want none of the blame.” I gave her a pointed look and then reconsidered my statement. “Well, let me rephrase that. There is a guy I’d love for you to meet, but I haven’t gotten his number for you because I have a feeling you won’t go for him.”

  Annie looked at me in question. “The bartender again?”


  Annie laughed. “Well Paige, I guess one day I’m going to have to join you and I’ll give him a look over to see if I could, possibly, bend my rules.”

  I looked down and started playing with a frayed string on the couch. “Well, it’s going to be a while because I have no plans on returning there any time soon.”

  “Bad night?”

  I looked back at Annie and nodded my head. “You can say that. Long story short, there was a gorgeous man, he was a prick, and I told him to take a hike.”

  Annie smirked. “Sounds like my kind of man. Did you get his number, by chance?”

  I started to respond when David burst back into the living room and announced, “Ready!”

  David was dressed in a dark grey fitted t-shirt and dark jeans. His hair was stylishly messy and the dark shade of his shirt brought out the bright gold in his eyes.

  “I guess it’s time. Let me go get my stuff.” I left Annie and David in the living room and I went in to my room to grab my bag and my helmet. I swiped my keys off the night stand and checked my phone real quick. There was a text message from Alex.

  Alex: Morning beautiful. Sorry to leave you alone this morning, but I had an early client at the shop. I know you are off to see the folks today so I’ll catch up with you when you get back in town. BTW, I cleaned up the broken lamp.

  I shot Alex a quick response.

  Me: Hope you didn’t get a screamer or a crier this time. Go easy on him. Catch you later.

  I threw my phone into my bag and headed out to the front door. David jumped up and was behind me as we waved goodbye to Annie and made our way to the parking lot. I climbed on my bike and pulled out. I waited until David was behind me and we drove into town.

  I was stopped at a red light on the edge of town when I looked up at the luxury loft apartments to my right. The building only had three stories but those apartments cost a small fortune due to their size and proximity to downtown. Movement caught my eye on one of the third floor balconies and I caught sight of a half dressed man looking out over the town. He stretched his arms above his head and then brought them back down to rest on the railing in front of him. His body was insane and I could see the definition in his shoulders, chest and arms from where I was sitting. His dark brown hair was messy and I suddenly realized who I was looking at.


  I started to look away but then noticed a familiar redhead come up behind him wearing nothing but a robe. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and started rubbing her hands down his washboard abs. She was on her tiptoes as she whispered something in his ear and he smiled. He looked down in my direction and I turned my head back to the road to keep him from seeing me. I laughed when I realized I had my helmet on and there was no way he would recognize me behind the dark plastic. I looked back up and jumped.

  He was looking right at me.

  A blank expression was written across his face and David’s car horn blared beh
ind me. I jumped again and then looked up to find that the light had turned green. I kicked the bike into gear and then sped down the road away from Daemon’s view.

  I pulled into the restaurant parking lot and was sickened by what I saw on the ride here. I climbed off my bike, removed my helmet and then shook out my hair.

  “You are so hot when you do that. I think I heard a sizzle.” David had pulled up beside me and was talking to me from inside his car. He rolled up the window and climbed out. A little beep sounded as he turned on the alarm.

  We walked into the restaurant and the hostess seated us in a booth. Our waiter came up to take our drink order. The waiter was a good looking guy with brown hair buzzed short, but not too short. He had friendly green eyes that were as dark as jade and even through his uniform you could see that he had a slim swimmer’s build. He smiled down at me but his eyes brightened when he took a look at David. David didn’t miss the look on the waiters face and he flashed him a brilliant smile.

  The waiter cleared his throat and introduced himself. “Uh, hey, my name is Matt and I’ll be your server today. What can I get ya’ll to drink?”

  Wow. His thick southern accent was divine.

  I ordered an orange juice and David ordered one of the weird mango and wheatgrass health smoothies. I gave David a strange look and waited for Matt to walk back to the kitchen.

  “Mango wheatgrass smoothie? Really? What happened to your standard vanilla shake?”

  David quietly laughed and looked quickly in the direction of the kitchen before turning back to me and responding in a hushed tone. “That Matt guy was dreamy and looked like he took care of himself. I want to give him the impression that I’m not a human garbage disposal.”

  I laughed. David was not the type to miss the opportunity for love.

  “So tell me, Paige, what was up with the mental vacation at the red light down the street, hmm? Were you looking at the same thing I was looking at?”

  I turned my head to look out the window and then turned my attention back to David. “Hot guy, balcony and a half dressed redhead?” I asked.

  David’s face broke out into a grin and he responded. “That would be it. That man was amazing, wasn’t he? Artists have spent many years trying to replicate his body with paint and clay. He put Michelangelo’s David to shame. But I have to tell you I’m a little surprised you noticed him. You’re not exactly the type to admire the scenery.” He angled his head in question.

  I looked out the window again and responded, “Yeah, well, that was Daemon. He’s a little hard to miss.”

  David’s jaw dropped and he made a motion with his hand like he was picking his jaw up off the table and closing his mouth.

  “THAT was Daemon? As in ‘speaker asswipe’ himself? That guy?”

  I chuckled and nodded my head. “The very one.”

  David considered what I said for a moment and then let out a low whistle. “Damn girl. I know the guy is a prick but I think that body of his would more than make up for it. In fact, he meets two out of three of my strict criteria. I think you should reconsider your hatred of all things Daemon.”

  I scoffed at his suggestion. “What criteria are you talking about and what does he have besides his looks?”

  “Well, isn’t it obvious? He has money. And in my book, looks plus money is a good combination. The sparkling personality can be optional.”

  This time my jaw dropped, but then I thought about what he said. “Why do you think that he has money?”

  David gave me a pointed look to silently imply I was being ignorant. “Um, did you see where he was standing? Do you know how much those apartments cost?” He clapped his hands. “Oh! I bet he’s loaded. You should go back to Tomb tonight and wrap him in your love spell. I’ll go with you and watch.”

  I quickly turned down David’s offer but then started questioning what he was pointing out. Why was Daemon standing on that balcony? I know a person can make decent money being a bouncer, but not enough to afford those apartments. I wondered if maybe he had gone home with the redhead and that was her place. The question was bothering me and I decided that I would have to check Daemon out a little more closely.

  Matt returned to the table and gave us our drinks. He took our food orders and I ordered two fried eggs, sausage patties and a bowl of grits. David ordered a salad. When Matt left the table, I laughed at David’s choice in breakfast.

  “What?! At least he isn’t looking at me like I’m going to keel over any second from a grease induced heart attack.”

  I sat back in my chair and placed my hands on the table in front of me. “Grits with fried eggs and sausage mixed in are good. You should try it sometime. My mom used to make that for me every Sunday and I love it.”

  David shrugged his shoulders and then picked up the green concoction that Matt had placed down in front of him. He tilted the glass back and forth and watched as the thick liquid slowly moved from side to side.” I made a face of disgust and David smiled.

  “Bottoms up!” David took a large swig of the smoothie and his face puckered in on itself. He frantically looked from left to right and then sprayed the table in front of me as he spit the drink out.

  “Oh my god, holy crap and heaven help me, that stuff was disgusting!” He grabbed a stack of napkins from the side of the table and started mopping of the puddle between us. I tried not to laugh, but it forced its way out and some of the other patrons turned to look at us. When David had finished cleaning the table he pushed the stack of soiled napkins to the side and looked up at me.

  “Do me a favor.” He whispered. “When Matt comes back, order a vanilla shake and pretend like it’s for you. I’ll slam it when he isn’t looking.”

  I chuckled. “Did you want me to order some real food for you while I’m at it?”


  I chuckled again and nodded my head in agreement.

  Chapter Five

  David and I ate our meals and then left the restaurant; David being one phone number richer. He had a shit eating grin on his face and I was happy for his Matt induced ego boost. We drove out of town and started on the long route to The Center. If we took the highway, we could make it to my folks’ place in forty-five minutes tops, but if you added another thirty minutes to your drive, the scenery was definitely worth it.

  I drove along the curvy roads that cut through the state forests. The roads were never busy and occasionally you would be passed by a family heading to the springs or a fisherman towing his boat towards the beaches. Florida is surrounded by water and the limestone shelf it sits on often collapses, creating natural lakes and springs. The roads were lined by the trees and grasses and every once in a while you would see a gator sunning itself in the side ditch. Between the natural scenery surrounding me and the sound of the air rushing past me, I was immersed in this ride. There were days where I was so upset I would make the drive just to experience this serenity, even when I had no particular destination in mind.

  We arrived at the Center and my parents stepped outside to greet us. Momma gave David a huge bear hug and then made her way over to me while Daddy shook David’s hand and clapped him on the back. Momma grabbed me and pulled me tight to her and gave out an excited squeal to have her arms wrapped around me. She wasn’t shy in her hatred of my transportation so when she got to hold me in one piece, she always acted like it was the last time she would get the chance.

  “Now move over Maia and give me a chance to take a look at our girl.” Daddy came up beside us and tickled Momma to get her to move out of the way. Momma laughed and stepped aside so Daddy could take a look at me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and held me away from him like he was inspecting me before pulling me into a hug.

  I shook my head when he pulled away and laughed. “You guys act like you didn’t just see me a week ago. Trust me, nothing has changed in that amount of time.”

  Daddy winked at me before saying, “Just checking baby girl. You know we need to make sure you haven’t sprouted a third
arm or anything.”

  David came up next to us and acted like he was being ignored. “What about me, Mom and Dad? I could be wasting away to nothing and you two would not have even noticed.”

  Momma and Daddy laughed and then Momma turned to look at David. She put her hand to her mouth like she was thinking and she gave him a good hard look up and down. “Yep, just as I suspected. You are in excellent health and you are an exquisite specimen of male masculinity and prowess.”

  Daddy let out a huff of air but smiled as he said, “Should I be worried that you will be leaving me for a younger model, Maia?”

  David grinned and stated, “Oh, you have nothing to worry about there, James. Your lovely wife isn’t exactly my type.”

  We all burst into laughter and then started walking back towards the building. I couldn’t help but stare at those large double entryway doors and think about the amount of pain that has walked through them.

  We walked through to the back parlor and David immediately ran to the children’s play area to start acting like a human playground. The children who had been there for a while recognized him and wasted no time tackling his large form to the ground. As usual, David had to overdramatize his defeat, making the children laugh even more. He threw his arms out in surrender and clutched at his chest for the take down scene. He landed on the ground with a loud thump and I winced wondering if that was going to leave a mark. The children who were newer to The Center appeared hesitant to approach him at first but quickly warmed up to him due to his comedic antics. The mothers all laughed as they watched their children climb all over David and their faces brightened to see their young ones enjoying themselves.

  I sat down on the back couch and remembered my dream from earlier. This was the exact couch where Daddy had laid me after he found me in the water. Sitting on it so close in time to that dream brought all the emotions flooding back into my consciousness. My parents didn’t notice my discomfort so I shook it off and smiled brightly up towards them.