Read Corporate A$$ Page 5

  “Fiona. I had no idea you were the woman who’s the president of Winslow Wines. If you recall, you gave me two fake names. I had no clue who you really were. I was just as shocked as you were when I walked into your office. Listen, on a serious note, I need to get to know the people who are running the company that I want to invest in. It’s all business. Nothing personal, I promise. What if you were some kind of crazy lunatic person who goes around smashing up pretty little expensive cars? Oh wait. You are.” He snickered.

  “Can you please just forget that you saw me do that? It wasn’t one of my finer moments.”

  “So you didn’t enjoy it?”

  “Okay. Maybe just a little.” I grinned. “So now you know that I’m a crazy lunatic person. Isn’t that enough?”

  He tucked his hands into his pockets as a small smile escaped his lips. “I like crazy. So how about that business dinner? Nothing big. We’ll just grab something to eat, talk, and then call it a night. I know you have to be at the office early as well as I.”

  Did I trust him? He was dangerous. That much I knew. And not in a creepy, deranged, murderous type of way. He was dangerously good looking. Handsome. Sexy. A danger to me because I couldn’t help but to think what it would be like to have him on top and inside of me, and also a danger because every time I found myself in his presence, an incredible ache between my legs formed without hesitation.

  “It’s only four thirty. You want to go now?”

  “Yes. That is, if you can hurry up and get ready.”

  “Can you give me fifteen?”

  “Fifteen minutes is fine.” He smiled.

  I headed to my bedroom and pulled out a red spaghetti strap sundress from the closet. Stepping in front of the bathroom mirror, I quickly touched up my makeup before pulling out the clip that held my hair up. I ran a brush through it and lightly sprayed the ends and then I slipped my feet into a low heel red strappy sandal and headed back downstairs.

  “Okay. I’m ready.”

  Nathan turned around and whistled. “You look great. Shall we go?”

  “Yes.” I smiled as I walked out the front door and slid into the back of his limo.

  “Jason, I would like you to meet Fiona Winslow. Fiona, this is my driver, Jason.”

  “Nice to meet you, Fiona.” He grinned.

  “Nice to meet you too, Jason.”

  As the limo pulled away, I was curious as to where Nathan was taking me to dinner.

  “Was there a certain restaurant you had in mind?” I asked.

  “I hope you like Italian food.”

  “I do.”

  “Good. There’s this great little restaurant that serves the best Italian cuisine I’d ever had in my life.”

  “What’s it called?”


  “Nice name. Where’s it located? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it.”

  The corners of his mouth curved upwards. “San Francisco.”

  “Excuse me? We’re having dinner in San Francisco?”

  “Yes. We’re taking my private jet. We’ll be there in no time.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I narrowed my eye at him.

  “I don’t kid about Italian perfection.”

  I sat there, dazed and confused. I couldn’t believe our business dinner was going to be in San Francisco.

  “Who does that?” I looked at him.

  “Who does what?”

  “Flies off to San Francisco for dinner?”

  “A lot of people. It’s not a big deal.”

  “But it is because the flight time from Los Angeles to San Francisco is about an hour and a half.”

  “Actually, I can get us there in an hour and ten. To drive is about six hours on a good traffic day. So flying to San Francisco is faster.” He grinned.

  I gave up. Arguing with him was exhausting me already. San Francisco was beautiful and I guess having dinner there wouldn’t be so bad.

  Chapter 11


  I could tell she was nervous about having dinner in San Francisco, but damn, did she look beautiful. I was actually a little surprised she didn’t throw me out of her condo. Seeing her in that silk robe with her hard nipples poking through sent my cock into a spastic fit. God, what I wouldn’t give to have a taste of her sweet lips, and not just the ones attached to her face. She was one woman I couldn’t stop thinking of since the first night I saw her. She occupied a space in my mind. I’d never thought about a woman like this before. So why her? What was it about Fiona Winslow that had me so curious about her? Maybe it was the fact that she was a challenge. After all, she did tell me no. But now, the stakes were raised because I was after her company, which made her even more beautiful and delicious.

  We arrived at Acquerello and were promptly seated at my usual table tucked away in a quiet corner.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Carter,” the pretty brunette spoke as she handed us our menus.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you dine here often?” Fiona asked as she opened her menu.

  “Enough.” I smirked.

  “Hello, Mr. Carter,” our waitress named Carly spoke.

  “Hello, Carly. How are you?”

  “I’m doing good. Thanks for asking. What can I start you off with to drink?”

  “I’ll have—” Fiona started to speak.

  “We’ll have a bottle of Bibi Graetz, Ansonica Toscana Bugia.”

  “Excellent.” She smiled as she walked away.

  “What did you just order?” she asked as she narrowed her eye at me.

  “You’ll see.”

  “So like, do you know everyone here?” she asked. “If not, they sure seem to know who you are.”

  “I know a lot of people all over the world.” I smirked.

  “I’m sure you do.” She arched her brow. “And I’m sure a majority of them are women.”

  Carly walked over to the table with the bottle and two glasses. After pouring some in one glass, she handed it to me for my approval.

  “Hand the glass to Miss Winslow. She can taste this one.”

  Fiona looked at me, took the glass from Carly, swirled it around, sniffed it, and then took a sip. A smile graced her face.

  “It’s perfect,” she spoke to Carly.

  After placing our order, Fiona glared at me for a moment.

  “That’s some damn good wine.”

  “I knew you’d like it. Now, enough about the wine. Tell me about yourself.”

  “Tell me about yourself first.” She smirked as she sipped from her glass.

  “I do believe I asked first.” I cocked my head.

  “Then I’ll give you the basics because that’s all you need to know. I was born and raised in Anaheim. Graduated from UCLA with my MBA. Started working for Steiner & Richards Marketing firm as soon as I graduated and now I’m running my father’s company.”

  “Is there a reason you didn’t work at Winslow Wines when you graduated college?” I asked.

  She looked down as she placed her napkin on her lap.

  “There was a period of time when my father and I didn’t really speak. It was best that I did my own thing.”

  “He must have been hurt that his daughter wouldn’t work for the family business,” I spoke as I picked up my glass.

  “Yeah, well, he hurt me.”



  I wasn’t comfortable talking to Nathan about my family and I needed to change the subject quickly.

  “This restaurant is beautiful.”

  And that it was. It was elegant with the burnt orange walls and dark cherry moldings. A mixture of tables filled the place. Some round, some square, and some rectangular. All draped with white linen tablecloths, matching napkins, and fine china. The setting was cozy, with low lighting that gave way to an intimate atmosphere. Candles burning in crystal hurricanes gave off a soft glow and subtle Italian music filled the air.

  “Thank you. So how did your father hurt you?”

  I g
ave him a perplexed look.

  “Why did you say thank you? Do you own the place or something?”

  “In fact, I do.” He smiled.

  “Yeah, right.” I laughed as I took a sip of my wine.

  “I do. There were a lot of things wrong when they first opened and business was pretty bad. They were on the verge of closing up only after a year until I saw the potential this place had. I became a partner, did some remodeling, hired the best chefs I could find, restructured the business, and the end result,” he held out his hands, “this. And reservations book up months at a time.”

  “Impressive.” My lips gave way to a small smile.

  “See, not all businesses that are in trouble have to close their doors. And I believe that Winslow Wines can be saved. Now, back to how your father hurt you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment.

  “Why are you so interested in how my father hurt me?”

  “I would like to know the things that hurt my potential business partners so I can make sure I don’t make the same mistakes.”

  Oh, he was smooth. I wondered if that came naturally or he took some sort of classes.

  “My parents divorced when I was eighteen because my father met someone else and left my mother for her.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. So cheating is a big issue for you?”

  Huh? Wasn’t it for anyone?

  “Of course. Nobody likes to be cheated on. If a man or woman wants to date someone else or sleep with them, then they need to be honest about it before doing it. It’s called having morals,” I spoke with seriousness.

  “And that right there is the reason I don’t get involved in relationships.” He smirked. “Much more trouble than what it’s worth.”

  “I will have to agree with you, Mr. Carter. After this last little mishap with John, I’m seeing things in a different light.” I held up my wine glass to him.

  “Too many complications and expectations. That’s why I don’t stick around after sex. I do the dirty deed and walk away, with no shame, may I add.” His glass lightly tapped mine.

  Damn, I hated his attitude, but fuck if he wasn’t making my panties wet.

  “I’m curious to know.” He smirked. “Does John know you were the one who wrecked his car?”

  I let out a soft laugh. “No.”

  “You went to a lot of trouble to disguise yourself. How did you know where he’d be that night? I’m assuming he didn’t tell you where he was going.”

  “No. He told me that he had to work late, again. I had suspected for some time that he was cheating. So, after I read his text message canceling our date, I hacked into his phone.”

  A wave of shock overtook his handsome face.

  “Excuse me? You hacked into his phone?”

  “Yes, and I read the text messages between him and his lover. That’s how I knew where he was that night. When his mistress got up to go to the restroom, I followed her. She provided some pretty good information.”

  “Like? Did she know who you were?”

  “She didn’t have a clue. They had been dating for six months.”

  “Ouch. How long were the two of you dating for?”

  “A year.”

  “Double ouch.” His brow raised.

  “I would have found out sooner, but I was too busy working my ass off for a promotion at the marketing firm I was at. And what a waste of time that was.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I assume you didn’t get it?”

  “No, I didn’t, and the only reason I didn’t get it was because the owner was fucking the woman who got it over me. Did I mention he was married?”

  “Oh boy. Well, I’d say it all worked out in your favor because you are now the president of your father’s company.”

  “Failing company.” I held up my glass before taking a sip.

  Chapter 12


  After finishing a delicious dinner, we headed to Nathan’s plane to go home. I still hadn’t gotten any information on him or about his life. I needed to know whom I was up against. His intentions of helping Winslow Wines might have been good. Or he led me to believe they were. There was something about that sexy man I didn’t trust, and I had a feeling he was playing a game. Call it my woman’s intuition, and in every game, there’s more than one player. Hence, the second player was me.

  As we were sitting on the plane, I glanced over at Nathan, who was on his iPad.

  “How did you end up where you are? You can’t be any older than I am.”

  “I’m thirty. My father started the company before I was born, and after graduating college, I stepped in as vice president. When he passed away two years ago, I took over, tripling profits every quarter. I guess you can say that I’m a smarter businessman than my father was.” He smirked. “Enough about me. I’m still baffled at the fact that you hacked into your ex’s phone. How on earth did you manage that?”

  I smiled. “I have a friend who taught me a thing or two. He’s actually a genius.”

  “Should I be worried that you know how to do that?”

  “You should always be worried with anything to do with me.” I winked.

  He chuckled. “I like a woman with confidence.”

  Nathan continued working on his iPad while I stared out the window. He was the one with all the confidence. You could tell just by the way he walked and carried himself. He turned me on more than any man ever had and having sex with him would probably be the most incredible journey I’d ever gone on. Okay, it would be the only incredible journey I’d ever gone on. I had never been on an incredible journey before. But him, Nathan Carter; I would bet my life that he was a god between the sheets. I tightened my legs at the thought, for the ache that resided down below was growing stronger.

  The ride home in the limo didn’t consist of much conversation because Nathan was on a business call.

  “Sorry about that,” he spoke as he placed his phone in his pocket.

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re a very busy man.” I smiled.

  The limo pulled up in my driveway and Nathan climbed out first, holding out his hand to help me.

  “Thank you.” I felt myself tremble at the mere touch of my hand in his.

  After he walked me to the door, I placed the key in the lock and opened it.

  “Thank you for a lovely dinner.” I smiled.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for not kicking me out for showing up unannounced.”

  The smile on my lips stayed put. “So you admit you showed up unannounced?”

  “Perhaps I should have called before I arrived.” He gently placed his hand on the side of my face.

  My heart began to pick up its pace, beating rapidly as if it was trying to escape me. I swallowed hard as his eyes stared into mine. I needed to break free from the trance he had me in, but I couldn’t move. I was frozen, paralyzed by this sexy man with a look of hunger in his eyes. His head dipped lower until his lips were mere inches from mine. His warm breath swept over me, causing a trembling sensation throughout my body.

  “I should get inside. It’s late,” I whispered in a soft voice.

  “Yeah and I should be getting home, but I need to kiss you first.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Business and pleasure don’t mix.”

  “Tonight, I’m not a business man. I’m just an ordinary guy who wants to kiss the lips of a beautiful woman.”

  “Okay,” I spoke like the idiot I was.

  His lips gently brushed against mine and I returned his kiss. He stopped and stared at me, his hand still cupping my face.

  “Once wasn’t enough,” he spoke as he leaned in and kissed me again.

  My panties were already soaked with excitement and my lady parts were on fire, screaming with desire as I imagined him naked and hovering over me. My lips parted as his tongue met mine. His teeth lightly nipped my bottom lip, sending my body into overdrive with pleasure.

  “I think maybe we should step inside unless you wa
nt to give your neighbors a show,” he softly moaned.

  I was worried because I wasn’t anyone special to him. I was just another woman who he was going to fuck for his own entertainment. But his lips, his tongue, and his touch made me crave more, an indescribable feeling where, suddenly, I didn’t care. My body wanted him, all of him, and he wanted me. The game was on and I was more than willing to play along.

  “Yes. I think we should go inside.” I smiled as I led him into the house.

  He gripped my hips from behind as his lips explored my neck. I hadn’t felt this good or wanted in a very long time. Removing his hand from my waist, he took the bottom of my dress and slightly pulled it up until his fingers reached the silk fabric of my panties. A low moan rumbled from his chest as he pushed them aside and plunged a finger deep inside me without hesitation. I gasped, not only from his touch, but from the hardness that was pressed against my lower back.

  “You feel so good,” he moaned. “And I’m going to make you come this way first before I take you upstairs and devour the rest of you.”

  His fingers moved seductively in and out of me and around in circles, hitting my G spot and sending my body over the edge. My soft moans became louder as an orgasm overtook me.

  “Yes. That’s what I wanted,” he whispered in my ear.



  Removing my fingers, I turned her around and lightly traced her lips before leaning down for a kiss, tasting the pleasure that came from her. I wanted to take it slow because I wanted to devour every part of her perfect body. Taking my hand, she led me up the stairs and to her bedroom. I stopped her a few feet from the bed and reached around, unzipping her from behind and slowly taking down her straps, letting her dress fall to her feet. Her hourglass figure, her cleavage from the sexy black lace bra she was wearing and matching lace panties, was already making my hard cock drip with excitement. She was perfection if I ever saw it. Unhooking her bra, I then removed it and tossed it on the bed. Her supple breasts—perfect size, natural—and her hard nipples begged for attention. I unbuttoned my shirt as our eyes never left each other’s and tossed it on the floor. Her fingers reached for my belt and unbuckled it as my hands roamed up and down her sides and up to her bare breasts, cupping them with delight, feeling the softness of them. I was ready to explode, but I needed to take it slow with her. Softly kissing her lips, I slid my tongue down the front of her neck and across her collarbone, making my way down to her breasts, taking them in my mouth one at a time.