Read Corporate A$$ Page 18

  “Women do two things when they’re stressed. They shop and drink wine. Wine relaxes them. Men, on the other hand, use sex with other women to release their stress or hit the bar for a bottle of beer or a glass of scotch or bourbon. So, my point is, we need to thank the men that create such stress in women’s lives because it drives them to drink wine!” I smiled.

  “And you call me a sexist?”

  “Shut up, Nathan, and just listen.”

  He draped his arm over the back of the couch with a smug look on his face.

  “It’s a given. Women buy and consume more wine than men do. So I want this new wine line to appeal to women. They buy the cheap stuff because they drink so much of it; they aren’t going to spend big bucks on it when they go through so much. Men lean towards the more expensive wine, a.k.a. Winslow Wines. Now, we can make cheap wine through Linden and his existing vineyard, which is great and would be very profitable. We take the land my father owns, cultivate it, build on it, and create a magical vineyard. Because, let me tell you,” I pointed at him, “once women get a taste of Fiona Rose Wine, they’ll be begging for more.”

  “Fiona Rose Wine?” His brow arched.

  “Yes. The name of our subsidiary wine company. We’ll take the funds from Winslow Wines and invest in the subsidiary company, and as soon as that company pulls in a profit, we’ll put it back into Winslow.”

  “Why Fiona Rose?”

  “Why not?” I frowned. “Do you have a problem with my name?”

  “No. I didn’t know Rose was your middle name. It’s kind of classy. I think I like it.”

  “Of course it’s classy. I’m a classy woman.” I smiled.

  “A classy woman who intentionally smashes up beautiful cars to get back at her boyfriend.” He smirked.

  “Right.” I brushed it off with a smile. “I can see it now.” I raised my hands. “A bottle of Fiona Rose sitting proudly on the counters of every American home, waiting to be opened and drunk by those oh-so stressed women who are desperately in need of some relaxation without the worry of another person’s needs or wishes. All they need is a good glass of vino to curl up on the couch with.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “So I’m going to have Lydia design the label. A label that will appeal to women. A label that speaks of relaxation and comfort. I’ll need you to put the numbers together for Linden. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a possible idea.”

  “No. No.” I shook my finger. “It’s a profitable idea. One that will put Winslow Wines back on its feet.”

  “So you’re planning on sticking with Tobias Vineyards for the grapes for Winslow Wines?” he asked.

  “Just for the time being until we can find another vineyard. Or better yet, we’ll build our own for Winslow Wines.”

  “One project at a time, Fiona. What about marketing for Fiona Rose?”

  “Don’t you worry about that. Marketing is my expertise. I can market any product with great success.”

  “You’re a little full of yourself.” He smirked.

  “I’m a damn good marketer, so I can say that.”

  “Okay. I’m on board. I like the idea and I’ll work on a proposal for Linden. But we still have to concentrate on Winslow Wines.”

  “I know, and I am. Don’t you worry about that.”

  Chapter 41


  I didn’t feel bad anymore for last night. If I hadn’t done what I did, she wouldn’t have researched and come up with a plan. I sat there, trying to calm my cock because all her business talk was turning me on. I wanted to rip off that sundress she was wearing and fuck her right here on the couch. But I was afraid to even suggest it or make a move. I wasn’t too sure she was over what happened yet.

  After we landed back in L.A., we climbed in the limo and took Fiona back to Winslow Wines to pick up her car.

  “Would you like to grab some dinner?” I asked.

  “No thanks. I’m just going to go home and curl up with a glass of wine. We have a sacred relationship.” She smirked as she climbed into her car. “Have a good night, Nathan.” She waved as she drove away.

  I stood there with my hands tucked in my pants pockets, shaking my head. That woman was crazy and she drove me nuts. But it was her craziness that I found so attractive and made me want her more and more every day.


  I was sitting at my desk working up a proposal for Linden, when Will walked in.

  “Welcome back. How was Maine?”

  “It was okay. Fiona wants to start a subsidiary company and sell a cheaper wine tailored to women.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. It sounds like a good idea, but I hate marketing something to a specific gender.”

  “Well, knowing what I know about Fiona, it doesn’t matter what you hate. She’s going to do it anyway.”

  I sighed. “I know that. How are things with you and Lydia?”

  “Things are great.” He grinned. “She’s an animal in the bedroom and just an overall sweet girl. I really like her. We’ll see how things go. I’m afraid to ask how things are with you and Fiona.”

  I shrugged. “I pissed her off and now she won’t drop the attitude, even though I apologized.”

  “You, Nathan Carter, apologized to a woman?” His brow raised.

  “Very funny. Now get out of here. I have work to do.”

  He chuckled and walked to the door. “Oh, by the way, don’t forget that business conference is this Friday night.”

  “I did forget. Thanks for reminding me.”

  After he left, I picked up my phone and started to dial Fiona, then stopped and placed my phone in my pocket as I got up from my chair. I wanted to see her and see what she was up to, so I decided to stop by the office.

  “Jerry, you’ve been stocking our wine for the past ten years. Yes, I know things have been bad with us, but I’m telling you I’ve taken over and things are back on track. You won’t be disappointed. We’ve been your number one selling wine for years. Are you just going to give that up because of a mistake my father made? People make mistakes, Jerry. But I can promise you that things are better now. I trust you to sell my wine. Now I need you to trust me to do my job. If not, I’m sure that liquor store that just opened up around the block from you would love to sell my wine. I’m sure they’re your biggest competitor right now. Great. You’ve made the right decision. If you have any problems, you call me directly. I will always be here for you. Bye, Jerry.”

  “Bravo.” I clapped my hands. “I’m assuming you got a vendor back?”

  “So far, that makes ten. Is there something I can do for you?”

  “There’s always something you can do for me, beautiful, but I’m here to ask if you’re going to the business conference Friday night at the Beverly Hills Hotel?”

  “I know nothing about a business conference. Josh!” she shouted.

  “Yes, Madame Winslow?”

  “Do you know anything about a business conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel this Friday night?”

  “Yes. Have you not gone through your mail, in like weeks?” He frowned.

  She rummaged through the pile that was sitting on her desk.

  “Oh. Here it is. I’m not sure.”

  “I think you should go,” I spoke as I stood in front of her desk with my hands in my pockets.

  “Why?” She narrowed her eye at me.

  “Because there will be a lot of influential people there, vendors and business connections. It may be a good idea to put a bug in some of their ears about the new wine line.”

  “Good idea. I’ll go.”

  “You’ll go with me.” I smiled. “After all, I am your business partner and we should go together.”

  “So you keep reminding me.” She sighed. “Fine. We can go together, but as business partners, understand?”

  “What else would we go as? I have to go.” I turned and headed towards the door.

  “Is that all you want

  “For now.” I winked.

  I was sexually frustrated. More so than I had ever been my entire life and it was driving me crazy. All I could think about was Fiona and her beautiful naked body underneath me as I pounded into her.

  “Hey, Nathan.” Will walked into my office.

  “WHAT!” I snapped at him.

  “Whoa. What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I sighed as I got up from my desk and poured myself a scotch.


  “Something’s wrong. I can tell. You normally don’t snap like that.”

  “You really want to know what’s wrong? I’m sexually frustrated at the moment.” I threw back my drink.

  “Okay. Get out your little black book and call someone up. You know any one of them would be happy to take care of your needs.”

  “I don’t want anyone in my little black book. I want to have sex with Fiona and Fiona only.”

  “Then go have sex with her.” He gave me a confused look.

  “She won’t. She still has an attitude with me about the other night.”

  “Listen, Nathan, you know I’ve always had your back and I always will. You’ve got it bad for Fiona and for reasons I’m unsure of, you’re fighting yourself. Just tell her how you feel about her. I know you’ve never been one to talk about your feelings, but maybe she’s the one you should be opening up to.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Then, my friend, you’re going to lose her. She’s not going to stick around waiting for you to get your shit together. Like I said before, it’s time we grew up. Anyway, now I forgot why I came in here.”



  I left the office early and headed home where Lydia was meeting me to go over label ideas. She said she already had done some mock ups from what I told her I was thinking of and I couldn’t wait to see them.

  As soon as I walked through the door, I kicked off my shoes and headed straight to the kitchen for a glass of wine. Tough day equaled wine. As I was changing out of my business clothes, I heard Lydia’s voice downstairs.

  “Fi, I’m here.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled from my room.

  When I got downstairs, I poured Lydia a glass of iced tea, grabbed my wine, and we sat in the living room talking over ideas for the wine labels.

  “I love this concept.” I smiled as I viewed her mock ups. “I think they’ll look great on the wine bottles.”

  “Thanks. Do you think Nathan will like them?”

  “Who cares what he likes. It’s my idea, my company, and my decision.”

  “You’re still mad at him for the other night?”

  “No. I’m just over him in general. I’m not being used anymore. The only thing I’m good for to him is sex.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true. Will told me, and don’t you dare repeat this, that he thinks Nathan really likes you for more than just a business partner and friend.”

  “Yeah. He likes me as a sex toy.” I frowned.

  “Well, maybe that too, but Will said that Nathan doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”

  “Oh well. Listen, Lydia, I don’t want to talk about Nathan Carter. I just want to get moving on this wine line so I can repay the money he invested in Winslow Wines and get my company back.”

  “You know you’re in love with him. I can see it all over that pretty little face of yours.” She smirked.

  “Doesn’t matter how I feel about him. He can never return the feelings. He’s the wrong man for me and I need to remember that.”

  Chapter 42


  It had been a couple of days since I’d heard from Nathan, and to be honest, it made me sad. Yes, I know what I said, but the truth was I missed him. Even though he annoyed me ninety-nine percent of the time, I liked being in his company, even if he only viewed me as something to have sex with. I missed sex with him, and if I could turn off my emotions and feelings, it would be easy. But I couldn’t. I was an intelligent being with the emotions of a love struck moron. Sometimes, I wished I’d been born a guy so I didn’t have to go through the painstaking emotional process.

  I glanced at the redhead who was staring at me from across the room. Damn that picture. I laid my forehead down on my desk.

  “Why is it every time I come in here, you’re laying your head down? Do you ever do any work?” Nathan spoke.

  Lifting my head, I watched his fine ass walk over and take a seat behind his desk.

  “I work my ass off. I was taking a break.”

  “I flew out to Maine a couple of days ago and presented the deal to Linden and he accepted. He is now officially producing wine for Fiona Rose Wine Company. You did have the attorneys file the paperwork, right?”

  “Yes. Uncle Robbie took care of all of that.”


  “I have the label designs from Lydia.”

  “How long have you had them?” he asked.

  “A few days.”

  “And you couldn’t bother to show me?”

  “I hadn’t heard from you.”

  “And you can’t call me, why?” He frowned.

  “I was busy.”

  “I see. Since I’m here, I’ll take a look at them now.”

  Picking up the designs from my desk, I walked them over to Nathan. He stared at them for a moment and then looked up at me.

  “They’re good. Definitely geared towards women only. So will each type of wine have a different label?”


  “I need to tell you something,” he spoke with a serious tone.


  “We’re holding off on the vineyard plans.”


  “I think we shouldn’t jump into anything. Linden can supply us with what we need to start Fiona Rose and I think we should wait and see how that goes first.”

  “It’s going to go great, Nathan. Besides, we can use the vineyard for other wines as well.”

  “I hate to break the news to you, but I’m not so sure how well wine that’s produced in Maine is going to do. Now, if the vineyard was in Sonoma, Napa, or even France, it would stand a better chance.”

  “You’re a wine sexist.”

  “A what?” He cocked his head.

  “You think that good wine can only be made in California or Europe.”

  “Not true. I just don’t want to invest the money if this isn’t going to work. You need to understand that, Fiona.”

  “I do understand, Nathan.” I grabbed the designs out of his hands. “I understand that you don’t trust me.”

  “This isn’t about you, Fiona. This is about business.”

  “I can make this work. With the right marketing, this wine will do better than Winslow ever did.”

  “Well, we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Fine.” I turned my back and sat down at my desk. “Are you finished?”

  “Yes. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at five o’clock for the business conference.”


  “Is that all you can say?”

  “I could say ‘fuck you,’ but I’m not sure you’d want me to.”

  “I’d take a fuck from you.” He smirked.

  “OUT, NOW!” I pointed to the door.

  As soon as he walked out of the office, the anger inside got the best of me. I got up from my chair and yelled down the hall.

  “Those days are over, Mr. Carter. Move on!”

  “I already have, Miss Winslow,” he shouted back.

  “UGH!” I slammed my office door shut, walked over to the redhead, threw her on the floor, and began stomping on her with my heels, leaving several holes through the portrait.

  “Someone forgot to take their crazy pills today,” Josh spoke as he opened the door.

  “Leave me alone, Josh.” I began to cry and sank down to the floor.

  “Hey.” He walked over, sat down next to me, and began rubbing my back. “You’re in love with him,
aren’t you?”

  I nodded my head as the tears poured from my eyes. “I’m so stupid. God, I hate myself right now. I always fall for the wrong men. What the hell is the matter with me?”

  “Nothing is the matter with you, Fiona. It’s them who have the problem.”

  “You think?” I sniffled as I looked at him.

  “I know. You’re a beautiful and smart woman. Probably one of the smartest women I know, and if I wasn’t gay, I’d totally fall for you.” He smiled.


  “Really. Now pick yourself up, hold your head high, and be that confident, strong woman I work so hard for. Don’t ever let a man get you down. You’re too good for that.”

  “Thanks, Josh.” I gave a small smile.

  I had a momentary lapse of insanity. Getting up off the floor, I picked up the redhead and hung her back on the wall, holes and all. Grabbing my phone, I dialed Linden.


  “Linden, it’s Fiona Winslow.”

  “Hey, Fiona, how are you?”

  “I’m great. Listen, how soon can we expect a first shipment?”

  “About a month.”

  “Okay. I’ve already selected the bottles and I’m having them shipped out to you along with the labels.”

  “Great, as soon as we get them, we’ll bottle up each brand and send them right to you for approval.”

  “Thanks, Linden.”

  Chapter 43


  She couldn’t get pissed off like that every time I did something she didn’t like. Maybe investing in her company wasn’t the smartest idea after all. She told me to move on. If that was how she felt, then maybe it was time I did. But there was a part of me that couldn’t. Damn her! This wasn’t like me. I hated this. Hearing her say those words was like a knife slowly going into my heart. If I let myself do what I swore I’d never do, it would destroy me, just like it did my father.



  I hadn’t heard from Nathan since I kicked him out of the office yesterday afternoon.

  “Show me your dress, sweetheart,” Jose spoke as he stood in my bedroom.

  Grabbing my short black lace V-neck dress from the closet, I held it up.