The Brandon Bank, John Potts, President, had one day risen suddenlybefore the eyes of the astonished county and filled all men with curiousspeculations.
John Potts had been detestable, but now, as a Bank President, he beganto be respectable, to say the least. Wealth has a charm about it whichfascinates all men, even those of the oldest families, and now that thisparvenu showed that he could easily employ his superfluous cash in abanking company, people began to look upon his name as still undoubtedlyvulgar, yet as undoubtedly possessing the ring of gold.
His first effort to take the county by storm, by an ordinary invitationto Brandon Hall, had been sneered at every where. But this bank wasa different thing. Many began to think that perhaps Potts had been anill-used and slandered man. He had been Brandon's agent, but who couldprove any thing against him after all?
There were very many who soon felt the need of the peculiar help whicha bank can give if it only chooses. Those who went there found Pottsmarvelously accommodating. He did not seem so grasping or so suspiciousas other bankers. They got what they wanted, laughed at his pleasantjokes, and assured every body that he was a much-belied man.
Surely it was by some special inspiration that Potts hit upon this ideaof a bank; if he wished to make people look kindly upon him, to "be tohis faults a little blind, and to his virtues very kind," he could nothave conceived any better or shorter way toward the accomplishment of sodesirable a result.
So lenient were these people that they looked upon all those who tookpart in the bank with equal indulgence. The younger Potts was consideredas a very clever man, with a dry, caustic humor, but thoroughlygood-hearted. Clark, one of the directors, was regarded as bluff,and shrewd, and cautious, but full of the milk of human kindness; andPhilips, the cashier, was universally liked on account of his gentle,obsequious manner.
So wide-spread and so active were the operations of this bank thatpeople stood astonished and had nothing to say. The amount of theiraccommodations was enormous. Those who at first considered it amushroom concern soon discovered their mistake; for the Brandon Bankhad connections in London which seemed to give the command of unlimitedmeans, and any sum whatever that might be needed was at once advancedwhere the security was at all reliable. Nor was the bank particularabout security. John Potts professed to trust much to people's faces andto their character, and there were times when he would take the securitywithout looking at it, or even decline it and be satisfied with thename.
In less than a year the bank had succeeded in gaining the fullestconfidence even of those who had at first been most skeptical, andJohn Potts had grown to be considered without doubt one of the mostconsiderable men in the county.
One day in March John Potts was sitting in the parlor of the bank when agentleman walked in who seemed to be about sixty years of age. He had aslight stoop, and carried a gold-headed cane. He was dressed in black,had gray hair, and a very heavy gray beard and mustache.
"Have I the honor of addressing Mr. Potts?" said the stranger, in apeculiarly high, shrill voice.
"I'm Mr. Potts," said the other.
The stranger thereupon drew a letter from his pocket-book and handed itto Potts. The letter was a short one, and the moment Potts had read ithe sprang up and held out his hand eagerly.
"Mr. Smithers, Sir!--you're welcome, Sir, I'm sure, Sir! Proud andhappy, Sir, to see you, I'm sure!" said Potts, with great volubility.
Mr. Smithers, however, did not seem to see his hand, but seated himselfleisurely on a chair, and looked for a moment at the opposite wall likeone in thought.
He was a singular-looking old man. His skin was fresh; there was agrand, stern air upon his brow when it was in repose. The lower part ofhis face was hidden by his beard, and its expression was therefore lost.His eyes, however, were singularly large and luminous, although he worespectacles and generally looked at the floor.
"I have but recently returned from a tour," said he, in the same voice;"and my junior partner has managed all the business in my absence, whichhas lasted more than a year. I had not the honor of being acquaintedwith your banking-house when I left, and as I had business up this way Ithought I would call on you."
"Proud, Sir, and most happy to welcome you to our modest parlor," saidPotts, obsequiously. "This is a pleasure--indeed I may say, Sir, aprivilege--which I have long wished to have. In fact, I have never seenyour junior partner, Sir, any more than yourself. I have only seen youragents, Sir, and have gone on and done my large business with you bywriting."
Mr. Smithers bowed.
"Quite so," said he. "We have so many connections in all parts ofthe world that it is impossible to have the pleasure of a personalacquaintance with them all. There are some with whom we have much largertransactions than yourself whom I have never seen."
"Indeed, Sir!" exclaimed Potts, with great surprise. "Then you must do alarger business than I thought."
"We do a large business," said Mr. Smithers, thoughtfully.
"And all over the world, you said. Then you must be worth millions."
"Oh, of course, one can not do a business like ours, that commandsmoney, without a large capital."
"Are there many who do a larger business than I do?"
"Oh yes. In New York the house of Peyton Brothers do a business of tentimes the amount--yes, twenty times. In San Francisco a new house, juststarted since the gold discoveries, has done a business with usalmost as large. In Bombay Messrs. Nickerson, Bolton, & Co. are ourcorrespondents; in Calcutta Messrs. Hostermann, Jennings, & Black;in Hong Kong Messrs. Naylor & Tibbetts; in Sydney Messrs. Sandford &Perley. Besides these, we have correspondents through Europe and in allparts of England who do a much larger business than yours. But I thoughtyou were aware of this," said Mr. Smithers, looking with a swift glanceat Potts.
"Of course, of course," said Potts, hastily: "I knew your business wasenormous, but I thought our dealings with you were considerable."
"Oh, you are doing a snug business," said Smithers, in a patronizingtone. "It is our custom whenever we have correspondents who are soundmen to encourage them to the utmost. This is the reason why you havealways found us liberal and prompt."
"You have done great service, Sir," said Potts. "In fact, you have madethe Brandon Bank what it is to-day."
"Well," said Smithers, "we have agents every where; we heard that thisbank was talked about, and knowing the concern to be in sure hands wetook it up. My Junior has made arrangements with you which he says havebeen satisfactory."
"Very much so to me," replied Potts. "You have always found the money."
"And you, I suppose, have furnished the securities."
"Yes, and a precious good lot of them you are now holding."
"I dare say," said Smithers: "for my part I have nothing to do with thebooks. I merely attend to the general affairs, and trust to my Juniorfor particulars."
"And you don't know the exact state of our business?" said Potts, in atone of disappointment.
"No. How should I? The only ones with which I am familiar are ourAmerican, European, and Eastern agencies. Our English correspondents aremanaged by my Junior."
"You must be one of the largest houses in London," said Potts, in a toneof deep admiration.
"Oh yes."
"Strange I never heard of you till two years or so."
"Very likely."
"There was a friend of mine who was telling me something about someSydney merchants who were sending consignments of wool to you. Compton &Brandon. Do you know them?"
"I have heard my Junior speak of them."
"You were in Sydney, were you not?"
"Yes, on my last tour I touched there."
"Do you know Compton & Brandon?"
"I looked in to see them. I think Brandon is dead, isn't he? Drowned atsea--or something of that sort?" said Smithers, indifferently.
"Yes," said Potts.
"Are you familiar with the banking business?" asked Smithers, s
"Well, no, not very. I haven't had much experience; but I'm growing intoit."
"Ah! I suppose your directors are good business men?"
"Somewhat; but the fact is, I trust a good deal to my cashier."
"Who is he?"
"His name is Philips, a very clever man; a first-rate accountant."
"That's right. Very much indeed depends on the cashier."
"He is a most useful and reliable man."
"Your business appears to be growing, from what I have heard."
"Very fast indeed, Sir. Why, Sir, in another year I expect to controlthis whole county financially. There is no reason why I shouldn't. Everyone of my moves is successful."
"That is right. The true mode of success in a business like yours isboldness. That is the secret of my success. Perhaps you are not aware,"continued Mr. Smithers, in a confidential tone, "that I began with verylittle. A few thousands of pounds formed my capital. But my motto wasboldness, and now I am worth I will not say how many millions. If youwant to make money fast you must be bold."
"Did you make your money by banking?" asked Potts, eagerly.
"No. Much of it was made in that way, but I have embarked in all kindsof enterprises; foreign loans, railway scrip, and ventures in stock ofall sorts. I have lost millions, but I have made ten times more thanever I lost. If you want to make money, you must go on the same plan."
"Well, I'm sure," said Potts, "I'm bold enough. I'm enlarging mybusiness every day in all directions."
"That's right."
"I control the county now, and hope in another year to do so in adifferent way."
"How so?"
"I'm thinking of setting up for Parliament--"
"An excellent idea, if it will not injure the business."
"Oh, it will not hurt it at all. Philips can manage it all under mydirections. Besides, I don't mind telling a friend like you that this isthe dream of my life."
"A very laudable aim, no doubt, to those who have a genius forstatesmanship. But that is a thing which is altogether out of my line.I keep to business. And now, as my time is limited, I must not staylonger. I will only add that my impressions are favorable about yourbank, and you may rely upon us to any extent to co-operate with you inany sound enterprise. Go on and enlarge your business, and draw onus for what you want as before. If I were you I would embark all myavailable means in this bank."
"Well, I'm gradually coming to that, I think," said Potts.
"Then, when you get large deposits, as you must expect, that will giveyou additional capital to work on. The best way when you have a bank isto use your cash in speculating in stocks. Have you tried that yet?"
"Yes, but not much."
"If you wish any thing of that kind done we will do it for you."
"But I don't know what are the best investments."
"Oh, that is very easily found out. But if you can't learn, we will letyou know. The Mexican Loan just now is the most promising. Some ofthe California companies are working quietly, and getting enormousdividends."
"California?" said Potts; "that ought to pay."
"Oh, there's nothing like it. I cleared nearly half a million in a fewmonths."
"A few months!" cried Potts, opening his eyes.
"Yes, we have agents who keep us well up; and so, you know, we are ableto speculate to the best advantage."
"California!" said Potts, thoughtfully. "I should like to try that aboveall things. It has a good sound. It is like the chink of cash."
"Yes, you get the pure gold out of that. There's nothing like it."
"Do you know any chances for speculation there?"
"Yes, one or two."
"Would you have any objection to let me know?"
"Not in the least--it will extend your business. I will ask my Junior tosend you any particulars you may desire."
"This California business must be the best there is, if all I hear istrue."
"You haven't heard the real truth."
"Haven't I?" exclaimed Potts, in wonder. "I thought it was exaggerated."
"I could tell you stories far more wonderful than any thing you haveheard."
"Tell me!" cried Potts, breathlessly.
"Well," said Smithers, confidentially, "I don't mind telling yousomething which is known, I'm sorry to say, in certain circles inLondon, and is already being acted on. One-half of our fortune has beenmade in California operations."
"You don't say so!"
"You see I've always been bold," continued Smithers, with an air ofstill greater confidence. "I read some time since in one of Humboldt'sbooks about gold being there. At the first news of the discovery Ichartered a ship and went out at once. I took every thing that could beneeded. On arriving at San Francisco, where there were already very manypeople, I sold the cargo at an enormous profit, and hired the ship as awarehouse at enormous prices. I then organized a mining company, and puta first-rate man at the head of it. They found a place on the SacramentoRiver where the gold really seems inexhaustible. I worked it for somemonths, and forwarded two millions sterling to London. Then I left, andmy company is still working."
"Why did you leave?" asked Potts, breathlessly.
"Because I could make more money by being in London. My man there isreliable. I have bound him to us by giving him a share in the business.People soon found out that Smithers & Co. had made enormous sums ofmoney in California, but they don't know exactly how. The immenseexpansion of our business during the last year has filled them withwonder. For you know every piece of gold that I sent home has beenutilized by my Junior."
Potts was silent, and sat looking in breathless admiration at thismillionaire. All his thoughts were seen in his face. His whole heart waslaid bare, and the one thing visible was an intense desire to share inthat golden enterprise.
"I have organized two companies on the same principle as the last. Theshares are selling at a large premium in the London market. I take aleading part in each, and my name gives stability to the enterprise. IfI find the thing likely to succeed I continue; if not, why, I can easilysell out. I am on the point of organizing a third company."
"Are the shares taken up?" cried Potts, eagerly.
"No, not yet."
"Well, could I obtain some?"
"I really can't say," replied Smithers. "You might make an applicationto my Junior. I do nothing whatever with the details. I don't know whatplans or agreements he may have been making."
"I should like exceedingly to take stock. How do the shares sell?"
"The price is high, as we wish to confine our shareholders to the richerclasses. We never put it at less than L1000 a share."
"I would take any quantity."
"I dare say some may be in the market yet," said Smithers, calmly. "Theyprobably sell at a high premium though."
"I'd pay it," said Potts.
"Well, you may write and see; I know nothing about it."
"And if they're all taken up, what then?"
"Oh--then--I really don't know. Why can't you organize a companyyourself?"
"Well, you see, I don't know anything about the place."
"True; that is a disadvantage. But you might find some people who doknow."
"That would be very difficult. I do not see how we could begin. And if Idid find any one, how could I trust him?"
"You'd have to do as I did--give him a share of the business."
"It would be much better if I could get some stock in one of yourcompanies. Your experience and credit would make it a success."
"Yes, there is no doubt that our companies would all be successful sincewe have a man on the spot."
"And that's another reason why I should prefer buying stock from you.You see I might form a company, but what could I do?"
"Could not your cashier help you?"
"No, not in any thing of that sort."
"Well, I can say nothing about it. My Junior will tell you what chancesthere are."
"But while I see you personally I s
hould be glad if you would consent togive me a chance. Have you any objection?"
"Oh no. I will mention your case the next time I write, if you wishit. Still I can not control the particular operations of the office.My control is supreme in general matters, and you see it would not bepossible for me to interfere with the smaller details."
"Still you might mention me."
"I will do so," said Smithers, and taking out his pocket-book heprepared to write.
"Let me see," said he, "your Christian name is--what?"
"John--John Potts."
"John Potts," repeated the other, as he wrote it down.
Smithers rose. "You may continue to draw on us as before, and anypurchases of stock which you wish will be made."
Potts thanked him profusely. "I wish to see your cashier, to learnhis mode of managing the accounts. Much depends on that, and a shortconversation will satisfy me."
"Certainly, Sir, certainly," said Potts, obsequiously. "Philips!" hecalled.
Philips came in as timid and as shrinking as usual.
"This is Mr. Smithers, the great Smithers of Smithers & Co., Bankers; hewishes to have a talk with you."
Philips looked at the great man with deep respect and made an awkwardbow.
"You may come with me to my hotel," said Smithers; and with a slight bowto Potts he left the bank, followed by Philips.
He went up stairs and into a large parlor on the second story, whichlooked into the street. He motioned Philips to a chair near the window,and seated himself in an arm-chair opposite.
Smithers looked at the other with a searching glance, and said nothingfor some time. His large, full eyes, as they fixed themselves on theface of the other, seemed to read his inmost thoughts and study everypart of his weak and irresolute character.
At length he said, abruptly, in a slow, measured voice, "Edgar Lawton!"
At the sound of this name Philips started from his chair, and stood onhis feet trembling. His face, always pale, now became ashen, his lipsturned white, his jaw fell, his eyes seemed to start from their sockets.He stood for a few seconds, then sank back into a chair.
Smithers eyed him steadfastly. "You see I know you," said he, after atime.
Philips cast on him an imploring look.
"The fact that I know your name," continued Smithers, "shows also that Imust know something of your history. Do not forget that!"
"My--my history?" faltered Philips.
"Yes, your history. I know it all, wretched man! I knew your father whomyou ruined, and whose heart you broke."
Philips said not a word, but again turned an imploring face to this man.
"I have brought you here to let you know that there is one who holds youin his power, and that one is myself. You think Potts or Clark have youat their mercy. Not so. I alone hold your fate in my hands. They darenot do any thing against you for fear of their own necks."
Philips looked up now in wonder, which was greater than his fear.
"Why," he faltered, "you are Potts's friend. You got him to start thebank, and you have advanced him money."
"You are the cashier," said Smithers, calmly. "Can you tell me how muchthe Brandon Bank owes Smithers & Co?"
Philips looked at the other and hesitated.
"Two hundred and eighty-nine thousand pounds."
"And if Smithers & Co. chose to demand payment to-morrow, do you thinkthe Brandon Bank would be prompt about it?"
Philips shook his head.
"Then you see that the man whom you fear is not so powerful as someothers."
"I thought you were his friend?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Smithers & Co.," said Philips, wearily.
"Well, let me tell you the plans of Smithers & Co. are beyond yourcomprehension. Whether they are friends to Potts or not, it seems thatthey are his creditors to an amount which it would be difficult for himto pay if they chose to demand it."
Philips looked up. He caught sight of the eyes of Smithers, which blazedlike two dark, fiery orbs as they were fastened upon him. He shuddered.
"I merely wished to show you the weakness of the man whom you fear.Shall I tell you something else?"
Philips looked up fearfully.
"I have been in York, in Calcutta, and in Manilla: and I know what Pottsdid in each place. You look frightened. You have every reason to be so.I know what was done at York. I know that you were sent to Botany Bay.I know that you ran away from your father to India. I know your lifethere. I know how narrowly you escaped going on board the _Vishnu_, andbeing implicated in the Manilla murder. Madman that you were, why didyou not take your poor mother and fly from these wretches forever?"
Philips trembled from head to foot. He said not a word, but bowed hishead upon his knees and wept.
"Where is she now?" said Smithers, sternly. Philips mechanically raisedhis head, and pointed over toward Brandon Hall.
"Is she confined against her will?"
Philips shook his head.
"She stays, then, through love of you?"
Philips nodded.
"Is any one else there?" said Smithers, after a pause, and in a strange,sad voice, in which there was a faltering tone which Philips, in hisfright, did not notice.
"Miss Potts," he said.
"She is treated cruelly," said Smithers. "They say she is a prisoner?"
Philips nodded.
"Has she been sick?"
"How long?"
"Eight months, last year."
"Is she well now?"
Smithers bowed his head in silence, and put his hand on his heart.Philips watched him in an agony of fright, as though every instant hewas apprehensive of some terrible calamity.
"How is she?" continued Smithers, after a time. "Has she ever been happysince she went there?"
Philips shook his head slowly and mournfully.
"Does her father ever show her any affection?"
"Does her brother?"
"Is there any one who does?"
"Mrs. Compton."
"Your mother?"
"I will not forget that. No, I will never forget that. Do you think thatshe is exposed to any danger?"
"Miss Potts?"
Smithers bowed.
"I don't know. I sometimes fear so."
"Of what kind?"
"I don't know. Almost any horrible thing may happen in that horribleplace."
A pang of agony shot across the sombre brow of Smithers. He was silentfor a long time.
"Have you ever slighted her?" he asked at last.
"Never," cried Philips. "I could worship her--"
Smithers smiled upon him with a smile so sweet that it chased allPhilips's fears away. He took courage and began to show more calm. "Fearnothing," said Smithers, in a gentle voice. "I see that in spite of yourfollies and crimes there is something good in you yet. You love yourmother, do you not?"
Tears came into Philips's eyes. He sighed. "Yes," he said, humbly.
"And you are kind to _her_--that other one?"
"I love her as my mother," said Philips, earnestly.
Smithers again relapsed into silence for a long time. At last he lookedup. Philips saw his eyes this time, no longer stern and wrathful, butbenignant and indulgent.
"You have been all your life under the power of merciless men," said he."You have been led by them into folly and crime and suffering. Often youhave been forced to act against your will. Poor wretch! I can save you,and I intend to do so in spite of yourself. You fear these masters ofyours. You must know now that I, not they, am to be feared. They knowyour secret but dare not use it against you. I know it, and can use itif I choose. You have been afraid of them all your life. Fear them nolonger, but fear me.
These men whom you fear are in my power as wellas you are. I know all their secrets--there is not a crime of theirs ofwhich you know that I do not know also, and I know far more.
"You must from this time forth be my agent. Smithers & Co. have agentsin all parts of the world. You shall be their agent in Brandon Hall.You shall say nothing of this interview to any one, not even to yourmother--you shall not dare to communicate with me unless you arerequested, except about such things as I shall specify. If you dare toshrink in any one point from your duty, at that instant I will come downupon you with a heavy hand. You, too, are watched. I have other agentshere in Brandon besides yourself. Many of those who go to the bank ascustomers are my agents. You can not be false without my knowing it;and when you are false, that moment you shall be handed over to theauthorities. Do you hear?"
The face of Smithers was mild, but his tone was stern. It was thewarning of a just yet merciful master. All the timid nature of Philipsbent in deep subjection before the powerful spirit of this man. He bowedhis head in silence.
"Whenever an order comes to you from Smithers & Co. you must obey: ifyou do not obey instantly whatever it is, it will be at the risk of yourlife. Do you hear?"
Philips bowed.
"There is only one thing now in which I wish you to do anything. Youmust send every month a notice directed to Mr. Smithers, Senior, aboutthe health of _his daughter_. Should any sudden danger impend you mustat once communicate it. You understand?"
Philips bowed.
"Once more I must warn you always to remember that I am your master.Fail in one single thing, and you perish. Obey me, and you shall berewarded. Now go!"
Philips rose, and, more dead than alive, tottered from the room.
When he left Smithers locked the door. He then went to the windowand stood looking at Brandon Hall, with his stern face softened intosadness. He hummed low words as he stood there--words which once hadbeen sung far away.
Among them were these, with which the strain ended:
"And the sad memory of our life below Shall but unite us closer evermore; No net of thine shall loose Thee from the eternal bond, Nor shall Revenge have power To disunite us _there_!"
With a sigh he sat down and buried his face in his hands. His gray hairloosened and fell off as he sat there. At last he raised his head, andrevealed the face of a young man whose dark hair showed the gray beardto be false.
Yet when he once more put on his wig none but a most intimate friendwith the closest scrutiny could recognize there the features of LouisBrandon.