Read Copper Chameleon Page 6


  Ann was devastated. She had truly lost everyone now. Her foolish quest to keep Mama’s tub had cost her the last of anyone she considered family, and now she was going to have to become Keith Robert’s mistress. A quiet cry broke forth as she shuddered in disgust. That was the terms of the loan. One missed payment, even by one day, and she would be his mistress until he tired of her. She had been so sure of her ability to pay back the loan, she never considered this. Her life was ruined. And for what? An object. A stupid object. Over and over she asked herself why as she rocked silently in the bed. Her hands were still bandaged but she didn’t care if they healed or not. Her life felt like it was over. She stopped eating. She stopped talking with Bergmann. He didn’t need to know her shame. He would probably demand the same from her for his kindness and care. Another wave of crying overtook her as she tried to withdraw into herself.

  Dirk stood outside the door, listening to Blaze Ann’s agony. He truly wished she would confide in him. Trust him. Care for him. He knew there was more riding at stake on this loan, and he had to find out. Leaving instructions with Mrs. Arp, he saddled his horse and bolted into the direction of Roberts’ home.

  A flustered Mrs. Arp brought a tray of food into Ann's room, her normally composed manner in a shambles. Of course, Ann had heard the angry orders Bergmann had barked out to his housekeeper and cook. Not wanting to upset the sweet woman further, she accepted the soup she was being fed without further fight. Apprehension began to creep in when she realized that this was the first time Bergmann had not fed her since the accident. It was obvious that he too was angry with her. As she swallowed spoonful after spoonful of the delicious vegetable fare, she spun a plan into action.

  "I am so sleepy after that nice warm soup." She yawned convincingly to Mrs. Arp.

  "Oh honey, you snuggle in here and take a nice nap. Mr. Bergmann will be back soon and he'll be looking in on you. I swear, I think he's sweet on you, I do. He has let no one until now to look after you. Never left your side when Doc Lanier bandaged you up and was a complete bear until you came to."

  “But he seemed... angry.” She braved the observation.

  "Oh honey, that doesn't have anything to do with you, sweetie. He just has some urgent business to take care of. It happens from time to time, although he is usually the even tempered type."

  That was it. She knew what she needed to do. She could never live with herself if he found out she had sold herself like a common prostitute. She could not bear his disappointment. Or did he already know? A knot of fear twisted her innards as she feigned sleep until the kindly woman left the room.

  Sweat beaded on her brow as the bulky bandages were removed and grimaced as she examined the raw patches of skin on her hands. The thin mining gloves had offered little protection and her hands, when healed, were sure to be grotesquely scarred. Little did it matter now. She had failed her father, mother, Ralph, Bergmann, and herself. She had survived to live another day on this earth, but had somehow landed in the pits of Hell, regardless. It took her three times as long to pull on her serviceable day dress with the patched elbows, and she gently pulled an equally worn bonnet over her hair. Thank goodness her shoes slipped onto her feet. Fleetingly, she wondered why all her personal belongings were at Bergmann's, but didn't stop to question her good fortune. At least she would not have to travel back to her cabin to retrieve them later.

  Her hands screamed in pain as the very air that touched them seemed to set them afire. Her head was pounding, she was dizzy and nauseous, but she had to press on. Quietly she slipped out the back door and walked toward town, completely overestimating her strength.

  Waves of nausea spurred her on as she neared town. It seemed to be a normal day in the Copper Basin with the usual people bustling about their business, until she noticed the ladies from the church looking her way pointing. It was obvious they were surprised and to see her. She mistook their interest as concern until Mrs. Finch and little Polly cut a wide berth around her, directly cutting her.

  "Well hello, Polly. How are you today?" Ann called out, trying to catch their attention.

  The angelic little girl she had watched grow up turned back and smiled. "I'm really happy to see you Miss Ann, but Mama says I can't come see you and Tiger anymore because you are a scarlet woman. Mama, what's a scarlet woman?" The child asked innocently before being dragged away. “Miss Ann doesn’t look scarlet to me. She looks normal.”

  Her throat constricted as she realized that no one was truly concerned for her welfare, that she had just become yet another casualty of the town's biased mode of thinking. How could they? She had been born and raised here, yet they scorned her as if she were a common prostitute. Her newfound awareness of the situation amplified their titters and verbal slights. All around her she heard snippets of conversations containing the words gold digger, ill repute, and trollop. How could they? Although she had known this town had a closed minded attitude, she somehow didn't think they would turn so quickly on one of their own. She ran as quickly to the one place she knew she could escape - Home.